The Second Girl’s Naruto Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 35: Higher level

The Saitama House.

Saitama finished her workout in the morning and watched TV leisurely at home in casual clothes.

The TV station at this moment happened to be broadcasting a piece of news.

A news anchor spoke with a serious face.

"We have discovered mosquitoes of unknown origin in many areas!"

Then, a picture was released, which marked the disaster situation of major cities. City Z happened to be in the mosquito-affected area, and it was also the hardest-hit area.

The news host continued:

"The mosquitoes that appear are all mutant species! The attack power is extremely terrifying! The death of the attacked animals is very miserable!"

With that, the dead animal that was attacked by mosquitoes was broadcast again.

The corpses of the animals in the picture have become mummified like corpses, which looks extra infiltrating!

Saitama frowned.

"Mosquito plague?"

He lay down on the chair, tired and paralyzed.

"Farewell. Mosquitoes are so annoying."

Just at this time.

There was a knock on the door.

Da da da!

Saitama was stunned. It should be Chika.

Immediately he said: "Please come in, the door is unlocked."


The door opened, Muhua Saki Yexin and Qianxia stood outside the door with a smile on their faces.

"JangJianJian~It's me!"

Saitama was stunned when she saw Muhua Saki Yashin.

Muhua Saki Yashin looked at Saitama's dull look, feeling inexplicably wanting to laugh.

"Humph~ Isn't it surprising?"

Saitama scratched his head: "Yeah~ It's quite unexpected. Master, you would actually come in through the door."

Qianxia covered her mouth and smiled, and sat down on the sofa beside her expertly.

Muhua Saki Yaxin was a little unhappy.

"What does it mean that I would walk the door? Isn't it normal for me to walk in?"

"No, it's not normal at all."

"Well, it's better to say, Master, you have been abnormal for so long. If you suddenly become normal once, it will make people feel very abnormal."

"Huh? Saitama! What are you talking about? I'm not normal? Do you want to experience the power of the Eye of Death?"

"Here again...Speaking of this sentence, no one can still feel that you are normal."

Muhua Saki's heart went wild, and the two small claws trembled in anger, and their small faces bulged.

"Ah~Saitama! Look at my death eye!!!"

next moment!

Suddenly, there was a burst of super bright light in Muhua Saki Yaxin's right eye.

all of a sudden!

Saitama and Innocent Chika were blinded by flash instantly.

Saitama screamed.

"Ahhhhh! My eyes!"

Qianxia covered her eyes, tears couldn't help streaming down.

"Woo~ why did I get flashed too."

Muhua Sakiya smiled contentedly, holding her head proudly with her hands on her hips.

"Hmph~ I have seen my eye of death so powerful, right?"


The time for playing treasures is over.

Muhua Saki Yaxin also started talking to the two of them.

A deserted city street outside the Saitama home.

It’s very empty here. There are five-person buildings on the side. Some are broken and some are intact. Almost half of the street lamps on the roadside are broken. The street lamps are crooked, some lamp holders are broken, and exposed electric sparks can be seen outside. .

Saitama and Chinatsu stood upright in front of Yashin Kihana.

Muhua Saki Yexin put her hands behind her back, her waist straightened, her face serious.

It's just that the small body, the height below this level, and the white and tender face that seems to be childish, there is no way to feel the majesty of Muhua Saki Yexin.

It's like a child pretending to be a small adult.

Of course, both Saitama and Qianxia are used to it, and there is no need to hold back a smile as in the beginning.

Muhuasaki Yaxin looked at the standing posture of the two and nodded seriously.

"Ah, very good."

"The progress of your boxing skills should have been slow."

Both Saitama and Chinatsu nodded seriously.

The progress of boxing is indeed very slow, it can even be said that there is no progress.

They always feel that something is missing.

Muhua Saki Yashin walked back and forth with her hands on her back and closed her eyes in front of the two, while speaking solemnly.

"The time I left was due to a miscalculation, which resulted in a one-year separation from you.

Otherwise, I can still teach you the new concept of boxing.

Although, you can comprehend the new path yourself, but the requirements for understanding are very high, and the time it takes is not guaranteed.

After all, before this path, countless ancestors led the way, and because of them, the martial arts can reach the present point. "

Saitama and Chika nodded seemingly.

The inheritance of martial arts sounds very powerful.

Muhua Saki had a pause and coughed twice.

"Ahem, okay, don't talk nonsense."

"Now let's talk about the realm you are touching now."

As he said, Saki Yashin stopped and opened his eyes to look at Saitama.

"Saitama, you should be able to feel the strength of your whole body, and you are moved by yourself at will.

Saitama nodded.

"Now I can hit almost the maximum force with a random punch, and with the posture, I can hit the strength of my whole body in one place."

Muhuasaki Yaxin nodded.

"Yes, Saitama, your current state has reached the level of transparency, and you are not far from the state of turning Jin into a god."

Muhua Saki Yaxin then looked at Qianxia: "Qianxia, ​​your current realm is considered to be at the top of strength and transparency. However, you have not reached the limit. But you should be able to feel that you are not far from the limit of this realm, right? ."

Qianxia nodded.

Muhua Saki Yaxin looked like this as expected, the expression I expected.

"Humph~ It's true."

"You have also heard the realm I said."

Saitama and Chinatsu replied together: "Turn Jin into God?"

"That's right! Turn Jin into a god! As the name suggests, it can use strength like magical powers!"

"Oh!" x2

The eyes of Chinatsu and Saitama were full of curiosity.

Muhuasaki Yaxin smiled.

"Then, I will tell you the truth, and then let you experience this feeling."


It was when Kihana Saki Yashin was teaching Saitama and Chika.

An extremely scary group of mosquitoes appeared in Z City, and the dense mosquitoes flew in the sky like a wave of mosquitoes.

The birds in the sky and the beasts on the ground are rushing for their lives.

However, they could not escape at all, and were immediately submerged by mosquito waves. In less than three seconds, the mosquitoes flew away from the waves.

What was left was a group of mummified corpses that had been drained of blood.

At this time, the people here in Z city directly fled because of the mosquito disaster.

The whole city was empty, and the streets were empty, seemingly empty.

At this time, there happened to be two civilians walking leisurely on the street, carrying big bulging bags behind their backs.

"Hahaha, those people are too ridiculous. It's just a mere mosquito. What's so scary about mosquitoes."

Another person smiled and agreed: "Haha, it's also because they are pure, otherwise there would be no chance for us."


"Ah~ we made a fortune right now, and we found a lot of good things."

"Wait, go to another street."

That's right, the two walked through the city with people, leaving the thief alone.

They did not notice that the dense swarms of mosquitoes were coming.

Just at this time!

First, the mosquitoes came to the sky above the two.

The theft brother finally felt that something was wrong, and the sky seemed to be blocked by something.

When the two looked up, they found a dense swarm of mosquitoes, a swarm of mosquitoes that seemed to cover the entire sky!

The two of them were finally scared, and their faces were horrified.

"what is this!??"

"Mosquitoes!? Why are there so many!?"

However, at this time, the mosquito group had already approached the two.

The two realized that something was wrong and ran away immediately.

But it was too late.

The mosquito swarm immediately drowned the two of them.

Dense mosquitoes swam around the bodies of the two in an instant.

For a time, both of them were surrounded by mosquitoes. Mosquitoes covered every part of their bodies, their faces, feet, and hands.

Mosquitoes are sucking blood everywhere.

The two screamed!

"Ah ah ah ah ah!!!!"

"Ah ah ah ah ah ah!!!"

In just a few seconds, the two of them drained their blood pressure instantly and turned into a corpse!


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