The Second Girl’s Naruto Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 29: destroy!

The Saitama House.

Saitama is wearing casual clothes and Ge You is lying sideways on the sofa while holding the remote control while watching TV.

At this moment, his skull had become bald, and his round scalp even reflected light.


The sound of the communicator sounded, and Saitama picked up the communicator. As soon as she opened it, Qianxia's figure appeared. She was dressed in a very technological blue tights, with a bow and a long sword hanging on her back, with an anxious expression on her face.

"Brother Saitama! A major disaster has occurred in city d! It is a huge unidentified creature! Now city d has been destroyed! The huge unknown creature is going to city b!"

Saitama suddenly became energetic, and Chika nodded at the communicator, "I see! I'll be over right away!"

Without any hesitation, Saitama immediately put on his suit and went out.

"Justice execution!"

The cloak behind Saitama is fluttering, and his face is stern, showing the heroic temperament!


d city!

Almost the entire city here is in ruins!

A giant standing upright, standing on the edge of the city.

Relative to the giant, the tall buildings in the city seem to be his toys.

Every time the giant walked, it left deep footprints on the ground.

He shook his huge throat while chatting awkwardly with his brother.

"Oni sauce~ Am I the strongest now!?"

The mad scientist brothers who were giants, dressed in white coats, stood on the shoulders of giants, holding potions bottles, and laughing wildly.

"Hahahaha! That's natural!

After taking my ultimate steroid preparation-the king of biceps, you are already invincible!

It's incredible to have such an effect! !

Destroy a city! Just a few slaps!

"Hahahaha! It's amazing!"

Just when both of them are triumphant!

A huge magic circle suddenly appeared at the feet of the giant!

The magic circle rotates and unfolds, centering on the giant brothers, gradually covering dozens of miles away!

Just such a huge magic circle covering dozens of miles took shape!

And the giant is also vigilant, with such great special effects, it must be a strong enemy!

The giant's mad scientist brother is also a little wary.

"Margly! This should be the hero's association! But with your power! Just be careful!"

The giant put on a boxing pose and nodded: "I see, brother."

At this time, an ethereal girl voice came.

"Huh~ stupid humans! Always delusional about something unrealistic!"


The giant shouts!

"The guy who pretends to be a fool! Come out for me!"

next moment!

A red magic circle with blue patterns appeared not far in front of the giant's head.

There was a wave of water ripples in the space, and Muhua Saki Yexin was like jumping out of a mirror on the surface of the water, jumping out of the void of space, and stepping on the magic circle!

Muhua Saki Yexin opened her hands, stepping gracefully on the magic circle, standing in the void, with a cold expression on her face, staring at the giant in front of her with indifferent eyes.

"It's me."

The Giant Brothers looked at the girl who suddenly appeared in a strange way, but his inner vigilance was relaxed.

The crazy scientist brother sneered: "Hahaha! Are you also a fellow of the Heroes Association! Do you want to stop us?"

The giant brother was expressionless, he squeezed his fist and raised it: "I am invincible now!"

Muhua Saki Yaxin closed her hands and stood on the seemingly emptiness magic circle in a clever posture, her expression still indifferent and cold, but the words spoken could feel the anger in the girl's heart.

"Do you think you are invincible? Then use your self-proclaimed invincible power to try to live in the eyes of my death! Live!"

The Giant Brothers all felt a little funny.

"What!? Are you telling a joke!?"

Muhua Saki Yaxin didn't have the slightest expression or movement.

next moment!

On the blindfold on her left eye, a magic circle appeared, and the azure flame was directly ignited, burning the blindfold clean, revealing a beautiful starry blue eye.

Facing this eye, the giant brothers felt a deadly heart palpitations unconsciously!

At this time, they all have a feeling that they will instantly turn into fly ash in front of this eye and dissipate in this world.

This kind of horror shocked both of them, and they did not dare to move at this moment.

As the elder brother of the mad scientist, he had a cold sweat for no reason. He swallowed and hurriedly shouted: "Margery! Don't be afraid! She is just a bluff! It is estimated that an unknown aura has led us out. Just fear!"

When the giant listened to the order, he also let go of his fear, and the evil grew out of his guts! The face has also become hideous!

"Stop talking big words! Give me a punch!!!"


The giant clenched his right fist, leaned back slightly, twisted his waist, and hit the girl in front of him with all his strength!

The giant's movements are extremely agile, and it doesn't match the huge body!

The fist of horror, with the force of horror, made the air surging fiercely!

The shock wave caused by the fist alone is terrifying!

Enough to flatten all buildings!

However, in the face of such a punch, Muhua Saki Yaxin did not move.

The moment his fist was in front of Muhuasaki Yaxin.


The electric arc flickered, and the whole picture of the world seemed to flicker.

The rioting air just stopped completely.

But the giant's huge fist that was supposed to hit Muhua Saki Yexin, that huge arm exploded into a mass of blood!

Under the infinitely slow time thinking, the blood scum floated slowly in the air.

At this moment, both the giant and the mad scientist looked dull.

They have no idea what happened.

At that moment!

In the end what happened!

The giant brother looked at his broken arm in disbelief...


My hands will...

Time returned to normal.

The giant grabbed his own severed arm with his left hand and wailed to the sky.

"Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah!!!"

"My hand! My hand!!!"

The mad scientist panicked, with a frightened expression on his face.

"Who on earth are you! Even the younger brother who took my biceps king can easily defeat! Are you a god! Or a human who has evolved to the end!!!"

Muhua Saki Yaxin stretched out her hand and pointed a finger at the giant.

"I'm just a defender of world peace who is interested. I'm just a lucky human with the eye of death!"

"Now I'll talk aside, use your self-proclaimed invincible power, and run for my life in the eyes of my death."


Next, it's my turn to attack! "

The mad scientist's pupils tightened.

The giant also stopped wailing, and the fear in his heart began to permeate.

The mad scientist called his giant brother. "Escape! Run away!!!"

Naturally, the giant brother didn't need to say much from his elder brother. He turned around and ran away, ignoring the wounds of his broken arm, still dripping blood.

Muhua Saki Yaxin didn't seem to want to move, so she watched the giant hurriedly running away quietly.

Bang bang!

Bang bang!

The giant ran quickly, the ground was overwhelmed, and deep footprints were stepped on. The edges even cracked into dense cracks, and the rubble of the ruins was shaken up tens of meters.

at this time!

The huge magic circle began to shrink, and the speed was very fast!

It's like light!

In the horrified eyes of the giant brothers, the luminous transparent wall on the edge of the magic circle flickered, and it slammed into it in an instant!

As they thought in their hearts, this magic circle has the effect of trapping the enemy!

The giant brother was hit by the wall and flew upside down.

The crazy scientist brother grasped the muscles of his brother's neck, but it was a pity.

Such a fierce fall, the force is too great, the vibration and the force that are thrown out are very great.

The crazy scientist brother was thrown straight down.



"Ah ah ah ah ah!"

The crazy scientist brother was lucky that his feet fell to the ground first.

But unfortunately, both legs could not bear the tremendous force and broke directly.

Even the bones were pressed into the internal organs. The mad scientist wailed and vomited a mouthful of black and red blood.

Obviously, such an injury will undoubtedly lead to death.

The giant was no longer in the mood to take care of his brother. He hurriedly got up, gritted his teeth, and sprinted again with his shoulders against the wall!

The barbaric power of giants is extremely terrifying!

He instantly hit the transparent wall of light!

boom! ! !

The giant brother only felt that he had hit an extremely hard steel plate, and his shoulders couldn't bear it.

But this light wall still doesn't move at all!

The ground was even blown up by the shock wave of this shocking impact!

"Feel it."

Muhuasaki Yaxin's voice seemed to travel through the space and directly entered the giant's brother's ears.

He turned around in horror and looked at the girl.

Muhua Saki Ye had no expression on her face, her eyes were blue and red, exuding a brilliant light, stepping on the faintly glowing magic circle, the void stood between heaven and earth.

Like a **** or devil!

The faint, ethereal voice of a girl with no emotion fell into the depths of the giant's head.


"Haha~ It's just an ant-like existence! You dare to call it invincible?"

"In the power of the ants, but to show off the power and kill the lives of a city for no reason!"

"Sin is unforgivable!"

next moment!

The clouds in the sky swayed instantly, and circles of magic circles appeared in the sky above ten thousand meters, exuding light, covering this area, corresponding to the magic circles on the ground!

at the same time!

The terrifying torrent of energy is gradually accumulating in the sky!

The oppression of the torrent of energy makes the giant feel like he is facing a sun!

He knew that this was the attack of the girl!

Without hesitation, he turned around and continued to punch and kick at the Guangbi!

Boom boom boom!

The giant roared savagely!

"Damn!!! Give me a break!"

"I got such power! Why!!!"

"Why would I meet such a guy!!!"

Boom boom boom!

The giant bombarded the light wall with one punch, only to make his fist bleed, and the light wall remained unchanged.

But the magic circle above the sky became brighter and brighter with the passage of time.

The oppression brought by that huge energy torrent is even stronger!


Saitama, who is rushing, has already come to city b. He who is in city b, saw the huge magic circle above city d!

Even, felt the terrifying torrent of energy.

Saitama's expressionless face suddenly showed a smile.

"That guy... is back."


Saitama can see it, and others can undoubtedly too!

Citizens in the surrounding cities of city d have seen the huge luminous pattern covering the sky of city d.

Even they could feel what was brewing in that luminous pattern.

Qianxia was also on the way to city b, and she was the first person to be discovered by the giant disaster.

When the Heroes' Guild found out, the giant had almost destroyed City D.

It was because of some special means that Qianxia knew in advance that he let Saitama leave ahead of time.

They plan to solve it before the giant goes to city b.

Now, I saw the familiar magic circle, and saw this torrent of energy like a god, on a terrifying scale!

Qianxia breathed a sigh of relief, and the joy on her face could not stop showing.

"Ms. Ye Xin is back!"


Countless people have seen the huge magic circle hovering and glowing above the sky, and they all stopped their movements and quietly looked at the magic circle like a miracle.

This huge glowing magic circle that stretches for dozens of kilometers.

It is the headquarters of the Heroes Association in city A, they can still see the huge glowing magic circle in the sky!

"Report! Ultra-high energy response detected! It's in city d!"

At this time, the informant ran over in a hurry and announced to Minister Xiqi.

Minister Xiqi sighed and looked through the window to the sky, the magical circle shining brightly.

"I already know."

Cic came to the command room, where a series of data had already been listed.

"Minister! Satellite can't broadcast the video of city d! Because the energy interference is too strong!"

And the technician who finally calculated the peak energy was horrified!


Xiqi looked at the technician in horror, and asked with a deep face, "How much!"


The technician spoke this string of data with a vibrato.

Xiqi's complexion also became horrified.



What does this value mean?

This kind of energy intensity, if it erupts in the supercontinent where humans live, it will turn the entire supercontinent into scorched earth!

For humans, it is...

Perish! ! !

Cic was shaking with cold sweat on his face.

"What the **** is this... Is mankind facing extinction now?"

The mood of the people in the command room is very complicated.

Thinking about it, they all know what this energy intensity means.


The giant inside the magic circle in city d is still bombarding that light wall.

At this moment, the giant's fist had become distorted, and the bones were exposed.

It's not just the fists, knees, and feet that are bleeding profusely.

But even so, Guangbi still did not waver, and the giant was desperate.

He knelt on the ground and looked up at the huge magic circle above the sky.

The light of the magic circle at this moment is as bright as the sun, and the turbulent torrent of energy, looming, seems to have distorted the sky.


next moment!

The energy torrent of the magic circle erupts!

A huge blue beam of light fell directly!

A beam of light tens of kilometers in diameter!

What a scene this is!

Countless people are watching, and their eyes are all the shining light from the beam of light.

They don't know... They don't know what language to use to describe this scene.



Such mighty...

I haven't seen it, I can't believe it, and I can't imagine it.

Everything in the world has lost its color!

At this moment!

There is only this beam of light left in the world!

Everything else does not exist only the beam of light!

Da Yin Xi Sheng!

There is no sound, no vibration.

Only the beam of light, and its light...

for a long time……

I don't know how long it took.

Maybe just a few seconds, maybe a few hours later!

The beam of light disappeared.

With the disappearance of the magic circle.

But people, who haven't moved for a long time, continue to look at that day.


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