The Second Girl’s Naruto Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 60: Wrong, it's human beings

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"The world is going to end?"

Seeing the soft and cute Muhua Saki Yexin, jumping out of a cool magic circle, she understated and said such terrifying words.

Moreover, that man with great momentum seems to believe her statement!

Yan Nian pushed his eyes, analyzing it in his heart.

"A visitor from another world?"

"Could it be that this world will make some countermeasures against visitors from other worlds?"

Yan Nian has traveled through dozens of worlds, and it is not that he has encountered such a situation.

If the planet will make countermeasures against outsiders, then this planet may be alive!

It has something similar to the will of the planet, as a will of the planet, it absolutely does not welcome visitors from outside time and space.

Not to mention……

Yan Nian pushed his glasses, the reflection of the lenses made it impossible to see his winks.

"I hope nothing goes wrong, but if they are there, you don't need to be afraid in general."

Yan Nian looked at Baimao Lori Baiyasha and the black-robed Kryptonite.


Similar to Yan Nian's reaction, both Uchiha Kirito and Karis felt a little bad. Looking at the expressions of the man and Cedar, the girl's words in front of them seemed not to be alarmist, frowning and thinking.

Baiyasha and Craton are confident.

The fir seemed to think of something, his face turned pale, and his eyes were horrified.

He also thought of something, the evil **** that appeared the moment he arrived!

The concept of the birth of the incantation spirit has been understood by Wujo Satoru and others in popular science these days.

And the evil **** curse that day was a larger curse collection, he only knew that Muhua Saki Yexin had said that it was all because of him.

Originally, he didn't know why, but now Muhua Saki Yexin's sentence "The world is about to end..." directly made him wake up.

The birth of the evil **** curse spirit is focused on 【Visit from Other Worlds】! ! !

He is a visitor from another world, and he will give birth to the Crimson Moon Cthulhu!

Well, so many people! ?

Shan Shan felt more and more horrified, and he fixedly stared at Yan Nian and the five of them.

What kind of horror will be born! ! !


Gojo Goku squeezed his fists, and his heart was chilling. The world will not be over, but it is possible that humans will become extinct!

He looked up at the sky, not knowing whether it was those guys or his own worries. At this moment, he felt a sense of depression again inexplicably, and he looked at Muhua Saki Yexin with a solemn expression.

"Are they here?"

Muhua Saki Yaxin kept smiling and nodded.

"Come on, the change of heaven and earth should begin soon."

"The sky changes!?"

"How big will the range be!?"

Muhua Saki Yaxin shook his head: "I don't know, but probably the entire northern hemisphere will be affected."

Gojo Satoru's figure must be shocked, and he looked at the girl in front of him in shock.

"Half of the earth?"

Muhua Saki Yaxin also understood Gojo Satoru's surprise, and she nodded with a smile.

"That's really too bad..."

Gojo Goku silently clenched his fists. He didn't expect that the crisis of human destruction would appear so without warning, it was because of these guys in front of him!

Gojo looked at the fir with a trace of killing intent in his eyes. In his philosophy, he could sacrifice a small number of people to preserve most of the groups!

He regretted not killing the fir immediately, but it was useless now.

Without hesitation, Wujogo pulled off the blindfold, and suddenly revealed silvery white glare-six eyes!

His face was solemn, his eyes gleaming, and he turned to look at the conjurer who was following him next to him.

"The situation is in crisis! We can no longer care about them, we must sound the alarm throughout Tokyo!

You split to inform everyone that we must speed up our actions and arrange disaster preparations! "

Seeing the serious and unusual Gojo Satoru, the conjurers nodded earnestly.

Then, Gojo Satoru and the two conjurers separated!

Gotō Gotō has used the teleport technique!

The three of them disappeared instantly.

It made Uchiha Kirito and the others stunned. They heard the conversation between Gojo Satoru and the girl clearly.

It's hard to believe the disaster that covers half of the earth.

Caris was a little puzzled: "Is the situation really that serious?"

At this moment, Muhua Saki Yexin looked up at the horizon with feeling.

"Oh, it's too late, they are here."

what! ?

Uchiha Kirito and Karis also looked towards the horizon following Saki Yashin's gaze.

Yan Nian, who has a super long-distance perception, has a sudden change in expression and a solemn expression.

"what is that!?"

He saw, saw a piece of evil in disorder and chaos, those things were indescribable to him, and could not be described.

Bai Yasha also sensed it, looking at the horizon very strangely.

"Good feelings of evil, resentment, curses and other negative emotional energy aggregates?"

Clapton's super sight and super hearing naturally allowed him to see what was coming.

However, he could only see that a red light flashed from the horizon. What kind of energy field this red light seemed to be, everything changed in the place covered by the light!

The sky turned red, with an unknown aura, and the ground turned into **** soil like hell. The **** soil was everywhere, full of cracks, and some cracks also leaked blood-like liquid.

From this scene, it can be seen that this energy field is enough to change space, change the world, and the power is terrifying!

Even as a Kryptonian, he is also very dignified, after all, everyone knows that the Kryptonian's magic resistance is not high.

Such a large-scale attack of unknown energy is not a threat to him.

Kraton reminded with a solemn expression.

"That thing looks very scary, are we sure we don't need to avoid it?"

Craton's words were approved, and Caris hurriedly shouted.

"It's good to be able to avoid it!"

However, the girl's voice interrupted their thoughts. Muhua Saki Yaxin pointed to the other direction with a smile on her face.

"You may have to escape to outer space to avoid it."

Craton turned his eyes, and sure enough, there was a similar black light on the other end!


Muhua Saki Yaxin suddenly raised her head to look up at the sky.

"Oh, it doesn't seem to work anymore, the outer space has also fallen."

Craton looked shocked. He looked up to the sky. From that outer space, he also felt that something was coming!

"Yeah yah yah~ we seem to be surrounded..."

Muhua Saki Yexin seemed to be a little excited, with a smile on her face, she wanted to look at the sky with interest.

Clapton was speechless: "Hey, hey, why are you so happy? Are you also a member of the besieged?"

Everyone ignored Clapton's complaints.

Uchiha Kirito and Karis both looked solemnly at the sky above their heads!

at this time!


The sky above them was suddenly broken by something, and the atmosphere and clouds disappeared!

A big circular hole appeared in the entire sky!

From this big hole, they could directly see the universe galaxy outside.

As the big hole in the sky expands, it gets bigger and bigger!

Everyone can perceive that something is approaching at a high speed!

Not just the sky!


It was the red light covering everything, and the world swept by the red light completely turned into an unknown and strange red.


It is the chaotic darkness that covers everything!

They don't know how to describe it, it's like colorful black, the world caught in this chaotic darkness has completely changed!

It seems to have become a real chaos, a distorted space, an infinitely opposite phase of matter, all kinds of...These phenomena are beyond human imagination and cannot be described at all!

Sky world, left world, right world!

this moment!

The world seems to be divided into three parts, the scene is grand and magnificent.

However, this kind of scene, apart from Muhua Saki Yaxin and Shira Yasha, no one has the intention to appreciate it.

Uchiha Kirito and Karis were shocked with cold sweats on their faces.

"Hello, how easy is it to say good?"

They subconsciously looked at the chat group in their heads. At this time, they suddenly discovered that the difficulty item in the task prompt of the chat group did not know when it became a [Nightmare].

Uchiha Kirito was dumbfounded.

"How difficult is it to change Quiet Mimi?"

"Too ridiculous?!"

Karis was a little desperate to spit. He barely maintained his composure, looking at Yan Nian with the same solemn expression: "Group lord!? What's the matter?

Yan Nian had seen the change in the difficulty of the task a long time ago. This was the first time he had seen this situation, and he said calmly.

"I don't know. This is the first time this happened in a chat group."

"How can it be repaired!"

Caris shook his fist angrily.

"It seems that the chat group cannot be completely trusted!"

Uchiha Kirito glanced at Kawasaki Yashin, who seemed to be admiring the spectacle, and Shiroyasha, and then at Kraton, who looked gloomy and didn't know what he was thinking.

He hesitated for a moment, and asked Yan Nian weakly.

"This is obviously too strong, can we slip away first?"

Yan Nian nodded: "Of course it can, after all, the chat group made a mistake. Leave this task to them."

Yan Nian looked at Bai Yasha and Craton.

"What's the difficulty of your mission?"

Craton turned his head to look at Yan Nian, his tone dignified: "The difficulty of the task has become difficult!"

Bai Yacha's eyes rolled, and he smiled and said, "Difficult? It seems to be difficult too."

Yan Nian glanced at Bai Yasha. This casual tone was obviously a lie, but he didn't care.

"The difficulty and intensity of our nightmare is obviously beyond the standard for us, so we can only go back first."

For chat group tasks, once the task becomes too difficult (above difficult), there will be a return option.

The difficulty of the task is determined according to individual strength.

If the difficulty of the difficulty can be maintained, the difficulty of the nightmare is basically mortal.

So they can only retreat first.

With that, Yannian, Karis, and Uchiha Kirito showed an apologetic look at Shanmu.

Shan Shan also expressed his understanding. He took a deep breath, speaking with some vibrato.

"It's all because of me. I can't blame fact, you can all retreat."

The fir looked up to the sky desperately.

At this time, you can see the three worlds of red light, the invisible force field in the sky, and the chaotic black light have collided together.

The three worlds seem to be squeezing and fighting each other, and there is a serious distortion of time and space at the border where the two worlds collide.

Shanmu opened his eyes wide, and murmured in despair.

"Human...Humanity is over..."

Yan Nian sighed.

"Neither did I expect that this world would reject foreign existence so much.

This is the first time that such a thing has ever happened to the transmission of a chat group. "

Uchiha Kirito and Karis were also a little heavy.

They also have a share of the sin of destroying the world, and it seems too...

Uchiha Kirito and Karis squeezed their fists. The two of them are friends in a better relationship. They have exchanged the power systems of One Piece World and Naruto World.

However, at first glance, the strength is still so weak.

"Strength! Always strength!"

Uchiha Kirito said fiercely He did not hesitate, and directly clicked to return.

Caris also silently clicked to return.

Yan Nian was not in a hurry to go back, because if he could go back, he still planned to observe the wave.

However, Muhua Saki Yashin, who silently listened to a few people chatting, heard their speech, seemed to think of something interesting, and a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

go back?

Chat group?


I wonder if I can break through my blockade?


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