The Second Girl’s Naruto Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 79: I knock!

The undocumented knight fell on the ground, with blood oozing from the corner of his mouth and shortness of breath. He gritted his teeth and wanted to stand up.

However, the physical injury was too serious, and he has lost control of his body...

Discovering this desperate fact, he gave up, his eyes full of loneliness...

I'm still too weak...

"Undocumented knight!"

Qianxia hurriedly ran to the undocumented knight and helped him up.

"Are you OK?"

The undocumented knight looked at the short-haired girl in front of him, and his bloodshot eyes made his vision bewildered, and some could not see the person in front of him.

However, he still yelled solemnly: "Run away! Leave me alone! That weird man is very strong!"

"Don't worry, I'm the ninth girl with bow and arrow in Class A!"

When the undocumented knight heard this, his expression suddenly changed. A-level heroes should have enough strength!

He clarified the information quickly.

"The ninth A-level hero—a girl with a bow and arrow!

Listen, there is more than one weirdo! There is a weirdo who is very good at sneak attack. Don't be careless, the A-level hero metal pinball has been knocked down! "

As he said, the undocumented knight suddenly got hot in his throat, vomited a mouthful of blood, and then began to cough quickly.

"Don't tell me, you are very injured, you have to receive treatment as soon as possible!"




Several dark and brown freaks directly broke through the wall and entered the restaurant.

"Human! Take it to death!"

The ground belongs to our underground people! "

With that, one weirdo rushed towards Muhuasaki Yaxin, and the other two rushed towards Qianxia.

Muhuasaki Yaxin looked at the underground people rushing over, her little head tilted.

Isn't this the weak underground man in the original work?

It seems that the strength is pretty good.

So, in the original work, Saitama gets up with warlike excitement and stomped to death. Actually, the strength of the underground man is okay?

That's right, that kick is probably a serious kick, after all, Saitama, who is full of war spirits, used it.

Moreover, compared with the birdman sky king and the seafood deep sea king, the underground king will not be weaker if he wants to.

Muhua Saki's heart diverged, like a girl in a daze.

From the eyes of the underground, this human girl was shocked, and he blasted the girl's face with a cruel fist!



I don't know when, a big mallet slammed directly on its face, with great force, so that its entire strange face was sunken in, and dark brown blood burst out from its big eyes.

At the last second when its consciousness was about to disappear, it saw the girl's dull face before it knew it.

Turns out, is it just that I am too weak...


The underground people flew out like a cannonball hit by a big club and hit the opposite building!

boom! !

Muhua Saki Yashin put down the club again, and looked at Qianxia's side in a blink of an eye.

Qianxia's two broken fists directly dented the heads of the two underground people, splashing brown blood all over the floor.


Qianxia looked at Muhua Saki Yaxin firmly in her eyes.

"I know."

Muhuasaki Yaxin and Qianxia looked at each other, immediately understood what she meant, and rushed out with a big club.

Qianxia looked at the undocumented knight who was dying and fainted, and began to mobilize his magic power to stabilize his breath of life.

If you wait a little longer, the undocumented knight will probably not survive.

The undocumented knight can be said to be a person whom Qianxia respects very much. He can be said to be a true hero!

Therefore, such a person can't just let him die!


Muhua Saki Yaxin ran outside with a big club, and the movement was not normal.

Many underground people were immediately attracted.

And Muhua Saki Yaxin's expression was a little gloomy, yes she was in a bad mood.


Because this very delicious dim sum shop was smashed!

In a short time, she must not be able to eat such a delicious snack!

So she was angry!

Muhua Saki Yexin dragged a big club with only one hand, her eyes glowing red, and she stared fiercely at the many underground people in front of her.

"I'm angry! The consequences are serious! You smashed my shop! I'm going to smash your brains!"


The people in the ground all laughed, laughing arrogantly.

"A mere human! Or a weak human woman! How dare to say something here and smash our heads?"


As he spoke, the underground laughed again.

"It's so ridiculous, is this a human being?"

Can this be tolerated?

Muhua Saki Yaxin suddenly turned black, and her little feet flicked!


The ground burst suddenly!

The petite girl flew out like a cannonball, carrying a big club and mallet from the sky, and slammed the nearest underground man!

boom! ! !

The entire underground people were suddenly smashed into the ground, with fierce strength, violent wind and waves sounded, and broken stones on the ground splashed all over!

At this moment, the underground people froze and looked at the violent human girl who directly killed her companion with a face full of disbelief.

Next second!

An underground man shouted: "Kill her!!!"


All the underground people roared, ran over, surrounded Muhuasaki Yexin, and carried out a group attack!

"Huh! It's just right! I'm going to have a good time!"

As he said, a circle of underground people had already gathered around, Muhua Saki Yaxin immediately picked up the big club with both hands, and his body rotated 360°!

"The Death Rotating Windmill of the Big Mace of Death!"


The surrounding circle of underground people was suddenly swept upside down by Juli, and at the same time several underground people in the team were smashed into the air.

Suddenly all around was empty.

Muhua Saki Yashin started to attack with the club in both hands, with a club on the left, a club on the right, turn around, and then another!

As the girl progressed, the underground people along the way either flew or fell into the ground.

For a while, "Weird Rain" seemed to fall on the sky, and the scene can be said to be very spectacular.

At this moment, there is a peculiar weird man with a headgear, who is secretly observing Muhua Saki Yaxin, and seems to be looking for an opportunity!

When the underground troops dropped by two-thirds!

It finally took action, very fast, and silently!

At this moment, Muhua Saki Yaxin had just finished knocking on an underground man, and it was time for her action to regain her strength.

The weirdo just happened to be behind Muhua Saki Yashin.

It's now!

At this extreme point, the strange man drew a paw to Muhua Saki Yaxin's neck.

However, at this moment, the screen flickered like a video frame skipping, and a mallet suddenly appeared a few centimeters in front of its face!

And Muhua Saki Yaxin didn't know when, she had already turned around, facing it, looking at the girl's calm and casual face.

It realized that this human being did not use all his strength at all!


Its face was completely dented by the hammer, and then its head and body flew out at extreme speed!

However, without Muhua Saki Yashin's attention, apart from the attack of this weirdo, another paw hooked into her pocket and pulled out a scroll before dying.

Then, turned into a dead monster, flew to the distance and lay down...

Muhua Saki Yaxin did not notice these details at this moment, and she is unlikely to pay much attention to it...

After all, even if it's an underground person, it's quite boring...

Don't use too much force, but also extremely restrained...


Muhua Saki Yaxin immediately speeded up, her figure turned into an afterimage, and in a second, passed all the underground the next moment!

The remaining underground people seemed to have been hit at the same time, or fell to the ground and smashed into a big hole, or flew into the sky and did not know where...

In an instant... the battle is over...

Muhua Saki Yashin watched as he threw away the club mallet covered with brown liquid disgustingly, and then looked at Qianxia who was giving first aid to the unlicensed knight inside.

Forget it...

Let her save...

Just take exercise...


A few minutes later, the supporting heroes finally rushed over.

However, what they saw was the corpses of weird people everywhere, and a girl sitting on the ground with her cheeks in a daze...


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