The Second Girl’s Naruto Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 24: The end of dog betting

Qianxia opened her system interface.

The above shows that the guardian value has reached a giant of 13,000!

Then continue to look at another module opened by the system.

Hero lottery module!

"System, didn't you say that the guardian value has various magical functions?"

"Is it just a lottery function?"

The unique mechanical sound of the system sounded.

"No, master!

After the official opening, the guardian value can be used in many ways. You can directly use the guardian value to strengthen your physical attributes, or you can use the guardian value to quickly recover your body's injuries, and so on.

For related information, the owner can actually check the instructions by himself.


Qianxia nodded.

It seems that the guardian value does have many magical uses.

She immediately opened the description of the guard value.

I found a lot of instructions, including how to use the guard value to strengthen the attribute.

The guard value strengthens the attribute, it seems that it can only strengthen a single attribute of a specific point.

For example, nerve reflex speed.

Moreover, the required value changes according to requirements.

At this time, the system reminded again.

"Master, for the current you, the lucky draw is the quick way to become stronger."

"Oh?" Qianxia immediately opened the lottery module.

Open it and you will find it, and the lottery module opens up two modes.

One is a bronze lottery.

One is the silver lottery.

Bronze a thousand times.

Silver 10,000 times.

There are also related instructions.

Bronze lottery and silver lottery are actually not much different in terms of items.

The only difference is the probability.

For example, bronze is the easiest to pick out items that are equivalent to one thousand guard value or not much different.

There is also a higher probability of picking out inferior and useless items.

The probability of picking high-value items is very small.

Silver increases the probability of drawing high-value items.

And it reduces the probability of drawing junk items.

The types of silver and bronze treasure chests include Vientiane.

From sanitary napkins to star destroyers, from wahhaha to super gene medicine.



Qianxia knows well.

"My mission reward, remember there was a silver draw, right?"

"Yes, master. You have a chance for a silver lottery."

Qianxia smiled: "Hehe. Then smoke it."

With that, Qianxia clicked the silver draw in her mind.

next moment!

Countless pictures appeared in Qianxia's mind.

There is a golden sword with the words "Slaying Dragon Sword" on its face. It seems to be a very powerful weapon.

But this picture flashed by.

Then I saw an apple with a strange pattern.

It also happened in a flash.

Then there was a plain brick.

A bottle of insecticide, a kitten, a guitar flashing an electric arc.

In the end, he froze in a ranger holding an ice-blue bow and arrow.


"Congratulations, master, got the hero template."

"Hero template!?"

Qianxia shouted in surprise.

This is a novel name for her.

[Ice Archer Ashe]

A female ranger from Freljord, a sharpshooter, can use the power of ice.

The introduction is very concise.

Qianxia doesn't know where Freljord is, but it's true that the hero of this template is stronger than her in any way!

"Master, do you want to accept this template to load? The current template is the basic template. If it is loaded, it will only inherit the hero's basic strength and potential."

Qianxia understood the meaning of the system, and her eyes widened: "You mean, can I still fully load the strength of the hero template? What should I do!?"

"Need to use guardian value..."

Qianxia's face froze, "After all... or guardian value..."

"So how much guardian value is needed?"

"If it is to load the full strength of the template, the master's guardian value is not enough."

Qianxia sighed.

"I knew it."


"Not enough..."

"What is the most."

"Twenty percent..."

Qianxia gritted her teeth: "Forget it! Just load it!"

"Okay, Master!"

next moment!

The icy blue haze appeared out of thin air, and then merged into Qianxia's body.

In an instant, Qianxia felt her body changed, and her whole body was full of feelings of strength.

"Is this... the template of the Ice Archer? Basic attributes, so powerful?"

Qianxia raised her hand, and the cold air wafted from the palm of her hand.

It made her feel a little strange, and after experiencing the benefits of this template, Qianxia was a little excited.

"Can templates be superimposed?"

"Yes, master.

Unless two opposing forces are absolutely opposite, there is nothing wrong with fusing the template. "

"Absolutely opposed power refers to two energy systems that cannot coexist. It is like extreme cold and extreme heat.

It is very dangerous to merge in pairs. "

Qianxia nodded to express understanding, and then she clenched her small fist with a firm expression on her face.

"So good! I have decided! The remaining guard value is used for the lottery!"

Ten thousand draws silver!

Three thousand draw bronze!

The system is speechless.

"Master, are you sure?"


next moment!


The results of all the draws are out.

In the silver lottery, Qianxia got a super killer weapon!

Take your life for three thousand! ! !

The name is very loud!

Qianxia thought it was something high-end, but as soon as she extracted it.

It's just a bunch of messy things like watermelon knives, pistols, and strong sulfuric acid.

Three bronzes are even more speechless.

One is slabs.

One is a folding bench.

The last one is the toilet stopper. It is said that the toilet stopper has just been completed. It is very fresh...

Qianxia crashed directly.

"What's all this!!! What about templates!!!"

She wanted to cry and ran out of guardian value, and finally got a bunch of rubbish.

Sure enough, betting on the dog until the end is nothing...

The system dared not make a sound.

Because it forgot to tell Qianxia, ​​the silver lottery given at the beginning of the game naturally has a probability bonus.

It can be said that a template must be drawn.

Others, it depends on the face.

Obviously, Qianxia's face is really not good.


Inside the huge castle.

Muhua Saki was bored with her cheek and sat in her exclusive seat.

"Ah~ I miss Nanako and Ino so much..."

Looking at the empty castle, this feeling of missing is even stronger.

"Just go back and have a look."

"However, is there a way to oppose the time in this world and the time in that dimensional universe over there?"

Muhua Saki Yashin feels a bit boring recently, but Saitama and Chika here don't need her to take care of her anyway.

Connecting the flow of time here with the daily world over there, she can play with Nanako and the others here without affecting the speed at which Saitama and the others become stronger.

At that time, she can come directly to this world to teach Chinatsu and without worrying.

Everything was the same before she left.

Kihana Saki Yashin really wanted to see the full body of Saitama.

Just do it.

Muhua Saki Yaxin immediately began to analyze the mysteries of this world with the eyes of the root cause.

It didn't take long for Muhuasaki Yaxin to find a way.

That is to link a channel in these two dimensional universes!

And keep the channel!

For Muhua Saki Yashin, this is actually not a difficult task.

Muhua Saki Yaxin showed a charming sweet smile: "Hehe~ I'm coming back, Oh Ino!"


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