The Second Girl’s Naruto Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 41: The ending that no one expected

The huge crater was still filled with heat, and what came to the ground was red and hot.

The smashed meteorite has long since become shattered, the underground base was also shattered by the shock wave, and the soil also covered it.

No one knows whether there are any living creatures in it.

But seeing this appearance, Jenos felt that there shouldn't be any creatures surviving.

Saitama also thought it was over, and immediately waved his hand, turned and walked back, saying casually.

"Let's go back."

Janos nodded and followed Saitama.

The Lion King squatted and stared at his master Muhua Saki Yaxin tremblingly.

It originally thought that the House of Evolution could still struggle a few times in front of Muhua Saki Yexin, but it didn't expect its owner to attack twice.

The so-so-big house of evolution disappeared.

At this moment, it dared not resist at all.

In contrast, Saitama and Jenos turned around and left.

Muhua Saki Yaxin was still staring at the bottom of the crater, her right eye flashed red and the corners of her mouth were slightly tilted.

"Oh~ that guy's vitality is quite tenacious."

Kihana Saki Yashin's voice is not loud, but Saitama and Janos can hear it clearly.

The two men gave a halt and stopped.

next moment!

boom! ! !

The mud at the bottom of the crater exploded!

A black shadow flew up quickly, and the high-speed moving black shadow made the air scream!

Soon soon locked onto Muhuasaki Yaxin, tracing an arc in the air, and instantly fell next to Muhuasaki Yaxin.

Bang! ! !

The huge figure fell to the ground, lifting up some dirt.

This is a monster, a huge monster like a demon. Saki Yaxin Muhua is standing next to her, her height can only reach one leg of the monster.


The monster breathed heavily and sprayed out two white mists. It seemed to be very angry!


Asura unicorn screamed!

The sound agitated the air, and the naked eye could see the shock wave that was shaken out of the ring in the air.

A transparent shield appeared beside Muhua Sakiya's heart, but her little hand also covered her ears with a look of disgust.

But Saitama and Jenos turned around silently and saw the true face of Asura's unicorn.

It was a monster like a devil, covered in bone armor like a beetle, with horns like a unicorn on its head, huge arms and legs like anthropomorphism, but its face was very ugly, giving a person Kind of very wretched feeling.

But overall, the oppressive power of this monster is still very strong.

It's a pity that Ashura's bluffing voice seemed to only scare the Lion King.

When the Lion King saw the figure of Asura Unicorn, he began to tremble, his face was scared, as if he saw a demon.

When the Asura unicorn roared "kill", the Lion King stepped back three steps in terror.

However, whether it is Saitama, Jenos, or Saki Yashin, they all have a look of disdain.

Muhua Saki Yexin, who was standing next to the Asura Unicorn, felt that this guy was too noisy, covered her ears with her little hand, and looked at the Asura Unicorn with an unhappy expression.

"It's so noisy!"


Asura One Horned Fairy's eyes exuded killing intent, facing Muhua Saki Yaxin and staring at him.

Muhuasaki Yaxin stared back at him without fear.

"What do you look at! Do you think your eyes are big enough, your power can fight against my death eye?"

Asura Onehorn was already in a furious posture. At this moment, watching Muhua Saki Yaxin dare to ignore it, even more furious.

It immediately yelled up to the sky!

"Ashura Mode!!!"

next moment!

Its muscles agitated, its bones seemed to blast again, and the color of its body changed, from the original earthy black to purple-black!

The momentum of the whole body has changed, especially the killing intent that was originally exuding.

If it was a sea of ​​blood that made people feel at first, then now it feels like Shura hell!

Jenos was on the verge of an enemy, this monster, he did not feel the same as the previous monsters.

Not even the evolved mosquito girl!

Saitama was still expressionless, and his round face was still blank.

"It's really noisy."

The Lion King had already unknowingly ran a hundred meters away and squatted.

And seeing the transformed Asura unicorn, Muhua Saki Yaxin suddenly became interested.

"Oh, will transform again?"

"It seems that the combat effectiveness has improved a lot? But it has become uglier."

With that, Muhua Saki Yaxin wanted to stretch out her finger to poke the Asura unicorn.

The Asura unicorn immediately became furious, and it could sense the fatal threat that the bald human gave it.

But what is going on with this human girl next to him?

Shouldn't you be afraid?

Is she so brave?

You know, at the beginning, it chose to fall by the side of a human girl, just to make this girl afraid, and the village entrusted it with the fear!

However, now the fear it brings is not reflected at all, on the contrary, it has been turned into funny by this girl!

The more it thinks, the more mad, the more mad, the more it thinks!

It seems that this human girl who doesn't know fear must experience death!

Seeing Muhua Saki Yaxin's finger was about to poke into the body of Asura Unicorn.

Asura's unicorn puffed up his fists, his muscles violent!

At the speed of thunder, he blasted Muhua Saki Yaxin with a punch, and at the same time shouted: "Ah!"

Regarding the attack of Asura Unicornis, neither Saitama nor Genos could have expected it. After all, Saki Yashin was too ridiculed.

However, they are not worried about the safety of Muhuasaki Ya's heart.

after all……


Shura's fist under the slow motion directly caused shock waves rolling in the air!

Waved it at Saki Yaxin's belly!

The distance between Muhua Saki Yaxin and Ashura's horned fairy is very close!

I saw the huge purple fist close to Muhana Sakiya's mind and body for a moment!

A magic circle unfolds in front of the fist!


Fist bombarded the magic circle, but could no longer move forward, and bursts of shock waves swept the surroundings from the middle of the collision!

This recoil force caused the ground where Asura Onehorn Fairy stood to burst!

The land behind Kihana Sakiya also burst and collapsed in a fan shape!

The gravel sand dust swept across Jenos and Saitama with the wind and waves caused by a shock wave.

Invariably, both of them crossed their hands in front of each other.

The wind and waves dispersed.

The two put down their hands.

I saw the Asura Sakuya who kept shaking his fist in front of Muhua Saki Yaxin's magic circle, and Muhua Saki Yaxin, who had a mysterious smile on his face, stabbed the body of the Asura Yaxin with his fingers.

This scene, both Jaenos and Saitama had expected.

Saitama is even more boring.

"Master? Hurry up and solve it."

Muhua Saki Yashin ignored Saitama, and kept poking at the figure of Asura unicorn with her fingers, muttering to herself curiously on her face.

"Oh~ It's so hard. It's like a piece of iron, and it's cool~"

The Asura Unicorn who smashed a punch with all his strength was still in doubt in his life at the moment.

Its punch was actually blocked like this?

Who is this human girl!

The meteorite just brought it a lot of injuries, but with its recovery speed, this injury will not affect it at all.

However, meteorites can still pose a threat to it.

It was just looking for the guy who threw a meteorite at him!

Take a look!

It seems that a human girl who is harmless to humans and animals is likely to be the culprit!

Moreover, in its perception of danger, there was no reaction to this human girl!

In this case, there are two possibilities!

One is that this human girl has hidden her strength, so that it can't perceive the danger.

The second one!

That's the girl, who really doesn't have the strength to pose a threat to it!

Asura Unicorn made a fist with his left hand, his muscles burst and his eyes were fierce!

I bet you are the second one!

This time it used all its strength!

Super power boxing!

As an Asura unicorn, he naturally inherited the genes of the unicorn!

That can bear 850 times the strength of the real body!

It's weird, its power is far more terrifying!

This punch is really a million-ton punch!

Another punch!

When the fist moved at high speed, the huge kinetic energy brought by the huge force caused the air to whine.

However, Muhua Saki Yaxin was still the slightest difference, staring face-to-face at the arrival of this punch with a smile that was not a smile!

Bang! ! !

The air is shocked!

boom! ! !

The ground where Muhua Saki Yaxin and Asura were standing on the ground suddenly exploded, except for a small circular area where they stood.

The surrounding ground collapsed to the outer layer in a ring shape!

However, the seemingly thin magic circle in front of Muhua Saki Yaxin still remained motionless.

Muhua Saki Yaxin raised her head and smiled triumphantly.

"Haha~ too weak, too weak."

"The fist that hasn't eaten wants to destroy me~ the shield of sacred magic?"


However, the next second.

Click! There was a sound.

The magic needle in front of Muhua Saki Yaxin suddenly cracked a few cracks like a mirror.

Muhuasaki Yaxin's smile suddenly stiffened.

Seeing a crack in the magic circle in front of Muhua Saki Yashin, Jenos's complexion also changed.

Saitama was also stunned.

And the Asura Unicorn smiled at the moment, and the corners of his mouth stretched out!

"Weak humans! Go to death!!!"


Asura the unicorn immortal raised his head, raised the unicorn giant horn on his head, and slammed it against the magic circle!

The horn hits the magic circle!



It's like the sound of a broken mirror!

The magic circle was shattered like a mirror.

Muhua Saki Yashin looked at the broken magic circle, she was stunned!

Jenos' eyes opened slightly, and his heart felt bad.


He suddenly burst into flames under his feet, and flew towards Muhua Saki Yexin!

However, it is too late at this moment.

Asura Unicorn is throwing a punch again!

This time there is no block from the magic circle!

In Muhua Saki Yaxin's dumb eyes, a punch hit her stomach directly.

As if to be pierced by this punch, Muhua Saki Yaxin's belly was deeply dented, and her petite body bowed backwards to the limit of a powerful blow!

At the same time, she spit out a mouthful of bright red!

next moment!

Muhua Saki Yaxin flew all the way backwards!

It was visible to the naked eye that Muhua Saki Yaxin turned into a black spot and fell on a hill in the distance!

boom! ! !

I saw smoke rising in the distance, and the sound arrived later.


The atmosphere of the whole scene suddenly became quiet.

Janos flew halfway and stopped. He couldn't believe this scene, and he looked back at Saitama.

Saitama also had an expression of disbelief.

Obviously, Saitama didn't expect Muhua Saki Yashin to have an accident either.

Janos asked calmly.

"Ms. Saitama! Master Yashin... is she okay!?"

Because, in Jenos's opinion, Muhua Saki Yashin belongs to the kind of magician with high offense and low defense, and was hit by the terrifying power of Asura's unicorn at close range...

I am afraid…

Saitama was also in doubt, eyes blank.

"That guy... isn't he kidding me..."

"Her strength... shouldn't be so weak..."

Asura one-horned fairy saw Janos and Saitama who were in fear and confusion, and then shot the annoying girl flying, and now he was in a very happy mood.

It opened its hands in a hug gesture, and faced Saitama and Janos with a big smile.

"Hahahahaha~ Fear! Fear my power! I want to kill you!"

"Then go to the human world to kill! Kill for seven days and nights!!"

Jenos looked at Saitama who was in a daze, and couldn't cry at all. He could only face the Asura unicorn!

"Teacher Saitama! Don't be caught by the enemy! Master Ye Xin was defeated because of carelessness!"

Jenos fixed his eyes on the Asura unicorn, and encouraged Saitama without his head.

When Saitama heard Jenos' words, he fell into thinking again.

Muhua Saki Yaxin was knocked down because of carelessness?

This possibility is very high.

After all, her own girl master is a person who can fall on the ground even when she walks.

A guy who teaches boxing and bluntly says that stable bottoming is the basis of boxing, how can he fall on the ground when he walks?

Can you believe it?

Judging by this logic is also difficult to be sure...Kihana Saki Yashin's is indeed defeated by the carelessness!

No matter if Saitama is in a daze!

Jenos decided to attack first and had to keep away from the monster!

Otherwise, this monster can tear him to pieces with one punch!

Immediately Janos took a step back!

The right hand stretched out the palm, the left hand grasped the right arm, the palm of the hand was aimed at the Asura unicorn, his eyes were sharp, the mechanical parts on the mechanical arm began to deform, and several small barrels appeared!

Jenos shouted!

"Burn and run!!! Maximum power!"

next moment!

The flames on the gun barrels lit up, and they all ejected flames!

Suddenly a big flame sprayed directly towards the Asura Unicorn!

However, the Asura unicorn hadn't paid attention to this attack at all.

It just took a breath, then exhaled into the flame!

Puff! ! !

This breath directly ejected a high-speed cluster airflow, which collided with the flame beam!

Suddenly, the flame beam was blown and flew back directly!

In Jenos's incredulous eyes!

The flame directly covered him.

He also stopped the attack.

next moment!

Jaenos, with a charcoal face, appeared, and his hair was burnt up and it looked like an exploding head.

The only means of attack suddenly failed.

The strength of this monster was beyond Jenos's expectation.

Janos once again stabilized his mind and calmly looked at the Asura Unicorn, while taking a slight glance at Saitama, who was still in a daze.

[This weirdo! With my words alone, there is no chance of winning at all! Mr. Saitama! Be sure to cheer up! 】


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