The Second Girl’s Naruto Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 75: 1 enemy, 1 city

"Yal Yale~ Is he really a terrible guy?"

Linus had already come to the city wall at this moment. From the high city wall, one could clearly see the scene of the girl in the city fighting against Wandering, as well as the scene of the explosion of [Millions of Star Light].

After all, not many buildings are as high as city walls.

"I almost failed the estimate. I didn't expect that guy would still hide such scary moves."

"Fortunately, the girl's strength has exceeded the overdue period, so the plan can be implemented."

Linus turned and looked out of the city. Something seemed to be approaching in the distance.

He smiled gently: "Humanity~Death and destruction~It's better to choose by yourself."

In the city.

In front of the Destroying Sentinel Mecha, Mu Hana Saki stepped on the magic circle in the void, proudly tilting her head to look at the huge mecha that was hundreds of times larger than her.

With an arrogant tone, the milk-cute milk-cute shouted.

"Hurry up! As long as you give me this big toy!

I don't care about your rude behavior just now!

I hope you don’t know how to praise! "

The girl's voice is as beautiful as ever, just like the singing of a lark.

However, this joke-like remark, no one will find it funny.

Wang Lei was trembling all over. To know the scale of the power of [Millions of Stars], he can believe that even if it is a direct hit from the gods, it can't be better.

And what kind of existence is this girl in front of him?


The dragon is the highest **** level?

No matter which one... it's not something he can fight against...

Can you keep the sentry base by surrendering the Destroy Sentinel mech?

However, the Sentinel Mech is the basis of the Sentinel Base... handed over, this base is no different from being destroyed...

How to do?

How to do! ?

How to do! !

Do you want to hand it in?

Wang Lei squeezed his fists, with great force, the nails were pinched into the flesh, and the blood dripped down!

However, he didn't realize the pain in the palm of his hand, and his heart was suffering very much...

Muhua Saki Yaxin was also waiting, the base guardian's answer, just waiting a little impatiently, kicking the magic circle restlessly with his little feet.

"Hey! That loli! Look here!"

Muhua Saki was stunned for a moment, and turned to look at the ground, where was the ruins of a crushed tall building.

The yellow muscles that once hated, the whole person curled up in the central muzzle of a mechanical armor.

Huang Mao looked silly and laughed dissolutely.

"Hahaha! Don't think about strengthening other people's toys!"

Mechanical armor thinks of mechanical voice.

"Death projection is ready."


Bang! !

A ball of flame erupted from the muzzle, and the muscular yellow hair turned into a human cannonball to pierce the air, bringing layers of sonic booms in the air, and there were sonic boom clouds beside him!

Huang Mao squeezed his right fist, his muscles exploded.


Half of the clothes was instantly shattered into pieces, the muscles of the right hand violently burst and punched, which looked very horrible!

"Eat my trick! [Meteor! Kirin Rush!]"

Huang Mao exploded his spiritual power in the air, and his speed increased again. The whole person was really like a shooting star, surrounded by blue spiritual brilliance, with a long light band, and struck towards Muhua Saki Yexin!

Muhua Saki Yexin was a bit dazed, she was thinking, how dare this person?

Didn’t you see that I ate a black hole?

She kept a dazed face, and slowly raised a finger at the yellow hair that hit!

next moment!

Huang Mao punched his right hand and slammed it out, and the air let out a rapid whine and tremor.

boom! !

The air was instantly squeezed into a vacuum by the huge force, and the squeezed air turned into a violent shock wave and swept all around!

However, the girl still remained motionless, as if this huge force was just a phantom illusion.

It can be seen that the ferocious punch of the yellow muscles actually came to Muhua Saki Yaxin’s fingertips and stopped!

In front of Muhua Saki Yaxin's fingers, a circle of inconspicuous magic circles appeared.

The fist smashed into this magic circle, and he didn't have a chance to advance!

The yellow muscle complexion was taken aback, but a smiling face appeared in the next moment!

"Kirin shock!"


Huang Mao's body was shocked, a mysterious shock energy, from his right fist like a sea wave, layers of shock swept across the magic circle in front of Muhua Saki Yexin's fingertips!

next moment!


Muhua Saki Yaxin's little fingers shrank, and the magic circle suddenly shattered, her eyes widened, and she felt the force just now.

If she guessed correctly, it should be the power of demon-breaking attributes, right?


"Yes, that's right! This is my power! The power of Qi Sealing Demon!"

The yellow muscular hair broke the shield and looked very arrogant, with a smile on his mouth, and he turned around as he spoke, spinning 360 degrees to speed up his spiritual power, and he wanted to give a punch!

He is not a character who only talks nonsense and does not act!

However, he just moved!

Muhua Saki Yaxin maintained a cute expression, approached directly, and patted his head directly with a small hand knife!

The action is very simple and neat!

As a result, Huang Mao felt a pain in his brain before he could react.



The girl's seemingly casual blow, but the strength is very amazing, the air is broken by the huge force, and the air is tumbling!

The skull of the yellow hair was deformed, revealing a distorted mask of pain, and the whole person fell in a straight line in large characters!

boom! !

It fell on the ground and exploded a big hole. In the center was a big hole in the shape of a human character...

Since then...

Huangmaopu Street...


Huang Mao's teammate looked at the large human-shaped pit on the ground, a little worried.

Muhua Saki looked at the big hole on the ground, with her hand on her hips, tilted her head, and said indifferently.

"Too much nonsense, slow movements~"


Although the boss was on the street, they didn't have any plans to give up.

At the top of the ruins, the red-haired young man with bangs drew out his samurai sword. When the spiritual power burst, the samurai sword suddenly ignited a purple ghost flame.

Under the purple flame burning, his whole person's breath became cold, and the killing intent directly locked Muhua Saki Yexin.

"My ghost fire knife, I can't wait to drink blood!"

Ghost Blade Fire-Liu Neng

The deputy team of the Fire Qilin team, the third-tier intermediate, inherits the ghost blade, the purple ghost fire burns the spiritual power, and the temperature increases with the spiritual power! Under the extreme explosion, the legend of the sword slash!

Behind him, there is a huge robot armor, that is, the mecha that fires yellow muscles as human shells. The mecha sets up the barrel, and rows of missiles list all from the shoulders of the mecha. His weapon was aimed at the girl in the sky.

A girl's voice came out of the electronic amplifier, but the tone of the voice was a little bit!

"Go on! Fuck it!"

Machinist-Li Zhizhi

The logistical support of the Fire Kylin Squad, the transformed Meibai armor is fully launched, which is comparable to the third-tier intermediate! As for mechanics, they often have a little back weapon beyond their ranks, so the highest burst is unknown.

There was once a Tier 2 mechanic who took out a small psychic nuclear bomb and killed the enemy...

Follow the girl's words to **** fuck!

The members of the Fire Qilin team have all exploded with spiritual power!

Muhua Saki Yaxin looked over here, pouting helplessly.

"I just want big toys!"

However, did not wait for the fire unicorn team to attack!

A huge silver-white knife, entwined with a blue spiritual energy flame, cut the air away in an instant, and slashed directly towards Muhua Saki Yexin.

Facing such a powerful blow!

Muhua Saki Yaxin remained the same, turned around flatly, and raised her fingers with a flick.


A magic circle lit up, and the blade slashed directly at the thin layer of magic circle that seemed to be weak.


The huge blade seems to be on a piece of steel, sparks are splashing, sparks are scattered everywhere, and the flames of spiritual energy explode!

However, all the powers were isolated from the small, thin magic circle.

Muhua Saki Yashin looked at the "big toy" in front of him. This knife was cut by it. I don't know when it changed into such a handsome samurai sword.

This made Kihana Saki Yashin even more interested.

The arrogant words came from the Destroy Sentry Mecha!

"Someone has already told me the answer, I still want to play with this toy, but I can't give it to you guy."

Wandering in the core command room, controlling the sentry mech attentively, he has decided that instead of giving up the sentry mech, he would rather give it a go!

Even death!

Of course, it is not just him who made this decision, but also...

Through the sentry's psychic monitor, Wu Lei looked at the large human-shaped pit on the ground.

And the fire unicorn squad that exploded spiritual power!

He doesn't know what the result will be, but even if the mecha is handed over, even if the girl really let them go, he can believe it, the result will not be any better!

Since it is doomed to perish!

Then, he has to choose the way he perishes!

Give it a go! Even the glory of death!

"with full force!"

Bang bang bang!

The Destroy Sentry Mecha couldn't break the defense with a single blow, and Wu Lei immediately controlled it to take a step back. The mecha's waist instantly unfolded a series of spiritual missiles, the size of the missiles was bigger than a human!

The power is naturally very scary!

Bang bang bang!

The missile was aimed at Kawasaki Yashin and shot out!

Countless missiles seem to fly in the air in a mess, but in fact they all have clear goals!

Muhua Saki Yaxin didn't care, raising his hand again to show a magic circle blocking him!

Boom boom boom! !

The flames of the explosion immediately concealed all the angles of view in front of Yashin Kihana. Can it only be said that it is such a large-rooted spiritual missile?

Is it powerful?

next moment!


The flame exploded in front of him instantly split into two, and the huge blade was entwined with the blue light of spiritual power, and it was cut again!

Muhua Saki Yaxin’s eyes brightened, she opened her way with missiles, depleted her shield, and at the same time covered her sight, before letting the single-handed sword with higher destructive power attack?



It's like the sound of broken glass!

Muhua Saki Yaxin's thin magic circle shattered!

Then, with the recoil from the broken magic circle, the girl tumbling in the air, her right eye lit up with red glow, and gradually the golden red color was as gorgeous as the center of the star, so beautiful eyes appeared!

The root eye of the right eye has been opened, no, I can't say that it is open, because the root eye is actually open all the time, but when she is excited, the red star-like pupils will show up.

She didn't turn on too much power, because it would be very boring!

She wants to enjoy a little, even a little fun!

Looking at the hacked magic circle, he looked happily, and there was a little hope in his heart.

Can win!

After the Sentinel Mech's battle armor slashed the magic circle, the offensive was not over yet.

When Muhuasaki Yaxin was prancing in the air, the huge sentry mech turned flexibly, and the huge Spirit Fire sword drew a perfect arc in the air and continued to cut towards Muhuasaki Yaxin.

Muhua Sakiya had an excited smile on her face: "Although I don't know what's going on, I'm burning up!"

With the huge blade that was slashed quickly, Muhua Saki Yashin only slightly deflected his body, and at the same time, with a small hand!


A magic circle appeared in front of Muhua Saki Yaxin's little hands and shattered instantly!

However, the huge blade was also deflected!

Mou Lei gritted his teeth and controlled the katana to stop!

However, Kihana Saki's heart is about to unfold, his own attack!

The magic circle that covers the entire base is still spinning!

"Heaven and earth are heavy! No...."

"Wraith Blade! Dragon head cut!"

Suddenly a knife burning with purple flames, carrying the phantom of the dragon's head, slashed towards him!

Muhua Saki was calm, even smiling, even though her curse was interrupted!

However, she was enjoying the feeling of being interrupted in chanting!

"Huh, he actually attacked! But, Mu Danai!"

Muhua Saki Yashin raised her little hand and stood in front of her!

A semi-transparent magic circle appeared in front, and the samurai sword with the purple flames of the illusory dragon head slashed on the magic circle immediately, and it didn't make any progress.

"Maximum power, psychic beam strike!"

Bang! !

A long laser beam hits directly from the left side of Saki Yaxin Kihana!

"Fire bomb!"


An energy bomb with a destructive aura hits from the shoulder cannon of the giant Sentry Mecha, right on the right side of Yashin Kihana!

"Juan Lan!"

"Violent Rockets!"

"XZ Blast!"

The rest of the Fire Kirin squad attacked from behind Muhuasaki Yaxin!

In an instant, the attack surrounded Kawasaki Yashin from all directions.

However, Muhua Saki Yaxin smiled confidently. They calculated very well, probably considering that after she defended one side, it would be difficult to defend against attacks from other directions.


You miscalculated one thing!


I am the eye of death! "

Muhua Saki Yaxin raised her other hand!

A black magic power burst out from her body, just like a supernova burst, and the burst of energy instantly burst into a spherical shape!

The first to bear the brunt was the ghost fire knife Liu Neng. When he was hit by black energy, he flew upside down like a short kite. The knife in his hand was directly released, and the gorgeous purple flames swayed in the air were instantly obliterated.

Afterwards, whether it was a psionic laser, an energy ball or any attack, they were all shaken away by this violent burst of energy!



"Second brother!"

"Brother Ghost Blade!"

Compared with the horror of the Fire Qilin team, Wang Lei launched another attack quite simply!

Energy cannon!

Psionic swords, Psionic missiles, Psionic lasers!

Full firepower, violent pouring!

He knows that there is no time for sorrow, and defeating the enemy is the most important thing!

However, the girl just unfolded a magic circle at will, and cut off all the attacks.

The seemingly thin magic circle made him extremely desperate!

The girl moved again, she raised her hand, and the magic power echoed with the magic circle in the sky.

Wang Lei looked surprised.

Do not!

Can't let her use this trick!

The Fire Qilin team is also attacking frantically, but apart from the desperate magic circle, the girl is not a living target, her petite body moves fast and is very agile!

Their attacks were nothing at all!

At this moment, the girl's voice resounded through the sky again.

"Heaven and earth are heavy! The fourth law! Heaven and earth are sealed off!"

For a moment!

The magic circle light flashed in the sky, and in the middle city where the huge mecha was, a brilliant light fell from the sky, covering the fire unicorn team and the huge sentry mech.

next moment!

The light disappeared!

On the head of the giant sentry mech, a huge "seal" appeared.

at the same time.

Wang Lei found that he had lost the ability to act, and even his spiritual power could not be mobilized.

The same goes for the other members of the Fire Kirin team.

After this, the battle has ended...

There was a little dismay in the arrogant eyes.

"Sure enough... Still not working?"

Muhana Saki Yashin stood proudly on top of the giant Sentry Mecha with her hands on her hips!

"Hmph~ Your power is too weak! Why do you want to resist?

Will you give me the big toy obediently?

The power of the Eye of Death is not something you can resist! "


All members of the Fire Kirin team were lying on the ground, unable to move, not because they were injured, but unable to move...


"Stop kidding, Loli!"

A familiar voice came from the ground.

Muhua Saki was stunned for a moment and looked to the ground.

Where, the yellow muscles have crawled out of the pit.

Surprisingly, he didn't seem to be blocked.

The right arm with yellow muscles is very sturdy, and the proportions are very inconsistent with the body.

He grinned and looked at the little one in the sky.

"You loli! Very fierce, but we humans, isn't it easy to give in?"

Muhua Saki Yexin raised her hand and condensed an energy ball. For the rough man below, she didn't want to talk nonsense with him!

When she was about to drop an energy ball, she suddenly felt something and looked far ahead in surprise!




Where, several groups of dazzling spiritual power flames rose up, this was a vision of spiritual power exploding.

And the target locked by this spiritual power!

It's her!

Huang Mao smiled even more presumptuously, laughing.

"See it? This is it!"

"This is human!"

Bang bang bang!

Bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang

Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang!

Throughout the city, everywhere in the base, groups of aura bursts of light lit up, as if flowers were in full bloom!

Different colors and different sizes!

This scene surprised Muhua Saki Yexin.

Very gorgeous and very shocking!

This is an amazing will, the collective will of all human beings to fight the enemy together without fear of death!

Wang Lei was defeated, and the Fire Qilin team was also defeated...

The arrogant Destroy Sentinel mech can be described as the city's supreme combat power, and one mech is enough to fight against the whole city!

However, he lost!

Even if he is defeated, what can they do, these idle guardians?

Is the mayfly shaking the tree, or the ant delusional to fight against the gods?

But even so!

They are also willing to give this incredible strength! Then face death!

With a single spark, UU reading can start a prairie fire. As long as the will of the whole mankind is gathered up, they dare to fight for such a glimmer of hope of hard work!

This is courage, hope, and even human hymn!

Muhuasaki smiled heartily, both gratified and proud.

In any case, human beings finally didn't let her down, and sure enough they didn't let her down.

The girl took off her blindfold, and the blue and red pupils showed their beauty. With these beautiful eyes, she looked at the clusters of sparks igniting in the city, showing a gentle smile.

At the same time, the power that easily shakes the galaxy in the body also began to surge violently!

"Then, for the hymn of mankind, let me!

Present the fireworks that destroy the world! "

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