The Second Girl’s Naruto Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 43: Mantra power!

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The blue star of the everyday world.

In a cafe, Mika Saki Yashin, Ino, and Nanako sat together.

"Thank you for the three blue holy points."

Ino handed the list back to the waiter.

The waiter bowed slightly and turned to leave.

Then, Ino and Nanako both stared at Kika Saki Yashin with scrutinizing eyes.

Mu Huasaki Yexin was stared at, consciously wrong, she couldn't help lowering her head and shrinking her head.

"Say! Did you do something behind your back!"

"Did you secretly go home to see mom with us behind your back!"

Ino and Nanako bulged their faces and their eyes were sharp.


Mu Huasaki said in a heartbeat.

In fact, it was only last night that Ino and Nanako found an abnormality.

Mu Hua Saki went back to the three people's rented house as usual, but the aura and mental state on her body had obviously changed.

This feeling is exactly the same as when a person comes back suddenly when the foreign minister is expecting it.

That feeling is too obvious, and it's not the first time.

For the two people who have doubts, they decided to question Muhua Saki Yaxin today.

Mu Hua Saki lowered his head, thinking. In fact, she also knew that she had to give an explanation today.

Moreover, she didn't want to lie to Ino and the others, but also wanted to take them to continue to play in other worlds and open her eyes.

However, the world of the weirdo is too uncertain, and the strength of Ino and Nanako is not safe.

So she wanted to find a world suitable for improving the strength of Ino and Nanako.

"I will tell you the truth!"

Muhua Saki Yaxin raised her head, her eyes firm.

"I found a new world again!"

Ino and Nanako were dumbfounded.

"New... new world!?"

"Yes, this new world is more dangerous for your strength, so I went to explore it for a while."

"That world is rather chaotic, and your past words were not so good."

After all, the uncertainty in the world of One Punch Man is indeed a bit too much, and there are also gods.

Kihana Saki Yashin himself is not afraid, but Ino and the others enter, there may be unexpected situations.

Ino put his cheeks in his arms, thinking.

"Is that so?"

"New World! Sister! I want to go if I get the chance!"

Nanako looked excited.

Muhuasaki Yaxin nodded: "Don't worry! I already have a plan!"

"Just, I'm not sure if you want to..."

"Want!" x2

The two answered categorically.

It's just that the voice was louder, which caught the attention of others in the store.

Ino and Nanako reacted, turning their heads to show an apologetic expression to the others.

Muhua Saki Yashin's determination to look at the two also decided to make them stronger!

"Okay! Now that it's decided! I will make a plan to become stronger!"

Kihana Sakiya looked at Nanako earnestly!

"Emissary of the End of Light and Darkness!"


Nanako nodded to Kamiki Hanasaki Yashin's eyes.

"The Dark Emperor!"

Kihana Saki Yashin continued to look at Ino.

Ino nodded along with it.

"You are all the veterans of the death agreement!

It's time to proclaim the prestige of my death agreement!

Follow the power of my eye of death, accompany me, and travel through this infinite dimensional world! "

Nanako excitedly raised his hands and echoed!

"it is good!"

Ino was a little reluctant, but she barely raised a hand.


Muhua Saki Yaxin's eyes bloomed with a little light, and she declared earnestly.

"Hone! Fuse! Go to break the boundaries! Combine the power of the world with wisdom and honed to become your own true magic! Then, follow me to the highest altar of infinite dimensions!"

Nanako became more and more excited.

This is what she wants in her life!

Ino's inexplicable feeling ignited too!

Next, the plan is implemented.

In fact, in this everyday world, the power level is very high. First of all, Ino and Nanako should understand the martial arts of the East.

Just like teaching Saitama and Chinatsu, it is enough for Saki Yashin to teach the two martial arts.

After all, some things are not common to every dimension.

Ino and Nanako also have their own physical skills, and martial arts is an expansion that breaks the boundaries of physical skills for them.

However, martial arts was too early for the two.

If you want to improve quickly, you need other energy systems to cooperate.

Chakra's system is actually very comprehensive.

However, the potential of Chakra is not enough for Muhua Saki Yaxin.

Moreover, Chakra has higher requirements for pedigree.

Although Muhua Saki Yexin can use the head of the root cause to transform the physical fitness of the two, but the symptoms are not the root cause.

Chakra's potential limit, just look at Datongmu Kaguya Ji, no matter how many energy levels are piled up later, it is impossible to beat a single universe-level boss.

Therefore, Muhua Saki Yexin seemed to want to integrate some energy systems to make Chakra mutate and break through boundaries.

Then, Kihana Saki Yashin took Ino and Nanako to a school called Haima Sen.

There is a class here who was said to have been killed by an unknown meteorite.

A class of people died a long time ago.

Muhua Saki Yaxin can still see the spatial fluctuations left here.

It is estimated that all the people have passed through.

After Muhua Saki Yashin anchored that world, he realized that the world's energy level over there was still not very high.

Moreover, the power system is very strange, just like an energy system formulated by the world.

Level skills similar to the game world.

After accepting that energy, it is estimated that he will be bound by that world.

This world is not suitable.

Both Ino and Nanako curiously searched around this crater.

"Isn't it said that the world is safe?"

"It doesn't feel safe..."

"Also, how many people don't know about such a big thing? Is this too weird?"

Ino said while analyzing the crater.

Muhua Saki Yexin lowered her head in thought.

"This is the strange thing about this world.

Many deaths are not the end, but go directly to another world. "

"This is very good. Will they still remember the past?"

"That's natural."

Muhuasaki Yaxin said directly.

"Speaking of which, there is a girl named Wakaba Jise among the students who travel here, who is very suspicious. It is estimated that she was in a different world before."

Both Ino and Nanako stayed.


"Then, is this incident a murder?"

"Well, it doesn't seem to be."

Kihana Saki Yaxin is also a little confused about the situation.

"Anyway, the world is quite interesting, but if we want to travel and see, we can all go."

"Forget it, isn't our goal now to improve our strength?"

Ino refused, although in another world, she did look alike.

Nanako took a small step and ran over to Saki Yashin and waved his hand: "Sister, sister! Let's improve our strength first!

Speaking of it, sister, when will Yu's magic eyes awaken? "

As soon as Nanako's question came up, Saki Yaxin Muhua was in a daze, and then said vaguely.

"That Nanako...Magic Eye... or something... It's not that simple... Let's talk about it in two years."

"Two years later?"

Nanako was dubious.

"Two years later, my sister is not allowed to say two years later?"

Muhua Saki stayed in a daze: "Eh~ can't it?"

Nanako became a little angry: "Sister! You want to prevaricate me after two years!"

"It's not... I'm just... just..."

"Huh! When will sister Yu's magic eyes wake up! Tell Yu!"

Looking at the quarreling sisters, Ino watched silently.

Nanako, when will she truly awaken?

Demon eyes...probably there are no more.


Ino looked at the world around him.

However, since the crossing of different worlds existed, she was not sure about the truthfulness of what Muhuasaki Yaxin had said.


Muhua Saki Yashin lowered her head, avoiding Nanako's gaze.

Nanako, on the other hand, plunged directly into Sakuya's arms and looked at each other with a probe.

"Sister! Tell me!"

Muhua Saki Yexin turned her head away.

But Nanako didn't resist, and continued to forcibly look at each other with Saki Yashin.

"Sister Sister!"

Muhua Saki Yexin couldn't hold on anymore, suddenly.

She felt a wave of spatial fluctuations again.

Kihana Saki Yaxin suddenly became happy, smiled and looked at Nanako with a straight face, and said loudly.

"Nanako! I have sensed spatial fluctuations again!"

Nanako was in a daze.

Ino was stunned!

next moment!

Muhua Saki Yaxin snapped his fingers!


A magic unfolds under the feet of three people!

call out!

White light flashed.

The three disappeared instantly!

Came to a highway.

As soon as the three of them landed, they saw a large truck that turned over.

And a little girl with a panic face and her clothes seem to be torn.

The three walked over.


A man in a suit fell in a pool of blood!

Muhuasaki Yaxin looked at this scene with an inexplicable sense of sight.

"I'll save people! Ye Xin!"

Ino and Kawasaki Yashin glanced at each other.

Muhuasaki Yaxin nodded, indicating that she understood.

Ino immediately ran over and checked the man's condition. As expected, the man had lost his life and his pulse stopped.

Ino shook his head.

Nanako was already at the door of the big truck and opened the door with bare hands and rescued the dying driver inside.

When Muhua Saki saw this, he didn't hesitate, and immediately started the shuttle.

For a moment!

The whole world seems to have come to a halt.

Muhua Saki Yexin entered a magical state, as if she was not in the world, but out of the universe.

next moment.

A round of black holes suddenly appeared, sucking Muhua Saki Yexin in!

It's in the outer space again!

The calm universe suddenly compressed, and a black hole appeared out of thin air!

Muhua Saki Yaxin flew out of the black hole in an instant!

Floating above the cosmic space, Muhua Saki Yaxin once again looked down at the familiar blue star.

"Oh~ It's really familiar."

This blue star has a high degree of coincidence with the blue star of the everyday world, at least the outline of the land is one.

Unlike One Punch Man, a whole super continent is very obvious, and it is easy for people to see the difference.

"Is it another parallel world with a blue star background?"

"Will it be the world I am familiar with?"

Muhua Saki Yaxin directly activated the root cause.

For a moment!

The chaotic breath that touches the root, burst out from outer space!

And the entire blue star in front of him was completely resolved by Yaxin Muhuasaki.

Muhua Saki Yaxin showed a sweet smile on her face.

"Hehe~ No wonder it looks so disgusting at first sight~"

"It turns out to be a cursed world!"

"Mantra power? Is it the power of negative emotions? See if it is of reference value, I feel that it should be able to match it to upgrade Chakra."

Muhua Saki Yaxin raised her little hand and snapped her fingers.


A magic circle unfolded instantly!

Muhua Sakiya's mind and body disappeared instantly.

It was the night, and the big full moon in the sky was releasing pure moonlight. The moonlight shone from the broken roof through the hole and onto the ground full of dust and weeds.

Dispelled the darkness in the house a bit.

It can be seen from this light that this is a dilapidated temple. The temple seems to have been left unattended, and it looks dilapidated everywhere, full of smoke and dust.

Even so, there is still a statue of a deity on the temple's stage.

No, it should be said that it is a Cthulhu.

The Cthulhu statue looks very weird, and at first glance it feels indescribable.

The statue is engraved with black and red unknown lines. There are multiple eyes on the head, but a round of black arms spread out on the body. The arms are strange. Some arms are intertwined with arms, and some arms have many arms extended. Some arms have eyes opened and closed.

The eyes seem to be the symbol of the evil god, and the center of his body is a big eye!

Just at this time!

Strands of black aura penetrated from the ground, slowly being absorbed by the Cthulhu statue.

next moment!

All the eyes on the body of the Cthulhu statue moved!

He seems to be alive!

At the same time He is resurrected!

An evil breath rushed into the sky in an instant!

The clouds and mists in the sky were scattered, and the originally bright full moon turned into blood red strangely, emitting a disturbing **** light...

At this moment, an uninhabited wilderness in Tokyo.

A round of magic circle unfolded, and Muhua Saki Yaxin instantly appeared on the spot.

Muhuasaki Yexin landed lightly. The next moment, she looked towards the horizon with feeling and saw the scarlet moon.

"Oh~ outsiders do not seem to be welcome in this world."

She came here after chasing through the soul, and the world could not discover her arrival at all.

After all, she is an extra-spec in the world.

And the soul that has traveled through seems to have triggered some taboos.

This world is hidden deep, and the dark negative emotions that have existed for countless years have instantly erupted. They gathered in a group and instantly turned into an unknown evil!

The purpose is to swallow this alien intruder!

Muhua Saki Yexin could feel that a huge, disgusting and strange breath was coming towards here!

"It's really interesting, did you encounter evil as soon as you entered this world?"

"My eye of death must perform the important task of maintaining infinite peace!"

"Heavy duty..."

Muhua Saki stayed in a daze at night.

"Well... it doesn't seem to make sense."

"Well, that's a good soul after all! My eye of death won't care about the existence of justice! Evil must be eliminated!"

Muhua Saki Yaxin raised her small fist to cheer!

next moment!

She ran towards the city.

Here, it is not far away from the city.

at the same time.

In the hospital, a vegetative man suddenly opened his eyes at this moment.

He sat up abruptly and looked around in horror.

Where is this place?

next moment.

He suddenly felt a sense of weakness in his body. He was weak, and instantly slumped, he could only barely support himself with his hands, and the vision in front of him was blurred.

My body... so weak...

At this time, his memories before crossing came out.

Turns out I... was I hit by a car?

Me now, in the hospital?

At the same time, the brain's awakening, the memory of this body seems to be awakened too!

Huge memory suddenly poured into his head madly.

In an instant, it became a ball with the memory of his previous life.

The life of high school students, the social life of office workers.

He was originally a high school student, and he was exploring an abandoned mental hospital with his classmates!

Encountered a weird thing, they really encountered a ghost!

The classmates were all killed, and all of them died in miserable conditions.

This scene directly scared him stupid.

He vaguely remembered that when the ghost lifted him up, a mysterious man appeared.

The memory is here, and suddenly it changes again.

The person lifted by the ghost turned into a social animal in a suit.

The intersection of the double memories made him appear confused in an instant.

"I'm Gao Zhi? An office worker?"


"I am fir! I am a high school student!"

"Not right!"

"I am... I am"

The man raised his hands, UU reading www. stared at his bloodless hands with wide eyes, and he was shaking at this moment.

"I am them! They are me!!"

at this time!

The door of the infirmary was opened.

The nurse hurriedly walked in. After two steps, she stopped. She looked at the man who sat up in shock.

This vegetative man who has been in a coma for three years!

Woke up unexpectedly! !

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