The house of evolution!

This is an organization established by a mad scientist!

The organizer is Dr. Kenos!

A crazy genius scientist!

His actual age is over 70 years old, but through artificial evolution technology, he rejuvenated and regained his youthful appearance.

For the ultimate evolutionary ideal to be realized!

He cloned himself!

Countless ontologies have been cloned, relying on the clones and the ontology to study the true meaning of life evolution!

In the House of Evolution, there are only clones of him and himself.

He disdains to cooperate with other people, because he thinks that all humans except himself are stupid.

In his eyes, ordinary humans may be just a piece of meat that can move.

He is the only one who can see through everything, so he will clone himself, and all research will be carried out by himself!

In fact, he can prove that he is indeed right!

He researched a lot of results.

Both the gorillas, the lion king and the mosquito children, are the products of his genetic modification.

Facing the code of life evolution, he has made some progress, but it is only progress.

He originally thought that he could use the House of Evolution to study safely.

However, now the House of Evolution is about to face its biggest challenge!

Because of the failure of the Saitama capture operation!

Dr. Kenos, he has received the intelligence of the gorilla transforming people.

He knew that Saitama and the others were coming here.

Perhaps the most tricky one is that Sss hero!

The Eye of Death-Muhua Saki Yexin!

This Sss hero's record, he hacked into the Heroes' Association and found some subtle details.

There are two of the most compelling records.

One is to defeat the dragon-level weird-the giant python!

There is also a huge unidentified creature giant.

Through some information, it can be seen that the death abyss that is tens of kilometers wide in D city is the masterpiece of Kika Saki Yashin.

It is said that the depth of the abyss of death can directly reach the center of the earth.

For the authenticity of this information, Dr. Kenos is a little doubtful.

However, the title of Sss-class hero reminds him all the time that this is true.

There is no doubt that the strength of this seemingly harmless girl is indeed the most terrifying existence!


Dr. Kenos will walk back and forth in the main control center of the laboratory.

Next to them are countless clones, helping to control instruments and equipment.

"Quick! Open all defensive weapons!"

"There are all kinds of traps! All open!"

Dr. Kenos arranged in a panic.

At this time, several clones gathered around and spoke bluntly to Dr. Kenos.

"Ontology! I'm afraid these traps can't stop them!"

Dr. Kenos naturally understands that for the S-rank heroes of the Heroes Association, these trap weapons are simply impossible to play any role.

What's more, you have to face an unprecedented Sss hero!

"There is no way! A little time can be blocked, even a little time!"

Dr. Kenos squeezed his fist, his face looked terrified.

"Moreover, I am also going to release that guy!!"

Dr. Kenos' words came out.

The surrounding clones all showed fear.


"Want to release that guy!?"

Dr. Kenos nodded heavily.

"There is no other way!"


In the mountains!

The three figures are moving fast!

That's right, it's Saitama, Janos, and Saki Yashin riding a lion.

Muhua Saki Yaxin sat on the Lion King's back half-side, supporting the Lion King's back with both hands, her two small feet rippling casually.

"Why can't you fly~ If you can't fly, suddenly you don't want you very much~"

The Lion King was on all fours, a fast runner. At this time, he suddenly heard Muhua Saki's disgusting words, and his body trembled, and his speed slowed down.

Just so slow!

Saitama and Jenos opened a long distance in an instant.

"too slow!!!"

Muhua Saki Yaxin hammered the Lion King's back with a small fist, and said in anger.

"If you can't catch up, you will be useless!"

The Lion King's spirit was shocked, and his limbs immediately started to exert strength!

boom! ! !

The ground exploded!

Flew out like a rocket!

Saitama and Janos looked back a little strangely.

Immediately I saw the look of the Lion King running desperately, his face flushed.

The desperation of the Lion King is quite effective.

Soon after, Saitama and Janos.

Going to the front, gradually opened the distance.

Muhua Saki Yashin sat on her back, and gestured a scissor hand to Saitama and Jenos, and crossed her eyes.

"Hehe~ I'll take a step first~"

Soon, the figure of the Lion King disappeared in front of them.

Saitama and Janos looked at this scene with a little silence.

Half a moment...

Saitama: "That lion...really pitiful."

Jenos nodded: "..."


The Lion King carried Muhua Saki Yexin, crossed a deep forest and another deep forest, and finally saw a tall cuboid building.

Seeing the building, the Lion King came from it.

"Here! There is the House of Evolution!"

Soon, the Lion King carried Muhua Saki Yexin and stopped outside the House of Evolution.

Muhua Saki Yaxin patted his palms and jumped off the Lion King's back.

Afterwards, he turned his head to look at this building.

The building is rectangular in shape, and on the whole, it seems that there are no windows, and it is very closed in rock.

Gives people a sense of technology.


Two figures fell from the sky to Muhua Sakiya's heart.

It was Saitama and Janos.

"Is this the home of evolution?"

Saitama looked up.

"Oh~ it's quite tall."

Muhua Saki Yashin pointed to Saitama's bright skull.

"Saitama! It's too slow!"

"I'm waiting for you to go through the barriers together!"


Saitama was dumbfounded: "Slow? Speaking of Yashin-sensei? We are just behind!"

"One second is also slow!"

"If you know one second, it will be enough for me to pass the level!"

The corner of Saitama's mouth twitched.

"Although you may be telling the truth, sir, you are absolutely unreasonable making trouble."

"I want you to be widowed! You are slow!"

"Good, good~ I'm slow..."

Saitama was defeated, and he understood this young master girl, anyway, don't even think about quarreling with him when she makes trouble with her unreasonably.

Let this thing pass.

After all, it’s my own master...

"Just know."

Muhua Saki Yashin doesn't know why, so she likes to watch Saitama eat food.

Is this a bad taste?


Muhua Saki Yaxin smirked.

"Then, let's go in."

"I really want to see what level the enemy has set."

"and many more!"

At this time, Jenos stopped Muhuasaki Yaxin with a loud voice.

"Teacher, Master, we don't need to go in, we just need to destroy the enemy's base together with the enemy outside."

"That way, it will be very boring~"

"Furthermore, the well-arranged traps of the enemy, if we destroy their base directly from the outside, won't their minds be wasted. They will be very sad~"

Saki Yashin's words caused Saitama and Janos to fall silent again.

Is it necessary to experience the traps carefully arranged by the enemy to make the enemy happy?

Then kill the enemy?

What kind of weird logic is this?

Jenos looked at Muhua Saki Yaxin who was still in a daze at the Base of Evolution House, and asked weakly.

"Then Master Ye Xin? Shall we go in directly?"

Muhua Saki Yaxin pressed her lips with her little finger.


"No more~"

With that, Muhua Saki Yaxin directly raised his hand and snapped his fingers.


next moment!

A huge magic circle in the sky unfolded instantly!

From the magic circle, a huge beam of light directly bombarded it down!

call out!

boom! ! !

The beam of light instantly obliterated the entire building, and the ground was tumbling and shaking violently!

Saitama and Jenos were already close to this base.

When the huge beam of light sank into the ground, the distance between them and the beam of light was less than two meters!

Fortunately, the shock wave formed by the beam of light hitting the ground is not too strong.

Jenos stood firmly in front of him.

However, at this distance Janos could feel the terrifying heat of the beam of light.

Rubbing the parts on his body, it is estimated that it will melt in an instant.

Three seconds later!

The beam of light dissipated.

The base that was tens of meters high in front of me has now completely disappeared.

There was even a **** pit on the ground!

Seeing this terrifying energy attack, Jenos fell silent again.

Saitama is a bit dissatisfied with complaints.

"Hey hey hey~ Don't be so sudden."


Saitama looked at the big hole in the abyss not far away.

"This is too ridiculous. Master, your power control isn't very good."

Muhua Saki Yashin glanced at Saitama with disdain.

"Huh~ My control is very strong.

I went underground, but only destroyed their underground base together.

Don’t make me look so superficial~"

"Oh~ Really? There is an underground base?"

Upon hearing this, Saitama walked to the entrance of the cave and looked into the cave with a probe.

With his inhuman vision, he naturally saw the outline of the underground base.

There is indeed a base underground, and the area covered by the underground base is very large, and the attack by Yashin Kihana just blasted part of it.

Jenos also leaned in.

"Is anyone still alive below?"

Saitama said casually.

"Would you like to go down and have a look?"

Muhua Saki Yaxin raised her palm with excitement.

"Should I have another meteorite? Directly smash the base below."

"Oh~ this is also good."

Saitama agreed.

Janos also nodded.

"In this case, the enemy should be completely wiped out."


Underground experimental base.

At this moment, in front of a terrifying monster, there were many corpses lying down. These corpses were all clones of Dr. Kenos.

At this moment, there are still several Dr. Kenos clones surviving, each of them holding weapons, machine guns, and pistols at the monster.

Da Da Da Da Da Da Da~

The bullets poured madly on the huge monster, but it was of no use at all.

The bullet couldn't even scratch the monster's skin armor.

The monster showed a cruel smile, and immediately waved his hand at the clone in front of him!

Pouch! ! !


The huge force slaps all the clones flying like a mosquito.

The people who were touched either split or fell like a rag doll on the wall and turned into a pool.

At this time, Dr. Kenos swallowed and looked at the monster.

"Asura Unicorn! You kill enough!"

"If you want to kill a clone, you need as many as you want! However, there are not many strong ones! Just now, a powerful enemy is invading. Don't you want to fight her?"

The monster twisted its ugly face and ridiculously smiled at Dr. Kenos.

"Oh ~ powerful enemy?"

That's right, this monster is the best masterpiece of Dr. Kenos, Asura unicorn!

Asura unicorns are like unicorns, they have similar characteristics, and the sample paper of the body is the anthropomorphic unicorns.

Although the unicorn is very powerful, the unicorn is not under the control of Dr. Kenos!

Because this monster is so powerful!

His existing facilities simply couldn't control this guy.

Moreover, Asura Unicorn is very bloodthirsty and will kill people at every turn.

The risk factor is too high.

Under normal circumstances, Dr. Kenos did not dare to release it easily.

However, it is time for the life and death of the House of Evolution.

Dr. Kenos must want this monster to play!

Dr. Kenos gritted his teeth.

Now his clones are all dead, if he died too, there would be nothing.

"The powerful enemy really aroused my interest.

So, where is the enemy now? "

Asura's face is really ugly.

Dr. Kenos looked a little uncomfortable, but he resisted it.

"They are outside.

The top facilities have been completely destroyed.

They will definitely come down when they find out here! "

To be honest, that horrible beam just now almost killed Dr. Kenos.

Fortunately, he is also a fortune teller, and when the beam of light falls, if he takes a step forward, it may be gone.

"Don't wait for them! Find them directly!"

Asura unicorn was a little impatient to directly picked up Dr. Kenos and ran outside!

And this time.

Muhua Saki Yaxin pointed at the sky.

A huge meteor, burning with flames, with thick smoke, is falling.

The Asura horned fairy came out holding Dr. Kenos to the hole cut by the beam of light.

"I seem to feel it! A big guy is approaching!"

Dr. Kenos was stunned.

"big guy?"

next moment!

They went out to the entrance of the cave and outside the pit that was blasted out by the beam of light.

Just at this time!

They just happened to see a meteorite braving flames and smashed it face to face!


Dr. Kenos' expression froze.

In the last thoughts, they were all shouting!

big guy?

Why is there a meteorite hitting the face! ?

The Asura Unicorn is also sluggish, and it is completely unexpected, as soon as it comes out, it will be hit by a meteor!

It's useless to think about it.

The huge meteorite directly hit the Asura Unicorn, pressing the Unicorn against the edge of the wall!

Boom! ! ! !

The whole hole exploded!

The shock wave pushes the ground like a wave, rolling layer by layer! Mud and rocks splashed and the ground vibrated violently!

At this moment, Saitama and Jenos have also opened a lot of distance early.

It was not affected!

Waiting for the shock wave to pass!

The original big crater has completely turned into a crater with a radius of tens of meters!

Muhua Saki Yaxin looked at the crater underground.

"Ahhh~ Something seems to have appeared just now?"


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