The Second Girl’s Naruto Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 38: Master

A week later.

Jenos calculated the time and went directly to the door of Saitama's house.

At this moment, the mechanical parts of his body have been repaired.

After pulling the collar with both hands, his face was straight and there were no problems up and down, he took a deep breath, then slowly raised his hand and knocked on the door, shouting loudly outside the door.


Then, put his hands down, took a step back, stood straight in front of the door, and waited.

One second...

Two seconds...

Three seconds...

There was no movement inside the door, and Janos lowered his head slightly, the light in his eyes dimmed slightly.

At this moment, the door opened and a crack was opened. First, a reflective sphere came out, and then Saitama's salted egg face was seen.

Some Saitama obviously didn't expect Genos to actually come to the door. His face was somewhat unnatural, that kind of unwelcome, but he didn't want to express his unwelcome expression.

"I didn't expect you to actually find it."

Janos had a very serious expression on his face.

"Saitama-sensei! My name is Janos!"

Saitama's forehead is full of black lines: "Could you not call me teacher?"

"Okay, Saitama-sensei!

Since Saitama-sensei doesn't like being called Saitama-sensei, then I'll call it the master. "

The corner of Saitama's mouth twitched, looking at the serious-faced guy in front of him, for a moment he couldn't tell whether this guy was serious or fake, and said with a look of disgust:

"Master is not good either!"

Although Saitama was not very welcome, since Jenos had all arrived, he couldn't turn away and invited Jenos in.

On a small table, the two sat opposite each other on the tatami, and Saitama poured Jenos a cup of tea.

Although the entertainment belongs to the entertainment, Saitama really has no plans to accept disciples.

He sat cross-legged, sitting with his hands on his chest, and bluntly said: "After drinking tea, go home, I don't accept apprentices."

With that said, Saitama looked curiously at Jenos, who was intact, but he didn't know the concept of transforming people at all.

"Huh? Your injury healed so soon?"

Janos sat very upright, and he nodded.

"Yes it is."

"Most of my body is mechanical, as long as I have spare parts, it can be repaired."

Saitama is even more weird: "You are really weird."

Janos continued: "What are you talking about, teacher? What parts are you using?"

Saitama was dumbfounded: "Me?"

"I didn't use parts."

Jenos was stunned, looking at Saitama's dull face, pointing to the bald head reflecting the light.

"Then... what is this flesh-colored armor on the head?"

"This is meat."

Saitama was slightly speechless.

"Is that so?"

Jenos started thinking, talking to himself.

"So, did Saitama-sensei become bald at a young age?"

His baldness was his pain point. This angered him. Saitama's complexion changed and became ashen, his tone changed, and he said loudly with excitement.

"If you are bald, just be bald! Who the **** are you guys!!"

Janos looked up with a serious face: "Me?"

"Would you like to listen to my story?"

Saitama's excitement came to an abrupt end. He could feel that if he wanted to listen, this one was obviously going to be a long story, and that was how he was most annoying.

Suddenly refused with a shadow.

"No... no more..."

However, Janos started to remember directly on his own.

"About four years ago."

"I'm only 15 years old and still a human being. In this unfair world, I live a stable and happy life with my family."

The corners of Saitama's mouth twitched: "You guy, really don't understand human words?"

Jenos ignored Saitama's complaint and continued to talk.

"But one day, an out-of-control reformer attacked our city."

"The remodeling machine, maybe because the remodeling failed, the core of the brain is malfunctioning."

"It ruined everything."

"Parks, schools, tall buildings, my home."

"It also took the lives of my family."

Jenos said all this very calmly.

"And I was only fifteen years old, but miraculously survived."

"Among the ruins, when I was only fifteen years old, I could only survive, when I thought my life was about to come to an end."

"Dr. Kusno was saved by accident by passing by."

"Dr. Kusno has been visiting the cities destroyed by the reformers. In order to prevent the runaway reformers, Dr. Kusno is a just scientist."

"And I also asked Dr. Cusno to reform me! So I became a righteous reformer!"

"And, he promised the doctor! He must destroy the out-of-control Transformer himself!"

Saitama breathed a sigh of relief when Jenos finished speaking.

"That's it, then you..."

"Four years have passed!"

Saitama was interrupted directly, looking at Jaenos who was continuing to tell, his heart gradually became irritable.

"I've been looking for the trace of that transforming man!"

"I wandered in various cities and eliminated countless weird people and evil organizations, but I didn't find a trace of transforming people."

Jenos's speech is getting faster and faster, and his tone is getting heavier and heavier.

"Gradually, I started to feel irritable, and if I didn't find a reformer for a day, I became anxious and irritable."



"So a week ago! I met that mosquito weird, I was careless."

"Start the battle against the enemy without analyzing the enemy's data in advance."

"Without Mr. Saitama, I might have been completely shattered and died."

"So, I was rescued by Saitama-sensei again."

"I was rescued by Dr. Kusno once, and again by Saitama-sensei!"

"This double sense of responsibility makes me even more unable to die easily!"

Saitama frowned and his legs were shaking, showing his inner impatience.

Jenos continued to speak, and his tone became more serious, with a glorious sense of justice.

"At least until the out-of-control Transformer is destroyed! I can't die!"

"For this, as a justice reformer!"

"I must continue to fight evil!"

"Until the day when the evil will transform people!"

"For this, I must become stronger!"

"Last week! I saw Mr. Saitama's punch, and I felt that I could practice under this person! I will definitely become stronger!"

Saitama can't hear it now, and the whole person is extremely irritable. He feels like a mosquito is noisy and noisy in his ear, that kind of unbearable pain and irritability...

"Saitama-sensei! I have an enemy that must be defeated!"

"This is not my fight alone!"

"I have on my shoulders the hope of Dr. Cusno and everyone in my hometown!"

"I know I'm not mature enough! But now I want to get the power that can crush all evil anyway!"


At this moment!

Saitama finally couldn't help it, and his furious hands slapped heavily on the table!

"You're such a guy!!"

"Summarize me in twenty words!!"

Saitama's rage echoed in the room.

Jenos also stopped, as if thinking about how to summarize.

The picture came to a secret laboratory.

A young scientist with glasses and a white robe stared at the characters that appeared on the screen.

There are pictures of S-class heroes, black light, and S-class heroes-Police Dogman.

There is even a big screen showing the image of Saki Yashin stepping on the magic circle.

However, because the light is too bright, he can only see the outline of Saki Yaxin, the picture does not show the real face.

In addition.

In the center of the screen, a picture of Saitama is also displayed.

The doctor pushed the lens, a smile of excitement appeared at the corner of his mouth.


"The Mosquito Girl actually lost?"

"Although Mosquitoes are just **** of failed experiments, it is not easy to defeat Mosquitoes as human beings."

"Haha~ No, it should be very interesting."

"A human with such a powerful body, get me back quickly! I want to study him."

Under the order of the doctor.

A group of monsters set off immediately.

The picture returns to Saitama's house.

Following the words just now, Jenos has concluded, he looked at Saitama seriously, and said seriously.

"Saitama-sensei! I hope to get your secrets to become stronger!"

Saitama was dumbfounded.

"Cheats to become stronger?

Speaking of, I was very weak at the beginning, but after meeting her, I gradually became stronger, and even my hair was sacrificed for it.

And I have become..."

Saitama raised his fist, a little dazed.


Jenos was puzzled.

"she was?"

He thought of the three people with Saitama.

A little girl, and a woman carrying a bow and a sword.

Is she referring to that woman?

Saitama looked at Jenos with a smile: "Oh~ By the way, you should have seen her."

"By the way, how old are you"

Janos replied steadily: "I am nineteen years old this year."

"Oh~ so young."

Saitama looked at Jenos seriously, and touched his chin with his right hand.

"Well~ if you practice, you should be able to surpass me soon."

Janos' eyes brightened, and he straightened his head to look at Saitama seriously.


Saitama nodded seriously.

"I only started exercising when I was 23."

"Then, I met her at the age of twenty-four, and it would be three years in total.

Three years later, I became what I am today. "


Janos was a little excited.

"It only takes three years!?"

Saitama nodded: "It should be said, two years. After all, I am getting stronger quickly, after meeting her."

"She is my master and has taught me a lot. The main thing is to teach a kind of boxing and practice."

"I won't be able to teach you without her consent."

Said, Saitama spread his hands: "Hey~ that's it, so I can't accept disciples. You should find my master to apprentice."

"Fisting? Practice!?"

Jenos felt more and more feasible, but he had no regrets about worshipping Saitama as a teacher.

"Saitama-sensei! No matter what! You are my teacher!"

Saitama fell down and collapsed, "Why are you so persistent."


What else did Janos want to say.

Suddenly, a circle of magic circle appeared in Saitama's room.

Seeing this strange scene, Jenos was stunned.

Saitama is as happy as seeing a savior.

"She's coming! She's coming!"

When Jenos heard this, he straightened his waist again, with a straight face, looking straight at the magic circle.

next moment!

The glare flashed!

Muhua Saki Yashin gestured with scissors hands and smiled on the stage.

"Jianjiangjiang~ The Eye of Death is here!!"

Then, Kihana Saki turned into a scissor hand and danced in the air for his claws.

"My eldest disciple, Saitama, don't hurry up to meet him!"

On the side, Saitama looked disgusted.

"No~ I don't want it."


"Do you dare not listen to the master's orders!?"

Muhua Saki Yazaki looked at Saitama with a sullen expression on her hips.

Saitama looked up and sighed, "Ah~ I'm so annoying."

Then he reluctantly put on a salty egg face that was ruthless and ruthless, speaking with a half-dead tone, dragging a long tone.

"Hey~ Welcome the coming of Master's Eye of Death~"

Muhua Sakiya didn't care about Saitama's underworld tone, ran over very satisfied, raised her toes, and touched Saitama's skull.


Saitama's forehead was full of black lines, and the corners of his mouth twitched unnaturally, apparently he had endured to the extreme.

And Jenos, watching this dramatic scene, suddenly didn't know what to say?

Saitama-sensei's master... is actually a girl! ?

why! ?

Muhua Saki Yaxin obviously also noticed the existence of Janos.

Immediately he turned his brilliant right eye and stared at Jenos curiously.

"Oh~ it's a super transformative person~ it's really a novel species."

"Do you have to recharge every day?"

"How does it feel to charge?"

"Is there screws for lunch? Or batteries?"

"Is the drink gasoline?"

Muhua Saki Yaxin instantly threw out a lot of strange questions.

Janos didn't know how to answer for a while.

"Teacher Ye Xin! Don't ask these boring questions, okay."

"Now there is a problem, that is..."

"Are you worshipping you as a teacher?"

Muhuasaki Yaxin answered directly.

Saitama was dumbfounded: "Yes."

Muhua Saki Yexin blinked: "I agree. You can teach Wing Chun as you like, although it may only have some auxiliary effects for the transformation of people."

Janos' eyes lit up, and joy could be seen in those eyes.

"Then, Saitama-sensei!!"

The corner of Saitama's mouth twitched, and Muhua Saki Yaxin directly agreed.

It's hard for him to disagree.

"Ah~ It's really troublesome..."

Saitama looked at the expectant Janos in his eyes, and sighed.



Jenos stood up, his face was full of joy!

"Then say! I have officially become your disciple today!"

Muhua Saki Yaxin squinted and applauded.

"Oh~ it's great."

As he said, Muhua Saki Yaxin looked at Jenos expectantly, squinted and asked happily.

"Pinch~Pinch~Jenos~What are you calling me!?"

Jenos looked at the girl in front of him, he hesitated, and finally he said, "Master...Master?"

Muhua Saki nodded in satisfaction, with a smile on her face: "Yeah~ not bad.

I am finally a master~"

Muhua Saki Yaxin smiled happily, holding her face in her hands, her smiling eyes narrowed and turned into crescent moons.

Jenos, UU reading www.uukā looked at this young girl happy, a little at a loss.

Is this really the master who taught Mr. Saitama?

After thinking for a while, he suddenly felt something.

He turned around vigilantly and looked up at the roof.

"No! Something is approaching at high speed!"

Saitama was stunned.

Muhua Saki Yaxin didn't care yet, twisting her body happily, still smiling beautifully.

"Um~ just a few small characters~ don't care~"

boom! !

The ceiling of Saitama's house exploded in an instant!

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