The Second Girl’s Naruto Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 46: Cthulhu!

Scarlet sarcoma vibrated violently!

The vibration has a certain pattern, and the vibration is very strong, and the air even has obvious ripples.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

The frequency of the vibration completely matches the frequency of the five enlightened hearts.

The resonance has begun!

At this moment!

Gojo Satoru felt that his heart began to beat without his control!

That is, I feel that this heart is no longer my own!

For a moment!

My heart started to simmer!

Just at this time!

There was a big scream from behind!


Gojo Satoru turned around and looked at it, and she screamed as expected!

Shanmu's face was distorted with pain, rolling on the ground!

He oozes blood from the corner of his mouth, his hands are tightly grasping his heart, and his fingernails are pinched into the flesh.

Obviously, he can't stand it anymore!

Even if it is Wujo Enlightenment, I still feel that it is starting to be overwhelming, but the vibration of the sarcoma is still strengthening! stronger!

What happens if my heart can't stand the high-intensity vibration!

explosion! ?

It must not go on like this!

Wu Tiao Wu's face was cold, and he raised his two fingers. The ring finger and little thumb were bent, the **** was placed on the index finger, his thumb was raised, and the curse power in his body began to surge wildly.

"The field unfolds!"

"A lot of space!!"

For a moment!

The whole world has changed!

The whole world turned into darkness in an instant!


The spatial distance between Sarcoma and Wu Tiao Wu seems to be shrinking, and it seems to be extending!

It's like falling a black hole!

The surrounding space is rapidly expanding and contracting!

The two of them seemed to be moving fast in a space-time tunnel, and the surrounding light was stretched into a long light, just like being sucked into a black hole in a bottomless abyss.

After the feeling of space shuttle disappears, it seems to enter a chaotic space!

There is no color here, the whole world is black and white, and there are many plausible pictures, which give people the feeling of chaos and symmetry, ethereal and aesthetic.

Then it changed again, and the entire space became layered on top of each other, with interlaced and complex patterns like a kaleidoscope, gorgeous and dazzling, but the messy patterns of the kaleidoscope all converged towards the middle point!

Infinitely extend, and infinitely shrink!

Weird and chaotic!

It feels like a dark pool of fear, attractive, and makes people unconsciously attracted.

Then, the space spread out again, and thousands of bubbles suddenly appeared in the empty space, and the gathered spirit appeared to relax for a moment.

Immediately afterwards, thousands of colorful rays came into the eyes, as if thousands of sharp weapons came, and the spirit that had just relaxed for a moment suddenly became tense.

Then the world suddenly became quiet again, turning into the following halo. In the dark world, there was only such a little light, and that light and weird was like the entrance to a terrifying world, and it was like the exit from this world.

Whether it's the entrance to a dark world or the exit of this weird space at this moment, it's just that the entrance collapsed and disappeared before it was too late to react.

At this moment, the boundless space has been completed!

All the pictures just unfolded seem to have gone through eternity, but in fact it is only a moment!

However, in human consciousness, a different time difference will be felt!

This immeasurable space is like a dark chaos, inside a black hole where nothing exists!

Location, distance, time seem to be meaningless...

The enemy will also lose all ability to act in an instant!

This is boundless space!

This is the realm of Gojo Enlightenment!

This space, whether it is time or space, is under the control of Wujo Enlightenment!

And Wujou just pulled this weird sarcoma into his domain space! In an instant, countless messages were sent to the unclear sarcoma!

Let the monster be in a state of omniscience for a time, but it is precisely because of the received too much information!

It will also be unable to move as a result!

This is true.

The sarcoma no longer vibrates and is almost in a static state.

Even so, Gojo Satoru still feels a bit weird. He feels that there is something wrong with his field.

Just at this time.

The voice of the girl came over.

"Oh~ what a beautiful field!"

"Is this your ultimate power?"

Gojo was stunned.


Girl's voice! ?

I didn't pull her into the realm! ?

Gojo Satoru quickly turned his head and looked around!

However, in the next scene, his complexion was cut off!

His realm is indeed unfolding!

However, the unfolding field is not closed!

Standing outside the realm, Kawasaki Yashin can see Gojo Satoru within the realm!


Gojo was stunned, he had never encountered such a thing!

The closed space formed by the domain will generally become a world of its own!

Completely cut off from the outside world!

However, the realm he has expanded now has become a completely open space!

The girl's voice can come in, it says everything!

Why is this happening! ?

Gojo Satoru didn't want to understand.

Muhuasaki Yashin stood outside and saw the inside of Gojo Satoru's unfolding realm, and opened a door in the void for no apparent reason.

Can see the situation in the Gojo Enlightenment Realm.

Muhua Saki Yashin raised her scissor hands and gestured and said with a smile.

"My magic circle is finished. Then, you can fight the evil god."

Gojo was stunned, then smiled.

"Cthulhu, I just need to fight, it can't move now."

As he said, Gojo Satoru pointed to his front.

"Can you see it?"

Muhua Saki Yaxin shook his head.

"I can't see it, it's like opening a small window here, and the line of sight to see is limited."

"Forget it."

Wujo Wu waved his hand at random, then turned his head to look at the strange giant sarcoma again.

Now, this sarcoma is basically silent.

"Just use [茈] to give you relief."

Gojo Satoru smiled casually, then raised his **** together, and in an instant he performed surgical blending in front of him!


Another huge black hole ball suddenly appeared in front of him!

The black hole ball cut the void space all the way, directly bombarding the disgusting giant sarcoma!


Like a stone hitting tofu!

The black hole ball was embedded in the sarcoma in an instant!

next moment!

boom! !

The whole sarcoma exploded in an instant!

Together with the petals on the top of the densely numbed blood arm, they all turned into blood mist and dissipated.

That huge suppressed resentment disappeared suddenly!

Gojo had a relaxed expression on the face.

"Is it that simple?"

"Such a dynamic guy, it can't be that simple, right?"

As he said, Wujo Satoru looked at the blood mist floating in the air that had not dissipated for a long time, and a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, making him look like he was covered with rage.

"My eyes don't see the way you exist, but my domain has become like this. It's definitely your handwriting."

"Moreover, my domain is effective for you! You can't move, but you want to escape from this domain, and use some unknown technique at will to turn my domain into an open space!

The purpose is to escape, right?

However, when you find that you can't escape or move.

Just plan to play dead and let me take the initiative to lift the domain.


Gojo Gotami smiled and applauded.

"I have to say, you are quite smart."

However, the sarcoma that turned into a blood mist did not change.

The virtual blood mist is still floating slowly.

"What's the matter? I said it was broken, don't you dare to come out?"

Gojo Satoru continued to mock.

However, at this moment, the blood mist moved, drifting slowly towards the distance.

Just as Wujou thought it was going to turn back into its true form, the blood mist approached the exit of the space.

Gojo was stunned, and secretly activated the domain to continue to instill unlimited information.

But this time, it failed!

The blood mist is still floating in and out of space!

"how come!?"

Wu Tiao Wu frowned.

"In this state, can you ignore my indoctrination!?"

Just when Gojo was puzzled, the girl's voice came again.

"The evil **** seems to have figured it out."

Gojo Satoru answered without looking back.

"Don't worry! It won't get out."

That's right, even if he can't close the domain space, he can still choose to extend the space.

As long as he wanted to, the blood mist would never float out.

However, the girl's voice came again.

"what are you saying?"

"Can't Cthulhu come out?"

"However, the evil aura and the moon told me that the evil **** is coming soon."

Wujo Go was stunned, evil breath, moon?

The girl continued.

"Don't worry about the little monster in you, as long as you kill the evil god, it will naturally disappear."

The girl said this!

Gojo suddenly woke up!


Cthulhu! ?


A suffocating conjecture suddenly appeared in his mind!


The realm of birth of this curse spirit has already begun!

It's just that this field is bigger than they thought!

The blood moon is the characteristic of the curse spirit realm!

! !

As soon as this idea came out, countless conjectures in the brain were out of control! Gojo couldn't help trembling in his heart.

According to this idea, all the questions encountered just now can be explained in an instant!

The feeble attack of the sarcoma!

Self-opening of domain space!

and many more! and many more!

Gojo's complexion became more solemn!

Then this curse spirit is really incredible!

With the blood moon as the radiation source, the scope covered by the field is conservatively estimated to be at least the whole of Tokyo!

And to expand such a domain, the curse power is amazing, and it takes a lot of effort to maintain the structure of the domain!


Gojo Satoru looked at the sarcoma in front of him.

"This guy is just a small child!"

Wujou, facing the sub-body, it seems that as long as the curse spirit itself is immortal, then you can continue to use the power of the mantra to maintain the sub-body's existence.

In this case, there is no need to spend extra time to deal with it.

Immediately, the five enlightenment thoughts moved.

The field is lifted.

In an instant, the entire space slowly disappeared like a mirage.

Gojo Satoru also returned to the real world. He immediately looked up at the blood moon in the sky!

Now, the blood moon has become even more depressing.

The scarlet color on it is as terrifying as blood that is about to drip! Penetrating!

Muhua Saki Yexin held a box of small matches in her hand, walked to Gojo Goto and looked at the blood moon in the sky with him.

"Look. The evil aura is getting heavier."

Gojo nodded silently, no wonder his six eyes didn't find anything!

Because he is already in the game!

Entered the world of others silently!

You can't even see the boundary of the surgical range, so how can you see the abnormality?

"Speaking of which, why does that fellow's sub-experience chase you?"

Gojo Satoru asked this question slowly.

Come to think of it, if the curse spirit is constructing the realm of birth, then why is it distracted and separated into a sub-body?

Want to come, there must be what it wants here!

Thinking about it, Gojo Satoru stared at Muhua Saki Yashin.

He also noticed a huge magic circle with a diameter of at least ten meters on the ground.

I was standing on this magic circle that I didn't know what to use.

Muhua Saki Yaxin didn't hesitate about Gojo Satoru's question, and pointed directly at Shanmu who had fallen into a coma not far away.

"Don't get me wrong, Cthulhu's target is that guy."

"Or, this time the Cthulhu was born because of that guy."

Ok! ?

Gojo was stunned.

That guy! ?

He glanced at the cedar, which had fallen into a coma, and Shanmu was still wearing a patient's clothes.

So it makes sense, a useless sarcoma, killing an ordinary person is still simple.

But how did this guy trigger a curse of this scale! ?

It's impossible for him alone.

"Since her target is him, it means that the curse spirit will definitely come again!"

"When the domain is built, it will come to this place as soon as possible."

With that, Gojo Satoru looked at Muhuasaki Yaxin.

"What is the function of your pattern?"

Muhua Saki stayed in a daze, then picked up the matchbox in her hand and shook it.

"This is a magic circle of sealing evil spirits, it is very effective to kill evil gods."

"is it."

"Hope it will come in handy."

Gojo Satoru looked very serious.

"If we can't stand the first wave, then the entire Tokyo! Even the entire island nation's humans will not be spared!"

"Don't worry. My eye of death is invincible."

Muhua Saki Yaxin raised her small fist with great momentum.

Gojo Satoru has been staring at the blood moon, and now he can only wait here for that guy to appear.

After all, with such a huge field, even he was helpless.

Thinking about what was going to happen, Gojo Satoru remembered something, took out his cell phone, and dialed a call.

This call was made to the principal of Tokyo Conjurer College.

Gojo Satoru calmly told the headmaster over the information he knew.

Obviously, the principal was also shocked by this appalling information.

"I see, I will arrange it!"

Then Gojo Satoru continued to dial the phone.

A friend in Osaka confirmed that the moon on his side was not red.

In this way, one phone call came down.

Gojo Satoru gradually became convinced of his thoughts.

This huge field space covers an entire Tokyo area!

Just at this time!

The **** moon above the sky suddenly burst out with a burst of **** light!

There was no sound, just seeing the scarlet light of the blood moon brighter.

Muhua Saki Yaxin lit a small match with a serious expression.


Gojo Satoru put down the phone and looked at the blood moon in the sky, his pupils gradually tightening.

"I saw…"

"Five Teachers!"

at this time!

The Huzi trio finally came here.

Even though Gojo Satoru said that they don't have to take action, they still want to help and give some strength, at least they can do it to evacuate the civilians.

At this moment, UU reading www.uukā and they were looking for a stronger curse.

And the place where Gojo Satoru and Muhuasaki Yaxin are located is undoubtedly the place with the strongest curse power.

The three of them came directly in front of Gojo Satoru and Kihana Saki Yashin.

All three were curious about the strange blindfold girl next to Gojo Satoru.

However, what is even more curious is why they always look up to the sky?

Polygonum cuspidatum Yuhito followed the eyes of the two and looked over.

For a moment!

His pupils shrank to the size of a needle eye.


A figure appeared in the sky!

A huge figure covering the sky!

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