The Second Girl’s Naruto Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 28: bad! Forget the most important configuration!

The atmosphere in the arena became solemn, and the atmosphere of murder permeated.

Muhua Saki Yashin, Ino, Vinette, and Raphael held the cloth ball with sharp eyes.

And the Devil team, their only ball is still rolling on the ground.

"Initiate an attack!"

Muhua Saki shouted at Yaxin.

Everyone in the Devil Team was shocked!

Akane Kikuchi gritted her teeth and stepped forward to stand in front of Shiori Saginomiya.

Yamamoto Miha and Tanakawang were not surprised, the three of them stood firmly in front of Shiori Saginomiya, sheltering their coach!

Shiori Saginomiya was still expressionless, looking thoughtfully at Satania lying on the ground in front of her and the three people standing further in front of the wall.

Akane Kikuchi raised her fist and pumped down: "We won't lose!"

Tanaka Wang: "Oh!"

Yamamoto Miami held her left hand with her right hand and spread her fingers.

"Don't worry! The power of my body has begun to explode in an all-round way! This battle! Surely win!"

at this time!

Ino! Winnett! Raphael! Threw his own ball!

The three **** have three different trajectories!

Ino shot the fastest ball, a straight straight line in the air, aiming at the head gap of the three-person wall!

And Winnett's ball was also very straight, and it directly hit Tanaka Wang who was in the middle of the three-person wall combination and flew away.

Raphael's ball is spinning, aiming at the head of the three-person wall, with a little arc, making a parabolic motion.

In this way, Ino's ball flew across the gap between Vinette and Tanaka's heads.

They didn't react at all, because it was fast, and because the position was too tricky!

Realizing the three-person wall combination that the ball flew by, he felt a little bit inside.


Shiori Saginomiya looked at the flying ball, without panic, squatted down quickly.

next moment!

Ino's ball is empty.

And Raphael’s parabolic ball slammed directly onto Satania’s head, which was lying on the ground.


Satania put a bag on her head again.

On the other hand, Winnett's ball hit Tanakawang's body directly, with little strength, at least Tanakawang felt no pain at all.

In this way, the offensive of the three serve was completely disintegrated.

Kikuchi Akane and the three of them looked back at the safe and sound Saginomiya Shiori, and they all breathed a sigh of relief.


"Haha~ You are careless!"

At this time, Muhua Saki Yaxin's voice came.

The three of Tanakawang looked stunned, and then they remembered that they only delivered three balls! There are two more! Suddenly they appeared in horror.

But it's late!

Muhua Saki Yaxin is like a trebuchet! The body bends backwards to the limit, and instantly the waist is forced to the hand to throw!

"Ultra-destructive death spin!"

The black cloth-wrapped ball, with a fierce spin, flew towards the three men fiercely.

Kikuchi Akane and the three immediately turned around, the next moment!

They saw that the ball hit the ground fiercely!

The fierce rotation rubbed the ground, and in an instant, Cheng flew out at an oblique angle!

Just looking at Tanaka's crotch, he passed through.

The target is the squatting Shiori Saginomiya.

Kikuchi Akane's three mouths are open!


The audience were very surprised!

Could it be!

Is the Devil team going to end here?

Seeing such a fierce ball, Shiori Saginomiya moved very quickly.

He directly raised Satania who was lying on the ground with one hand, treating her as a shield.

next moment!

The ball hit Satania's face directly, and the fierce rotation rubbed the white and tender face crazily, and the entire right face was completely deformed.

Then, the ball bounced off Satania's face just like that.

Shiori Saginomiya successfully escaped this blow!

This scene made everyone unexpected.

The corner of Ino's mouth twitched.

"Uh~ it feels like Satania..."

Several people who are also teammates feel that this is a bit too much.

Shiori Saginomiya was expressionless: "It's just a strategic need."

Muhua Saki Yaxin raised her small fist.

"The opponent is very strong!"

And Satania, who was a shield in Saginomiya Shiori's hand, also woke up leisurely under these multiple blows.

She looked confused, but she felt a little swollen.

"What happened~"

At this moment!

Raphael put on a mysterious smile and immediately raised the ball in his hand.

"It's not over yet."


Raphael throws the ball and shoots!

Kikuchi Akane: "Also! Get it off!"

The three-person wall combination immediately mobilized to block the last goal!

However, it is still a spinning ball with a little parabola!

The ball passed directly over the heads of the three of them, and then flew diagonally towards Satania's face!

Satania was still confused, suddenly saw the ball flying over, and immediately remembered!

Dodge the ball!

By the way, dodge ball!

Me as the great devil!

How could it be knocked down twice by this kind of ball!

The moment the ball flew to Satania's face!

Satania turned her head very handsome.

Under Shiori Saginomiya's blank eyes.

The ball slammed straight over.

Not surprisingly.

The ball hit the shoulder of Shiori Saginomiya.

Looking back at this scene, Akane Kikuchi and the three were stunned.

Muhua Saki Yashin's Eye of Death team was also stunned.

Raphael was also a little surprised, but this result was still acceptable to her, and then she covered her mouth and smiled.

"It's really interesting~"


And Satania didn't know what happened, and was still smiling triumphantly.

"Hahaha! Surprised! This is my true strength! This is the true strength of the future master of the demon world! A small ball! Do you want to defeat me twice? Impossible!"

Satania was akimbo, her little head raised up and laughing.

At this moment, the physical education teacher began to announce.

"competition is over!

The Eye of Death team wins! "

The teacher's announcement came out.

Satania's triumphant smile solidified in an instant. She stared at the physical education teacher blankly, and then at Muhua Saki Yashin and Ino.


Well-hearted person Vinnet pointed to the back of Satania and gave her a hint.

Satania looked back stiffly and saw her coach Shiori Saginomiya.

She was standing in place with an expressionless expression on her face.

Stayed like Satania, knowing what happened.


Satania was desperate, but she was useless anyway.

The Eye of Death team has won.

The game ended in a dramatic way.

The crowd in the Eye of Death team cheered.

Muhua Sakuya's heartbeat was the happiest, while she was still talking.

"The Eye of Death is invincible!"

Words like that.

While Gabriel was asleep, she just woke up, she got up and yawned blankly, then looked at the scene with dead eyes.

"It seems to be over."

In the end, the two teams shook hands and made a peace, and the game was over.

The physical education teacher looked at the dim sky, the horizon was covered by dark clouds.

Obviously, it will rain in this weather.

Immediately declared the end of the dodge ball game.

This is the end of outdoor physical education.


Kobayashi's house.

Thor was wearing a maid costume and was walking leisurely around the house. The green tail behind her swept away. She scanned the smooth floor and nodded in satisfaction.

"Well... it feels clean..."

After that, she turned her head and looked out the window unconsciously, and suddenly noticed the dim sky.

Without hesitation, Thor walked directly out of the balcony, leaning on the fence, and looking at the dim sky with his head in his hand.

"Well... the gloomy weather, if this continues, the clothes won't dry."

Thor thought for a while, then suddenly nodded: "Well, let's do it like this."

next moment!

A magic circle appeared at Thor's feet, his body turned into white light and gradually enlarged!

Thor's dragon has changed!

This is a huge magic green dragon!

Thor did not hesitate, raised his head and looked at the sky, and opened his mouth to breathe!


A torrent of white energy spouted from the dragon's mouth!

Form a beam of light directly into the sky!

The beam of light submerged into the black cloud, and a large black cloud around the beam of light was blown away in the next moment.

Thor did not stop and continued to breathe!

This time!

She increased her power, and the huge dragon's breath beams were scattered into dozens!

In an instant, the dense beam of light completely broke up the dark clouds in the sky.

Originally, this entire area was covered by dark clouds.

Unexpectedly the next moment!

The dark clouds suddenly dispersed.

The sun fell with it.

Countless people looked at the sudden sunlight, a little surprised.

However, the Cthulhu sauce above this area, she is used to being framed here.

The skin on Cthulhu Chan's body has become a bit darker due to the sun exposure these few days, and everything else is fine.

At the moment, she is sleeping.

That's right, that's how she can sleep.

next moment.

A beam of energy happened to directly bombard Cthulhu sauce's magic circle!


There was a violent explosion!

Cthulhu sauce woke up in pain.

In the next moment, she felt light all over, and then she found that her body, which was originally unable to move, could already move!

Cthulhu sauce moved her body in surprise, and shook her hands in front of her eyes.

"I...I can move!!!"

"I can move!!!"

Then, Cthulhu Chan suddenly felt her body lighten, and the gravity of the earth instantly caught her.

Realizing something Cthulhu sauce, his complexion changed immediately.

"Wait! Wait! Don't!!!"

The next moment, she fell directly to the ground.

Falling at high speed, this is an excitement that Cthulhu sauce hasn't experienced.

Cthulhu screamed in horror, and fell from the sky.

"Ah ah ah ah ah!!!"


Connor was walking on the street, and she saw the dragon's breath in the sky, that breath was undoubtedly Thor!

"Master Thor! I found you!"


And the school side.

Soon after the physical education teacher announced that the physical education class was over, the sky was shining again.

The team has not disbanded yet.

Ever since, the game continued.


School in the afternoon...

Ino, Nanako, and Kawasaki Yashin walked side by side on the way home.

Ino and Nanako have smiles on their faces, and Saki Yashin still keeps her liveliness.

Ino looked at Saki Yashin Nanako next to him, walking unhurriedly, very casually.

Ino looked towards the sky, but his inner thoughts returned to the day when he first came to this world, compared with today.

She found that she really liked this world.

"Ah~ this world is so easy. Maybe I already like it."

Ino wore her usual ponytail, but she still had some hair strands between her brows. She brushed her hair casually, and said with a gentle smile.

Nanako also squinted her eyes and said with a smile on her face: "Yes~ I like this world too! The people here are so funny! Especially the true eyes of the evil king! Oh~ and the warhammer!"

"Humph~ I like it. I like it here too."

Muhua Saki Yashin put her face close to Ino, and secretly said in her ear: "Ino~ You can live here for the rest of your life."

After speaking, Muhua Saki Yaxin walked away mischievously, with his hands behind his back, walking in two steps and one small jump.

When the students on the side saw it, they couldn't help but look sideways.

Hearing what Saki Kihana said, Ino's eyes widened, staring at Yashin blankly.

She was moved.

This peaceful scene is indeed very powerful.

At least for Ino, it's very powerful.

Because the world of Naruto, although it is peaceful on the surface.

However, there are always struggles in various countries, and Ino is also a senior figure in the family.

For some things, she knew very well.

The Naruto World is just superficial peace now, although the situation is much better than before. I don't know how many times.

However, there is still a long way to go before we can reach the level of defeating this world.

Ino sighed.

"The world is pretty good... but forget it."


Muhuasaki Yaxin suddenly noticed something and looked in one direction.

"Huh~ we are on the ground."


That's right, Cthulhu sauce.

Muhuasaki Yaxin also had a pre-determined where she fell.

After all, you can't scare some mortals, and it's not good to smash some flowers.

The home of Lily Ling, the garden of the strongest black magician in the landmark.

Huayuan Lilyling is holding the collection that she has just delivered—Wu Gou.

It is said to be an imitation of China's ancient weapons.

It is about 65cm long and 2.2-2.5cm wide.

It is shaped like a crescent moon, has no front at its head, and has blades on both sides. It is a weapon for pushing and hooking.

She touched Wu Gou's flat head with her small hand, feeling the feeling of her hand, and becoming more satisfied with this weapon in her heart.

"Where is the Cthulhu sauce~ I haven't seen her in the last few days, otherwise she will definitely provoke me.

Then you can try this weapon. "

The garden lily bell picked up Wu Hook and waved it, and the more he missed the Cthulhu sauce in his heart.

However, at this moment!

boom! ! !

The ceiling of the house burst suddenly!

The Cthulhu sauce that she was so worried about fell in front of her, and cracked the floor.

Cthulhu wailed.

"Ah~ my waist... my bones... all broken..."

Cthulhu groaned while squirming.

Just at this time.

The gloomy voice of Garden Lily Bell suddenly appeared.

"Cthulhu Sauce~~"

Cthulhu sauce instantly stopped groaning, her facial expression stiffened, cold sweat on her face.

next moment!

Garden Lily Bell appeared in front of her holding Wu Gou.

Garden Lily Bell held Wu Hook with a smile.

"I really miss you so much!"

Cthulhu sauce knew what would happen next, and desperately shouted: "No! No! no!!! no!!! no!!!"

Wu Hook is down!


The blood sputtered out instantly, staining a large area of ​​the ground red!

And the wailing of Cthulhu sauce, the screams were even louder!

The devil in the yard trembles when he hears it.

"Humans are terrible!!!"



The next day.

On this day, Muhua Saki Yexin left the house early.

The purpose of course is to punch the world of Superman.

Without hesitation, Muhua Saki Yaxin walked through the tunnel, twisting with the black hole vortex.

Muhua Saki Yashin once again came to the surface of the moon in the world of One Punch Superman.

Muhuasaki Yaxin came to the first time, to cut off the passage between the two worlds.

Because, in this way, the two dimensions of time will not be connected.

It will not affect the time of the "everyday world".

Muhua Saki walked leisurely on the moon, opening the Eye of Root at will, looking at the supercontinent of the earth at a glance.

Then, her face changed and she looked dumbfounded.


"The time is wrong!!!"


Saitama is already a bald-headed sample has also grown a lot taller!

I looked at the date and found that there was a difference of more than a year between this time and the time when Kawasaki Yashin left!

Muhua Saki Yashin realized what had happened, and when she was constructing the channel, she watched and adjusted an important configuration!

"The time is not calibrated!!!"

Muhua Saki Yexin hugged her head and became more and more stunned.

"Unexpectedly, I would make such a mistake..."


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