The Second Girl’s Naruto Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 42: Real illusion

The atmosphere at the scene became very solemn!

The Asura unicorn stared at Jenos with an evil smile on his face as he flirted with the weak.

And Jenos did not dare to act rashly, because he felt that he was locked by that monster!

Once moved, it will be shredded in an instant!

That's right, that's how Ashura feels it now.

Now he has no chance of winning at all!

He who came to this result was very angry and ruthless!

Ruthless own weakness!

"What's wrong~ Where did all the fighting spirit just go!?"

Asura Unicorn distorted his disgusting expression and said with a joking smile.

"If you dare not attack it? Then, I will attack it."

Jenos instantly tightened his spirit, and the power flow in his body reached the extreme!

The Asura unicorn looked at Jenos, who was not daring to act rashly, and spread his hands.

A dull expression.

"It's boring, then you can solve it in an instant."

The voice just fell!


The land at the feet of Asura's one-horned fairy bursts!

And the huge figure of Asura unicorn disappeared in front of Janos out of thin air!

At this moment, Janos' pupils shrank, and he quickly turned his angle of view. However, before he could even turn his angle of view by thirty degrees, the fist of Asura's unicorn was already magnified in front of Janus's face!


The shock wave hit in the air spread out visible to the naked eye.

Not surprisingly!

The mechanical parts on Jenos's face were all shattered, and his head and body flew backwards!

However, all this became extremely slow under the dynamic vision of the Asura unicorn.

Jenos just flew less than one meter!

Asura Unicornis turned into an afterimage and came directly to Saitama who was in a daze.

Just when it was about to punch the foolish head, it suddenly found that the foolish head in front of it was slowly turning its angle of view, looking at itself.

【This guy! ? Keep up with my speed! ? 】

【impossible! ! ! 】

Asura one-horned immortal does not believe in evil, gathers all strength, and speeds up his fists again!

However, in its dynamic perspective, Saitama raised his palm without hurries, and blocked his fist!

boom! ! !

Bang! ! !

The waves are rolling! The rock and soil under the two people's feet were all shattered and turned into a gravel pit that spread out in a circular shape around the two people.

However, the huge fist of Asura Unicorn was so fixed on Saitama's relatively small palm, and he didn't get any further.

[Nani! ! ! 】

Asura Unicorn can't believe it, this person's palm, being blasted out by it with all its strength, still doesn't move!

However, Saitama ignored the Asura Unicornis, twisting his head like no one and staring around.

"Hello~Master? Stop making trouble, come out quickly."

"I just took a serious look, these are all fake, right?"

At this moment, Jenos, who was almost scrapped, was lying in a pit.

Although he couldn't move, the mechanical shell on his face was shattered, and the electric current leaked, but fortunately, his neck was still moving, and his eyes were not broken. He could still look up a little to see the battle between Saitama and Asura unicorn.

At this moment, when I heard Saitama's words, I was immediately shocked.

[Master Ye Xin she? All right? 】

Asura Unicorn was very angry, and the bald head in front of him actually ignored her like the girl.

What else did you say to let her out?

And at this moment, the voice of the girl's smile appeared out of thin air.

"Hehe~ I didn't expect it to be discovered."

Asura and Jenos both stayed.

next moment!

The whole world, as if turned into an illusory movie world, began to blur and flicker.

Then, from the boundary of everyone's perspective, a ray of light slowly swept across.

The world has completely changed, and the world swept by the light has turned into a magical night like a galaxy.

And the place where they stood was still the sandy land during the day.

The huge crater not far away, as well as the tattered ground, all showed the process of their fight just now.

Until the light swept across the ground on which they stood, the ground on which they stood instantly turned into a galaxy.

They seem to be standing between galaxies in the universe.

The huge sun is like a huge fireball, shining quietly not far away.

The light is not very dazzling to them, but the sun is really huge!

Extremely real!

And Muhua Saki Yexin didn't know when she stood on top of Asura's head.

The Asura Unicorn and Janos who saw this scene were stunned.

Such a scene is simply going to subvert their thinking, so that they doubt the authenticity of the world.

Janos was shocked for a while, and suddenly realized that he was still standing in place intact.

He has no missing parts.

He was even more shocked. He looked straight at Muhua Saki Yaxin who was standing on top of Asura's unicorn.

"Master Ye Xin? Are these... only true?"

"how did you do that!?"

Muhua Saki Yaxin shook her little finger at Janos, showing a mysterious smile.

"This is my invisible boundary line. The imaginary is the real, and the real is the imaginary. The false and the real world intersect. This is very powerful magic."

Muhua Sakiya explained in an unhurried manner.

And the Asura Unicorn was impatient. The moment the illusion was cracked, he naturally found Muhua Saki Yexin standing on top of it, although all these changes were very shocking!


Asura unicornis is not for soft rice!

Immediately punched Muhua Saki Yexin on the top of his head!

When a punch hit the entity, as soon as a smile appeared on the face of the Asura Unicorn, it suddenly felt something wrong!

Immediately afterwards, its face began to become distorted, dented by its own fist!


Asura just flew to the side and lay on the stars!

This time, it was completely stunned.

The punch just now turned out to be not hitting Muhuasaki Yaxin, but hitting himself!

At this time, Muhua Saki Yaxin once again appeared on the back of the Asura unicorn who was lying on the ground.

With a smile on her face, she was still giving a mischievous introduction.

"Look at the intersection of false and true, making this puppy's cognition confused. Beat yourself."

Jenos was trembling in shock immediately.

He felt that this kind of world, this kind of power is really terrible.

Muhua Saki Yexin Master!

It really is a terrible existence!


"Hello~Master? Can you explain?"

At this time, Saitama's resentful voice reached Muhua Saki Yaxin's ear.

Muhua Saki stayed in a daze and looked at Saitama with a slightly embarrassing smile.

"Hey~ I'm sorry~ I thought you could easily see this simple technique."

Saitama sighed.

"Don't play so exciting in the future. If it's Junior Sister Qianxia, ​​it's probably going to be hard."


Muhua Saki Yaxin smirked and concealed her fault.

"In other words, when did you open this...what boundary line, Master?"

Saitama asked curiously.

"If I don't look carefully, I won't notice anything abnormal."

Saitama has just noticed something strange.

When he doubted the authenticity, he began to look at his surroundings seriously. When he became serious enough, the vision before him changed, and he could discover the unreality of this world at a glance!

It was very unreal. He was in a daze just now because he noticed such a bit of unreality, so he was thinking about the key points carefully.

Until he broke the limit of his sight, he saw a more subtle and more real world!

Saitama's physical evolution has also made the vision he can see is countless times stronger than ordinary people.

The number of frames of an image that an ordinary person can distinguish with the naked eye is about 30 frames.

This is because of the residual visual characteristics of the human eye.

It is the phenomenon that the vision produced by light on the retina remains for a period of time after the light stops acting. Its specific application is film shooting and projection.

The reason is caused by the reaction speed of optic neurons.

The time value is twenty-fourths of a second. It is the basis for the formation and dissemination of visual media such as animation and movies.

The resolution of the naked eye of ordinary people is also limited, about 576 million pixels.

The naked eye of the strong usually has dynamic vision.

The number of frames at which they can distinguish images is very exaggerated, and the resolution is stronger than that of ordinary people.

Muhua Saki Yaxin arranged a complete holographic projection. In order to make it fake, the light and shadow settings are all above the standard level!

However, when Saitama took a closer look, his instantaneous angle of view, the resolution can reach trillions, not to mention the frame rate.

In an instant, he could even see the particles of everything in the family.

And Muhua Saki Yaxin's holographic projection seemed to him as if there were many flaws in the distribution of light-bearing particles.

At this moment, Saitama realized the reality of the world and saw through the phantom of Saki Yashin.

The current universe galaxy is still like this, in his eyes, it is a bunch of luminous particles.

Even Jenos was a bunch of particles in his eyes.

Only Muhua Saki Yaxin, under this vision, still looks the same.

This kind of vision allows Saitama to understand the world better, and to recognize the strength of Saki Yashin.

However, he also withdrew this line of sight.

Because it is horrible to see the world from this perspective.

Originally, his emotions have been disappearing, and now it is difficult to get interested in anything.

If he used this perspective to look at things all the year round, he would soon lose all human emotions and become a ruthless god.

In his eyes, creatures have become a bunch of particles undoubtedly with other things.


Pulling away.

Muhua Saki Yashin answered Saitama's question, she said with a smile.

"From when the Lion King disappeared from your sight."

Muhua Saki Yaxin's words came out.

Jenos was shocked, he did not notice the disappearance of the Lion King.

One is because of the extremely concentrated mental power of the Asura Unicorn.

If Muhua Saki Yaxin didn't say anything, no one would find out.

And Saitama is even more so.

He completely ignored the existence of the Lion King.

"Oh... Then I really don't pay much attention."

Saitama chatted casually.

Muhua Saki Yaxin said to Janos.

"Jenos, you can actually learn this trick. If the doctor who transforms you can do it."

Jenos was surprised and looked at Muhua Saki Yaxin with some joy.


"That's right, as long as you transform your doctor and have holographic projection technology, there should be no problem.

At most, the effect is a hundred million points worse than my magic. "

Jenos was moved.

"I will let the doctor give it a try."

Muhua Saki Yaxin stepped on the back of Asura Unicorn, chatting with the two casually.

This scene made Ashura Unicorn feel very aggrieved.

However, at this moment, it doesn't even know how to make it!

This girl is so weird!

That bald human is also very strong!

If it really matches, its odds of winning are not great!

Just at this time.

Muhua Saki Yashin jumped off the back of Asura Unicornis and spoke to Saitama casually.

"Then this guy will leave it to you, Saitama."

"After solving him, let's replenish magical energy.

I'm a treat. "

As soon as I came out the three words for a treat, Saitama's eyes changed and became serious.

"it is good!"

Then, Asura one-horned fairy seemed to realize something, and jumped up to face Saitama.

Because at this moment, it felt a heart-struck fatal feeling.

Let it become very frightening.

It looked at the bald man in front of him, and the dangerous perception of his body had been telling him that the man in front of him was very dangerous, hurry up and stay away!

At this moment!

Saitama disappeared with a scream!

Asura one-horned fairy stared blankly, it didn't even see Saitama's movement trajectory.


Asura unicorn turned around quickly!

It saw a fist, constantly zooming in front of it!

In my mind, a big dead word appeared directly!

next moment!

Saitama's fist hit Asura's unicorn in the face.


Bang! ! !

Asura Unicorn's face and half of his body exploded instantly!

And the area behind Asura Unicorn was also blasted out a huge gully that stretched to the sky.

Seeing Saitama's shocking punch, Janos was stunned again.

Inwardly sigh.

The power of Saitama-sensei is really amazing!

This should be the strongest man on the planet.


Janos looked at Muhua Saki Yaxin.

How strong is the master who taught Saitama?


After Saitama punched, she ran to Saki Yashin to ask for credit.

"Look, it's done.

Let's go and eat! "

Muhua Saki Yexin's supplementary energy is not simple.

For Saitama, it was an absolute meal.

Jenos was a little confused about Muhua Saki Yaxin's supplementary energy.

Could it be that Muhana Saki Yaxin is also transforming people?

Kihana Saki Yashin smiled at Saitama who had become a living treasure.

"Well, Saitama, to break through the limit, there is definitely a lot of energy to replenish. You can become so strong today, and energy replenishment is definitely the most important part!"

Jenoston was shocked, the secret to becoming stronger! ?

I became a little expectant in my heart.

Muhua Saki Yaxin snapped his fingers on the spot, and the surrounding Galaxy scrolls disappeared instantly.

The previous wilderness ground was restored around.

The sky is also blue sky and white clouds, and the sun goes straight down.

The Lion King stayed aside.

Just now it saw Muhua Saki Yaxin and the Asura One Horned Immortal disappeared.

It suddenly appeared again!

It's weird what happened.

But Muhua Saki Yaxin didn't intend to explain, and snapped his fingers directly.

Circles of magic circles lighted up under the feet of Muhua Saki Yaxin three people.

"Little lion, go home by yourself. Next time, if I don't see you go home, the consequences will be serious."

Muhua Saki Yaxin finished.

The magic circle flashed!

The three of them disappeared instantly.

Only the lion king stayed in a daze.



Blue Flower Restaurant.

Jenos, sitting on a seat in the restaurant, was stunned.

He looked at Saitama who was ordering frantically, silently.

It turns out to add energy...

Just eat...


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