The Second Girl’s Naruto Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 80: I forgot to write the title

In the shabby streets, there are corpses of weird people everywhere.

Muhua Saki held her cheeks in her heart, sitting on the ground looking at the many heroes sent by the Heroes Association to support her, her eyes flashed, and she raised her spirits slightly.

Although the girl seemed to be sitting on the ground, if you look closely, you can see that she is actually separated from the ground by a distance.

"Oh~ you are finally here..."

Muhua Saki had a bored look, slowly stood up, looked at the heroes who arrived, and said casually.

"I'll leave it to you."

After speaking, Muhua Saki Yaxin walked towards Qianxia's direction.

The heroes who stayed in the same place looked at Muhua Saki Yaxin who had left here, and they were all a little dazed.

"who is this?"

A mental guy with yellow hair, black tights and a lightning sign on his face asked suspiciously.

-Lightning Max-A-level ranking 21st.

The man with a black hedgehog head, wearing a cloak and holding Gatling in his arms said with a solemn expression.

"I know, she is the first in Sss-Eye of Death!"

——A-level eighth place——Gatlin of Death.

Sss rank first!

As soon as the name came out, everyone's complexion changed, and cold sweat flowed down.

As a hero, how could you not understand this out-of-specification Sss class!

Unexpectedly, I can take a look today!

After all, the Sss-level Eye of Death and the S-level first blasting are both magical! Basically it is difficult to see one side.

"How do I feel a bit of horse monkey shochu?"

The man carrying a large battery, with a reluctant smile, seemed to be joking.

——The 85th battery male of C-level.

However, no one agreed with the battery man's joke, and everyone fell into a weird silence.

For this monster above the level, they are still very curious about her strength, but more are still afraid!

Heroes who have seen the power of tornadoes know what the weight of S-level second is!

And what kind of monster is the guy above the level! ?

"Don't worry about that guy, let's find the survivor first, and the golden ball. It's not nice to let that guy die!"

As soon as Gatling, the highest ranked dead in the audience, made a sound, many people began to take action.

However, Gatling of the Dead did not go to find survivors with others, but chose to carefully look at the surrounding situation here. He wanted to see a little Sss-level "weight" from it!

Gatling of Death looked at the dilapidated street, half of his body was smashed into the corpse of the underground, and the corpse of the underground was inlaid on the wall of the building...

The cracked ground and broken buildings, the overall environmental damage is not serious, and the street buildings are relatively intact.

This time the disaster level is ghost, and the information they got is that many weird people are infesting the city, and the situation is in crisis!

As reported by the 29th A-level golden ball that was hit, there seemed to be a ghost-level weirdo who was good at sneak attacks.

Dead Gatling looked around and found that the people who fell on the ground were basically the same type of weird.

Looking over the corpses of several weird people, we can find that most of the weird people were killed by hitting their heads, and all the weird people were basically killed by one blow.

Dead Gatling raised his fist across his nose, thinking in deep thought.

This is similar to the "stick" weapon knocking technique, but is it somewhat similar to a metal bat?

However, does she use a stick?

Dead Gatling was a little confused. After a while, he saw a strange big mallet not far away, and looking at the brown blood stains on it, he knew that this thing must be a murder weapon.

"I really don't see can't be a genre, right?"

He thought of the girl's petite body, suddenly exploding and swelling muscles with soaring blood vessels.

The scene was so beautiful, he immediately gave up his imagination.

"It shouldn't be..."


A few hundred meters away from the battle scene, a weird man with long claws and a bumpy brain lay on the spot.


The sound of high heels stepping on the ground sounded, and a beautiful woman with eyes, big wavy curly hair and glasses, and a **** and charming figure walked slowly to the corpse of the weirdo.

Looking at the ugly stranger, she opened her **** and charming red lips.

"Ahhh~ It's really unlucky, I unexpectedly ran into a Sss-level extraterritorial hero.

Unfortunately, no intelligence was obtained. "

With that, she squatted down and turned over the strange man's long claws, and took out the scroll.

She looked at the scroll in her hand, and it seemed to have strange lines on it.

"Things stolen from Sss-class heroes seem to be good things. Take them back and study them."

This weird lying corpse was caught by someone for stealing, **** and dragged to the street for humiliation!

Under the shame of jealousy, the spirit mutated and turned into a secretly weird.

Because the secretly weirdo is very fast, and the movements are also very agile, and it can hide the breath almost perfectly when moving, so basically not many heroes can catch it!

Instead, let this initially weak weirdo keep stealing things, and the more he steals, the stronger!

Three months ago, she found this weird and put it into the Weird Association.

Until now, because of the characteristics of this weirdo, she wanted it to spy on the Heroes Association first.

Unexpectedly, he would directly encounter the Sss-class Death Eye.

"Fortunately, there are some trophies, otherwise you will lose a lot."

The woman held the scroll in her arms in one hand, stepped on high heels, her red lips were charming, twisted and twisted and left with a **** catwalk...


after one day.

Heroes Association.

Conference room.

On the long indoor table, there was a cup of steaming tea in front of Muhua Saki Yaxin.

Muhua Saki Yaxin picked up the tea cup, blew it gently, and then took a sip.

"Your Excellency, Eye of Death, long time no see."

Minister Siqi greeted him with a formulaic smile.

"What's the matter, is there something you called me here early in the morning?"

Muhua Saki put down the tea cup and asked suspiciously.

"Haha, naturally something is going on."

Siqi took a deep breath, then turned on the screen with the remote control.

next moment.

On the projected screen, the frequency and data of various disasters appeared.

And, the support rate of each hero in the world.

It can be seen that in the list of approval ratings, Saki Yaxin and Kamen Sweetheart are ranked first and second respectively, far surpassing the following heroes.

The popularity of all heroes below the third place is probably less than half that of Kamen Sweetheart.

And Muhua Saki Yaxin, because he once saved two cities, and there is still a period of time, leading two apprentices to annihilate the weird people everywhere in the world!

Gain a lot of popularity and popularity.

Coupled with the cute and charming appearance, the shape of the magical girl, the increase in popularity is even more exaggerated than the masked sweetheart.

This also caused her popularity to be much higher than that of Masked Sweetheart.

It's strange to say that even if Kihana Saki Yaxin disappeared for a while, her popularity rose even faster.

Is it mystery blessing or something? This makes the Heroes Association very puzzled.

Muhua Saki looked at the data list on the screen and looked at Xiqi confusedly: "This is?"

Xiqi's face became serious:

"Your Excellency, Eye of Death, this is how it is! As the first Sss-level hero ever, you may also be the only one Sss-level hero from the past and present!

For our Heroes Association, it is of great significance! "

"In recent days, weird incidents have occurred more and more frequently! And there are more and more weird people above the ghost level!

Many low-level heroes are simply not enough to deal with those weird people, and heroes above A-level are under-staffed!

When many disasters occurred, they caused very serious losses because they were not handled in time.

The public's scolding of our Heroes Association is also getting louder...and we are under increasing pressure. "

"Until now, people's trust in our Heroes Association has fallen to the bottom..."

Listen to Sic's explanation.

Muhua Saki night thoughtfully.

Indeed, in contrast to the frequent weird disasters, it takes time for the hero to deal with it.

Often when the hero has not gone to deal with it, the weirdo has already caused a very serious disaster.

This is inevitable.

and so……

Muhua Saki Yashin looked at Xi Qi: "So, what are you doing? Want me to set up a teleportation magic circle? That's too troublesome. Without my power to maintain it, the magic circle can't last long, and I don't May have always been in this world."

"Teleport magic circle?"

Xiqi was stunned, and said bitterly, "No, our plan is to let you, as a representative of the hero, carry out some publicity activities for the Hero Association.

Let's increase our approval rate a little bit..."

As he said, Siqi wiped the cold sweat on his forehead: "This is the opinion of some high-level shareholders. After all, if the public support rate of the Heroes Association has dropped a lot, the funding problem..."

Muhua Sakiye stared blankly: "Huh?"

The girl stood up excitedly and said fiercely:

"You mean you want me to be an idol?"

Xiqi's complexion immediately turned pale, his face was sweaty, and he quickly explained: "Uh... we are just asking for your opinion... If you don't have the will, then cancel..."

Xiqi's heartbeat speeded up. If this inhuman **** was dissatisfied with the Heroes Association, no one could stop it.

Muhua Saki Yaxin sat back slowly, pressing her small fist on her chin, thinking.


"It's not impossible."

Siqi was taken aback.

Is this promised?


Siqi suddenly breathed tightly.

Muhua Saki stood up fiercely, and slapped the table with excitement: "The performance designed for me must be cool! Moreover, the promotional image or video must be approved by me before it can be released!"

Xiqi was almost taken aback, but when he came back to his senses, he was ecstatic, and said quickly:

"That's for sure! We must strictly follow the requirements of Your Eye of Death to carry out promotional activities!"

Muhua Saki Yexin folded her hands in her chest and nodded in satisfaction.

"That's good, I will cooperate with you too."

"Thank you so much!"

Xiqi was pleased to bow slightly to Muhua Saki Yaxin, obviously Muhua Saki Yaxin's promise made him very excited.

He also thought that this time he might offend the Sss-class hero.

However, as expected, he still talked well with what he expected.


Muhuasaki Yaxin walked out of the Heroes' Association slowly, muttering.

"Unexpectedly, I would also be an idol."

"But, I have some expectations inexplicably."

She stopped suddenly and looked up at the sky.

"Well...Where to go next..."

"It's decided, let's see how the big apprentice is now."

With that, Muhua Saki Yaxin raised his hand and snapped his fingers.


A magic circle suddenly lit up under his feet!

The magic circle flashed, Muhua Saki Yaxin suddenly disappeared in place, the magic circle left in the same place instantly shattered and turned into a light spot and disappeared.


Ten minutes ago...

City Z.

In this disaster-prone city, several uninvited guests came.

I saw three birdmen with wings flying from the sky, falling into the air and shouting at the crowd on the ground: "Humans on the ground! Now we have to announce something!

From now on, the sky is under the control of our sky clan!

Your human buildings are not allowed to exceed five meters! "

Seeing the weird man in the sky, the crowd suddenly began to panic.

"How can it be no more than five meters!"

A man in a suit on the ground looked at the sky and said in horror.

"Human! Do you think this is our order!?"

The sky people exploded in anger and spit out a fireball directly at the person who was talking!

The man looked at the fireball and hurriedly ran forward!


The fireball hit the ground where the man was standing before, and suddenly exploded, with the power equivalent to an ordinary grenade.


When disaster strikes, the customary woman screams.

The crowd was in a mess again.

Everyone began to flee in a hurry.

Recently, however, weird attacks have become routine.

The crowd soon dispersed, and one after another proficiently went to the shelters everywhere.

The people in the sky also started their destruction, shooting fireballs all over the city, which would soon turn a large block of blocks into a sea of ​​fire!

One of the sky people is still chasing the man who just talked like a cat and mouse.


The sky man opened his mouth and it was another fireball, directly hitting the ground of the man's heel!



The impact of the explosion directly rushed the man five meters away, tumbling a few times and lying down on the ground.

I saw that his back had been burned by the flames, his feet had been twisted out of shape, and many rubble pierced into it, becoming bloody...

"Hehehe! Human! Are you still running?"

The sky man floated above the man, smiling cruelly.

The man turned around with horror, his face was full of painful and distorted expressions. He endured the pain and looked at the birdman in the sky with fear: "No, don't kill me! I just said something casually. !"

"Cut! Stupid humans! Who cares what you say or say? I just like to see your tragic look!"

As he said, the sky person spit out the flame ball again at the man with a disdainful face.

The man raised his hand to stand in front of him, closed his panic and shouted, "No!"



Suddenly a wave of air swept across.

The man felt the waves of air blowing on him, but he didn't feel the fireball hitting him.

He opened his eyes suspiciously, seeing the situation in front of him, his eyes suddenly widened.

I don't know when there is a person standing in front of him, blocking him, just like a god!

He was wearing a yellow tights and a red cloak, with a gleaming head on his head.

In addition, he can see that the two-thirds of the original building with dozens of floors in front of him has completely disappeared, and the broken fracture of the building is a semicircular outline.

He knows very well that there was indeed such a tall building just now, but what is happening now can only explain! The building was destroyed in an instant!

The weirdo also disappeared!

That means that the man in front of him killed the weirdo, saved him, and smashed the building with one blow!

The more the man thought about it, the more shocked he looked at the bald man with his back to him.

He felt like a very powerful and great hero, so he got excited, endured the pain and shouted, "Are you my god?"


The bald man paused, and turned around with a blank expression on his face, a magical expression as if his facial muscles were lazily, of course, his eyes were also without struggle, with no energy at all.

The man scratched his head, still maintaining that expressionless, dull face.

"Sorry, I'm not a god, I'm just a hero of interest..."

The man was stunned, and the image he had just imagined in his mind collapsed instantly... Only deep doubts remained...

The weirdo... just defeated him?



"Hmm... Are you okay? It seems that the injury is a bit serious?"

Saitama asked, looking at the puddle of blood dripping from the man's body.

However, the man is still in a daze.

Saitama looked at the man in a daze and didn't respond to him, so there should be nothing wrong with him.

Without paying attention to him immediately, he turned and walked forward, and he wanted to check again if there were any weirdos left.

Before he came here, Saitama had already beaten up all the other birdmen. After a week of inspections, no other movement was found. It seems that this end is the last one left...

The crisis was lifted.

Saitama looked at the burning buildings and the destroyed streets.

He skillfully took out the communicator and contacted the Heroes Association to deal with it.

If he was the one before, there is a high probability that he won't take care of it.

After saving the person, he will leave directly.

Although after all, he is just a hero of interest.

But now that he joined the Heroes' Guild, he also realized.

If the Heroes’ Association is notified in advance to deal with subsequent matters, it should not cause greater losses.

After all, the fire is quite serious.

"Hey, hey, heroes' association?"

"Yes, yes, weirdo got it done, there is a fire here, hurry up and send someone to deal with it."


Heroes’ Association Headquarters.

In the control management room, Xiqi looked at the portrait projected on the screen showing the portrait of Saitama.


The 29th in the A-level, one hit male Saitama!


The title of the One-Hit Man was changed by the Eye of Death. In recent hero activities, the terrorist and destructive power of the One-Hit Man was also discovered. Many tasks can be solved with one blow as long as he goes.

This makes the people of the Heroes Association a little doubt whether they have set the wrong disaster level.

It's okay to say once or twice, but every time, Saitama can do it easily!

This made them realize that this is also a monster! A newcomer with S-level potential.

"Speaking of which, that Miss Qianxia is also her disciple."


Saitama, who had just finished communicating, suddenly felt something, and turned to look to the right.

next moment!

A magic circle lights up on the!

With a flash of white light, a cute girl appeared! "

Muhua Saki Yaxin gestured with scissor hands with a serious expression.

Saitama's face was expressionless, and the space fluctuated together, and he knew it was this mysterious girl teacher.

"Teacher, you said the lines you were thinking in your heart."


Muhua Saki Yashin suddenly looked straight, and withdrew her scissor hands, looking at Saitama suspiciously.

"Is there something wrong with what I said?"

Saitama paused, then slowly said:



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