The Second Girl’s Naruto Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 84: conspiracy

   In a quiet and unmanned neighborhood, the roar like thunder blasting continuously!

   At first glance!

   There are two figures, staggering back and forth on the street at a speed that is completely invisible to the naked eye!

   is like two shadows moving and colliding wildly!

   Every time they staggered and collided, they could see the explosion in the air and a spherical white shock wave squeezing the air!

   "This kind of battle is really amazing!"

  On the helicopter, the staff in charge of shooting on the special plane couldn't help but sigh.

   They can't see what's going on below at all, but they can watch it from the professional shooting equipment, playing at a slower speed.

   After slowing down more than ten times, they could really see how amazing the battle between Qianxia and the weirdo was.

   I saw that Qianxia held Yin and Yang with both hands, and used softness to overcome the strength. Every time the monster shrimp attacked, she was perfectly countered by her, and she gave the monster a heavy blow with strength! It can be said that so far, weirdos have been beaten unilaterally.

   Qianxia's martial arts fighting movements, from this slower perspective, every movement carries the verses of Tai Chi martial arts, which looks extremely beautiful, kind and pleasing to the eye.

   is so good-looking and able to fight!

   Staff, I almost feel that I have become obsessed with this girl.

   Of course, the slow-down view they see is not real-time.


  嘭! !

   A black shadow was hit hard, and on the path it flew out, a circular white wave of air was formed, just like a passage.

  The black shadow directly smashed through the three residential buildings, and fell to the ground embarrassingly, staining the ground with some dark brown liquid.

   That's right, the shadow is the commander of the bullet iron fist shrimp.

   It was lying on the ground, the shrimp shells all over the body were cracked to varying degrees, and the brown blood was all over the body.

   It looked at the sky lonely, and its eyes were very empty.


  Brown blood coughed out of its mouth, and it slowly stood up again, but it was a little unstable, and there was a shrimp clamp that was even twisted off.


   Qianxia gently landed in front of it, and a small circle of dust was lifted up on the ground.

   She looked at the weird person in front of her, and suddenly felt a little admiration.

   This weird person has never flinched when he knew he was completely invincible!

   Every time, it attacked her directly without fear of death.

   In fact, it can completely avoid it, and it can also use its own good speed to get involved.

   But it doesn’t, every time it’s upright, no matter what the injury is, no matter how powerful the enemy is!

   It always has to rush forward!


   This time, the leader of the bullet iron fist shrimp dragged his crooked body, and wanted to rush over again!

   However, Qianxia stopped calling, she raised her hand to block her.

   "Stop! Don't come here yet!"

   However, the leader of the bullet iron fist shrimp would not listen at all. It raised its only movable left arm pliers, and once again blasted its most powerful blow!

  【Booming Iron Broken】

   It has always been a proud blow! No clansmen can face this blow head-on! Even the king!

However, Qianxia gently turned to one side, grabbing the strange man’s shrimp arm with one hand, with this huge force and impact, lightly moving back, and then the body rotated, pulling this force. After a roundabout, Qianxia let go.

   The shrimp commander took his [Boom Tiebreak] strength, walked back a few steps, and stopped.

   It was stunned. Just now, he felt that he was completely controlled by his own power. Just like that, the human was pulling his arm with skillful strength, making a circle, and throwing it back at the place where he had just come.

   Its eyes condensed slightly, and turned to look at this human being, a little angry.

   "Human! Are you fooling me?"

   "Why didn't you make a move! You could kill me just now!"

   Qianxia was stunned, she scratched her face, a little embarrassed.

   "Well, I didn't fool you anymore, I'm just curious, I want to ask why you are so stupid?

   You could have escaped. "

   I don’t know. After Qianxia said this sentence, Commander Shrimp became even more angry: "You are really fooling me! Humans!"

   "Do you think I'm the kind of scum that escapes? The real battle, to the death Fang Xiu! Do you think I am afraid of death?"

   "You are insulting me!"

   Shrimp Commander suddenly tightened the muscles of his body again. The cracked carapace on his body shed more blood, but he didn't care!

  嘭! ! !

   The ground burst again!

   The air exploded into a funnel-shaped cloud of air, and the commander of the shrimp blasted towards Qianxia like a cannonball!

   At this moment, its power and movement speed have suddenly risen to the peak, just a bit short of the heyday!

   But this is also its last struggle!

   After this blow, no matter what, it will definitely die.

   Qianxia obviously knew very well. Although she was a weird person, she still admired her fighting spirit.

   So, she decided to let it die a little more glorious, and she would use her strongest move so far!

   Qianxia suddenly moved his hands back and forth like a fish, with a special charm.

   When the bullet iron fist shrimp commanded an assault to a range of five meters, and blasted her with a punch!

   "Yin and Yang hold the punch, Shou Fist!"

   Qianxia also made a move. She leaned out her body and swept her hands around the shrimp tongs of broken gold and broken stones like a fish, then grabbed its shrimp arm, pulled it back, and at the same time turned sideways and lunged forward!

   Make your elbows, and go ahead with luck!

  【Tai Chi! Yin and Yang Chong·Tieshan rely on! 】

   I saw that Qianxia smashed into the arms of the Shrimp Commander, and the whole body's strength was concentrated on the shrimp shells on the chest of the Shrimp Commander's elbow!


   Shrimp commanding momentum and Qianxia’s Tieshan Kao are hedged together, and this explosive force erupts!




   Shrimp ruled the whole monster, centered on the chest, suddenly turned into a cloud of brown blood and exploded.

   Following along, there was a violent shock wave, which lifted up a layer of concrete under Qianxia's feet, forming a small pit.

After the end, Qianxia's serious expression suddenly relaxed, looking at her sticky arm, she felt a nausea, the next moment she seemed to feel something, touched her face, something slimy was slowly flowing .

   Suddenly, her face turned, showing an expression that was about to cry, and she screamed loudly.

   "Ahhhhh! The whole body is covered! It's disgusting!"

next moment!

   A magic circle lighted up from Qianxia's feet, and then a white halo rose from the magic circle, slowly passing from Qianxia's feet to head.

   Suddenly, Qianxia felt that the slimy dirt was gone.

   She looked happy, suddenly a little happy, and when she looked up, she saw the girl master she was familiar with.

   "Teacher Ye Xin! Thank you so much!"

   Kihana Saki Yashin folded her hands on her chest, and raised her head arrogantly.

   "Hmm~ Good job, Qianxia."

   Qianxia only reacted, turning around to look at the pool of things on the ground, and a pliers shrimp arm in the distance.

   She looked dazed.

   "Uh... I accidentally beat it into a pool, and I want to leave it a whole body."

   "Don't blame yourself! Qianxia! You have done a good job. If you respect it, you must make it into a pool!"

   Kihanasaki Yaxin said with a serious face.


   Qianxia felt that what the master girl said was a bit strange.

   "Of course, because you have done your best, this already respects the opponent!"

   Qianxia looked at the strange people on the ground, seemingly understanding.

   "Is that so."


   The staff used special equipment, and when they heard their conversation, the corners of their mouths twitched.

  God TM respects it and will make it into a pool? Could it be a little bit more ridiculous.

   In this way, this deep-sea tribe’s invasion is over.


   However, Saki Yashin, who remembers the plot, felt something was wrong.

   It seems that the underground people, the sky tribe, and the deep sea tribe have all appeared!

   But, what about their king?

   She remembers that in the original book, they will all be invaded by the king.

   Fortunately, the deep-sea clan said that the shrimp just now had a strength comparable to a dragon-level disaster.

  The other two clans, it was almost just expelled some miscellaneous soldiers to test.

   But Kihana Saki Yashin doesn't care too much. With her and Saitama sitting in town, they can't go to heaven.


   The video of the battle against the invasion of the deep sea clan was edited by the Heroes' Association and played on the whole continent!

   This time, everyone has seen the power of Sss heroes! That kind of power to wipe out all weird people in an instant!

   Let the girl who is already very popular, directly upgrade to a full-name hero idol with a national phenomenon!

   Of course, Chinatsu, an elegant girl from the martial arts school, is also famous for this.

   Some people are complaining about Qianxia’s heroic name. Why is it called the Archer Girl? She is obviously a martial artist, just like the third-ranked S-class ancient father.

   This time, the Heroes' Association also directly raised Qianxia's ranking to the seventeenth in the S rank.

   once again squeezed the ranking of **** prisoners by one place.

   Sss rank first-the eye-catching performance of the Eye of Death has greatly improved the reputation of the Heroes Association in the society.

   At least some cursing is much less.

   Then, Saki Yashin Kihana’s hero activities will always follow a filming team, filming and editing the activities of crusade against weirdo into one video after another.

   They followed the whole process, and all the videos were to promote the national hero activities, and at the same time, it also allowed Muhua Saki Yaxin to quickly develop into a true full-name hero idol.

   The goals of the senior management and Xiqi are very consistent.

   Not only can Muhana Saki Yashin become a national hero, it can not only enhance the reputation of the Heroes Association, but also let the public and prestige bind the girl to the Heroes Association firmly.

   They realized that even though the girl's strength is beyond the standard, she still has emotions for humans. It can be said that her behavior is very in line with an ordinary human girl.

   That’s why they came up with such a way.

   After all, they were fed up with the blast that was absent forever.


   This is a shallow sea full of reefs. Occasionally, a huge wave hits the reef, splashing white waves soaring into the sky.

   This is the desolate edge of the sea. Ordinary people would not come to such a place, and even fishermen would not be able to approach the shallows of this group of reefs.

   So, in such a dark place, there are some people who are sneaky!

   I saw a few seafood monsters appearing in the sea. There were sea monsters full of tentacles and rotting white skin all over, and fish monsters with long noses and sharp like swords.

   They lined up in two lines, like the army, they went ashore together and came to the only larger platform in the reef group, and then the two lines moved out together to give way to a passage, seeming to be performing a greeting ceremony.


   A shiny crown emerged from the sea, and then a lizard-like head emerged from the water.

   This is a weird man with a height of more than two meters and a muscular body comparable to that of a cow. He is wearing a red cloak and has a weird smile on his hideous face.

   From this look, I know that this is the king of these seafood weirdos, and his whole body exudes a unique temperament.

   As soon as it came ashore, the weird people on the two roads consciously pressed their heads.

   At this moment, the waves subsided, and the sea became silent. It seemed that the sea was surrendering to this strange man.

  Because it is the king of the deep sea!

   Deep Sea King!

   It walked along the road where the people lined up and walked to the center of the platform without saying a word. He looked up at the sky and the neighboring kilometer sea.

   "There is nothing wrong here."

   Deep Sea King’s fierce face kept a "smile", and it could be seen that its body water was slowly passing by, and its size seemed to be slowly shrinking.

   "It seems that I arrived first."

  The members of the Deep Sea Clan returned to their normal line and stood behind the King of Deep Sea. They followed the "king" to the sky without saying a word.

   Sure enough, a few dark shadows appeared in the sky soon, from the extremely high sky, piercing the clouds, and descending towards it at an extremely fast speed!

   After they landed to a certain height, they could see clearly that they were all birdmen with wings on their backs.

   Soon, just a few breaths!

   They fell in front of the Deep Sea King and his team.

   These bird people, their skin is as red as a demon, and their faces are like Shura of hell!

A birdman headed by    seems to be the leader of this group of birdmen, because it has the largest wings, the most terrifying face, and the most red skin.

   The people behind the Deep Sea King became vigilant.

  Birds naturally look at the monsters as if they are, staring fiercely at the monsters of the Deep Sea tribe.

   However, Deep Sea King raised his hand and made a stop gesture.

   "Don't be nervous, my people."

   The biggest birdman also waved his hand to the people behind him.

   Both sides started to calm down

   Then, the Deep Sea King spoke first, with a humorous tone: "What's the matter, Sky King, are you slower than us, who can fly?"

   Sky King snorted coldly, and said disdainfully.

   "Huh! Deep Sea King, you are still as annoying as ever."

   The Deep Sea King didn't care about the words of the Sky King, but looked at the Sky King with an inexplicable smile.

   "It seems that what that guy said is true."

   The Sky King took his people and landed on the open space next to him, looking at the Deep Sea King impatiently.

   "That is natural, otherwise, you would not appear here.

   My dignified Sky King, I won’t come to this rotten place where the earth and the sea meet! "

   "I'm so angry, Sky King."

   "Huh~ I'm so angry! What's the matter, does Deep Sea King want to fight me?"


   Deep Sea King's complexion became cold.

   "Do you think I dare not?"


this moment!

   The two kings are facing each other!

   The anger of the two clans suddenly came up, and it seemed that they were about to fight in the next moment!

   However, at this time, a roar sounded from the land side.

   Something with a huge weight seems to be moving.

   The rumbling stomping sound made the two races become vigilant.

   Soon, two tall and sky-reaching figures appeared on the edge of the land. The extremely large size shocked the people of both races inexplicably!

   Two huge monsters stepped on the ground step by step, making the ground seem a little overwhelmed.

   They quickly approached the shore and came to the front of the Deep Sea King and Sky King clan.

   Their appearance has finally truly revealed!

   A huge dinosaur-shaped monster with pitch black, like Godzilla, but with a dinosaur shape.

  The other is just a huge pig head. The meat on his body seems to be spliced ​​with minced meat, which looks weird and terrifying.

   In front of them, the depth of the shallow sea is simply not worth mentioning Standing on the surface of the sea, the seawater is not even enough.

   The dragon and weirdo spoke, with the domineering scorpion and the loud sound of the screaming air.

   "You guys came really early."

   Hoghead is indeed impatient.

   "Is there any one that hasn't arrived? Or just kick it!"

   Deep Sea King looked at the two behemoths with deep eyes.

   "...Ancient King, and Underworld King."

   "Really two terrible guys!"

   The Sky King became vigilant. Although it was not afraid of these two guys, it had to guard against monsters.

   At this time, a voice rang from not far away.

   "Oh oops~ I've been waiting, my kings."

   From behind the Underworld King, the land surface above the shallow sea suddenly broke open, and countless underground people jumped from it.

   Among them, the blue-black four-armed giant lifted up by countless underground people is the most conspicuous.

   It was surrounded by blue and red flames, and its six eyes were flashing with azure thunder arcs, with a kingly smile on its face.

   "The Five Kings Conference can be opened."




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