The Second Girl’s Naruto Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 36: Annoying mosquito

Over the city of z.

A mechanically transformed man is flying and wandering in the sky.

He is Janos. After discovering the anomaly of the mosquito group, he came here to look for the anomaly.

Along the way, he also wiped out a lot of mosquitoes.

"The place in the mosquito swarm is here. Is the messenger behind the scenes here?"

Jenos turned around in the sky and landed on the roof of a house.

In the eyes of Jenos' titanium alloy investigators, various data are being analyzed.

Soon, he found the abnormal point, and the lens quickly zoomed in.

Soon, he locked on a weirdo, and flew in the sky, the mosquito weirdo commanding mosquitoes!

"Found it! The main messenger behind the scenes!"

next moment!

The arrogance exploded under Jenos' feet, and his whole body instantly jumped into the sky, and the arrogance of his heels continued to erupt.


A ring-shaped shock wave appeared in the air, and Genos swiftly moved towards the target location.


Just above the uninhabited area of ​​Z City, a female weird like a mosquito is floating in the air.

Yes, she was the main cause of this mosquito disaster.

Countless mosquitoes flew towards her continuously, sending all the collected blood to her.

After the blood was collected, the mosquito girl felt that her body was strengthened again.

She licked her lips.

"Delicious blood~ Go! Go collect it again! I need more, more, more blood!"

In the next moment, the mosquito group that wrapped the mosquito girl dispersed again and flew towards the distance.

Watching her people leave, the mosquito girl floated in the air and stretched her mysterious figure, her eyes were a little lazy, she scanned the area, and her mouth muttered.

"It's really too slow. It took so long to collect this little blood."

"The animal's blood is all absorbed. Does it really need human blood?"

next moment!

Suddenly, a bright light appeared in the corner of her eyes, and she felt her hairs stand up for a moment, and she quickly dodged aside.

next moment!

A beam of high-speed jet flames directly crossed her original location, directly bombarding the tall buildings diagonally below her!

boom! ! !

The flame beam directly exploded a corner of the building, and the flame filled a floor.

The mosquito girl looked at the place where the flames flew with a lingering fear.

I saw Genos flying in the air and landing on the roof, looking at the mosquito girl with cold eyes.

"It's you, the weird man who caused this disaster!"


The mosquito girl stretched out her tongue and licked her red lips, smiling.

"The food is delivered to the door~ Go and absorb him all."

next moment!

Mosquito swarms swarmed towards Jenos instantly, like a large number, like a wave, and instantly flooded Jenos.

However, Jenos didn't panic at all. The mosquitoes were on him, and it was impossible to **** blood because he was a modified person who had modified his whole body.

Jenos stretched out his palm, his palm deformed to reveal the hollow muzzle, and the muzzle gradually lit up.


next moment!

The flame spurts out!

When the mosquitoes face the high-temperature flame, it is like a combustion aid, and the mosquitoes are instantly ignited.

I saw a flash of fire!

The flame burst out instantly!

The mosquito swarm was reduced to ashes in less than a second.

The mosquito girl was stunned.

Jenos looked cold.

"It's useless, because I am a transforming person, my whole body is machinery, and the flame is your weakness, so I am your nemesis, and you have no victory or defeat when you meet me."

The mosquito girl's complexion changed.

"Huh! Stop talking big!"

Jenos was not talking but directly raised his palm to aim at the mosquito girl.

"Target is locked. Burn!"

In an instant, flames spurted out from the palm of Jenos!

Seeing that the situation is not good, the mosquito girl immediately controls the mosquito group to block her.


The flame burned into the shield composed of mosquitoes, burning all the mosquitoes to ashes.

Seeing such a sharp high temperature flame, Mosquito Girl glanced sharply at Jenos, and immediately flew back.

"Don't try to escape!"

Janos immediately followed.


No man's land street on the road.

Both Saitama and Chika were punching slowly, digesting what Saki Yashin had taught.

Both Saitama and Qianxia maintained a peaceful state of mind like water, making every move, slow to the extreme.

However, at this time.

A mosquito appeared out of season and buzzed around Saitama.

The corners of Saitama's mouth moved a little, but finally he endured it.

However, the mosquito was able to gain an inch, flew directly to Saitama's ear, and turned around in front of Saitama's face.

The annoying buzzing sound, and the mosquitoes flying in front of him, suddenly made Saitama's peaceful state of mind, a big wave appeared.

Saitama was still patient, but his movements were trembling a little, indicating that he was not at peace in his heart.

However, this mosquito is only the beginning of a nightmare.

After a while.

The second one, the third one, and the fourth one.

All the mosquitoes circled around Saitama's head, occasionally landing, but the blood-sucking tube couldn't be inserted, so they got up and continued to circle around, training to find the next stop.

Muhua Saki on the side looked at her heart and smiled.

This can be tolerated! ?

Saitama's forehead burst into blue veins.

He said that he couldn't bear it!

next moment!

He violently violently, his fists were like the wind, and he punched out in the air!

The strength is in the air, instantly forming a ball, subtly hitting every mosquito that wanders in the air!


The mosquitoes soaring in the air exploded one after another!

In this scene, to Qianxia's naked eyes, Saitama just slapped a punch, and then all the mosquitoes around exploded.

It's like an invisible fist, like a supernatural power!

Supernatural powers?

Qianxia stopped, and she stayed.

Is this... reached?

Saitama was also shocked. He stretched out his hands blankly and watched his hands clenched his fists.

"It seems quite simple."

Muhua Saki Yexin was also a little surprised.

"Oh~ It seems that mosquitoes are your lucky star."

The corners of Saitama's mouth twitched.

"Mosquitoes or something, too annoying! It can't be my lucky star."


Muhuasaki Yaxin smiled, then she turned and looked up into the distance.

"There are so many mosquitoes you hate. Do you want to deal with it?"


Saitama and Chika looked suspiciously in the direction Kihana Saki was looking at.

Then they saw that dense mosquitoes flew past in the air.

Seeing this number of mosquitoes, Qianxia shuddered suddenly.

"Hey~ It's so uncomfortable. I have intensive phobia.

So many mosquitoes, it's terrifying. "

Qianxia said with an uncomfortable face holding her body.

Muhua Saki nodded in agreement.

"Yes, so dense mosquitoes, no one will feel uncomfortable."

"So, let's eliminate them all."

Qianxia stayed for a while.


As soon as Saitama heard it, he immediately rallied and clenched his fist with a menacing look.

"Oh! Destroy them all!"

Qianxia was a little I felt so uncomfortable when I saw it and said..."

Muhua Saki Yexin walked to Qianxia's side and said in a heart-warming way.

"Don't be afraid, Qianxia. If you have a weak point, you must restrain yourself. Otherwise, if the enemy you encounter in the future is more terrifying than this, you will lose your combat effectiveness directly?"

"It's scarier than this... I can't imagine... Goose bumps just think about it."

"So we must overcome the fear!"

"The best way to overcome fear is to face fear! You can do it! Qianxia."

Qianxia still looked reluctant.


As a result, the three followed the direction where the mosquitoes flew.


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