The Second Girl’s Naruto Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 30: Extra-standard treatment

The edge of D city.

It is a piece of scorched earth from the edge of the city, covering dozens of miles. The center of the scorched earth is a huge abyss cave.

Even though the cave is tens of kilometers wide.

But at the top, the depth below is still invisible.

This abyss seems to penetrate the entire planet, and there is no end in sight!

Standing on top of it, looking down, it's like looking at a tunnel to hell, deep and dark! !

The helicopter of the Heroes Association hovered over this terrifying huge abyss.

Everyone on the plane felt a deep fear.

Because the plane flew over the abyss, they found that they seemed to have come into a black hole of nothingness!

The next side is a huge mouth of the bottomless abyss!

No matter how you fly, you can't fly out of the dark abyss!

Because this abyssal black hole is so big, the helicopter will not be able to fly out of the abyss for a while.

Only by flying higher and looking into the sky and clouds in the distance can I feel a sense of comfort in my heart.

And watch from above the satellites in space!

In this huge abyss in the center of the scorched earth, it is more like an eye of **** on the planet!


According to the energy release method, they already knew the masterpiece of the third S-class Yashin Kihana who had been missing for more than a year.

Of course, the most direct evidence is the record of the hero crusade reported by Saki Yashin, which is one of the means to record the hero's achievements.

It was also Muhua Saki Yashin's report that they dared to come here so quickly to investigate. Until now, the Heroes Association who has obtained various data does not know what to say.

Because it is really amazing, they still had a fluke before, and when the data came out, they had to face such a fact!

The Eye of Death-Muhua Saki Yaxin

This Lord is very threatening to the entire world!

In short, Siqi has notified the high-level shareholders of the Heroes Association of the incident.

How to deal with it is still being discussed.

Anyway, they have confirmed that Muhua Saki Yaxin is an existence that can easily destroy the world!

This Lord must restrict her heroic activities!

Otherwise, if such terrible damage is caused every time, no one can repair the bottomless abyss like this time.

This piece of abyssal coke land has become an area that can never be repaired and can be classified as a restricted area.

However, the restriction belongs to the restriction, and at the same time the restriction must be confessed. If the Lord is unhappy, they can't bear it if they make a hole in the planet for fun.

After Muhua Saki Yashin finished the destruction, he did not return to the Heroes' Association, but returned to his castle.

Chinatsu and Saitama have been notified by Saki Yashin.


The interior of the castle.

A small round table.

Muhua Saki Yaxin sat in the main position, holding a glass of Happy Water in her hand, watching the TV by the wall, while waiting for the arrival of her apprentice.


There was a knock on the door.

Muhuasaki Yexin lifted her spirits up, and she pointed her fingers at the door of the room with a delighted expression on her face.

next moment!


The door opened automatically.

Immediately I saw Saitama with a dazed expression, and Chinatsu, a girl with short hair and a very refined look!


Muhua Saki Yexin's eyes lit up: "You guys have changed so much!"

Qianxia ran over with joy, the speed was very fast, ordinary people could only see the afterimage flash, Qianxia came to Muhua Saki Yexin, dancing with excitement.

"Master!!! Long time no see!"

Saitama's face was expressionless, and the whole face looked like a fool.

"In other words, where have you been this year?

Suddenly said goodbye that year, and then there is no news from you for a year. "

Qianxia is also very curious.

Muhua Saki Yaxin was a little embarrassed, this was indeed her problem. Muhua Saki Yaxin coughed twice with her fists in her mouth, alleviating the embarrassment.

"Ahem~ uh~ that..."

"I just forgot to adjust some timing settings..."

"Didn't I say it, that is, after going to another world, the time flow in the other world is different from the time flow of this world. I forgot to anchor the time. As a result, I only went back one day, and this world has passed a year.

Hearing Muhua Saki Yashin's explanation, Saitama's foolish face was a little surprised.

Qianxia was also very surprised.

"I didn't expect it, Ye Xin teacher actually disappeared for more than a year because of this reason."

"A different world with different time flow rates? This explanation is reasonable."

Saitama said to himself.

Kihana Saki Yashin smiled and pointed at Saitama's bald head.

"Oh~ Saitama! It seems that you have become a lot stronger this year."

The corner of Saitama’s mouth twitched, and he said helplessly, “Yeah, I’ve become bald and stronger. Now it’s hard for me to find an opponent. A year ago, I met a stronger opponent. It’s a bit of fun to play against, and now no matter what kind of weird it is, it ends with one punch..."

Saitama looked up to the ceiling: "It's so boring..."

Qianxia's eyelids twitched as she listened to this ultimate Versailles speech.

But she also knows that there is nothing wrong with what Saitama said, and that Saitama's physical value has already been reported.

According to systematic surveys, Brother Saitama’s punching star is not a problem...

Muhua Saki Yashin smiled. She is also very interested in the current strength of Saitama, and the root of the right eye opens!

open eyes!

The golden red light flashed!

Muhua Saki Yaxin's right eye completely changed, and the center of the pupil became fiery red like the most dazzling light in the center of the sun, very gorgeous, and it gave people a huge sense of oppression.

At the moment when this eye was opened, both Saitama and Chika felt that they were completely seen through.

Especially Qianxia, ​​she even felt that the system deep in her mind was gone.

In the past, she could feel the existence of the system at any time, but now the system does not seem to know where to hide.

Qianxia was secretly frightened, was even the system so jealous of Master's eyes?

This is the eye of death?

Saitama can feel the huge energy contained in the eyes of Kuka Saki Yashin, which seems inestimably powerful!

He was a little excited.

"Teacher Ye Xin! You are really strong! Can we still fight?"

Kihana Saki Yashin's root cause has analyzed both Saitama and Chika, and she is not surprised that Saitama has changed.

But Qianxia's changes made her feel very strange.

Qianxia's physique has become a little messy, it seems that a lot of things have been mixed.

Muhua Saki Yaxin first said to Saitama Tsundere.

"Hmm~ Saitama, I will learn from you! But not on this planet."

Then, Muhua Saki Yashin stared at Qianxia: "Chixia, I feel you are very strange. I know the changes in Saitama, but the changes in your body are a little strange.

Have you encountered any adventures recently? "

Qianxia's face was blank, and then she lowered her head embarrassingly: "I... that master, you can see it. It is said that Qi Yu... is also a strange encounter..."

With that said, Qianxia raised her head and stared at Muhua Saki Yexin's golden red eyes, a little nervous.

"Sorry, Teacher Ye Xin, I can't say for some reason."

Muhua Saki looked at Qianxia's appearance and thought about it.

She only remembered that Qianxia is a traverser, is it the golden finger necessary for traversing?


Muhuasaki Yaxin nodded, it should be a golden finger.

"Well, Qianxia! It's okay, I didn't care.

Moreover, I also guessed what it was. "

Qianxia: "Huh?"

"Okay, that's the end of the chat."

Muhua Saki Yexin stood up with a serious face.

"Because of an accident, I left with you for a year. Now that I return, I must first test how well your Wing Chun practice is."


On the open space of the manor in the castle!

To test the level of boxing skills, there is no need to practice, after all, Muhua Saki Yaxin just wanted to test it briefly.

The first is Saitama.

Saitama knew the importance, and he didn't need Muhua Saki Yaxin to say more, he took a step directly, raised his hand and blasted out!

This punch was unremarkable!

Nothing seems to happen!

However, Muhua Saki Yaxin could see the inner strength of this punch!

This boxing combines many things, such as footwork, as well as force-generating skills, and more is the use of Wing Chun's boxing!

Muhua Saki Yashin was very satisfied: "Do you have a name for this punch of Saitama?"

Saitama was stunned: "Call?"

He scratched his bald head with his fingers.

"Well, let's call it a super serious punch."

"So casual..."

Qianxia murmured, but she was more envious. The power of Saitama's punch was estimated to be dozens of times the original punch, and the strength was all hit without distracting.

In a punch, all the strength is borne by the target!

There won't be much dispersion. According to the power of Saitama's punch of the star, it is equivalent to making the enemy completely bear the power of the star's punch!

Is it like blowing a planet directly into the enemy's mouth?

Qianxia really didn't know, who could stand it.

Then, Qianxia demonstrated.

Qianxia started practicing directly, hitting a full set of boxing techniques.

Finally, draw back.

Qianxia was already sweating, and she let out a heavy breath.

"Huh~ I'm still far from Senior Brother Saitama."

Muhua Saki Yaxin raised her little hand and clapped her hands.

"Oh~ Qianxia is also very good."

"After all, I didn't teach you how much time. At the current level, Qianxia is already very good."

Qianxia was a little surprised: "Really?"

"Hmm~ I also plan to use energy to help you regulate your body. Unexpectedly, Qian Xia actually raised her physique by herself. This is very powerful."

Qianxia touched her head and smirked: "No~ It was all taught by Teacher Ye Xin."

On this day, Qianxia has been talking about what happened during the year with Muhua Saki Yaxin.

Saitama was also recruited into the Heroes Association by Qianxia early because of the salary of the Heroes Association.

Saitama is currently ranked 33rd in the B-level.

Qianxia also said to Saitama's injustice.

Many of Saitama's credits have been swallowed, and Brother Saitama doesn't care at all.

It is worth mentioning that.

Qianxia is now in the ninth position of the A-level.



the next day.

Heroes’ Association Headquarters.

Muhua Saki Yaxin is like an ordinary little girl, strolling leisurely on the corridor.

Today, she accepted an invitation from the Heroes' Association. It is said that she would attend any meeting or something.

At this moment, a middle-aged man in a suit walked across from Muhua Saki Yaxin.

He is Cic.

Xiqi was also a little surprised, and he actually met this one like this.

Xiqi held back his nervousness and smiled back at Muhana Saki Yashin.

Muhua Saki Yaxin saw the fake smile of the guy in front of him at a glance, and asked with some doubts.

"Are you afraid of me?"

Siqi's heartbeat speeded up, and a little sweat appeared on his face. He sighed and nodded slightly.

"I'm a little scared, after all, the power of Death Eye is too strong."

Without boasting, Muhua Saki immediately smiled, and his steps lightened a little.

"Hehe~ That's natural! The Eye of Death is the strongest!"

"Yes Yes."

Xiqi nodded and exhaled secretly.

He didn't know why he, who had always been calm, suddenly lost his temper, maybe he still feels that people like Muhua Saki Yaxin who are so powerful that they can easily destroy the world are too uncontrollable!

Moreover, according to the analysis of the words once said by Saki Yashin, this girl may really be from another world, some dimension guardian organization!

But it's not certain that this girl has any bad thoughts about this planet.

If so, they can't resist it at all!

The thoughts in Xiqi's mind were running wildly, but on the surface, he was smiling.

"Ye Xin... Your Excellency Ye Xin, you are here to attend the meeting. I will take you there. I am the host of this meeting."

"Oh~ That's a coincidence."

Muhua Saki didn't think much about it, and followed Cic directly to the meeting room.

The meeting room at the Heroes’ Association headquarters is still empty.

Xiqi directly instructed Muhuasaki Yaxin to sit in the main position.

Muhua Saki Yaxin still didn't think much, she just sat down, and then began to be in a daze.

Seeing the girl with a dazed face, Xi Qi didn't know whether to talk to him or not.

Ever since, the entire conference room fell into a weird silence.

But not long after the quiet atmosphere, many people came to the meeting room one after another.

They entered the door, first glanced at the girl who was in a daze in the main position, and then sat down in their own position in silence.

Those who come here are all senior leaders of the Heroes Association.

Minister Sic, as the presiding officer of this meeting, can only stand outside the table.

It was almost time. Cic looked at the time on his watch, frowning.

Muhua Saki Yaxin was still bored sitting on the head of the long table, her small hands propped her head, her eyes staring straight ahead in a daze.

After a while.

The door of the meeting room was opened again, Sweetheart Mask, and a Mediterranean greasy uncle with a big belly, walked in.

One is the external image ambassador of the Heroes Association, the masked sweetheart!

His position in the Heroes' Association is not low.

The other is the major shareholder of the Heroes Association.

Both looked at the girl in a daze at the main position, and took a seat without saying anything.

Siqi looked at the crowd, and didn't say anything, he said directly:

"Okay, all the people are here. Then the meeting begins!"

"The purpose of this meeting is twofold! One is to regulate the behavior of heroes in performing tasks!"

"Fortunately one is..."

Xiqi looked at Muhua Saki Yaxin in the main position and swallowed.

"There is also a provision for the execution of heroic activities for the Eye of Death."

When Muhua Saki heard this, the hair on her head stood up and trembled, and her eyes looked at Xi Qi blankly.

Xi Qi couldn't help swallowing, he was a little panicked, after all, this one could really destroy the world easily.

"Oh~ the rules for me? What rules."

Muhuasaki Yaxin said lightly.

Xiqi glanced around at the people sitting there, and many high-level officials secretly stared at him.

Xi Qi nodded secretly, then smiled at Muhua Saki Yaxin, and said in a gentle tone:

"Your Excellency, Eye of Death, your strength and your deeds for mankind are enough to be treated with more respect by us.

So we decided to upgrade your hero status and authority to the highest level! "

Muhua Saki Yaxin's eyes lit up: "Oh!"

Xiqi took a deep breath, and then solemnly said: "Your Lord Yexin! Our Heroes Association decided!

Sss-level hero rating will be established! Moreover, Lord Yexin is one and only one Sss-level hero!

In other words, we will set up a single hero rank for you! "

Muhua Saki Yexin's eyes brightened: "This is good!"

"However, for your Lord Yexin, we also have a little request."

Sic's tone slowed down.

Muhua Saki Yaxin shook her two little fingers, and the excitement in her eyes was reduced a little.

"Huh? A small request? What is it?"

"The first one is that Lord Yexin is below the dragon level, try not to make a move. Is this okay?"

Xiqi looked at Muhua Saki Yaxin with expectant eyes.

Muhua Saki stayed in a daze: "What's the requirement?"

Siqi quickly explained: "The Eye of Death, we don't force you not to make a move. If you are happy, of course you can make a move, but try not to make a move."

Muhua Saki Yaxin can understand it right away, that is to say, can't you tell your mood?

Does this have anything to do with not saying it?

Muhua Saki was puzzled.

"Is it just this request?"

Sic continued: "Of course, there is."

Siqi looked at the high-ranking leaders of the Heroes' Association again, and they all continued to look at Siqi, seeming to encourage Siqi.

Sic took a deep breath again: "

That is, the Lord of Death, try to control a little bit of power as much as possible when destroying strange people.

I know your power is very strong, but if the power used is too exaggerated, the environment has been destroyed too severely. This is not a good thing for the earth and for mankind.

So I also implore your Lord Yexin to be a little careful when using power..."

After listening to Saki's words, Muhuasaki Yaxin was silent.

Seeing Muhua Saki Yexin's heart was silent, everyone felt that they were going to suffer!

For a while, the atmosphere of the entire meeting became tense.

Time passed by every minute and every second.

The atmosphere is getting more and more solemn.

In the end, the masked sweetheart stood up angrily, her expression grim.

"Can't you do both of those simple requirements!?"

"Visit from another world! Powerful power! Not your arrogant capital! If you intend to force us to commit it! We will never compromise! Even if we fight to the last person!"

The speech of the masked sweetheart immediately made the entire conference room tremble.

Everyone looked at Kamen Sweetheart in horror, and at Muhua Saki Yaxin.

I'm afraid Muhua Saki Yexin will suddenly explode.

However, at this moment, Muhua Saki Yaxin was stunned.

What is this?

Muhua Saki Yashin felt like she was being treated as a great devil.

In the face of such a situation, Muhua Saki Yaxin also knew that if she didn't express her position, it was estimated that these guys who scared her would really want to break the net with her.

Muhua Saki Yexin stood up, expressionless: "Well, I promised your request."

Everyone in the conference room breathed a sigh of relief, and Kamen Chara is no exception.

"However, I also have a request."

Everyone once again mentioned Little and looked at Muhua Saki Yaxin with nervous expressions.

Muhua Saki Yexin had a serious face and a serious tone.

"Sss-level hero license photo! Make me a little cooler!"

As soon as this remark came out.

The meeting room fell silent again.

Three seconds later.

Everyone looked dull.

That's it? That's it?

Masked Sweetheart even twitched the corners of his mouth, and he was going to be overwhelmed by this shocking request.




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