The Second Girl’s Naruto Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 61: Marbles

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The invisible space-time power immediately enveloped Uchiha Kirito, Karis and Yannian.

In Muhuasaki Yaxin's roots, he could see something deeper in sleep.

This power is like a space-time transmission directly realized through high-dimensional interference from a higher latitude. It is on the three-dimensional surface of the world, and it is completely impossible to see where this power comes from.

But Muhua Saki Yexin is different. Her root vision is the most fundamental thing. It can be said that her root vision is quite the same as the root cause itself.

Does the root cause have the concept of dimensionality?

Maybe there is, the root exists in every dimension, and maybe there is no root outside of the dimension.

In any case, the root is the root of all things, all causes and effects, the source of all materials, and the end of all things.

Or! The root is the infinite-dimensional universe itself!

And Muhua Saki Yexin's root cause, that is simply a bug!

Being out of nothing, directly establishes another source of existence.

Although it will take some time to grow up, the personality has already been determined!

Muhua Saki Yaxin naturally knows how abnormal her roots are, but she has no intention of becoming the strongest, chasing the road, becoming the root, or transcending the root or something.

She didn't have such thoughts. After all, she was invincible. She was originally a salted fish, but now she only focuses on how to "play".

It's too tired to think about becoming a **** or something.

Moreover, she has no need to work hard.


Pulling away, Muhua Saki Yaxin saw through this advanced spatial teleportation technique at a glance.

Of course, it was easy to block, but she chose to use violence.

Muhua Saki Yaxin's mouth curled slightly, and the blue star eyes hidden in the blindfold opened!

I saw it in an instant, the line of death with the root cause.

She just blinked.

The invisible force directly cut off the energy source transmitted in this space.


At this moment, Uchiha Kirito and Karis are silently waiting for the transmission.

Yan Nian also noticed that the power of time and space was activated by the two of them.

Then, the space-time power suddenly ended.

The spatial fluctuations also stopped.

Uchiha Kirito and Karis just waited silently.

One second...

Ten seconds...

Twenty seconds...

and many more?

Uchiha Kirito and Karis were stunned, and the spatial fluctuation stopped? Was the transmission successful?

They looked around, the world was still that world, and the three-color Galaxy World was spectacular.


The two looked at each other, and each could see each other's awkward eyes.

Why didn't we send it away! ! !

Yan Nian and Craton also found anomalies.

The prompt tone of the chat group is also long overdue.

[Transmission failed]

[Return failure]

[Transmission was cut off abnormally and cannot continue! 】

Both Uchiha Kirito and Karis showed horrified eyes.

"Transmission failed! It was cut off!"

"How is it possible! How can the transmission of the chat group be cut off!"

The mentality of the two jumped, and the transmission of the chat group could be cut off. What level of existence is this?

This world exists so much, why can it be initially rated as simple!

Kraton also felt that something was wrong. As a Kryptonian, he inherited the technology of the Kryptonian!

He naturally wanted to study the transmission of the chat group, but he couldn't detect how the transmission happened.

The artificial intelligence even detects abnormal conditions. It tells Klatton that this kind of spatial transmission seems to be high-dimensional interference.

However, this magical chat group method was actually cut off? !

Yan Nian also fell into a posture of doubting life.

"The chat group connected to Ten Thousand Realms... actually failed?

It is very strange when determining the difficulty of the task. Is it possible that this world has a more terrifying existence than a chat group, which is interfering with the chat group! ? "

Thinking carefully, Yan Nian, as a member of the Zhongzhou team, knows those **** hands who are beyond existence!

Just when everyone doubts life!

The confrontation in the three areas finally came to an end!

Although the domain above the starry sky is between the two domains, it also highlights the power of this domain!

Only heard the sound of glass breaking!


The invisible force field above the starry sky directly crushed the space of the force field on both sides, and in an instant, it immediately enveloped Muhuasaki Yaxin and the group with a low-beam speed!

next moment!

Their world has completely changed, and it has become a small universe, surrounded by planets as big as small mountains, a large galaxy in a city, and a star cluster in a large province!

Yes, even in a small universe, the volume of matter in it is still terrifying!

And as the center of the small universe, they saw a monster!

A huge super monster, even bigger than hundreds of star clusters!

Its whole body is as black as ink, but it is strange that this kind of black is in this dark cosmic space, and they shouldn't be able to see it!

However, they just saw it, and it seems that this is a black phenomenon that the brain feeds back to themselves!

In addition to this strange black, the shape is also very strange and absurd. The whole body is like a smooth mirror, with smooth but pitch-black hands and legs like a human shape. On the spindle-shaped head, there is only a mouth in the middle. Inside are circles of jagged black material.

This kind of absurd and weird form, the more they look at it, the more they feel inconsistent, as if all the discomfort in the world is concentrated on that body!

Moreover, they even felt that what they could observe with the naked eye was very limited, and this form was only the limit of what they could observe!

This is their limit of collecting information with the naked eye!

Just such a weird, extremely huge monster is in the middle of the small universe!

The most recent test in the surrounding area is that the one that revolves around him is the larger super galaxy in the nine universes, and there are even more small galaxies!

Due to the problem of distance horizons, although they observed the monster's whole body, they also understood how exaggerated the size of the monster was!

Put it on the earth, it is definitely bigger than the earth!

"What to do!? We seem to be drawn into its realm by this monster!"

Uchiha Kirito barely maintained his composure, this guy who is entwined by the galaxy and the whole universe revolves around it!

Just like this, you can know without even thinking about it. It must be a knock-on-level boss!

It's impossible to resist that!

At least he couldn't.

Yan Nian looked at Bai Yacha, hesitated and asked directly: "Bai Yacha, can you break this field?"

Bai Yacha is also observing this special space domain. Hearing Yan Nian's question, she turned her eyes and showed a smile that was not a smile.

"Humph~ I can't help you guys, my big

Part of the power is still being sealed. "

Speaking of Bai Yasha, he did not know that he took out a white fan from there, and put it in front of his face, showing a Ruoyouruwu smile.

"So don't count on me."

Yan Nian looked at the white-haired Lolita in front of him, who was called the white yasha of the final trial of mankind!

Starburst power, in her eyes, it is nothing, even if she loses her spirituality under normal conditions, her strength should be the most powerful here!

Can't help, Yan Nian doesn't believe it at all, this demon king really doesn't want to help them!

Yan Nian gritted his teeth, and he also knew that Bai Yacha's temperament in the original book couldn't be so simple to help the strangers who had just met!

"Hey, stop talking! That guy threw the planet over!"

Clapton looked straight ahead with a cold sweat and said.


Yan Nian hurriedly looked forward, and sure enough the huge planets as huge as mountains were thrown over as marbles!

One after another planets flew in densely, even though they estimated that the distance scale was exaggerated, it was impossible to avoid them completely!

"Brothers! Fight it!"

Yan Nian, who had accepted his fate, his eyes became firm, he was ready to start desperately!

Even if you die, you can't die that simple!

The same is true for Uchiha Kirito, Karis, and and even the fir clenched Hiwawamaru!

The five people's dignified guard, all of them showed a burst of murderous air!

Compared with five people, Shira Yasha and Muhua Saki Yashin are equivalent to sightseeing.

However, Muhua Saki Yashin was also a little interested in the marbles.

It seems that that guy is also playing around, after all, he didn't kill him at first.

She looked at the universe and galaxies around her, and a funny child emerged in her heart.

"This scene seems to be very suitable for playing barrage games."


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