The Second Girl’s Naruto Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 72: Destroy the Sentry Mecha!

Wandering-the former people's police.

At the end of the day, when the inheritance ball of light falls!

He was fortunate to have two inheritances, one of them-the psychic.

As the name suggests, it is the inheritance of spiritual power and extraordinary machinery!

Second, mechanics are the inheritance of pure combat mechanics.

There is a big difference between the two. As a psychic, no matter it is in that period, he will not be weak, because as long as he finds the material, he can use his spiritual power to transform it.

It can be said that as long as you find the materials in the early stage, you can rise quickly, and the combat power of the early psychic can be said to be more advanced.

As for the mechanics, it can be said that they are very pure. Under the use of certain combat machinery, they are much better than the psychics.

However, the early stage is very weak, because it will not let you awaken your spiritual power, but will only help you develop a certain level of brain. If you want to use wisdom to create combat machinery and improve combat power, you must find both tools and materials by yourself. !

This is what's terrible. Since the end of the day, everyone is in danger. They urgently need a certain fighting ability and fighting ability, so that the chance of survival is greater.

As for mechanics, the start is usually very weak, and it is easy to die in some large-scale attacks without mind!

And Wang Lei got the combination of the two inheritances of Mechanic and Ling Machinery, it can be said that there is basically no dead point!

Rising rapidly in the Doomsday period, the wisdom of the mechanics and the flexibility of the spirit machinery have been practiced to the extreme, creating one after another powerful mecha and personal armor!

Even the mechanical sentry unit!

It can be said that since his awakening, he has never had an opponent!

Almost the entire eastern continent knows the name of his Destroying Sentinel!

Since three years ago, he has started to form forces and brought some despised mechanics into his camp, so he began to build a sentry base!

He destroyed the name of the sentry, and he has a lot of followers. For this reason, he gathered more than 20 mechanics or their related inheritors, and three psychics!

With such a powerful help, an indestructible sentry base was quickly established.

In the beginning, the base was only as big as the current Midtown area, but slowly, more and more people asked for asylum, and the expansion began.

Until now, the sentry base has circled the entire capital!

A survivor base that is too large will naturally encounter a lot of impact!

The most common is the Zerg, the undead.

However, after three years, there has never been an accident at this base!

Even if it was a large-scale Zerg attack, it was suppressed by the terrifying firepower.

This is a base that can be called a strong fortress among all the survivor bases of mankind!

Wang Lei once imagined that in order to break through the sentry base, it would require multiple Legendary ranks to attack.

However, he did not expect that he would actually be calculated by his own people today to anger a potential enemy!

If this person has ulterior motives, then what he has to face now is not just the angered Dragon Race!

Maybe, there are foreign enemies!

Wang Lei looked at the magic circle that covered the entire base in the sky. For such a large-scale attack, he had to mobilize the energy of the whole city and start the final mode! !

As a psychic, his mind moved, and his spiritual power sent the signal formed by the mind. In an instant, countless commands were executed in the core of the central tower!

next moment! The entire sentry base began to "live"!

The survivors wandering in the base are not fuel-efficient lamps. When encountering such a large-scale incident, they all use their own means, either hiding and observing in secret, or rushing to the central tower, or directly fleeing.

However, they all felt that the entire sentry base began to move!

Countless drones flashed red and blue light!

Under the surface of the base, violent vibrations began!

A huge fiery red core of several kilometers began to operate violently underground. Every modified high-rise building, city wall, turret, and sentry warning robot began to be linked together by spiritual signals, and began to flicker with frequency. Red and blue light!

The energy transmission channel of the void was established with the central tower as the center.

The arrogant man located in the central tower, the spiritual power in his body and the calculation in his brain have reached the extreme, he almost roared!

"100% psionic power! Full power mode activated!"

Di di di di!

"The highest authority command passed"

"Psionic 100% agreement passed!"

"Start! Full load mode!"

"Warning! Excessive energy consumption!"

"Warning! After one hour of operation in full load mode, energy will be exhausted."

One hour is enough!

Wandering needs to quickly solve the immediate troubles, otherwise it is likely to be taken advantage of!

Bang! ! !

The whole central tower shook!

next moment!

The entire central tower began to deform, and drones from various places began to fly into the central tower.


The flame cloud caused by the violent explosion in the sky began to dissipate.

Muhua Saki Yaxin, Qianxia and the little girl were shrouded in a transparent blue ball of light, standing in the void!

Muhua Saki Yaxin's expression was cool, and she raised her palm in front of her.

She just happened to be able to see the distorted picture of the central tower in front of her!

The central high tower was deformed very quickly, cracking, and each module began to slide down or split or combine.

And the whole high tower, the texture of the blue psychic energy, is like a circuit everywhere!

It looks very cool!

Muhuasaki Yaxin looked at the giant mechanical armor that was gradually taking shape, her eyes shining brightly.

"Oh~ so cool!"

"What would happen to it if it attacked directly when it deformed?"

Muhua Saki Yexin thought of this, so she wanted to test it.

If it's powerful, it's the power of the RPG just released.

I am definitely not careful.

Just like this, Muhua Saki Yaxin raised her little hand and instantly gathered an energy bomb.

She dubbed herself: "bui~"

In an instant, the energy bounced out, and she pretended to have recoil, and her little hands leaned back.

It was a little surprised to watch the attack launched by the girl, after all, the dragon race was a very proud race, and generally wouldn't take advantage of others.

Under this circumstance, humans should be allowed to use all means to defeat them head-on and show their strength.

Does this girl understand the rules?

However, this attack should be regarded as a test!

I didn't care about it!

next moment!

The energy bomb suddenly approached the five-meter range of the giant mechanical armor that was deforming. The energy bomb seemed to hit an energy array and exploded in an instant!

boom! ! !

The flame of the explosion was also isolated by the invisible energy shield. The tower was still being assembled and deformed, and the attack of the energy bomb did not affect it at all.

Muhua Saki Yaxin immediately felt interesting.

"Oh, the transformation time is invincible!"

Qianxia looked at the playful teacher a little speechless, she was comforting the little girl.

The explosion just frightened her, but she couldn't help but persuade her.

"Teacher, I'm afraid someone is plotting against us in this attack.

The purpose should be to let us fight this city!

We can't just be used like that. "

Such an obvious conspiracy, Qianxia can naturally see it.

At the beginning, those few people tried, and they obviously knew the strength of Teacher Ye Xin!

If the conspiracy of that person is allowed to succeed, then this survivor base may suffer, and the conspirators will also benefit.

Muhua Saki Yaxin would naturally not be so cute and stupid, and she smiled at Qianxia in a blink of an eye.

"Of course I know, but I still want to play! After all, large mechas are really fun!"

With that, Muhua Saki Yaxin increased her power. She wanted to see how invincible the shield was!

Muhua Saki Yexin raised his hand and a red light beam blasted out!

I saw a beam of light flashing in the air, instantly hitting the shield of the central tower!

A white transparent energy layer appeared around the shield, which had been bombarded by the beam and sunk into it!

However, the shield stayed for only 0.5 seconds.


It was as if the glass was broken, and the shield suddenly broke through a big hole!

The beam of light instantly hit the large mecha that changed in the central tower. The layers of steel and armor of the mecha were not fully assembled yet, and their protection was limited.



Two explosions and flames suddenly appeared!

Muhua Saki's beam instantly penetrated the entire mecha, exploding at the penetration point and exit point, and then the beam directly bombarded the ground behind the mecha!

boom! ! !

The flames of the explosion were everywhere, and the shock waves of some unlucky explosions flew up.


And standing in the central control room arrogantly, he clearly saw the light beam that penetrated the entire mecha, he couldn't believe it.

After all, he was very confident about the hardness of the mecha and the strength of the shield, but now it was easily penetrated!

"Warning! The middle plate armor was damaged, and the arthropod energy tank exploded..."

Various warning uploads!

Mi Lei clenched his fists.

"Trouble! This guy is not an ordinary legendary rank!"

Muhua Saki Yashin saw her light beam that doubled the energy and penetrated the opponent's mecha before she stopped.

Young girl with a boring look on her face.

"Ah~ Is this level of invincibility? I overestimated it..."

At this moment, the arrogant Destruction Sentinel Mech was finally transformed, which lasted three minutes!

The silver-white giant sentry mech with a height of six hundred meters stood on the sentry base, and the blue spirit pattern on his body was shining.

Wang Lei stood in the command room, and through the image feedback from the psionic image, he directly saw Muhua Saki Yaxin in the sky.

"Now! The psionic power of the entire city has been assembled! The level of the Destroying Sentinel Mecha is-Legendary High Level!"


The huge mecha made a gesture of fighting, and a circle of blue energy-gathering rings spread out!

The huge energy response shocked the surrounding ground and made waves of air tumbling!

Some hapless guys were lifted off again...

Muhua Saki Yaxin and the three stood in front of this huge mecha hundreds of meters high, like a bug.

Very small and inconspicuous!

Muhua Saki Yaxin smiled, and said proudly: "I really want this toy. Can you give it to me? Give it to me, I just don't care about this time."

Wang Le frowned, the girl's voice was very pleasant, but it was not forwarded by the voice received by the mecha.

This voice was transmitted directly to his ears! This is terrifying!

Be aware that Destroy Sentinel will cut off all unfavorable energy signals!

What does that mean when this sound comes to my ears! ?

Wang Lei looked serious and immediately issued control orders!

"Turn on the waiting energy ring! The anti-communication mode is fully open! The mental energy is completely isolated!"

"It seems that you did not accept my kindness..."

The girl's voice still passed directly into Wang Lei's mind!

Wang Lei suddenly panicked, with cold sweat on his face.

what's going on?

I only saw, the girl raised her little hand!

The huge magic circle in the sky begins to change!


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