The Second Girl’s Naruto Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 74: despair

The huge magic circle covered the sky, the brilliant light rendered the earth into color, and the light began to change at this moment!

Countless runes and textures linked to magic began to light up, and the outer halo began to spin.

Muhua Saki Yaxin raised her small hands high, and shouted loudly with a little bit of milk!

"The truth of illusion! The magic eye of the root of the link! Break the shackles that enclose you in the cracks of the world! Upside down the rules of the world! Bring destruction for my enemies!"

The huge magic circle in the sky began to shine, and a massive and huge energy was gathering!

Wang Lei's face was solemn.

"Magic? Although I don't know what the weird sound is. However, the scale of this energy is not as huge as imagined!"

"I just need to seize the opportunity! I can kill with one hit! I must also kill with one hit!"

After all, if too much energy is consumed, the defense capability of the base will drop a lot!

So, he also secretly accumulated psionic energy, ready to fight with Muhua Saki Yaxin!

Different arrogant.

The rest of the entire base can feel the huge energy that is being accumulated, and what is coming may be a deadly forbidden spell covering the entire city!

Regarding this fatal attack, their hearts were filled with anxiety and depression.

The voice of the girl's chanting can be heard clearly by people all over the base.

Therefore, they also understand that there are enemies at the source of this magic circle!

Although, they don't know what happened.


As a survivor who has survived for six years in the doomsday, not many are afraid of death!

"At least! We will never be afraid of death!"

Muscular Huangmao led his team members, standing on a tall building, looking at the majestic girl in the sky, and the terrifying giant mecha, shaking his voice!

Huang Mao thinks that when such a thing happens, he has his own responsibility more or less!

Moreover, let alone they are the guardians of the sentry base.

"Then let's go together! Huang Mao!"

The red-haired boy who was the deputy captain said so.

Huang Mao grinned.

"It will die."

The team members responded to Huang Mao with only a faint smile.

To this!

No words are needed.

Huang Mao was already clear, and seeing the front, a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth unconsciously.

"Then go, the guardian should look like a guardian."

The whole city is on alert!

One powerful breath after another erupted in the city, locking Muhua Saki Yexin.

Qianxia and the little girl also felt this kind of rush, the kind of rush that was locked by the killing intent of the elite survivors of the entire base!

Muhua Saki Yaxin naturally knew that she had finished singing at this moment, and she felt the infinite malice and the determined belief that she would go home with her death, and she felt more and more interesting.

This feeling of one person vs. one city army...

not bad!

"Heaven and earth are heavy! First law! Pressure!"

The girl's voice resounded across the sky again!

A huge pressure was released from the magic circle, and the air was distorted, and the pressure wave went down vertically!

"It's now!"

The Sentry Mecha has also been charged up! Muhua Saki Yashin’s chanting is accumulating energy, so how often is it not accumulating energy!

I saw the huge sentinel mech, compressing extremely huge psionic energy in the central core of the mecha, and converging into a single point, a super-high nuclear compressed energy point!

Wandering to call it-the light of a million stars!

I saw that a dazzling bit of light was emitted from the central core of the Sentry Mecha!

In an instant, the energy ball compressed to the extreme with unparalleled density, triggering an instant gravitational disorder!

The high density and explosive speed even distorted the space!

The pressure wave was also suppressed, covering the entire base!

boom! ! !

Everyone just felt the ground sink, and the huge Sentry Mecha was no exception, kneeling on one knee under pressure!

The ground is directly recessed into a layer, and people with poor strength are directly pressed on the ground!


This momentary pressure did not affect the flight trajectory of the [Millions of Stars Light]!

I saw a flash of light!

The dazzling white light instantly hit the energy shield where the three of Saki Yaxin Muhana were located!

Qianxia felt the danger of this attack most, the horrible feeling, the feeling that the hairs on the whole body were erected!

All let her have the idea of ​​fleeing!

However, looking at the girl master in front of her and feeling the incomparable sense of security, she still suppressed the anxiety.

next moment!

[Light of a Million Stars] Explode!

The momentary light suppressed the sun's rays!

Just like its name, the light of millions of stars is so dazzling!

However, the dazzling light was only for a while, the next moment everyone regained their vision!

Then I saw that a white ball of light with a diameter of 500 meters appeared in the sky covering the place where the three people of Saki Saki Muhana were located!

The white flame ball is circling and burning, the energy density in it seems to be very high, and the surrounding space seems to be shrinking and shrinking all the time!

At this moment, everyone felt a sense of weightlessness, their feet suddenly lifted off the ground and floated, and some stones were no exception.

Float for less than two seconds!

next moment!

The white flame ball suddenly exploded!

Bang! ! !

The loud sound is screaming, they can't hear anything.

All that can be seen is that an explosion in the sky collapsed the space into a dark and deep black hole, accompanied by a shock wave that warped the air!

This shock wave is undoubtedly very deadly!

Everyone just felt their bodies sink, and they were immediately pressed into the ground!

next moment!

The collapsing black hole begins to absorb all matter again!

Everyone suddenly felt lighter again, and began to drift towards the black hole in the sky!

If this black hole is not handled well, half of the base will be destroyed.

Wang Lei used the Sentry Mecha to prop up the ground, and wanted to directly cover the bombed black hole with the energy stand circle.

He suddenly discovered that the magic circle in the sky seemed to... still exist!

What does it mean!

That girl! Still alive!

Soon, the scene that made him collapse appeared!

I saw Muhua Saki Yashin stepped on the protective shield, protecting Qianxia and the little girl like a rolling ball, slipping out of the black hole.

However, Muhua Saki Yaxin turned around and looked at the black hole, seemingly interested in it, and walked in the void in one step and two steps, and walked directly out of the energy shield.

The girl seemed to be completely unaffected by the black hole. Standing not far from the black hole, her little finger nodded her cheek, her head lowered as if she was thinking.

Soon, she seemed to be able to think through. She raised her head and smiled. She stretched out her head slightly, opened her mouth, and bit the black hole.

next moment!

It was as if some mysterious existence swallowed the black hole, and the black hole disappeared instantly!

The gravitational disturbance also disappeared instantly.

At this time, the girl seemed to be tasting and chewing.

Ah~eng! ~RenRenRen~

The girl swallowed the food with surprise on her face, as if the little girl had eaten a delicious candy, her eyes gleamed in admiration.

"It's delicious~"

The girl's ethereal voice with a little milky voice once again spread throughout the base city area.

However no one feels a little cute, only horror and horror.

After all, this girl is not eating candy, but a black hole!

You know, what a black hole is!

That's something that is considered a **** rank, and I dare not touch it easily!

Wang Lei only dared to take a protective stand on the periphery and let it disappear naturally!

However, this black hole was swallowed directly by the girl as a candy! ?

Muhua Saki Yaxin looked at the huge mecha toy with a bright smile.

"You toy, really good..."

Wang Lei swallowed with sweat on his face.


An atmosphere called despair began to permeate...

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