The Second Girl’s Naruto Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 76: Welcome to the new world

"Second Girl's Naruto Journey (!

Muhua Saki Yexin stood on the sky, her beautiful red and blue eyes exuding amazing divine light, the energy aura burst out all over her body, and a desperate energy pressure swept down to the sky!

Standing in the protective cover, Qianxia stared in surprise at the young master's posture, and was stunned.

This was the first time she saw the girl master tear off the blindfold.

Since apprenticeship, she has been listening to Muhua Saki Yaxin repeating it countless times, emphasizing that "the eye of death is the strongest" countless times.

Now, she can finally observe the real power of the Eye of Death?

However, the power of the Eye of Death should not be used in this way...

They are all... innocent people?

Qianxia looked at the guardians of the city, bursting with aura from all directions.

Don't they know the power of the teacher?

That coercion?

That kind of energy is like boundless?

You can't win at all! ?

Isn't this going to die?

Do not……

Maybe they know...

Maybe they just... don't want to escape...

Qianxia clenched her fists.

teacher! What are you trying to do?

Muhua Saki Yexin unfolded that amazing energy, and the momentum of a moment halted the steps of all the people who came!

But it's just a pause!

Numerous supporters still come here without fear of life and death!

Even if you are stronger than you think!

Even if our strength is insignificant!

With rays of spiritual power, the attack carried flew towards Muhua Saki Yexin.

The sky has become a colorful rain, just like fireworks in the sky!

However, in the face of these dense and messy attacks, Muhua Saki Yaxin didn't even move, just glanced at it!

For a moment!

A huge magic circle unfolds!

All the attacks bombarded that magic circle!

Boom boom boom boom boom boom!

The sky full of explosive fireworks, covered the entire sky!

At this time, the people who rushed in the first time began to rescue the members of the Kirin Squad on fire, as well as the arrogant Destruction Sentry Mecha!

"Lingfeng Team! Come and support!"

"Dawn Breaking Team! Come and support!"

"Guardian! Dylankai! Come and support!"

"Marisa Team! Come and support!"

"Xxx............! Come and support!"


Call after call!

In the unmovable delusion, and the members of the Fire Qilin team were thinking.

Wang Lei's eyes fell into tears unknowingly, and he wanted to tell them that it was useless, it was all in vain!

He was defeated...

The enemy in front of him did not even use one-tenth of his power...

No chance...


Looking at the people who have been working hard,

But they still have expectations and still want to fight, even if it is moths fighting the fire!

Even if it is... moths to the fire?

Yeah, no matter how bad the situation is now, it won’t be a big deal, right...

Death...decent to die too, ah. ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.

I don't want to die like this!

I shouldn't be at this level!

At this moment, Wang Lei felt that something in his heart was awakened. It seemed to be a fire!

The spiritual power of the body begins to loosen!

Spiritual will begins to change!

He had already stepped into the half-legged legend, and now his spiritual will has reached the standard!

However, a huge force is still isolating the spiritual power of his body!





A heart-piercing cry from the bottom of my heart!

Spiritual power is loose again!

There was a crack in the huge seal in the sky!

at the same time!

The guardian squads used their spiritual power to constantly attack Muhua Saki Yaxin, the gorgeous rain and exploding fireworks all over the sky.

The roar was continuous.

Under the cover of firepower, the rest of the people are thinking of ways to rescue the people of the Fire Qilin team.

However, they have no way of dealing with that letter!

"Let Lao Tzu come!"


The ground cracked and exploded, and a figure flew towards Liu Neng, the ghost fire knife!

"Kirin Arm! Millions of tons are sealed off!"

That's right, that figure is Huang Mao, holding his long muscular arm, and hitting Liu Neng's head with a punch that can only measure the word "seal"!

boom! ! !

Under the impact of huge force, the air wave swept all around!


The word "Feng" splits dense lines.

However, it was obviously not enough, Huang Mao gritted his teeth, once again exploded spiritual power, and his thick arms swelled in a circle again!

"Break it to Laozi!!!"

Bang! ! !

The word "Feng" broke apart and burst into starlight...

Over there, with his unremitting efforts, the "seal" of the huge mecha is also full of cracks!

"Drive me ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah!!!"

boom! ! !

The seal of spiritual power was broken, Wang Lei instantly regained his ability to move, and the spiritual power of his whole body began to boil, and a burst of legendary-level unique coercion spread!

Wang Lei also regained a little self-confidence. He had just advanced and entered the legendary stage. The improvement he got was very big. He felt omnipotent in an instant!

The world has become clearer, and the use of energy is more efficient and handy!

Spiritual power together!

Bang! ! !

A spiritual energy vortex appeared in the sky, and the surrounding spiritual power was quickly coming towards the sentry mecha, being absorbed by the central core!

Wang Lei felt the efficiency of the Sentry Mecha's energy absorption, and he smiled.

"This feeling!"

"That's how it feels!"

"I was not a legend, but I was always near something!

But now I finally know what the difference is!

Bold imagination! Plus that little mental power!

I can finally perfect you!

[The Heart of Mobius] The supreme masterpiece of the psychic engine! "

Wang Lei turned her vision, and the girl who didn't know what she was watching had a slight smile on her face, her eyes full of determination.

"If you say! I haven't reached the legend! I can beat the legend!

Then I became a legend! Why can't you kill the gods!

today's me! This feat in human history must be accomplished! "

A huge silver-white sentinel mecha stood between the heavens and the earth, violent energy vortexes entwined around the body, and the spiritual lines on the body were interlacing and reorganizing and linking, and a huge breath was revealed from it!

This mech seems to be evolving!

At this moment, the guardians at the feet of the huge mecha looked up at this behemoth, as if looking up at a true god!

It just so happened that the Sentry Mecha moved at this moment. It lifted the sword, and the sword once again ignited the flames of spiritual power, and then raised its head to look at the demon-like girl in the sky.


Muhua Saki Yaxin's red and blue eyes directly penetrated the infinite flame, and saw the arrogant and energetic.

The breath of the two immediately collided!


Two invisible coercion are colliding!

The attack of the survivors was completely suppressed by two invisible forces for an instant!

The flame of the explosion was squeezed and wiped out immediately, and the disappearance disappeared!

At the same time, a huge shock swept across the entire sentry base!

The impact was very small, but everyone felt their hearts sink low, and the weak were directly pressed down on the ground!

Muhua Sakuya smiled very happily. Although she put some water in, it was really his own effort that Wou Lei could break through!

As soon as the girl raised her hand, the magic circle covering the entire base suddenly climbed upward again!

At the same time, Muhua Saki Yaxin's clear voice resounded through the sky again.

"Good will! Your faith is approved by my death eye!

I decided to give you the greatest respect!

Take it!

Human funeral song! "

Without fear, the huge silver sentry mech is fully operating its spiritual power, and the sword is pointed directly at the sky!

He laughed heartily:


Everyone obeys!

Maximum spiritual power burst!

Show her some of her masterpieces!

Let us also dedicate to her a human hymn! "

Everyone smiled at this moment, without fear, the spiritual power in the body began to rotate sharply!

Bang! ! !

Muhua Saki Yexin's palm is supporting the sky, and the huge energy in the body is pouring out!

The magic circle in the sky began to swell sharply. The magic circle that originally covered the whole city rose to the naked eye, but it was just a relatively large magic circle, and they could see the whole picture!

However, after Muhua Saki Yexin's endless energy blessing, the magic circle in the sky began to expand violently, and the speed of unfolding was very fast!

Just for a moment, the sky in front of you was covered and obscured by this magic circle!

If they stand in outer space and look at it, they will be able to see an amazing scene.

That magic circle has already covered the entire planet, as if a lid was placed on top of the planet!

"It seems that you are fully awakened!"

Muhua Saki looked at the people on the ground with extremely firm eyes, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"Then connect it!

The law of the end!

Lunwu Galaxy's final light! "


The magic circle in the sky lights up, gorgeous magic patterns and mysterious runes are displayed on the endless magic circle in the sky!

this moment!

Everyone on this planet, all creatures have felt it, that energy that is vaster than the sun, and an infinite power greater than the galaxy!

Facing this desperate energy, it is far more terrifying than imagined!

The arrogant and the survivors still have no fear, and the beliefs in their hearts at this moment are all!

war! ! !

"Destroy the sentinel! Billion star ray!"

The huge silver-white sentinel mecha, the energy core of the chest, unfolded directly, a white mass of distorted space, surpassing the speed of light and rushing to the sky!

"Kirin Arm! The biggest comet rushes!"

The muscular and yellow-haired unicorn arm swelled to the extreme, the arm like a giant, the blue veins violently, brought a huge spiritual force, and blasted it out!

I saw a huge spiritual power group like a comet breaking through the sky!

"Wildfire knife! The light blade of the purple sun!"

The purple ghost fire burns spiritual power sharply, raising the temperature to the extreme, just like the purple sun!

This is Liu Neng's strongest blow! The most extreme blow! A blow that will damage the weapon! He waved and slashed! The dazzling purple blade of light suddenly cut through the sky and left!


"Heavy artillery mecha! Destructive firepower poured out!"

"Thai Dragon Boxing! Dragon head up the mountain!"

"Daofa! I drive Ferrari!"

"Nian Li! Psionic Stream Nian!"

"Ninfa! Fenghuoshanlin Quartet!"


Everyone, do everything they can to strike out their greatest strength, the strongest blow!

For a moment!

Everyone’s attacks formed a torrent of energy like a rainbow in the sky!

Muhuasaki Yaxin looked at the "rainbow" that swept across, showing a gentle smile.

"It's really beautiful. A hymn to humans."

next moment!

The magic circle in the sky turned into light, incomparable light, eroding all the light, and the world became an ocean of light in an instant, without any darkness anymore!

The entire blue star turned into light, and even this dazzling light illuminates the universe, and even the sun cannot compete.


It's so warm, like bathing in the warm sun of the morning, the whole body is wrapped in warm and soft light, and there is an indescribable sense of comfort and security.

Qianxia opened her eyes, what she saw was endless brilliance, as if there was nothing but light in this space, everything was white, but the light was very soft and warm, she didn’t. Feel any discomfort.

"this is……?"

Qianxia looked around and found that she didn't seem to find anyone else.

Could it be...

Teacher Ye Xin really destroyed everything! ?

Qianxia's heart sank.


The voice of the master girl seemed to be coming from a boundless distance, with echoes.

"Teacher! Where are you!"

Qianxia yelled quickly.

"Don't panic, I'm by your side."

After speaking, Qianxia saw that a black slit appeared in the white space in front of him.

Then, Muhua Saki Yaxin seemed to open the door, and opened a white light. She walked over from behind the dark door and raised her hand to make a scissor hand.

"Hehe~ Did you scare you?"

"Teacher!!! What did you do!?"

"This world! What did you do!"

Qianxia was anxious, so she couldn't help but ask urgently!

She didn't want the destruction of the teacher's play, and she also felt that the teacher shouldn't be that kind of person!

"It's safe, it's safe."

Muhua Saki Yexin waved her hand, motioning not to get excited.

"I just want to see if human beings in this world have fallen.

Seeing the hymn of mankind, as the messenger of world peace, I decided to help the world and establish a guardian circle! "

Establish a guardian circle! ?

Qianxia was a little confused.

"Yes, here, it is to be used as the authority room for guarding the magic circle."


Qianxia is still in a state of confusion.

Muhua Saki Yexin looked at Qianxia who was still confused, and immediately without hesitation, she took Qianxia's hand and walked directly toward the door she had just opened!

Step out!

After crossing the dark doorway, Qianxia found out that she had returned to the world?

Here is the land, the ruins in front of us, the gravel on the left and right, and the pitted ground...

Qianxia was stunned, and she looked around. This was still the sentinel base, ruined buildings, silver-white mechas, everything was familiar...

The only thing unfamiliar is...

Qianxia looked up at the sky.

At this moment, the world is no longer shrouded in darkness, there is no longer that infinite black cloud, bright sunshine, from the sky, all things in the world are stained with a heavy gold garment.

"this is……"

"This is a new world!"

Muhua Saki Yaxin smiled and walked to Qianxia's side, looking up at the sky just like that.

Where is the blue sky and white clouds as always, the sun is shining...

However, Wang Lei and others are somewhat confused.

They thought they would die there, but they didn't!

Everything is fine in the world, even the sun illuminates the earth again.

They remembered that at that time there was a burst of white light covering everything, and the whole world fell into this overbearing light!

However, this light does not seem to have any lethal power. Instead, it has a healing power. Some people with overdrawn power can even feel that their internal injuries are recovering quickly, and everyone can feel the white light shining on the body. Kind of warm comfort.

"what happened?"

Lei Lei asked blankly.

"Welcome to the new world!"

The ethereal voice of the girl resounded in everyone's ears again.

Everyone, following the voice, saw the familiar girl.

Muhua Saki Yaxin walked towards the sky step by step, and every step she stepped out, a magic circle would be formed.

"You should be curious.

It's not that complicated, it's just that I made a little joke with you. "

Muhuasaki Yashin walked in the air, speaking casually.

"The hymn of your humanity, I have seen it, and you have passed my test! As an envoy of infinite-dimensional peace, I have decided to help you protect your survival on this planet."

The survivors looked at each other.

Wang Lei also frowned.

The girl's words seem to be really interesting.

At the very least, in terms of strength, she has no need to lie!


This is real?

"of course it's true!"

Muhua Saki Yexin finally came to a suitable position, and she stood at the center of everyone at an altitude of thirty meters.

"I have opened a new era for you.

Do you see the magic circle in the sky? "

Frozen for a moment, he quickly looked at the sky carefully, and sure enough, he still found the familiar magic circle.

It's just that, under the cover of sunlight and clouds, it became looming, and it didn't even exist for a while!

"That is the reward I give you! That is a protective circle covering the entire planet!"

Wang Lei looked surprised!

Could it be!

"Yes, you should have guessed it!

The circle will protect all of your humans! With its existence, your sky will never be covered by that dirty black cloud! The sun will last forever! "

"I ended the dark world! Now! It is right and right until the time to come!"

"Have fun! Humans! This is a gift you exchanged with courage!"

Muhuasaki Yaxin’s words fell, everyone was still in a daze, a feeling of dreaming...

Because all this happened too suddenly!

Inexplicably provoked the girl.

Fight inexplicably.

It ended inexplicably.

Then, inexplicably ushered in a new world...

It's so inexplicable...

As a result, they couldn't react for a while...

Muhuasaki Yaxin looked at the people who fell into silence and tilted their heads.

"Why are you stunned?"

"Forget it, let you calm down first."

Muhuasaki Ye's heart flashed, and immediately returned to Qianxia.

Qianxia finally understands a bit now

"Let's go. It's over. Let them speak calmly."

"I feel I have to calm down..."


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