The Second Girl’s Naruto Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 37: On track

No man's land in Z city.

Above the tall buildings, Mosquito Girl and Jenos flew above the sky.

The silhouettes of the two changed from time to time and parted from time to time.

The beam of flames swayed in the air, and the fire light ignited the entire sky.

Obviously, the fighting between one man and one strange is very fierce.

The Mosquito Girl was obviously in a predatory position, but Jenos didn't take advantage of her as she fought and fled.

Looking at the mosquito woman waving her wings ahead and moving at high speed, Jenos kept flying and aimed at the mosquito woman again with his palm.




The long length is directly sprayed out by the flame column!

However, the mosquito girl had been alert for a long time, and flew to the left to escape in an instant!

Jenos was unrelenting and wanted to continue to lock the mosquito girl.

But the next moment.

A group of mosquitoes appeared instantly, obstructing Jenos's vision.

He was not surprised, the palm of his hand flashed! The swift flame sprayed out, instantly igniting the group of mosquitoes blocking the view, and the group of mosquitoes turned into a fire group.

Just at this time.

When Jenos just wanted to shift his sight, looking for the position of the mosquito girl.

The mosquitoes that turned into fireballs suddenly dispersed!

The mosquito girl actually passed through the fire ball directly and flew towards Jenos.

When he couldn't reach the defense, Jenos didn't expect it at all, but he turned his head quickly and put his hands in front of him.

However, at this moment, the mosquito girl was already moving in front of Janos at high speed. There was a pointed needle on her head that looked like a mosquito mouthpart. She straightened up the tip and poke at Janos!



Under this huge impact, Jenos was directly knocked down and hit the ground instantly.


The ground was smashed into a hole by Janos.

The mosquito girl is floating in the sky. At this moment, she is wearing a mechanical broken arm on her head.

She was floating in the air, smiling.

"Hahaha~ I will take your arm first.

Next time, it will be a leg. "

next moment.

She suddenly realized that something was wrong, she looked down, and her legs disappeared as expected.

"Eh? Where are my... legs?"

In a pit on the ground, Genos slowly stood up, his face was cold, and with his left hand, he threw the two mosquitoes with broken legs aside.

"It's useless. I advise you to stand still and let me destroy it."

The mosquito girl licked her red lips with her tongue deep.

"That is naturally impossible."

Then she turned and flew away.

Jenos immediately raised his hand and shot out with a burn!

However, the mosquito girl had expected a large group of mosquitoes to block behind her.

Bang! ! !

The mosquito swarm was instantly ignited and turned into a big fireball in the air, instantly turning the entire sky red.

However, Jenos was also blocked from vision because of this wide range of flames.

"You can't escape!"


The flames flashed under Jenos' feet!


The ground was instantly shattered into a pit, and Jenos flew out like an arrow from the string, breaking through the air!

However, the speed of the Mosquito Girl was higher than that of Janos, otherwise Janos would not be unable to catch up.

At this moment, the mosquito girl has already flown away.

She kept flying in the sky, with a smile on her charming face, she couldn't help sticking out her tongue and licking her red lips.

"Huh~ That guy is unexpectedly difficult.

However, my [juice] should also be here.

Although humans have escaped in advance, animals have not escaped.

So many animal [juices], how wonderful will it be~"

next moment!

Countless mosquitoes came from all directions.

Mosquito Girl's red lips smiled even more beautifully.

The group of mosquitoes squeezed on the mosquito woman in an instant, and countless mosquitoes wrapped the mosquito woman in the sky, forming a giant ball that was constantly squirming!

The mosquitoes inside are constantly transporting this blood to the mosquito girl.

The blood was gradually poured into the mosquito girl, feeling the body constantly getting stronger.

She moaned joyfully.

"Um~huh~ it's so wonderful~"


At this moment, Jenos also came nearby. He stood under the tall building, looking at the swarm of mosquitoes in the sky, his complexion became a little dignified.

"There are too many mosquitoes, so much blood is collected, then blood is more than just food.

It must be wiped out quickly! "

As he said, Janos raised his hand, the burning run was ready, and the fire was shining, just as it was about to hit it.

"Chop slash slash!!!"

"Face the wind!!!"

With a katana, Qianxia quickly slashed ashes, cutting all the mosquitoes nearby in half.

Saitama is great, holding the mosquito spray in one hand and making punches in the other.

The mosquito killer and the fist were shared, and his body was rotating and moving, covering all the thorns and thorns along the way, and countless mosquitoes fell on his hands.

Muhuasaki Yaxin, who had very big relative movements, was opposite, and seemed a little more laid-back.

She walked with her hands behind her back, jumping around, and when she fell to the next step, there would be a magic circle at her feet.

Mosquitoes will automatically turn into ashes within half a meter of her.

Seeing Muhua Saki Yaxin's trio approaching, Janos had to stop the attack and looked at the trio in confusion.

"Is this the civilians left by City Z?"

The mosquito-killing trio also found the huge group of mosquitoes in the sky, and stopped one after another, looking at the big sky-shielding ball composed of mosquitoes squirming in the sky.

Qianxia shivered immediately.

"Huh~ no more. Goose bumps all over my body are getting up..."

Saitama looked disgusted at the dense mosquitoes.

"Provoke~ a lot of mosquitoes~"

Muhua Saki Yaxin pointed to the giant mosquito ball with a smile on her face: "Hmph~ the mosquitoes are all gathered, now is a good opportunity to eliminate them.

I'm not going to do anything, just leave it to you. "

Looking at the trio of no one else, Janos couldn't help but remind.

"Hey! You guys! Go for refuge! It's dangerous here!"

"These mosquitoes are conscious. When you encounter them, your blood will be absorbed in an instant."

However, Jaenos' words also made Saitama and them notice him.

Saitama looked surprised. "Oh~ there are still people here."

Then, both Chika and Saitama felt that something was wrong, and looked at Jenos nervously.

Saitama quickly persuaded, "Hey, why are you here! Go for refuge!"

Qianxia was also anxious Janos: "These mosquitoes are very dangerous, go and take refuge."

Jenos froze for a moment.

How come these people persuaded him to take refuge, and couldn't hear what I said at all?

Jenos also noticed that there was a young girl among the three.

That's right, after a year of development, Qianxia may be due to the system. She is already over 1.7 meters tall.

The whole person seems to have matured a lot.

Only Muhua Saki Yaxin has always been the same paper, and it doesn't grow taller.

Muhua Saki Yaxin noticed the look in Janos' eyes, she didn't speak but showed a faint smile.

Jenos looked at this smile, feeling a little unclear.


However, it was during the period when the two parties were talking separately.

The mosquito girl had already absorbed the blood, her body had completely turned into a blood-red color, and her legs had grown back. She smiled and snorted.

next moment!

The mosquitoes began to fall directly from the sky.

The falling mosquito swarms are like huge waves covering the sky and sun, instantly blocking all the sunlight.

Faced with such a battle, Qianxia immediately turned pale.

"Isn't it."

Saitama didn't panic at all.

Muhua Saki Yaxin naturally couldn't let the mosquito swarm overwhelm the three of them, so she lifted her foot and lightly touched the ground.

A magic circle unfolded instantly, and there were three people in the package.

The immediately invisible energy shield was bounded by the magic circle, completely isolating the mosquitoes inside.

Jenos was directly submerged by the mosquitoes.

At this time, all the mosquitoes fell, flooding all the streets within a radius of several miles.

The huge swarm of mosquitoes thought that there were too many, and some tall buildings were crushed and collapsed.

Jenos, who was submerged in the mosquito swarm, was thinking about whether to use the incineration directly.

Burn all the mosquitoes.

And at the moment of being submerged, he actually saw Muhua Saki Yashin who opened the magic circle to isolate the mosquitoes.

But it is difficult for him to estimate the strength of that energy shield for a while.

Up to now, his high-tech investigative eyes have directly calculated the data.

"Energy shield? That intensity, should not be afraid of my high temperature flame."

Jenos did not hesitate, and immediately turned on the incinerator, and the flaming high-temperature flame spurted out instantly! !


Bang! !

The flame encountered a dense swarm of mosquitoes, as if it had encountered a huge amount of combustion aid!

The entire mosquito group exploded instantly! ! !

In an instant, the flame jumped to a height of 100 meters!

The spreading flame ignited all the blocks within a radius of a radius, and for a while the whole block turned into a hot hell!

Fortunately, mosquitoes were not tolerant of burning, and there were not many combustibles in the block, and the raging fire was quickly extinguished.

The ground has become scorched earth, and the buildings on the side have been burnt bare and completely black.

Jenos immediately looked in the direction of Muhua Saki Yashin and the three of them, and watched them being enveloped by the magic circle.

He didn't seem to have suffered any damage, and even the ground under his feet was still intact.

Janos immediately let go of his concerns.

Seeing the huge amount of mosquitoes swept away by Janos, Chinatsu and Saitama looked a little surprised at the eyes of Janos.

Saitama's dumb face showed a little surprise: "Oh~ awesome."

"Is this the real mosquito killer flash?"

Qianxia even showed a look of worship: "Are you the mosquito nemesis? That's amazing!"

Muhua Saki Yaxin directly stretched out her hand and pointed at Jenos, smiled and showed a small tiger tooth, slightly showing a proud look.

"Hmph~ I recognize your ability to kill mosquitoes!"

The three of them made strange speeches, and Genos didn't know what to say, and could only remain silent and silent.


Just at this time.

The mosquito girl's delicate laughter came.

"Ahahahaha~ It's hunting time next."

Jenos quickly looked at the sky, the mosquito girl who had completely changed, and said blankly: "I didn't expect you to be so stupid that you would just gather the mosquitoes together and let me burn them all. It seems that the insects are the insects, I I thought you had a certain amount of wisdom, it seems I was wrong."

However, Mosquito Girl smiled even more arrogantly. She opened her sword-like arms like a praying mantis, and waved it at the darkened building on the side!

I saw a flash of black light.

boom! ! !

The upper part of the building was instantly shattered, and rubble scattered all over the floor.

Seeing such terrifying destructive power, Jenos's eyes became solemn.

Has absorbing too much blood allowed her to evolve her physical abilities?

The mosquito girl laughed arrogantly: "Ahahahahaha~ idiot! I just don't need them anymore! Because I have become strong enough!"

next moment!

The mosquito girl flapped her wings directly, her speed increased to the extreme, like a red light flashing behind Janos in an instant.

Jenos knew the movements of the mosquito girl, but he couldn't react at all!

Because the speed of the mosquito girl is too fast!

I saw that the mosquito girl used her arm knife to slash at the waist of Janos.


Zi Zi Zi~

In an instant, Jenos' waist was chopped away, leaving only a little mechanical connection on the entire waist. The cut part was exposed with wires, and the arc was jumping.

Jenos looked shocked, because he really couldn't react at all.

However, the Mosquito Girl's movements were not over yet, she smiled softly, and then moved in front of Jenos at high speed again.

Of course Jenos would not sit and wait for death, even if he knew that he was lost, he still threw a punch at the mosquito girl.

However, it didn't work.

The Mosquito Girl was so fast, she evaded the punch and kicked Jenos's chin with a hook!

Jenos only felt a huge force, bombarding his chin, under the huge force, his entire head was raised instantly.

Then he took him to the sky, before Jenos reached the highest point and fell.

Mosquito Girl smiled, and immediately accelerated, turning into a red light and came to Jenos.

Another kick!


This time, the mosquito girl let go of her strength, and did not choose Janos' critical attack.


Jenos' stomach was cracked again.

The mosquito girl is unrelenting, moving at high speed in the air, and constantly launching attacks around Genos.

As the afterimage of the Mosquito Girl continued to pass by Janos, the scars on Janos also gradually increased.

The entire mechanical body is about to go to waste.

Jenos could not fight back.

The mosquito girl sneered at Jenos while constantly beating.

"Ahhh~ Didn't you mean to destroy me?

Why is your fist so weak~

A fist that can't even be beaten by a mosquito, how can you kill me~"


Jenos' hands and feet were interrupted, and his body was broken. Seeing the mosquitoes were still constantly attacking, he finally closed his eyes.

"It can only detonate the core and die with this guy."

on the ground.

The three people watching the game all seemed very interested.

Muhua Saki Yaxin even opened a bag of potato chips and ate it happily while watching the play.

Saitama said blankly, "It seems that this guy will lose out soon."

Qianxia folded her arms and nodded in agreement: "Obviously, if we don't help, he will die."

With that, Qianxia looked at Muhua Saki Yaxin.


Muhua Saki Yaxin's mouth was full of potato chip residue, and she shook her head at Qianxia.

"I'm not going, potato chips... um... I still need to get rid of these energy flakes. Well... this is a very important thing."

Qianxia spread his hands and looked at Saitama: "Brother? I can't beat this guy."

Saitama nodded.

"Well, leave it to me."

However, at this time.

The Mosquito Girl finally thought about launching a final blow to Janos, speeding up by a bit, and raising the arm knife in her hand to quickly cut to Janos.

The energy core of Jenos at the moment also lit up with a strong light, which was the prelude to the detonation.

Jenos fell from the air, and the mosquito girl not far away was already approaching, and he had no choice.

"Sorry, Doctor..."

The light of the energy core is very shiny.

At this time, the mosquito girl also approached Janos, her face was savage, and the knife in her hand was about to cut across.

"Deadly pinch!!!"

At this moment!

Saitama, a plain bald and round face, suddenly appeared in front of Mosquito Girl, and he slapped Mosquito Girl and slapped it!

Bang! ! !

For a moment!

The air is shocked!


The mosquito girl turned into a pool of plasma, scattered out, and a large amount of blood stained the building, staining the roof half-corner red.

The clouds in the sky were also divided in half because of this powerful force.

Even the ground that was not under strong force was swept away by the remaining energy and opened a long ravine.

Saitama looked at the sky with satisfaction and slapped the mosquitoes to death, which made him extremely comfortable.

There was a little joy on the dumb face for an instant, and a slight smile appeared.

"Mosquitoes are so annoying~"

Jenos was sluggish.

He couldn't imagine how powerful this is.

This man...what is...

After slapping the mosquitoes, Saitama walked back towards Muhua Saki Yashin.

at this time.

Janos, speak out.

"and many more!"

Saitama was stunned, then looked back at Jenos.


Jenos was lying on the ground in tatters, but he still raised his head firmly to look at Saitama.

"Excuse me, what's your name!"

Saitama was stunned, thinking for a while, and it didn't matter, and said directly, "Oh. My name is Saitama."

Jenos continued anxiously: "Please! Please accept me as a disciple!"

Without thinking, Saitama agreed directly.

"Uh, uh."

After speaking, Saitama turned his head and walked back.

Then, he felt something was wrong, and looked back at Jenos blankly, with a blank face of doubt.


Looking at the familiar scene, Muhua Saki Yaxin smiled with arms akimbo.

"It seems that even if it is my arrival, Little Butterfly has brought a lot of changes to the world, but the will of the world will still make the plot to fit as closely as possible*."

Qianxia stayed in a daze, listening to Muhua Saki Yexin's words, she was confused again.

"Butterfly? World consciousness?"

Qianxia didn't think much about it.

But the system is thinking about the words of Muhua Saki Yaxin in the gap between the space of consciousness.

"Sure enough... this girl came from outside the box..."


Finally, Saitama abandoned Janos and walked slowly back.

For Jaenos's apprenticeship just now, he has always been a trifling matter.

After all what he promised casually, he didn't believe that Jenos would find him again.

Kihana Saki Yashin gestured a thumb to Saitama.

"Hey~ Not bad.

Although I didn't use any technique, the feeling of killing a bug with a slap, ah~ it makes people feel extra comfortable. "

Qianxia raised her hand with a serious expression: "Same feeling."

"Well, that's the end of today's training."



Jenos was lying on the ground, looking at the three people away, his thoughts were very complicated.

"What is the relationship between them?"


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