The Second Girl’s Naruto Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 45: resonance!

"It's over, it's over..."

Shan Shan's face was pale, the boss with staring eyes, and a look of horror in his eyes, just looked behind the girl in this way.

Muhua Saki Yashin looked at the fir with an expression, and seemed to think that he acted like him, with a sweet smile on the corner of his mouth.

"Don't scare me, I am invincible. Even if it does come, I am not afraid."

Shan Shan shook his head, his body trembling all the time, moving back, taking a step.

He didn't know whether he should retreat, maybe he would die if he didn't retreat.

However, his inner and physical fears caused him to do so unconsciously.

At this moment, the **** hands and arms were almost touching Muhua Saki Yexin's white and tender neck.

It's just that the **** hand seemed to hesitate, and he didn't touch it for a long time, just turning around Muhuasaki Yexin's neck.

In a while~

The **** hand seemed to find its place, and it stopped.

Cedar's eyes widened!

next moment!

The **** hand pressed against Muhua Saki Yaxin's neck fiercely!

In this critical moment!

A beam of red light in the air instantly rushed over the long blood bracelet arm!

The blood bracelet arm is like ice cube encountering strong sunlight, instantly melted by red light!

The red light also hit the ground with a strong air current!

boom! ! !

The ground cracked, and the gravel flew up with the air...

The impact of the air wave caused Muhua Saki Yaxin to shrink subconsciously.

And the **** hand that was originally near Muhua Saki Yexin's neck was also directly turned into a cloud of mist and dissipated because of the break of the blood arm chain in the middle.

Muhua Saki stayed in a daze, as if she didn't know what was going on.

At this moment.

There was a scornful voice.

"Secretly reach out and think about what to do to the cute girl~"

Just in front of Muhua Saki Yexin, a tall figure fell from the sky.

Is a man.

Compared with Muhua Saki Yaxin's height, she almost had to look up to see the man's face.

He has white hair and eye-catching white eyelashes. He is tall and thin. He is 1.9 meters tall. He is wearing a black uniform. His eyes are covered by a black cloth strip. Even if he can't see his eyes, his only exposed face is enough to prove this. The appearance of the person is outstanding.

That's right, this person is recognized as the strongest in the spell world! The invincible super conjurer!

Gojo Go!

Gojo Gou with his hands in his pockets, standing upright, leaning back slightly, with a handsome smile on his face, staring directly at the evil spirit behind Muhua Sakuya's heart, with a tone of contempt.

"This is the lovely flower of the future~"

"I can't just touch it for you~"

However, a thick cloud of blood just kept agitating.

Gojo Goku frowned slightly.

[This guy has no wisdom? 】

Seeing Gojo Satoru appear on the stage like a savior, Shanmu's eyes widened and he was stunned.

His first feeling is that this man has a strong aura!

I think this is the specialists who deal with monsters.

Thinking about it, Shanmu looked at Muhana Saki Yashin who was still in a daze.

So, what does this girl do?

Or is this guy just a novice trainee?

Muhua Saki Yaxin seemed to be a little surprised when Gojo went on stage, Dameng stared at Gojo Goku.

Gojo Satoru was not surprised by the girl's expression. With a charming smile, he gently said to Muhuasaki Yaxin.

"Lovely girl~ Go back and accompany your family now."

"Brother, I'm about to start fighting monsters~"

Muhua Saki Yaxin didn't seem to react, she was still watching.

Gojo Satoru was also looking at the girl.

that's all……

One second...

Two seconds...

Three seconds...

Gojo Gou tilted his head, was this girl shocked or something?

At this moment, Muhua Saki Ye's heart suddenly moved, and she stretched out her hand and clapped her palms.

Said blankly: "Awesome~Awesome~"

"This way of going on stage is capable and handsome!"

After the applause, Muhua Saki Yaxin retracted his palm and continued to talk to herself.

"I can also refer to this way of going on stage~"

"But ~ are there any requirements for body shape?"

Muhua Saki Yaxin glanced at Gojo Satoru again.

"Well~ My conditions are very sufficient!"

With that said, Muhua Saki Yaxin seemed to be really thinking about the way of practice, so she lowered her head, put her fingers against her chin, and fell into a state of thinking.

"You can cooperate with my magic circle~ Come to a capable and handsome performance~"

At this moment, it was Wu Tiao Wu's turn to be stunned, his originally smirk expression froze, and he looked at the girl in a daze unexpectedly.

Isn't this the plot he wanted?

The girl in front of me doesn't play cards according to routines at all?

However, in his six eyes, the girl in front of him didn't respond with curse power either.


Shanmu was also in a daze, but she didn't expect the girl to stand in a daze with nothing serious.

The fir couldn't see it, and shouted directly: "Hey! Wake up! The monster is behind you!"

With such a shout, the fir called out Muhua Saki Yaxin to think, and looked up at the fir.

At the same time, the curse spirit seemed to be awakened, and the blood-colored mist suddenly surged violently!

At the same time, the five enlightenment that can feel the power of the mantra can be clearly felt.

That majestic and boundless curse power like the ocean is gathering.

And he, like standing in the boundless endless sea, is very small!

In this sea, it seems that he will be annihilated by a huge wave that is set off at will at any time.

However, even with such pressure, Gojo Satoru didn't have the slightest fear, but felt a hint of excitement at the corners of his mouth and a smile.

"It's really interesting~ It's the first time I've seen someone like you, and maybe the last time I've seen him. After all, this is so rare."

Muhua Saki Yaxin also slowly turned around, and she saw the disgusting and weird blood mist for the first time. She also expressed her opinion, and her little head nodded slightly.

"It's true~"

"It should be the first time ever."

"Such an evil evildoer has accumulated countless years of resentment, and it is almost approaching the standards of evil gods."


Gojo Satoru felt very interesting about Muhuasaki Yashin's speech, and then asked with a hint of joke.

"If you become an evil god, what will you do?"

"Of course it is to kill!"

Muhua Sakiya said fiercely, and pointed her little finger at her blindfold.

"Use my eyes of death! Killing an ordinary evil **** is just as easy as cutting a piece of paper!"

Gojo's smile was stiff again.

What the girl said was even more exaggerated than him.

Encountered an opponent.

If there was no one to chat with the two before the battle, the curse spirit seemed to be unable to pass.

Many **** arms began to emerge from the blood mist. These arms were like tentacles, and a new **** arm grew rapidly from the palm of the hand.

The arm is connected to the arm and extends quickly, just like the fruit of one piece.

However, this **** arm is really infiltrating.

In this way, countless blood arm chains stretched out, rushing towards Muhua Saki Yaxin and Gojo Go!

However, this attack method is not too simple for Gojo Satoru.

Moreover, compared with the huge curse power of this curse spirit, this kind of attack method is really too ordinary, ordinary people are suspicious!

Wu Tiao Wu frowned, secretly analyzing.

Logically, with such a huge curse power, it is impossible for this curse spirit to have no generating domain.

So, what is going on at this low level?

Gojo dodges the **** hand while watching the surging blood mist.

Is it brewing something?

Of course, Gojo Satoru didn't let go of his care for Kihana Saki Yashin.

It just so happened that under this attack method, he could take care of the girl next to him.

Then let these things test the girl.

Look at what this young girl is capable of.

Why did she feel no surprise to the curse spirit and his appearance at all, and she didn't even look scared at all.

However, facing the **** arm, Muhua Saki Yaxin seemed to dodge in embarrassment.

Always relying on his small size to avoid **** arms like tentacles.

"I twist~"

"I squat!"

"Dirty! Don't touch me!"

Muhua Saki Yexin just squatted and jumped sideways.

Avoiding hard.

Fortunately, the blood arm does not move fast.

Compared to Muhua Saki's embarrassment, Gojo Satoru evaded very easily, turning his head slightly to one side.

It seemed a little casual, and he even had a lot of extra energy, just like watching a play, watching the girl with great interest like a rabbit hiding in the **** hands.

Well~ there seems to be nothing special.

So far, I haven't seen Muhua Saki Yexin's special feature, but this girl can see the curse spirit, which is considered a seedling.

Oh, by the way, there are teenagers over there.

Since there is nothing to test, then it should be serious.

Thinking so.

Gojo Satoru started to be serious. He stood straight on the spot, not moving, and instantly all the **** hands flew over.

However, the **** hand was frozen for an instant when he approached the limit of Gojo Satoru's body!

Completely immobile.

Gojo Satoru ignored it, just reached out and took off his blindfold at will.

Suddenly, a pair of pale blue eyes with white mist appeared. These eyes are very beautiful, very pure, with a special light. This is Gojo Satoru's pupil of heaven called "Six Eyes".

Beautiful eyes, coupled with his handsome face.

all of a sudden!

Gojo Satoru's beauty at the pinnacle of humanity is revealed!

Gojo raised his sword fingers and stared at the blood mist.



A long red light burst out from in front of Gojo Goku!

In an instant, flying sand and stone!

All the **** hands in front of Gojo Satoru burst open in an instant!

The red light went straight up with a violent impact current! Destroying the ground and the **** hands, reaching the blood mist!


The thick blood mist was dented by the impact.

However, the blood mist quickly returned to its original state, this blow seemed to have no effect, and the blood mist did not see any changes at all.

At the same time, Muhua Saki Yaxin's blood-handed crisis was also relieved by Gojo Goichi.

Muhua Saki Yaxin looked at Gojo Satoru's beautiful eyes with a look of surprise.

⊙o⊙) Wow~"

"Is this your magic eye?"

"Have you exploded with the power of the magic eye?"

"Although the power is still very weak, these magic eyes are quite beautiful."

With that, Muhua Sakiya jumped high in excitement.

"It's really great!"

"What is the name of your magic eyes?"

However, Gojo Satoru ignored Muhua Saki Yaxin, because he felt that something was coming out of the blood mist!

Bang! ! !

See you!

The blood mist was like a cannonball, and instantly sprayed out a huge arm shaped like a big tree, with countless arms clasped together.

With huge arms, he swiftly rushed towards Gojo Satoru!

And the five enlightenment is not empty at all, **** a little!

The power of infinite ejection is pouring out!

Just like Shenluo Tianzheng!

The huge repulsive force blasted the big arm directly!

In the air, it turned into a cloud of blood and disappeared!

Of course, Gojo Satoru's attack was not over yet, he wanted to try it.

Can it be solved in one blow, the blood mist!

Wujo Satoru stretched his hands, and two different techniques were deployed in both hands.

【Surgery style forward and blue】

【Surgery Reversal·Her】

Wu Tiao Wu is like a yin and yang fish turning yin and yang, both hands draw an arc and unite in the middle!

The sword fingers of both hands are brought together into a triangle.

For a moment! Two completely different surgical powers merge with each other!

The combination of He's positive infinite power and Cang's negative infinite power forms an imaginary power that does not exist and reality!

This is!

Gojo Satoru opened his eyes wide, and output his spell power to the maximum!

"Virtual style!"

"water chestnut!"

For a moment!

In front of Wujo Wushen, the curse power surged and formed a huge sphere like a black hole!

In the eyes of Muhua Saki Yaxin and Shanmu, it is obvious that the moment the black hole sphere appeared, the space was distorted!

The space seems to be split by this ball!

The black hole ball burst out quickly!

Along the way, break a deep gully into the ground!

Go straight to this blood mist!

See you!

The black hole ball fell into the blood mist for an instant!

However, after being submerged in the blood mist, nothing seemed to happen.

The blood mist was still blood mist, and there was not even a violent reaction.

Gojo Satoru retracted the gesture, frowning as he looked at the blood mist.

Just when everyone thought Gojo Satoru's attack failed!

boom! ! !

The blood mist exploded instantly! ! !

A violent shock wave and a violent thunder arc burst out!

And next.

The blood mist completely dispersed.

It reveals something deep inside.

However, the moment I saw something in the blood mist.

Muhua Saki Yexin couldn't stand it a little, she changed her eyes with a bitter face, and stopped looking at the thing.

The fir even vomited directly.

Because the blood mist is wrapped in a disgusting sarcoma.

Above the sarcoma are layers of densely packed arms. The arm linking arms are entwined with everything, forming an unflowered flower bud shape, growing on top of the sarcoma.

The combination of the dense blood arm and the sarcoma underneath gives people the feeling that it is indescribable and indescribable.

The first reaction to people is nausea, which makes the scalp numb!

The fir, which has never been in contact with such a thing, can't look directly at it at all.

Gojo Satoru couldn't stand it too, this thing was really oozing panic.

Moreover, Liu just didn't seem to hurt this thing.

Just at this time!

The huge sarcoma suddenly stirred!

This agitation seemed to resonate, and the air vibrated with it.

Gojo Satoru could even feel that his heartbeat seemed to correspond to this agitation.

Bang bang~

The sarcoma agitated again.

No, it's not so much agitation, it's a beating like a heartbeat!

But this time beating like the last time, Wujo Wu can clearly feel that the beating of his heart has kept up with the beating of the sarcoma!

It's as if they are in resonance!


This time, the sarcoma beating more violently!

The air vibrates more intensely.

That kind of inexplicable resonance is getting stronger!

Wujogo's eyes condensed.

If the beating of the sarcoma really keeps up with the frequency of the heartbeat, what will happen in the end!

This is definitely not a good thing!

Never let it go on!

He must go all out!

The field must be cleared before going all out!

With that, Gojo Satoru looked towards Muhuasaki Yaxin.

At first glance, he didn't see anyone, but instead saw a strange magic circle pattern on the ground that did not know when.

He moved his gaze slightly, and he saw the young girl, holding a small bag of powder in his hand, sprinkling it along the lines of the pattern.


Gojo Satoru was lost again.

Magic circle?

Is this any special spell?

However, at the moment when Gojo Satoru lost his mind!

The sarcoma moved again.

This time, no longer jumping once and stopping once.

Rather, it was directly and continuously agitated!



Boom! !

Boom! ! !

Boom! ! ! !

The frequency is getting faster and faster!

Oh no! ! !

Wu Tiao Wu's heart condenses, his face is heavy.

Hesitate and lose.

Now, he seems to have no chance!


For a moment!

The frequency of his heartbeat corresponds to the frequency of the sarcoma vibration.

The two resonate instantly!



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