The Second Girl’s Naruto Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 53: There is no scum left

Abandoned hospitals are generally places where young people like to explore.

However, some people were a little unlucky and found the real guy.

And now this abandoned hospital is also, always feel that something is wrong.

There seems to be a malicious intent.

Nanako suddenly became a little scared.

Walked into the hospital.

There were six people in the group, and the popularity was fairly high, but as soon as I entered the hospital, I found that the environment inside the abandoned hospital was very gloomy.

Fu Heihui walked in front, frowning.

He always felt something was wrong, but he didn't clearly feel the place where the curse power existed.

Generally speaking, no matter how hidden the curse spirit is, the breath of curse on the body is basically invisible to them.

And the curse of this incident, I am afraid it will reach the special level.

Because the incident the three of them were responsible for was the death of many people for no reason.

Finally found this place.

This place is a more famous exploration zone.

Not to mention how many people have been cursed and killed since its existence.

Based on the number of deaths in their incident, and the number of missing people in the information of the three people of Saki Saki Yashin, it is obvious that enough people have died!

It is probably not wrong to say that it is a special grade.

It's just that the curse should be hidden in a certain area of ​​the hospital, or in a certain room.

Because this kind of curse is usually accompanied by a little bit of related regional factors at the beginning of its birth, and the special grade will be accompanied by its own birth field.

The current situation is that the birth domain of the curse spirit is limited to a certain place.

Generally speaking, people need to go to that place and meet certain conditions before people will be cursed.

What is needed now is to find that place!

Fu Heihui said decisively.

"Let's search separately, it's too big here."

Huzi and Wild Qiangwei nodded.

Muhua Saki Yaxin also agreed.


With that, Muhua Saki Yaxin slipped to the forefront by himself.

"I'm going to the second floor~"

With that, Muhua Saki Yaxin ran up directly.

From a distance, I heard Muhua Saki Yaxin's excited words.

"Abandoned Hospital Adventure~"

"Goblin, where are you~!"

"My eyes of death are here to greet you~"

"Come out obediently!"



It looked like the sound of a door being opened forcefully.

The three Huzi suddenly raised their vigilance.

But the next moment.

The voice of the girl continued.

"Not here~"

"Goblin, where are you~"

Then the girl's voice decreased.

It seems to have gone farther.

Fu Heihui breathed a sigh of relief.

"Then I will go to the inside of the first floor and have a look."

Tiger raised his hand.

"I'll go to the third floor."

Briar raised the hammer: "Fourth floor."

As for Ino and Nanako, Toriko looked at them both.

"you guys……"

Ino smiled.

"Then I am on the fifth floor."

Nanako was a little scared, but she couldn't persuade, and she immediately found courage.

"Yu...Yu on the sixth floor!"

Fushigumi looked at Nanako's appearance and sighed.

"Give it to you on the first floor, I'll go to the sixth floor."

Nanako glanced at Fushiguro unexpectedly.

"Oh~ thank you."

"You're welcome..."

The division of labor is completed.

Soon, everyone began to act.

Abandoned hospital, there are either weeds or discarded medicine bottles on the ground, as well as worn-out clothes.

The atmosphere is very full.

However, the Huzi trio had long been accustomed to these things.

In comparison, Nanako is the most perverted.

She could detect with the instinct of a ninja, it seemed that something was staring at her in secret.

But every time she turned her eyes, the feeling disappeared.

But soon there was a recovery somewhere.

Nanako walked carefully on the tattered floor.

She came to the far corner of the first floor and came to a room with the number plate written on the disposal room.

Under normal circumstances, it is necessary to go in and check.

Nanako cautiously pushed away the people in the room.

Open the door for an instant!

She immediately felt a huge curse rushing out!

At this moment!

The magic power appears!

People on other floors immediately perceive it!

Fu Heihui was even more nervous.

"Oops! On the first floor!"

Nanako opened the door and saw a big grimace in an instant, with a strange laugh.


In such a stimulating scene, Nanako was frightened on the spot, with two big eyes widening, with a look of fear!

The big grimace is very happy, and yes, he likes to see this expression.

"Ah ah ah ah ah!"

Nanako screamed loudly!

At the same time, he mobilized the curse power and Chakra in his body without thinking!

For an instant, there was a trace of fusion between the magic power and the chakra.

However, even if there is no fusion, Nanako can easily use it.

I saw that Nanako raised both hands in excitement, and suddenly a huge energy ball wrapped in curse power was condensed.

This is Muhua Saki Yaxin personally passed on, annihilating the energy bomb!

The destructive power is very strong, and the condensed energy is precise enough, then the scale of the explosion is very simple and it can break through the level of small nuclear bombs.

Seeing how terrifying the energy ball, the huge grimace was immediately stunned.

However, in its sluggish eyes.

The huge energy ball hit its face immediately!


The annihilation energy ball suddenly hit the ground with a huge grimace!

Boom! ! !

The violent explosion sounded!

Suddenly the whole hospital began to shake, and it looked like it was about to collapse.

People on other levels heard Nanako's exclamation and knew that something was wrong.

Now there is another shocking explosion!

They were even more worried about the little girl.

Huzi was the nearest, and soon came to the first floor. The first floor was already full of smoke and dust, and there was almost no road in sight.

But he still plunged in.


Yidi Zhijiegao, who was far outside the abandoned hospital, heard a roar and the ground movement that followed.

Suddenly saw a mushroom cloud of explosive smoke rising from the corner of the abandoned hospital.

However, at this time!

The second explosion came again!

boom! ! !

The ground vibrates violently!

The hospital seems to be about to collapse.

In fact, the hospital is indeed a bit unbearable.

However, Nanako continued.

She closed in horror and screamed, while condensing one after another giant **** of annihilation into the pit in front of her!





The bombing has been endless!

The whole building of the hospital has been shaking too!

It always looked like he was about to fall down.

Kihana Saki Yashin actually came to Nanako a long time ago.

Has been silently watching Nanako madly throwing energy balls.

at this time.

Huzi finally came here.

He immediately saw this terrifying scene.

This girl who seemed to be frightened bombed the innocent surface in front of her!

Soon, Ino, Fuheihui Wild Rose also came here.

Nanako hasn't stopped yet!

The energy ball continues to smash!

The ground is shaking!

The bomb craters in front of them are already about to become meteorite craters.

The three Huzi watched this scene blankly, silently...

Now, they know...this worry is superfluous.

Ino hurried over to hug Nanako.

"Don't smash it! Nanako!"

"It's me! Ino! Nanako!"

Nanako still smashed one.


The ground shook, and the wind and waves blew their faces again with dust.

At this time, Nanako finally calmed down, eyes with a little bit of tears, and then hugged Ino, with her small head drilled into her arms, with a crying voice.

"Ino~It's scary~It's scary~"

"Not afraid, not afraid, I am here."

Ino rubbed Nanako's head.

Muhua Saki Yexin also hugged him and said softly.

"My sister is here too."

At this moment the sincere feelings of the three sisters were expressed.

However, listening to Nanako's crying voice, she looked at the scared little girl.

The three Huzi looked at the big meteorite crater in front of them and fell silent.



Who is afraid of it?

quite a while…

Huzi asked weakly.

"Does the curse still exist?"

Wild Rose looked at the crater-like crater that day.

"How could there be...there is no more scum..."


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