The Second Girl’s Naruto Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 39: Unexpected acceptance

As the rubble flies down, the smoke and dust fills, and the roof of Saitama is instantly trampled!

A mantis-shaped weird fell from the broken hole in the ceiling.

The praying mantis wants to say something cruel, next moment!

"My roof!!!"

Saitama's furious blow hit its face, and the huge force instantly shattered its head, turning it into a pool of green plasma sticking to the wall behind.

Seeing that Saitama had already dealt with the enemy who had attacked in the future, Genos's scout eyes could still detect the enemy outside.

Jenos immediately jumped, rushed out of the house, and came outside.

However, Janos, who had just come out outside, was stunned instantly.

Because the two weird people outside had their heads hammered into the ground, leaving only two legs lying straight on the ground.

And Saitama stands between the two weirdos.

At the same time, there is Muhua Saki Yashin, who is floating next to Saitama.

At this time, Kihana Saki Yashin looked at the ground under Saitama's feet.

In fact, Saitama had already noticed it, but he was invincible, and he would not react to this kind of attack that made him feel completely insecure.

next moment!

The ground squirmed!

A pair of strange claws emerged from the ground instantly, grabbed Saitama's legs, and pulled it down!

Saitama was stunned, and then dragged directly into the soil.

Only one head was left on the ground.

Seeing this funny scene, Muhua Sakiya who was floating in the air couldn't help covering her mouth and laughing.

"Hahaha~ a radish head was planted on the ground~ a bald radish head~"

Saitama's face is black.

"What is the turnip?"

Jenos looked at Saitama worriedly: "Teacher!!! Are you okay!"

Saitama shook his head: "It's okay, it's okay."

Instead, Saitama showed a comfortable expression.

"It feels pretty wonderful, it feels like growing vegetables."

However, at this time.

Jenos suddenly noticed a bad wind roaring behind him, he hurriedly jumped to avoid it, turned around in the air, and when he emptied his angle of view, he saw a huge transformed robot!

For a moment!

Janos' eyes became cold.

"Transformation of people!!!"

Jenos fell to the ground, looking coldly at the transformed man in front of him like a gorilla in steel armor!

"You are transforming people, right!"

The gorilla transforms people and agitates the deep voice.

"You are not the target!"

"Don't get in the way!"

With that said, the gorilla transformed man’s eyes glowed with mechanical blue light, and his feet stepped on the ground!


The ground instantly cracked, and the gorilla weird rushed over.

Jenos also clenched his fists, his feet exploded with arrogance!

Flew to the front in an instant!

Facing the rushing Jenos, the gorilla transformed people, raised a huge punch, and blasted out!

Jenos did not show any weakness, raised his fist, and banged directly at it!


Fist and fist!

The huge force transfer caused a burst of air to explode.

However, no one has ever fought anyone!

With this punch, Gorilla Transformation and Janos are evenly matched.


Genos is more flexible!

He finished the fist, immediately put away his strength, two arrogances sprayed under his feet, and his body flexibly circled the gorilla transforming people.

The gorilla transforms a person, holding his fists together, but he can't reach him at all.

Flying behind the gorilla transforming people, Jenos took the opportunity to kick it! !


The steel symphony sounded!

However, it did not cause any injuries to the rough-skinned gorilla transforming people, it just staggered and did not affect its activities in the slightest.

Immediately turned around, raised his fist and continued to attack Jenos.

Jenos once again fought with the gorilla transforming man.

With the force of this punch, Jenos flew backwards and moved a little away from the gorilla transforming human.

The gorilla transforms humans, but it is reluctant, and with a strong jump with both legs, the whole person flexibly rushes towards the flying Jenos! !

"My task is to kill all the guys who get in the way!!"

Janos raised his palm, the palm of his hand lit up.


puff! !

Long beams of high-temperature flames bombarded the gorilla transforming people!

Boom! !

The flame spread with the shock wave, turning everything around into a sea of ​​flames!

However, the gorilla in the body of steel transforms people but is not very afraid of incinerators.

He continued to rush towards Janos with a flame.


Relatively fierce battle with Genos and the gorilla transforming people.

Muhua Saki Yashin and Saitama looked a little leisurely.

After Saitama was dragged and buried in the ground!

A pangolin weird suddenly popped out of the soil and came to the side of a lion weird.

The lion monster is very huge, the whole body is straight up, two stories high, and the claws on the hands are long and sharp.

It seems that he is a powerful weirdo.

The pangolin weird, standing on the ground with both feet, said proudly to the lion weird:

"His actions have been blocked by me!"

The lion geek held the huge lion head and praised.

"Well done!"

Then, the eccentric lion stretched out his paw to aim at the floating Muhua Saki Yaxin in the sky.

"But why is there this guy?"


Muhua Saki looked at the claws of the lion monster, her face was cold, her right eye flashed red, and her hands folded her chest.

next moment!


The arm that the lion weird suddenly pointed at suddenly disappeared!

Only left, the fracture still dripping with blood.

The lion geek was stunned, and looked at his disappearing arm mechanically.

next moment!

It wailed miserably.

"Ah ah ah ah!!! My arm!!!"

Muhua Saki tossed her hair in disdain, and snorted coldly.

"Huh ~ weak bug! How dare to point me at me!"

The pangolin weird face was suddenly sweaty.

This...what's the origin of this girl...

The pangolin weird looked at Muhua Saki Yaxin, looked at it, and suddenly found out.

This girl seems to be the last one that the boss of the house of evolution has paid attention to!

The first in the history of the Association of Heroes!

Sss hero! ! !

All of a sudden, the pangolin weird became even more panic-stricken, trembling all over.

It glanced at the Lion King, who was still rolling and screaming at his broken arm.

"I'm sorry, the enemy is too powerful! Not capable of the enemy! I'll run away first!"

next moment!

The pangolin weird turned around and jumped and plunged into the soil in an instant.

On the ground, its moving speed is amazing, and its hands are digging the soil quickly.

"The enemy this time is too powerful! The intelligence must be brought back."


Muhua Saki Yashin looked bored at the lion weird still rolling. She tilted her head and looked at Saitama with only one head exposed on the ground.

"Saitama~ it's going to run away."

Saitama seemed very comfortable to be buried in the soil at this moment, and his entire face looked very lazy, his eyelids pressed down, as if he was about to fall asleep.

"It's cool in the ground, with a little damp warmth, it feels so comfortable."

Muhua Saki stared at Saitama, her face was a little upset, her eyes exuding a cold breath.


Saitama reluctantly agreed.


Saitama yawned.


next moment!

Saitama jumps hard!


The land exploded!

The ground with a radius of tens of meters was cracked.

Saitama jumped tens of meters high, and instantly locked the position of the pangolin monster, and the whole person fell from the air quickly!

Like a rocket, the smooth head pierced the ground directly!

Falling into the ground tens of meters deep!

At this moment, the pangolin freak who was still digging and fleeing didn't know, but was still digging the soil and fleeing outwards.

Just waiting here!

It suddenly felt a violent shaking of the earth.

next moment!


A gloomy round face with a weird smile suddenly appeared in front of it.

With a weird smile, Saitama said gloomily, "I found you~"

The strange face that appeared suddenly made the pangolin weird one scared, and his whole body shivered back.

Looking at this face, the pangolin weird is a little desperate.

"Hey hey hey~ no!"

next moment!

Saitama punched out!

Bang! ! !

The ground vibrates violently!

A large area of ​​land instantly cracked!

Immediately afterwards, an unknown object exploded from the ground and only rushed into the sky!

Saitama also jumped out of the ground, and as Saitama jumped out, hundreds of meters of ground were destroyed by the great force of Saitama.

Saitama stood on the ground, expressionless, as if dull.

"So there is a guy~"


Next to Saitama's house.

There was a huge lion monster lying on the ground. Muhua Saki was floating above the lion monster, holding a dog's tail from nowhere, and was scratching the giant lion monster's nose.

At this moment, the giant lion weird had no blood bleed from the broken arm, but the whole lion seemed to be in a coma, just lying on the spot, still.

Therefore, Muhua Saki Yaxin picked up a dog's tail grass to tease its nose, and try to see if this guy would wake up.

Watching this scene, Saitama was really helpless to complain.

"Forget it, don't you see it."

Then, Saitama looked towards Janos.

Jenos also ended the battle. The Gorilla Transformer was bombarded and embedded next to a building, and the armor on his face and body was broken a lot.

Jenos held a hand cannon at the face of the gorilla transformed man, and asked grimly.

"What is your purpose!?"

"Who arranged you to come!?"

However, despite the redness and swelling on the face of the gorilla transformed, and the nosebleeds, he still showed disdain.

The deep sound of apes.

"Hehe~ Do you think it's over if you defeat me?"

"My strength in our house of evolution only ranks third!"

"This time, the second-ranked Lion King is coming with me too!"

At this time, Saitama approached, and he turned his belt over and shook out the dirt inside as if nothing had happened.

While talking casually.

"The Lion King you are talking about, is the guy behind?"

Then, Gorilla Transformation and Janos looked behind Saitama.

I saw Muhua Saki's heart floating down, squatting on the pectoral muscles of the lion, scratching the lion king's nose with the dog's tail.

Janos and the gorilla transforming people fell silent for a moment.

Three seconds later, the two transferred their sights.

The gorilla transformed people immediately, and the gorilla's face changed from the arrogance at the beginning to the honest look: "I say everything, don't kill me."

"I'm from the House of Evolution!"

"The purpose is to capture Saitama and go to the House of Evolution."

Speaking of the gorilla transformation, the man looked at Saitama.

Saitama was stunned: "Huh? Catch me?"

"Yes, because the boss wants to catch targets to conduct human experiments."


Next, the gorilla said a lot about transforming people, and told all the information about the House of Evolution.

Such as location, and the only remaining combat power.

After getting the information, Jenos has one last question.

His expression became serious, with murderous expression in his eyes.

"The last question! Did the House of Evolution create a transformed man three years ago?"

The gorilla transformed the human for a moment, and quickly replied: "No, I am the only transformational human of the Evolution House."

Janos looked at the gorilla's transforming human eyes earnestly, and for a while, he didn't notice any problems.

He retracted his palm.

"I hope you haven't lied."

Then Saitama and Janos turned around and left.

The Gorilla Transformed Man watched the two leave, and immediately activated the communication device secretly.

Its orangutan brain was opened in an instant, and a device similar to a satellite pot was rotating.

"It's amazing! You have to notify the doctor."


Saitama and Jenos came to Muhan Sakiya's mind.

At this moment, Muhua Saki Yaxin is still teasing the lion king's nose with the dog's tail grass silently.

Saitama looked a little speechless.

"Hey~ Teacher Ye Xin? Almost enough, right?"

Muhua Saki was stunned, stopped and turned to look at Saitama and Janos.

"Oh~ I just want to see if I can save this poor lion."

With that, Muhua Saki Yexin stood up, looked at the gorilla who was secretly sending information over there to transform the human, and then smiled and beckoned.

The gorilla transformed the human and shuddered suddenly, and took back the signal device on the skull, looking at Muhua Saki Yaxin with a cold sweat on his face.

Muhua Saki Yashin didn't care, and then smiled again at Janos and Saitama.

"Oh~ It seems that you have found the master behind the scenes. Do you want to break through next?"

Saitama nodded: "There is no way, the House of Evolution or something, it's better to solve it all at once."

"I don't want them to break the ceiling every day."

Jenos nodded in agreement.

Muhua Saki Yaxin nodded her little lips with a little finger, thinking.

"Yeah~ That's fine. Let's kill this little lion first."

When Muhua Saki Yashin said this sentence lightly.

The Lion King, who hadn't moved his nose no matter how the dog's tail grass scratched, suddenly trembled.

And Saitama murmured: "Hey, didn't you just say that you want to save it?"

Muhua Saki Yaxin looked at Saitama innocently.

"That's right~ I can only kill it if I don't."

This moment!

The Lion King suddenly jumped up.

"I... I have been saved by you!"

"I'm alive, don't have to kill me!"

"I live!"

The Lion King said nervously.

Looking at the appearance of the Lion King, both Jenos and Saitama were pitiful for it.

Muhua Saki Yaxin gently covered her mouth with a small hand and smiled.

"Oh~ the living enemy can only be killed."

The Lion King's complexion became stiff, and the only left paw was about to move.

However, it knows that once it resists, it will undoubtedly die.

and so!

The Lion King has made his consciousness, his face is full of determination, and his tone is heavy!

"In that case! Then!"


The Lion King knelt to the ground and bowed to Muhua Saki Yaxin.

"Please accept me! Master! I am a cute kitten!!!"

The Lion King roared.

The sound is loud.

The corners of Saitama's mouth twitched.

Janos was stunned.

Muhua Saki Yaxin was also stunned.

The scene fell silent for a moment.


The Lion King, who bowed down and bowed to the ground, was shaking nervously at this moment.

Muhua Saki Yashin, Saitama, and Janos were dumbfounded.

This scenario lasted only ten seconds.

next moment.

Muhua Saki Yaxin turned to show a faint smile.


"Good enlightenment, I like you very much."


A magic circle unfolded out of the Lion King's severed arm.

The Lion King was still very scared. At this moment, it felt a warm current in its body.

Then, there was a slight tingling at the broken arm.

next moment!


A brand new arm suddenly appeared.

The Lion King was stunned. It slowly got up, still maintaining a kneeling posture, staring blankly at its broken arm that grew out of thin air, tears in its eyes.

next moment!

Without hesitation, he once again bowed to Muhua Saki.

"Thank you master!"

"Thank you master!"

"Thank you master!"


Muhua Saki Yaxin walked over with a happy smile, and touched the hairy head of the Lion King.

"Um~ goodbye~"


Saitama and Janos, who watched this scene, looked at each other.

"Master (Master) is really...a bit scary (love)."


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