The Second Girl’s Naruto Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 82: Fire Moro

"Second Girl's Naruto Journey (!

This is a peculiar static space, infinitely dark, silent, empty, and nothing exists.

No, it should be said that I am the only one here.

In the center of the dark space is a rotating red cloud with red light, and in the center of the red cloud is a huge red figure.

This is me.

The headband has double horns like an antelope, the face is like a lioness with many beards and hair, and the whole body is red skin. If you look closely, you can find that the skin is like engraved with many mysterious lines, except for the larger body, the body has limbs like a human Head.

My name is Huomaru.

I don't know why I called this name. When my mother awakened me, He gave me this name.

But, I know...I was born from the infinite evil of mankind, and I represent all the evil of mankind.

My mother said, since I was born, I have carried the evil of mankind.

However, I don't like to carry the evil of human beings.

Why should I carry the evil of mankind?

Was it just because I was born out of human evil?

I hate this meaning!

Therefore, I am very disgusted with human beings. Since it is the evil of human beings, then it is also right to kill human beings.

Therefore, when I was born, I wanted to kill more humans. Of course, the tasks my mother ordered must be dealt with first.

After all, my mother's purpose in awakening me is this task.

However, it seemed that my mother was not the only one who awakened me, but also the eldest brother Zhulun Wang, who represented the mother's evil to humans.

And the little brother, turbidity.

He represents human fear and ignorance.

We are all awakened by our mother, the purpose is to clean up those invaders. Maybe there are humans.

Haha~ It sounds funny.

Almost all of us are born because of humans, but we want to eliminate humans.

why is that?

I don’t know, but...

Killing humans does make me happy.

So I did that.

Believe my brother, they all think this way.

Unfortunately, we all failed in the end.

It was stopped by an unknown existence that looked like a human.

The eldest brother said that he is an existence beyond infinity.

I don't know what it means to transcend infinity.

However, I know that the eldest brother is afraid, the younger brother is also afraid...

Even the mother was afraid.

So, we succumbed.

what? Are you afraid of me?

Well, I don’t know.

It should be scared.

After all, I was only born for a while, if I disappeared like that, I would probably be very upset.

Therefore, in order not to disappear, and for the sake of our mother, we can only choose to surrender, and we become servants of this existence.

Therefore, I will stay in this boring space.

However, this space is really boring, much more boring than when I was still in my mother's body.

But there is no way, after all, we are all servants, right?


should be…

"Curious about this scroll?"


"I think it's better not to pull it away casually?"

This is the voice of other human beings, and I can't feel that existence...

"Huh? I can't see anything with my eyes. Curious about the special material."

Is this human being a friend of that existence?

This sudden sound made him bewildered for a while.

Because this is not the voice of that existence, and it seems to have fallen into the hands of other human beings.

How to do?

Do you want to go out?

That being warned them not to kill humans.

But if I go out and have a look, it should be okay?

It's decided, let's go out and have a look.

The Headquarters of the Weird Association.

In an underground cave full of scarlet clouds, a scroll in the middle floats in the air, with red rays blooming from it, like the rays of the sun's shadow, a red figure flies out of the scroll along the rays of light. When it's big, when it falls to the ground!

It has become a giant more than five meters high, with scarlet clouds entwining half of its body, glowing fiery red eyes, and an aura like a rainbow.

The moment it came out, it swept across a face area with its own perceptual ability and its consciousness.

It can't feel the breath of existence.

"It really came out!"

Dajiongyan used its peculiar eyes to see the figure of Humora, his horrible aura, that terrifying aura, and his appearance like an evil god, really scared him!

What are the things in that Sss-class waist bag?

Just take out a scroll and there is such a monster?

But this monster is not afraid of it!

Even if this monster is strong! There is no chance of winning against them!


Our Weird Association has assembled!

I saw, outside the scarlet clouds!

Dense figures have surrounded Huomolu!

Among them, the most shocking are the top ones!

They are all cadres of the Weird Association!

In the middle is the big piercing eyes. It has gathered a ball of energy and is ready to go. It threatens!

"You have no chance of winning against us!"

The first one to the left of Dajiongyan is a giant black dog with six eyes and a huge body.

—【Overgrowth Poch】

—[Disaster Level: Dragon! 】

Poch's hideous face and three pairs of scarlet eyes are enough to see people.

However, its cry is unexpectedly cordial.


The second from the left is a black humanoid sperm weirdo.

—[Black Sperm]

—[Disaster Level: Dragon! 】

There is no expression on its face, but it always feels owed, and it spreads its hands.

"Quickly solve it, it's terrible."

Third from the left is a middle-aged man with a long hair and a beard wearing a crown and a cloak. His clothes are very shabby.

—【Wandering Emperor】

—[Disaster Level: Dragon! 】

There was a confident smile on his mouth.

"Is it the enemy? Can I kill it with one hit?"

The fourth from the left is a cat standing upright with his legs around his chest, and a bell tied around his neck.

-【Meow meow】

—[Disaster Level: Dragon! 】

He hugged his chest for a while and suddenly became sleepy, and the cat rubbed his eyes with his paws.


"So sleepy~"

The first on the right is a weird man with a fat body and a big mouth on his facial features.


—[Disaster Level: Dragon! 】

It holds two rows of teeth on its chubby, ball-like belly with both hands, and it utters weird babbles with its drooling mouth.

it seems that:


The second from the right is a very ugly human-shaped weird.

—【Ugly President】

—[Disaster Level: Dragon! 】

It showed a wretched smile with two rows of ugly teeth.

"A thief hahaha~ I'm even more handsome than me!"

The third from the right is a human figure wearing martial arts uniforms with explosive muscles all over his body, but with multiple eyes on his face, and strange changes in his body.


—[Disaster Level: Dragon! 】

He put his arms around his chest, his eyes had no emotional fluctuations, and he seemed to despise everything.

"Is it a strong enemy? It seems that the strength should be good, do you need to conquer it?"

In addition to the cadres of these eccentric associations, there are many eccentrics behind them, whose strength is at least the tiger-level, and the ghost-level eccentrics are even more common.

Huo Moruo coldly glanced at the "weird-shaped" guys around him with fiery red eyes that seemed to be burning.

Almost most of these things have a trace of human aura, it looks at the wandering emperor.

Only this is a completely human being, but he doesn't seem to have a strange energy in his body.

The wandering emperor's heart was hairy when he was seen, and a feeling of heart palpitations suddenly arose, as if he was being stared at by some scourge, he couldn't help taking a step back.

Huo Moruo spoke, with an ancient aura in his voice: "It seems that I really left that existence. Am I abandoned?"

Huomalu couldn't perceive the aura of that existence (Muhua Saki Yexin) at all.

It also believes that if it appears, the existence will definitely know!

After all, it is an existence that transcends the infinite and is stronger than the mother!

However, it has been out for so long, why didn't the existence come to look for it?

Da Jiong looked at this thing, as if he didn't attack the desire, and immediately put away the energy light ball.

At the same time, it also heard His words.

being abandoned? Who exists?

Needless to say, that existence should be the Sss-level eye of death!

Something is going on!

A wicked smile appeared at the corner of Dajiong's eyes and mouth.

It suddenly changed its look, with a kind smile on its face.

"I think you should have been abandoned! After all, I picked up the scroll from the ground."

Huo Moruo immediately stared at the big piercing eyes: "The scroll picked up from the ground!?"

There was a little hairy stared at by Humoruo's fiery red eyes, and I felt a lot of pressure.

Big piercing eyes smirked: "Yes, the scroll I picked up from the ground. I was curious about what it was, but I didn't expect you to live in it."

Hearing this, Huomoluo lowered his head, and a depressed aura immediately centered on it, and instantly enveloped the entire underground base!

Almost all weirdos feel a sinking heart.


Huomaluo raised his head fiercely and laughed wildly, and the extremely evil scarlet light immediately spread out around it!

The terrifying negative energy coercion diffuses from it!

"I was abandoned! I was finally abandoned! I am free!"


The base of the Weird Association suddenly faltered, and the entire underground base was shaking.

Da Jiong looked at the "monster" that seemed to be going crazy, and was a little shocked by the terrifying energy in him.

"Hey, hey, don't mess around! Our base is going to collapse!"

However, Huomalu showed an extremely evil smile: "It's okay! Anyway, I want to get rid of all of you! Then all the humans are removed!

Let this world return to nature again! "

Talking! Fire Moro's energy exploded again, but this time it exploded, it finally felt something wrong.

This world...not the world it is in!

It can't sense the mother's existence!

Moreover, the "evil" in this world is so strong!

Huo Moruo became more and more excited.

It can't wait!

"Bridge bean sacks!"

The big piercing eyes hurriedly stopped Huomalu.

"Aren't you going to eliminate all mankind? Our ideas are the same! Moreover, we are a very powerful organization! We can accomplish this goal together!"


Huo Moruo calmed down immediately and looked at the big piercing eyes again.

Indeed, it can see strong "evil" in these "things"!

These "things" seem to be born because of "evil", so do they have the same resentment towards humans?

Speaking of which, even that human being (the wandering emperor), the "evil" aura on his body is extremely strong!

What it says seems to be believed!

"It's okay to join your organization, now follow me to destroy humanity! Go and eliminate humanity now."

Huomaluo's cold voice carried a hint of mercilessness like a god.

The big eyes suddenly felt that this guy was a bit dull.

"Humans are not so easy to be destroyed! Among them are some powerful heroes, they are very difficult to deal with, even if it is you, the chance of winning against them is not great!"


Huo Moruo was a little unconvinced at once, but the next moment, it remembered the "Muhua Saki Yaxin", who looked like an ordinary human.

Moreover, it is really unfamiliar with this world.

The strength of some of these "things" is indeed good.

But they all nest in this place, forming an organization.

So, what they said should be true!

Among human beings, there is indeed a very powerful force!

However, it was the one who made it compromise!

The most important thing is the existence of that person!

It also needs to confirm whether that person is still in this world!

During this period of confirmation, it can absorb "evil" here and make itself stronger!

After thinking about all these things clearly, Huomoluo immediately took away most of his aura and condensed the scarlet clouds within five meters of his side. It closed its eyes and said in a deep voice.

"Then, as you wish! I join you! Together we will destroy all mankind!"

City Z.

The Saitama House.

Jenos knelt and sat aside quietly.

Saitama is still watching TV.

And Muhua Saki Yaxin and Chinatsu picked up the game console and started an online battle!

The fight was fierce!

I saw that on another TV, there was a scene of two animated characters fighting each other!

Muhua Saki Yaxin and Qianxia held the handles in their hands and pressed them crazy!

Muhua Saki Yaxin gritted her teeth, and the shadows of the keys on the handle almost appeared!

She controls a girl with a blindfold, who is good at using her legs.

And what Chinatsu manipulates is a Japanese samurai holding a katana.

"Drink! Eye of death! Death lotus kicks!"

I saw that in the picture, the blindfold girl flew in a series of kicks.

Unfortunately, Qianxia had already joined the defensive posture.

Flying kick has no effect!

However, Muhua Saki Yaxin didn't panic at all and smiled.

"Hmm~ Qianxia, ​​you lost!"

"Eye of Death! Deadly Locked Shot!"

Qianxia was shocked suddenly.


I saw Muhua Saki Yaxin quickly pressed the handle again and again.

At the end of the series of kicks, the blindfold girl used a command throwing technique that could only be used close to the body, ignoring defense.

In this game, after this combo is over, Muhuasaki Yaxin quickly connected this move. At this moment, a frame can be said to be an invincible frame, no matter what Qianxia does, it will not help.

I saw the blindfold girl in the picture squatted down and kicked at the foot of the samurai holding the sword, causing him to fall down suddenly, and at the same time the blindfold girl kicked the samurai's face with another heavy kick!


Kicked the samurai's fallen body a distance.

The locked cast technique is over.

However, her combo is not over yet!

It's now!

Muhua Saki Yashin smiled, and the trick started!

She controlled the blindfold girl, facing the samurai who hadn't gotten up to the end, it was a sliding shovel, shoveling it directly, and then taking a roundabout kick, kicking the samurai into the air!

Then, up, down, left, left, right, BABA, up, down, left, and right!

In an instant, after pressing, the handle seems to smoke!

However, the input is correct!

I saw that in the picture, the blindfold girl had entered the close-up of the unfolding of the profound meaning, a flame was lit under her feet, her hands spread out like birds, and the golden rooster was independent!

Upright! Tianjuanyunfeng is burned out!

Muhua Saki yelled happily: "Profound meaning! Death is red and the fire is kicking!"

Qianxia looked at the samurai who was still hanging in the air and was knocked into the air. He curled his lips and released the handle.

I saw that the blindfold girl was like a phoenix, kicking through the samurai, followed by a set of fierce combos!

Just at this time.

Suddenly there was an earthquake.

The whole building began to shake violently.

Saitama's ceiling that had been knocked open by an odd man was now cracked again.


When Muhua Saki Yashin must kill the final kick of Ubiquitous Ending!

A stone fell from the ceiling, and the TV suddenly smashed.

The picture went black at a flash.

Muhua Saki Yaxin's excited face suddenly stiffened, she looked up at the ceiling, puffed up her chest angrily, and shouted with her eyes closed!

"Damn it! Damn earthquake!"

Qianxia looked at the violent master girl, and felt cute when she was angry.

Thinking about it, Qianxia's cheeks suddenly reddened, and she raised her fist and placed it next to her mouth, pretending to cough twice.

"Ahem, teacher. Don't worry about it, I've already lost, I won't be scornful."

With that said, Qianxia took out a bag of potato chips and a bottle of Coke from his snack pile and put it in Muhua Saki Yaxin's snack pile.

Muhua Saki Yexin also finished venting, she still felt a little unhappy when she saw Qianxia.

"No, Qianxia, ​​I'm just unhappy with this earthquake that suddenly disturbed me!"

After speaking, Muhua Saki Yaxin was facing the TV that was hit by the stone, and a magic circle appeared in his palm, twisting.

It's like turning back time and space, and the TV has been restored.

Qianxia was dumbfounded. UU Reading

Muhua Saki Yaxin skillfully continued to open the game just now [The World's Number One Budokai].

"Let's go on!"


Jenos sat quietly, looking at the three lazy people in front of him, silently.

What should I do, I want to discuss with the teacher?

However, they seem to be very busy...

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