Today, the actual combat is about to begin.

The person responsible for leading the team of three girls is the supervisor of a high school of spells-Yidi Zhijiegao.

An uncle in a suit with eyes is very thin.

He is the assistant supervisor of the Tokyo Metropolitan College of Curse.

Auxiliary supervisors basically have no combat ability, so they are forbidden to participate in combat.

However, simple enchantment techniques "accounts" and shikigami will be used to provide support to the wizard, and students who have not yet become accustomed to the task site will provide a certain level of instruction on the task policy.

He drove a special vehicle for the Conjurer College to pick up the three of Muhuasaki Yaxin.

Yidizhi Jiegao didn't know the strength of the three girls who joined temporarily.

However, Gojo Satoru told him not to worry about the safety of these three girls.

The special grade is not simple for the three of them.

He believed in Gojo Satoru's words.

However, this time the task is almost a practice.

Nanako got in the car first, and after getting in the car numbly, she sat in the car, looking around with curiosity.

This is one of her few car experiences, and now she still has enough curiosity.

Ino didn't feel anything, and just sat in.

Then it was Muhua Saki Yaxin, who opened the car door, suddenly thought of something, and took two steps back.

This action made Ino a little puzzled, and she tilted her head.


Muhuasaki Yaxin gave Ino a mysterious smile.

Seeing this smile, Ino suddenly felt a little bad!

Sure enough, Kihana Saki Yashin came directly to a small run-up, jumped directly, and the whole flew in suddenly, under the stunned eyes of Ino and Nanako, directly pounced on them, and at the same time, the little feet made a clever hook. The car door closed immediately.



The two exclaimed.

Muhua Saki looked up with a smile.

"Death projection! Success!"


Nanako's eyes flashed.

Ino directly pointed at Muhua Saki Yashin's proud little head with a hand knife!

"Idiot! It's rude!"


Muhua Saki Yaxin gave a symbolic wailing, and then returned to her smiling face, grinning.


Yidi Zhijiegao had a gentle smile on his face, but it was already stiff at the moment.

Gojo-san~ You didn't tell me, they are problem girls...

However, the communication with Muhua Saki Yaxin was not as difficult as he thought.

Briefly introduce myself, Yidi Zhijie Gao drove directly to the destination point.

While driving, he introduced information about this mission.

"In Zhishi Middle School and near the small town of Gangtu, there have been cases of disappearances suddenly and frequently.

As of yesterday, the bodies of five of the missing persons have now been found. "

With that said, he took out some photos.

Ino took it.

The pictures are all corpses, the deaths are very serious.

Some whole bodies were twisted together, and the whole body was distorted. I don't know how much.

Some limbs and necks were distorted and distorted.

Basically the dead in the picture were twisted into a piece or bundle by an unknown terrorist force.

It can be said that the death was particularly miserable.

Nanako stretched her little head over, and was shocked at a glance. She was a little scared, but wanted to see it again. Finally, she stood up to her fear and kept watching.

Saki Kihana touched Nanako's little head approvingly, and Nanako lifted her head comfortably like a kitten.

Yiji Jijie Gao continued.

"The information currently available is still limited. Now we need to investigate the location of some activities of the deceased."

Soon, Yidi Zhijie Gao drove to the middle school where one of the victims was located.

Yiji Zhijie Gao took the lead and asked the victim's former teacher.

And the three girls are arguing behind them, it doesn't feel like coming to a mission at all.

Yiji Zhijie Gao can only admit that he is unlucky, although he has no problem with asking for information...

In fact, Ino still has a sense of responsibility, but Saki Yashin and Nanako took the rhythm and joined them unknowingly.

She originally wanted to stop Muhana Saki Yashin and Nanako's nonsensical Nakaji action...

Through the survey of teachers and classmates conducted by Yiji Jie Gao.

Soon, critical intelligence was obtained.

He learned of a place that all the student victims had visited!

An old abandoned hospital near the town!

It is said that they have all explored that place.

At this point, Yidizhijiegao has also determined the target location.

Without hesitation, Yiji Zhijiegao once again carried the three sisters Muhua Saki Yaxin to this legendary abandoned hospital.

However, when I first came here, I met unexpected people.

That's right, it's the trio of Polygonum cuspidatum!

Polygonum cuspidatum looked at Yiji Zhijiegao with some surprise, and Muhua Saki Yaxin and the others.

"Oh~ What a coincidence."

Nanako had a serious expression, and said inexplicably like a small adult.

"Everything is a choice of fate!

It is destiny that makes us meet. "

Muhua Saki Yaxin directly refuted.

"Nanako! My eye of death is above destiny! Destiny can't affect me!"


Nanako looked at her sister in surprise, then looked at the empty space and thought about it with her eyes wide open.

"Yes~ My sister is too strong!"

Nanako changed his view, and looked at the three of Huzi seriously again.

"Everything is the will of the eye of death!"

Kihana Saki Yaxin gave Nanako a thumbs up approvingly.

Nanako smirked on the spot.

The Huzi trio felt a little inexplicable.

Helpless, Ino came out and explained it directly.

"Sorry, they just like to play these naive games, don't be surprised."

The tiger nodded blankly.

"I feel pretty good too, very energetic ~ girly or something..."

Fu Heihui couldn't bear it, as cold as him, and needed to maintain an elegant "beauty" image.

"No need to chat, since we are all together, then let's go in and have a look together."

Wild Rose couldn't stand Muhua Saki Yexin's second attack, and quickly followed:

"Yes, yes! It's important to eliminate the curse."

Muhua Saki Yaxin didn't think much and agreed directly.

"Well, let's deal with the matter first."


Yiji Jijiegao and a beautiful woman who is also an advanced conjurer watched the six people walk into the abandoned hospital.

Although generally no one comes here but just to be on the safe side.

Yidizhi Jie Gao still activated the "account" against this area.

As soon as the operation unfolded, the void of enchantment immediately enveloped the entire abandoned hospital area.

This enchantment can only be seen by people with curse power. .

In the area covered by the barrier, ordinary people can't see or hear the situation inside, they will only see the light and shadow projection scene as usual.


When I walked into the abandoned hospital, I found it was full of weeds.

On the front of the whole building, countless windows are very broken, weeds have climbed along the wall to the top of the building, and most of the floor is green.

Muhua Saki became excited.

"The adventure has begun!"


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