Z City-Saitama House

Muhua Saki Yaxin knelt and sat on the tatami, looking curiously at this familiar and unfamiliar house.

Looking at the LCD TV, the air conditioner, the refrigerator...


It seems that Saitama's small life is pretty good.

Saitama walked out of the room, holding two bottles of lemon-flavored Coke, and placing one on the table in front of Saki Yashin.

"Use it slowly, uh... teacher."

Saitama kept a listless, salty egg face, sat in front of Muhua Saki Yaxin, opened the Coke, took a sip immediately, and finished drinking.

Saitama's dull little boy gave a gap, and a cloud of stingy floated out so lazily.

Muhua Saki Yashin looked at the appearance of Saitama, her eyes narrowed slightly:

"Saitama~ I feel like you have become more... lazy?"


Saitama didn't care, and blankly took out the remote control of the air conditioner and clicked it.


The immediately cool air-conditioning was released from the air conditioner, giving a hint of coolness to the otherwise sultry room.

Then Saitama took out a summer mat, slept sideways on the summer mat, took out another remote control, and turned on the TV.

Just like that, Saitama lay on his side, changed the TV station, watched anime on TV, and occasionally drank a sip of Coke.

. . . .


Looking at this Saitama, Kihana Saki Yaxin's head crooked.

How did this Saitama look like this?

No way! As my big disciple! How can you be so lazy!

Muhua Saki Yaxin immediately straightened her back, her face straightened, and said with a serious tone!



Saitama turned to look at Saki Yashin Kihana in a blink of an eye.

Muhua Saki Ye said rightly:

"Do you remember anything?"



Saitama stood up immediately, looking awake.

And Muhua Saki Yexin was a little dazed, she woke up before she finished speaking?

Watching Saitama ran to the kitchen with excitement.

Muhua Saki Yexin: "???"

Soon, Saitama brought a few large packages of snacks like potato chips, shrimp crackers, and small biscuits.

He put the snacks under his summer mat, then resumed the position he had just lying on his side, and at the same time opened a bag of potato chips.

In this way, while watching TV, I grabbed a handful of potato chips and threw it in my mouth, and then I had another coke.

When I was full, I took a small gap at random.



Seeing this scene, Muhua Saki Yashin clenched her fists, stood up, and yelled at Saitama!




"It's so lazy!! Saitama!"

However, Saitama did not move his posture or expression at all except to focus his gaze on the angry Saki Yakina, he even licked his stomach leisurely.

Muhua Sakuya was furious, her face puffed out: "You guy! When I was away! What happened!"

Saitama expressionlessly: "Huh?"


"It's normal hero activities, boxing, training, and leisure time, just like watching TV now."

As he said, Saitama pointed to the lemon-flavored Coke on the table in front of Saki Yashin.

"Speaking of which, teacher, that one is delicious.

If the teacher doesn't want it, then I will take it. "

"Ha!~" (↗)

Muhua Sakuya didn't feel angry, what an answer, as my disciple!



I am!

When Muhua Saki Yaxin suddenly didn't know what to say, she looked at the Coke on the table, and then at Saitama where Ge You was lying.

Suddenly took the Coke on the table fiercely and opened the tab!


The bubble of soda pops!

Muhua Saki held the Coke and looked at Saitama fiercely: "Huh! My Coke! I won't give it to you!"

With that said, Muhua Saki Yaxin immediately picked up the Coke, raised his head and took a sip!

next moment.

Muhua Saki Yaxin’s eyes changed. She felt the cold and refreshing Coke, with bubbles hitting her throat, and she immediately felt a cool and refreshing feeling of comfort. It entered the body from the throat, and then poured into the limbs and veins from the body. It is the cold comfort that penetrates into the soul from the bottom of my heart!

After drinking half a bottle, Muhua Saki let go of the Coke, and she was intoxicated!



Muhua Saki Yashin's face flushed with intoxication, her eyes sparkled when she looked at the Coke in her hand!


No Man's Land Street in Z City.

On the quiet and deserted street, a huge monster that looks like a lizard stands on the street and the road, walking leisurely in this no-man’s land.

The monster held the lizard's head and looked around as he walked.

"Weird restricted area? It really is just a bluff."

With that said, it stopped, looked up to the sky, opened its blood basin and shouted loudly!

"Master of the restricted area! I'm here to challenge you!

If you hear it, come out and fight the Dragon King of the West Wind! "

The voice of the lizard weird echoed in the empty street, but no one responded.

The weird looked around the quiet residential area and shook his lizard head.

"What forbidden zone, wasting Lao Tzu's time!"

With that, it turned around and planned to leave.

However, as soon as it turned its head, it saw a human girl.

Qianxia smiled at the lizard weird and raised his hand to say hello.

"Hello~ I am not the owner of the restricted area.

But I should be his friend or something. "


On the dinosaur-like head of the lizard weird, two puffs of air were expelled from the tiny nostrils, and his face was angry.

"Humans! I am the king of the weird West Wind Dragon! I, who is invincible in the mountains, come here to challenge the strong! The strong are invincible! The weak humans must die!"

As he said, the lizard weird pressed his feet.


Several cracks broke out on the ground suddenly.

Both legs stomped on the ground forcefully, and at the same time stood out with a huge body, like a hill-like bull, rushing towards Qianxia extremely fast!

However, the lizard weirdo who was watching and rushing over, Qianxia was not in a hurry, even poking out her **** leisurely manner: "Are you weirdos' hatred of humans really strange?"

At this time, the strange man was already close to Qianxia, ​​and he swung out a claw, tearing the air suddenly, drawing out three terrifying air blades!

This is entirely caused by the strength of the lizard monster!

Qianxia smiled, and suddenly turned sideways slightly, and his claws passed her. The three Qi blades cut three ditches directly on the ground and slashed towards the building behind!


I saw that the residential building at the back was directly cut off by these three Qi blades, and the whole building collapsed!

However, the lizard weirdo's sense of attack is not so simple, the claws are lost, and it suddenly turns around and flicks its tail!

With a wave of his tail, the air made a whistling whistle.

That powerful force is like a big whip that cuts everything off, cut through the air, and swayed towards Qianxia with unparalleled speed.

Facing the horrible whip, Qianxia smiled, did not retreat but advanced, stepped out, arched his hands forward!

For a moment!

The huge tail that was thrown at extreme speed was slightly flicked by Qianxia's white and tender hands, and it deviated directly upwards!

Qianxia kept the trend of moving forward, pressing her waist back slightly, letting her tail pass over her face, and at the same time she took the opportunity to come to the front of the lizard monster.

The lizard monster's tail-flicking attack had just ended, and it was still in the post-attack stage, but Qianxia still started to attack.

It can even see the smiling expression on Qianxia's face, with a smile full of mockery.

I saw that Qianxia held yin with her left hand and yang with her right, yin and yang together! (One half of the watermelon in the left hand and half of the watermelon in the right hand, and then put them together, the turtle sends Qigong!)

The palms are pushed out, and they are heavily printed on the lizard monster!


A wave of air and a strange person as the center, spread out!

The ground under the lizard weird's feet suddenly burst open with numerous cracks, but its huge body stood still.

The lizard weird did not move, and Qianxia kept her palms pressed together and imprinted on the lizard weird belly.

One second...two seconds...


The lizard monster suddenly spit out a thick green liquid, and Qianxia stepped back in time to get out of the way.

She stood on the spot, looking at the weird man who was still motionless even after vomiting blood, she kept smiling, and did not care about the weird man any more, and walked directly by the lizard weird man.


The lizard weird didn't move. In fact, the line of sight of its eyes was blurred, and its body was completely unable to use it. It showed a trace of mockery.

What, I didn’t expect to be defeated by a human...

it hurts……

That blow completely shattered the internal organs in my stomach.

In this way, the lizard weird closed his eyes, fell to his knees weakly, and then fell to the ground. The breath of life gradually disappeared...


Qianxia wandered off the road and came to the house where Saitama was.

"Senior Brother Saitama has disappeared for a while, he should miss me."

After all, it's been a long time since I saw her. Senior Brother Saitama treated her very well. His martial arts teaching didn't fall short. If I didn't visit it, I would blame the inhumanity.

Qianxia stood in front of him, held the door handle, took a deep breath, and opened the door abruptly!

"Brother Saitama! I'm here to visit you!"

Qianxia kept an excited smile, glanced around the room, and soon she locked on the two of Ge You lying down.

Saitama was lying on his side on the summer mat, with a large package of potato chips and several Coke bottles in front of him.

But Muhua Saki Yaxin is a bit exaggerated. She embodies a magic circle. The material of the illusory magic circle seems to be soft. The girl's petite body lies on the magic circle, making the lines of the magic circle sunken a lot. , The girl just floated slightly in the air.

There were a few cans of Coke floating beside him, as well as a few packets of snacks, such as shrimp crackers, potato chips, and so on.

After Qianxia entered the door, the two lazy eyes looked straight over.

Qianxia's smile instantly froze.

What the **** is this! ?

Why is the house full of laziness! ?

Are both Yashin-teacher and Saitama degenerate?

"Oh~ It's Chinatsu~ Come and watch TV. This series is pretty good."

Muhua Saki was lying softly on the magic circle, her body was full of laziness, and her voice was a lot lighter, obviously she was extremely lazy.

After speaking, a bottle of Coke automatically floated to Muhua Saki Yaxin's mouth, and she took a sip of it naturally, and then took a breather.

A few potato chips flew out of the snack package and automatically floated into Muhua Saki's mouth.

Afterwards, Muhua Saki Yaxin continued to focus on TV animation.

As for, Saitama just glanced at Chinatsu, nodded slightly, and then continued watching TV.

Qianxia stayed.

"Why? You become so lazy? What happened!?"

Saitama and Muhuasaki Yaxin looked at Qianxia together again, and the lazy eyes and lazy breath rushed towards Qianxia.

"Qianxia, ​​we are just resting, the beaver's rest and entertainment..."

It was Saki Yashin Kihana who was talking, but Saitama just nodded slightly, and then continued to watch TV.

Qianxia was stunned.

Rest and entertainment?

She also came to the side of Saki Yashin and Saitama, watching the animation on TV.

It tells the story of seven flavors of Cola Man saving the world.

Qianxia watched, unknowingly sitting on the tatami next to Saki Yaxin, and reached out to take down the coke and snacks floating beside Yaxin Muhua.



Jenos flew from the sky and landed in front of Saitama's house. He raised his fist with sharp eyes.

"Dr. Kusno helped me upgrade the parts again. This time, I should have enough strength to let the teacher use his full strength!"

With that said, Jenos opened the door and stepped into the room. He looked at the scene in the room, his face was stern, and he was instantly dumbfounded.

He seemed to see the three salted fish that had fallen to the limit.

The three people lying on the salty fish will immediately look at Jenos who enters the door.

The breath of sloth, the attitude of salted fish...

With a smile on her face, Qianxia picked up a bottle of Coke and faced Janos: "Yo~ Janos, let's watch TV."

Jenos stared blankly at the Coke that Qianxia handed over, and at Saitama and Kihana Yashin who had fallen into a salted fish state.

The siren in my heart rang loudly.

It seems that if he takes this bottle of Coke, he will fall into the abyss of hell!

Infested by the breath of laziness...



Weird Association.

The staff of the Weird Association-big eyes!

It has human-shaped limbs, a round head, almost all tentacles with a ball at the tip, in addition to that, there is a big eye exposed on the face.

It is holding a peculiar scroll, watching it from left to right.

"Huh? Do you want to take a look?"

"what are you doing?"

A black grotesque, teletubbies, is like a human-shaped sperm grotesque suddenly coming to the side of the big piercing eyes.

Da Jiongyan glanced at it, then continued to focus on the scroll.

"It feels dangerous to open, there must be something in it."


The black sperm eccentric, showing disdain.

"Hey, hey, this is our site, what danger can threaten us? Could it be that this is a bomb?"

Da Jiong blinked his big eyes and nodded.

"It's not that this is possible, so I'll go outside and test it."

However, at this time.

The scroll in Dajiongyan's hand suddenly showed a little red mist...

An extremely evil aura suddenly seeped from the scroll.

"Hey, hey, what's the matter with this breath?"

The black sperm weird looked at the scroll, the alarm bell in its heart was scented, and an unpleasant feeling filled its heart.

The big piercing eyes also felt something wrong, and immediately threw the scroll to the ground.

next moment.

The scroll opens automatically!

They can see that there is a portrait of a ghost on the scroll, a red ghost!

The big piercing eyes feel more and more bad~www.readwn.com~ Hey hey, the things in this portrait are about to run out, right? "

The black sperm weird said in surprise.

next moment!

The portrait of the scroll lit up, and the red mist began to spread rapidly. The extremely evil, as if the aura of the dark and evil aggregates in the world, immediately filled the entire crypt.

Some geeks in the geeks association felt this breath, and of course there was that kind of extremely dangerous uneasiness.

As the uneasy feeling in his heart became more and more serious, Da Jiongyan immediately informed all the combatants with mental power without hesitation!

"An enemy invaded! Come on!"

this moment!

The scroll begins to glow red!

A figure was projected from the scroll...

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