The Second Girl’s Naruto Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 83: The hero idol activity has begun

"The highly anticipated era has arrived! Do you want to stand out? Do you want to be famous? Do you want to be a hero that everyone admires?"

"Now! Your chance is here! We will hold a new era full-name hero contest! Come on! Great heroes! Trust me! You will be the most dazzling star on this stage!"

Full name hero contest! ! !

These six fonts are listed at the top of the screen with extremely wild artistic style.

The big poster in the center is a girl in a red robe and a magician dress. The girl gestures with a scissor-hand gesture. She wears a delicate eye mask on her left eye and a strange and beautiful red pupil on her right eye with sharp eyes. , Tongtong has a spirit, it seems that he has entered some fighting state.

Although the whole person looks petite and cute, but full of momentum.

Her name is also listed below.

[Sss Hero-Eye of Death]

Shuilong looked at the advertisement on the TV and was lost in thought.

Nowadays, weirdos appear more and more frequently, and the heroes of the Heroes Association are limited, and their combat power is even more limited. Therefore, the Heroes Association wants to hold a grand event to call on some capable people and strangers.

At the same time, if this event is done well! That will inevitably increase the influence of the Heroes' Association among the people, and it can also enhance people's confidence in the Heroes' Association.

The most important thing is that it can alleviate some people's worries and panic!

After all, today's society hides too many unknown disasters!

Faced with a society where weird disasters happen all the time, who can work with peace of mind, panic to a certain extent, it will definitely cause social unrest.

Shuilong looked at the **** the TV and sighed softly.


He is a martial artist and thinks he has little strength. He is called a genius in the martial arts world.

In fact, he is indeed a genius. His practice has always been three days of fishing and two days of drying the net, but he still has this level, which is enough to show that he is not easy.

"Look again, my life doesn't want to be constrained yet."

Just thinking about it, the water dragon hesitated.

The day before yesterday, when he was playing on the street with a beautiful lady, he suddenly ran into a weird person.

Disaster level: ghost!

He failed to protect the beauties, and there are many civilians...

Although he finally solved the strange man, the price he paid was a fracture of his right hand and ten wounds all over his body.

The injury is not serious.

However, he also felt the current crisis of human society!

Can he go on playing so leisurely?


This propaganda broadcast soon spread to all cities in the entire supercontinent.

Almost every household’s TV set continuously broadcasts this news.

A martial artist who can't escape from the world, a civilian scientist, a awakening ability, or a powerful awakening power like Saitama.

Many, some are ready to move.

Of course, most of them are young people.


J City

This is a city close to the sea.

The beaches along the coast often gather many tourists. This is a famous tourist destination.

However, today!

Many uninvited guests came here.

They drilled out of the sea, like an army, marching intensively on the beach! Octopus monster, lobster monster, crab monster, fresh shell monster and more!

In an instant, the seafood set meal is ready!

The leader is a very brightly colored shrimp monster, it raised two strong fists, knocking together!


Suddenly, there was a wave of violent air!

As you can imagine, how powerful is that blow!

With a sharp sound like nails rubbing a steel plate, it loudly declared: "I am the leader of the bullet iron fist shrimp! Our deep sea clan is back!!"

"Ah ah ah ah ah?!"

The boys and girls in swimsuits have already hurriedly fled.

The deep-sea people swarmed in and wrecked everything in J City.


at this time.

The Headquarters of the Heroes' Association received a disaster warning!

The broadcast of City J began to broadcast an evacuation warning from the Heroes’ Association.

[Disaster Level: Ghost! 】

【caveat! caveat! Residents are requested to go to the evacuation center as soon as possible to evacuate. 】

At the headquarters of the Heroes Association, the full-name hero activity group that received the news immediately became active!

However, Muhua Saki Yaxin sat on the conference table in the activity room with a depressed expression.

She looked at the busy activity team, and her head started to hurt.

"Being an idol hero or something, I'm still not used to it. It's a bit too formal."

"No way, teacher."

Qianxia sat aside and said slowly.

"Moreover, formalism also has a good side. After all, if the activities are done well, you will be able to raise the morale of the whole people. This will not make society fall into a half-collapsed state."

Several helicopters were ready, and the staff over there shouted at Saki Yashin.

"Your Excellency, Eye of Death, here."

Muhua Saki Yaxin supported her little head with her small hands, with a depressed expression on her face, casually stretched out her little hand and snapped his fingers.


In the next moment, Muhuasaki Yaxin and Qianxia flashed directly onto the helicopter.

The staff on the helicopter were all taken aback.

The staff in charge of the command, looking at Muhua Saki Yaxin and Qianxia in the seats, swallowed a little uneasy.

"The staff is ready! Ready to go!"


J City has become a mess, and you can see from a distance, the city's sky filled with gunpowder smoke.

However, the heroes who were stationed in J City had already exchanged fire with the Deep Sea Clan.

"Take it! Deadly stab!"

A boy with a hedgehog head in a black tights carried a spear with a unique spear head in the shape of a bamboo shoot. A shot directly penetrated an octopus head. Then, he crossed his hands and rotated the barrel of the spear, swiping towards the surroundings, and brought it up. A cyclone opened a boundary!

The group of deep-sea races surrounding him stepped back unanimously, avoiding the blow.

The young man's face was swollen, and there was blood on the corner of his mouth, but he was still refreshed, laughing at the weird man with a smile.

"Hahaha! You scumbags! My stinger will kill you all today!"

That's right, he is [the twelfth hero of the A rank-Stinger! 】

As he said, he began to dance the spear again. He raised the spear and twisted his hands. The spear was spinning quickly in his hand.

"Uranus! Eight consecutive thrusts!"

The weirdos of the deep-sea tribe, naturally, would not sit and wait for death. They all moved out, all shot together, or waved their tentacles, or sprayed water, or waved pliers, and they all attacked the stinger.

However, one inch long and one inch short, the stings were obviously faster and longer than them, and eight black lights flashed.

next moment!

The eight eccentrics surrounding the stinger were suddenly pierced with a big hole in their heads, and then all fell down.

The stinger gasped violently, and the hand holding the spear trembled with excitement.

"I did it, I did it!"

He raised his spear and shouted to the sky: "I really am the strongest!!!"

"Human! You are too happy too soon!"

The sudden sound made the stinger suddenly vigilant!

I saw that around the city, a large number of deep-sea tribes appeared, among them a sea prawn monster wearing a cloak was the most conspicuous.

The stinger gasped, his body was already very tired, but he still pretended to be full of combat effectiveness, and said confidently.

"Huh! You seafood feast! It's useless to come!"

As soon as the stinger came out, a group of deep-sea races couldn't help but step forward.

"Do not move!"

The lobster weirdo wore a yellow cape, and all the weird people stopped immediately after giving an order.

I saw it stepped forward, raised its hard and sturdy pair of tongs, and aimed it at the stinger.

"This human being, let me deal with it! You continue to crusade against other humans!"

"Yes!" xn

The weirdos are gone!

Although Stinger looked anxious at the strange man who left, he did not dare to move lightly.

Because, the lobster monster in front of him, the breath has locked him. He knows that this is not the junk stuff, this weird person is very powerful!

With the lack of physical strength today, we must deal with it seriously, otherwise, if we die, the civilians will be completely hopeless!

After thinking about the basics, the stinger began to grip the gun, and its mental power hit the lobster weird in front of you!

The lobster monster looked calm and gentle. It looked at the poisonous thorn coldly, and casually introduced: "I am the commander of the deep sea, bullet iron fist shrimp! My fists are as fast as lightning, and they destroy the stone in one blow. Breaking steel is just a very easy thing!

Are you ready to face it? "

The stinger showed contempt and smiled contemptuously: "Hehe, my marksmanship is like a stinger. It is very easy to pierce your head!"

The bullet iron fist shrimp commanded unmoved.

"Heh~ It seems you are ready!"

It gently shook the cloak behind him, and the next moment, more than a dozen lower limbs and both legs were full of strength!


The ground burst suddenly!

The leader of Bullet Iron Fist Shrimp disappeared in place! !

The stinger was taken aback.

So fast! ! !

He crossed the grab bar to keep in front of him!

next moment!

clang! ! !

A pliers hit the barrel of the gun severely.


The barrel of the gun broke suddenly, and the stinger suddenly cracked his fingers, the next moment.

He just felt his hands crack and his fingers were broken.

Bang! ! !

The air exploded into a gaseous cloud in the shape of a funnel, and the stinger flew out like a cannonball!

It straddled hundreds of meters in the air, hit a residential building directly, broke a wall, and fell to the ground...

He was squirming his body, his hands trembling slightly, he wanted to stand up, but at the moment of exerting his force, he only felt a heat in his chest, and a mouthful of blood rushed from his chest to his throat.

Then there was a feeling of weakness in his body, and his brain became groggy and tired.

"My beloved gun... was broken by a single blow..."


In the dark sight, he saw the pair of dense articulated feet falling in front of him, and his face was unwilling.

"I...I'm going to die here after all... Am I..."

He closed his eyes and his consciousness fell into a deep sleep.

The Bullet Iron Fist Shrimp commanded looked at the comatose stinger, and the two broken guns held tightly by both hands.

"This weapon is still very hard, and it makes me feel resistance."

The bullet iron fist shrimp commander raised his shrimp tongs and looked at the stinger's unconscious face coldly.

"But only to this extent."

With that said, it wanted to punch down and end this human life!

"Aiki! Chong!"

It suddenly turned its head and looked over, and saw that Qianxia held her palms together and pushed it, and a circle of shock waves distorted the air and struck it suddenly!

It hurriedly jumped to the side to avoid it!


The shock wave immediately hit the wall of the building, blasting a large hole through the entire wall.

Qianxia suddenly jumped down to the stinger and assumed a Tai Chi posture.

Compared to Wing Chun, she really has a higher affinity with Tai Chi.

In fact, Muhua Saki Yexin teaches neither Wing Chun nor Wing Chun.

All martial arts are taught.

Saitama first learns Wing Chun, and then uses Wing Chun to combine the essence of other martial arts to build great success.

Qian Xia incorporated Wing Chun into Tai Chi.

But it doesn't matter, it's all the same.

Fight, the same strength!

On the helicopter, Kihana Saki Yashin beckoned and shouted at Qianxia.

"Qianxia~ I'll leave this to you."

Qianxia turned her head slightly and nodded to Muhua Saki Yaxin.

Muhua Saki looked at the deep sea people everywhere, thinking about preparing for a wave of clearing skills.

At this time, the staff on board the helicopter yelled Muhua Saki Yaxin.

"Your Excellency, Eye of Death. Please send it to our other teams. After all, what we want to shoot can't be done by us alone.

Moreover, more manpower is needed here to rescue. "

Muhua Saya's heart narrowed and her mouth narrowed: "Trouble."

As she said, she snapped her fingers casually.

next moment!

In the sky.

A helicopter appeared in the air with the magic circle unfolding out of thin air.

The staff all looked at Muhua Saki Yaxin with amazement.

This kind of space transfer ability!

This girl really deserves to be a Sss class!

There were six helicopters in total, and six helicopters began to fly to various parts of the city to set up cameras.

After the helicopter and the staff have set up the camera.

"Okay! Lord of Death! Get rid of all the weirdos!"

Muhua Saki Yaxin immediately teleported herself to the sky in the middle of the city with a snap of her fingers, sweeping her eyes across all the weird people who were being abused.

"Are you ready to record my dazzling posture!"

"Ready! Lord of Death, don't worry! We will definitely make you cool and handsome!"

The staff yelled with a knowing smile.

"That's good!"

Muhua Saki Yaxin immediately took a pose and raised her hand to support the sky. Her ethereal female voice, with a little child's milky voice, spread throughout the city!

"Criminal monster! My eyes of death will purge your botched souls here! Face death!"

next moment!

A circle of light appeared in the sky, swaying the clouds, and after the halo spread to the edge of the city, the silk lines began to walk away from the halo like a thunder snake.

In an instant!

The lines and runes outline a mysterious magic circle!

This is a huge magic circle covering the whole city!

Sic watched the live broadcast at the Heroes' Association, and couldn't help but stand up.

An energy field of this scale will destroy the rhythm of the entire supermarket!

It's like that huge abyss in city D! This time, I still want the cool rhythm of Blue Star!

However, the girl shouldn't be such a disproportionate person...

All, he temporarily suppressed the tension in his heart.

"Death Judgment!!!"

Muhua Saki Yaxin shouted loudly!

next moment!

The magic circle lights up and turns pink!

Bunches of energy arrows condense from the magic circle, and then fly out!

For a while, a dense rain of pink energy arrows fell in the sky!

The energy arrow rain has the function of locking the I saw the weirdo who was still doing destruction, the next moment a pink energy arrow pierced her chest!

Then the whole monster was reduced to ashes.

Of course, more deep sea races have noticed the sparkling magic circle in the sky and the deadly energy arrow rain.

They also escape, but it's useless!

They are no faster than the energy arrow rain, even the weird people who fled back to the sea are all overtaken and killed by the energy arrow rain!

Just three minutes.

The weird people in the city were wiped out.

Oh, that's not right!

There is one more!

Now, a helicopter is shooting its special plane.

Qianxia vs Bullet Iron Fist Shrimp Commander


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