The Second Girl’s Naruto Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 85: Chaos will arise

   in this remote shallow sea area.

   Sky King, Deep Sea King, Didi King, Underworld King, and Ancient Kings stand on their own.

   The momentum of the five kings spread, the dark clouds in the sky disappeared, the waves that had been raging had already subsided, and all the turbulent things in the surrounding air fell into silence. It seemed that I was afraid to disturb these five terrible beings!

   The five kings are all overlords of one party, and they are all extremely terrifying existence!

   However, today they are gathered together.

   Who the **** is this?


  嘭! ! !

  嘭! ! !

  嘭! ! !

   The roar of a giant's foot on the ground came.

   I saw that a huge figure appeared on the horizon. Its head was full of sharp horns, its hair was like snake-like tentacles, it was wearing a cloak, and its eyes were indifferent, walking slowly toward the five kings like a god!

   "Have you finally appeared?"

   Deep Sea King looked a little unhappy.

   "It's too late!"

   Sky King is also impatient.

   "If it's broken, just wait to be trampled to death by me."

  The ancient king's eyes were cold.

   "Swallow it for me."

   Underworld King's eyes were full of killing intent.

   "Don't be so angry, four kings."

   The Underground King did spread out his hands with a smile on his face.

   "Maybe, to others, you are the scum."

   "What did you say!?" x4

   The four kings stared at the underground king with cold eyes.

   But it beckoned to the giant in the sky with a nonchalant face.

   "The King of Weird-Orochi! These four guys seem to have some opinions."

next moment!

   The giant stopped, and on the giant's shoulder, his big piercing eyes opened a tentacled and looked at the five kings.

   "Snake, teach them a lesson. lest they are disobedient."

   The serpent's eyes are still indifferent: "It's just a bug worth using, kill it if you feel restless."

   "Don't kill, they are still useful."

   Orochi did not answer, but was ready to attack.

   And the five kings, except for the underground king, all began to warn.

next moment!

   Boom! ! !

   The giant-sized snake suddenly disappeared in place!

   The ground on which it originally stood was like it had been hit by a meteorite, and it burst and collapsed in a radius of one thousand meters!

   The four kings suddenly changed their complexion.

  This body type!

   This speed!

  In an instant, the big snake appeared in front of the four kings, and it swung from the bottom up with one palm!

   rumbling! ! !

   The five kings only felt that they were rising, and their body was completely uncontrollable.

   When they felt the ground shaking stopped, they were shocked.

   Because they originally stood on the ground, they have become a mountain!

   Weird King——The big snake gently waved his hand and lifted the entire surface to form a big mountain!

   "What a power this is!"

   The Sky King was shocked.

   "Is this guy a god?"

   The only remaining confidence of the Deep Sea King himself has now disappeared.


   Their mountain began to collapse.


   The gravel falls down!

   However, this is nothing to the Five Kings at all, they landed steadily on the land.

   saw the king snake again, they never dared to despise it again.

at this time!

   The big piercing eyes jumped off the strange king Orochi, and said to the five kings with a smile.

   "So, can we start?"

   "Weird World Amusement Park activities, how do you feel about this plan?"

   "Oh, yes. I heard that the Heroes Association is going to open the National Heroes Contest.

   Let’s start the World Weird Garden Day on that day. "

   The five kings nodded. They had accepted this plan a long time ago, otherwise it would be impossible to gather here.

   came here for the meeting, just wanting to make the plan more detailed.

   Seeing that the five kings agreed to nod, the smile with big piercing eyes became strange.

   "Opening the age of human doomsday, I am going to get excited."



  Heroes Association Headquarters.

   The highest meeting room.

  The girl's voice resounded through the room.

   "Accept the move! The Eye of Death! Unlimited Hook Jump!"

   "It's useless! Teacher Ye Xin! I have found a way to crack your trick! Watch me flash back!"

   "How can it be repaired! Even if you crack my secrets, you can't directly defeat me with a set of combos!"

   "Too naive! Teacher! Didn't you find out? My ex slot is full!"

   "Nani! Diss! Impossible!"

   "It's over! Teacher Yexin! Profound meaning! Dragon flashes and thunder strikes!!!"

"Ah ah ah ah ah!"

  Kihanasaki Yaxin looked up to the sky and let out a sorrowful cry.

   "Woo~ woo~ I lost..."

   "Hey eh eh~"

   "Teacher! Don't cry!"

   Qianxia quickly dropped the game console and went to comfort her master girl.

   Kihanasaki Yashin looked at Qianxia with tears in his eyes: "My...My Eye of Death actually lost..."


   Chika looked at the game console, the character operated by Saki Yashin, who was also a blindfold girl.

   She didn't expect the teacher to be so substituting.

   "But, teacher, I only beat you... the teacher has already won me a lot..."

   Kihana Saki Yaxin has a grieved expression on his face, and there seem to be dots in teary eyes.

   "I don't care! The Eye of Death actually lost!"


   Qianxia has some head pain, how can I coax this?

   At this time, the door of the meeting room suddenly opened.

   Qianxia stayed for a while and looked at the door.

   Xiqi walked straight in, smiling, and greeted Qianxia.

   Chika also greeted her with a smile.

   "Lord Eye of Death, Lord Archer Girl, good morning."

   "Well, Minister Xiqi, so are you."

   "Minister Siqi, you are good too."


   Qianxia said hello with a smile on his face, and then was stunned, before realizing that he turned his head and looked at Muhuasaki Yaxin.

   From this look, where is the girl master still teary, and at this moment, where is sitting with a serious face.

   Chika suddenly became angry.

   This girl master is actually playing with her!

   Xiqi came to the main seat at the table, and while arranging the projection equipment, he chatted.

   "By the way, the two of you don't go away in a minute.

   We released an S-level emergency meeting.

   Everyone else, at this time, it should be almost there. "

   "Huh~! Is there any big move next?"

   Qianxia asked curiously.

"There is no big move. It is just that during the National Heroes Contest period, the various regions to be stationed and responsible for the competition area must be arranged. After all, the next full-name hero contest requires a good arrangement of combat forces to guard against possible accidents and accidents. "

   "Is it like this?"

   Qianxia understands.

   And Kihana Saki Yashin nodded her head aside, maintaining an unpredictable image of a girl.


   Outside the Hall of Heroes Association.

   Genos and Saitama walked on the corridor, and ran into the atomic warrior and Banggu.

   The four people faced each other, and the Atomic Samurai suddenly became puzzled and pointed to Saitama.

   "Are you here for the meeting too?"

   Saitama has a plain expression, and the whole person doesn't have any strong temperament at all, using a casual tone like a neighbor talking.

   "What's the matter? Is there any problem?"

   Atomic Samurai's eyes narrowed: "I should remember correctly, are you not an S-rank hero?"

   At this time, Janos did take a step forward, looking at the Atomic Warrior with a cold face.

   "Teacher, he is indeed not an S-rank hero, but you S-rank heroes are not enough to see in front of the teacher!"

   The atomic warrior condensed slightly and looked at Janos with sharp eyes.

   "Alright, samurai."

  Banggu At this time, the first hand put a hand on the shoulder of the Atomic Samurai, indicating that he is almost done.

   The Atomic Samurai didn't move, he just retracted his momentum, and said calmly.

   "I just suspect that your teacher is a fisherman in troubled waters.

   But since you are your teacher, I think I should have some strength. "

   Genos said coldly: "That's natural! The teacher can hit you by himself..."


   Qi Saitama's voice came, and Jernoston gave a moment, and did not say any more.

   Saitama walked forward plainly, passing by the two without stopping, and said faintly: "Who cares about you, S-Class and A-Class, they called me here, I will come, that's all."

   Without turning his head, Saitama passed directly over Bangu and the Atomic Warrior, and walked straight to the meeting room.

   Genos looked at the Atomic Samurai coldly, and he paused for a while and seemed to have something to say, but in the end he gave up and moved quickly to keep up with Saitama.

  Banggu and Atomic Samurai looked at Saitama's back, and felt an unusual smell.

   Especially Bangu, he now sees a hint of martial arts charm from Saitama's usual steps.

   Banggu smiled, the martial arts school always made him feel a little kind: "This young man is not easy."

   "What do you mean? Is he a martial artist?"

   The Atomic Samurai looked a little incredulous: "Why can't I feel a little momentum in him?"

   "Maybe, this is the return to the basics in the legend, right? Haha~"

   Bangu touched his chin and beard, looking a little happy.

   The atomic warrior obviously didn't believe it at all.

   "Come on, Bangu, you haven't reached this level."

   "Hahaha, the old man is mediocre, so naturally he can't reach it. That young man is not necessarily, and he is not to look good."


   When Saitama and Genos entered the meeting room, half of them were already seated in the meeting room. They also saw Saki Yashin and Chinatsu in the main positions.

   "Yo! Chinatsu."

   "And... uh... teacher?"

   Kihana Saki Yashin's face suddenly sank, her cheeks bulged, her eyes looked at Saitama, her eyes became dangerous.

   "Why is the second one called me! What is the interrogative tone?! Saitama!"

   Saitama casually found a place without a number to sit down and said casually.

   "Teacher or something, I just didn't see it at first."

   "Ha! What do you mean by not seeing it! Saitama! Do you know what it means to respect the teacher?"

   "Beep Beep, Beep Beep! It's so noisy!"

   At this time, the tornado kicked in, and walked in with a cold face and arrogantly.

  Kihanasaki Yaxin suddenly became unconvinced, and pointed to Tornado's nose and shouted.

   "Ha! What are you talking about, your defeated player!?"

   Tornado suddenly looked ugly, and was defeated by Saki Yashin, but the most uncomfortable thing about her is now being told in public!

   She was still not in a hurry, her face flushed with anger, her thoughts exploded, and the skirt hem had no wind automatically!

   "Damn it! You fellow! Come and fight again if you have the ability!"

   "Well! What if you lose after a fight!"

   "I can't possibly lose this time!!!"

   "Come on, then!"


   "Come now!"

   "Come on!"

   Suddenly, the angry faces of the two girls, Muhua Saki Yexin and Tornado, immediately rushed to each other, and they held each other fiercely, and no one would accept each other!

  Cickey covered his face, feeling weak inside.

   These two problem children, who can control...

  The rest of the S-rank heroes are also embarrassed and hang up high.

   No one wants to mess with this ass, after all, the two loli with the highest combat power quarrel, who dares to fight?

  嘭! ! !

   The door was kicked open again, and a handsome blond man wearing a white shirt stepped into the conference room with a cold expression.

  He is Sweetheart Mask, the first in the A level!

   One of the top leaders of the Heroes Association!

  Heroes Association has its current status, and his management and hard work are indispensable!

   In terms of strength, he is also quite enough to enter the S rank!

   However, he voluntarily stayed at the first place of the A-level, the purpose is to prevent some weak, morally uncoordinated guys from entering the S-level by fishing in troubled waters, and he can also supervise all the members of the S-level outside the S-level!

   The admission of Sweetheart Mask is attractive enough, at least the attention of Kawasaki Yakino and Tornado was attracted to the past.

   Sweetheart Masquerade has a cold face: "This is the meeting room of the Heroes' Association headquarters! How do you quarrel here!

   As an S-class, is it this that you will only fight in your home base? What is the difference between you and those trash! ? "

   Tornado's complexion suddenly changed, and she looked at Sweetheart Mask coldly.

   "Iron Baa!"

   Kihanasaki Yashin's complexion returned to normal, and he returned to his position with ease.

   "Hmm~ I'm a Sss class, so he only said you."

   Tornado's face suddenly stiffened, and his gaze turned to Muhua Saki Yaxin again.

   "You fellow!"

   "Enough! Don't you feel embarrassed?"

   Masked Sweetheart said coldly again.

   Tornado suddenly blushed and looked at Sweetheart Mask, raised a small fist, and then shook it fiercely.


   Then she walked towards her seat.

   Sitting in the seat for a while, she was still sulking and muttering.

   "It's just an A-level dragon suit...A-level choppy dare to speak big words..."

   things like that.

   However, she mumbled for a while, and when she looked up, she saw Muhua Saki Yaxin next to her, making faces at her.

   She suddenly bulged her cheeks again, and her face flushed again.

   Qianxia was sitting aside, slowly pulling her teacher to stop her from making trouble.


   This farce was ended by Kamen Sweetheart.

  Cickey immediately looked at Kamen Sweetheart with a thankful look.

  Mamen Sweetheart also found a spot and sat down, her face kept cold.

   The mainstay is here.

   A child who seems to be eleven or twelve years old, his expression uneasy from the beginning, now watching the mask stabilize the situation has eased, and said inwardly.


   Soon, everyone in the meeting room should be there.

   There are 20 heroes in the conference room!

   Now, basically the strongest combat power of the Heroes Association is assembled in the conference room!

   There are two absentees, one is the first of the S-level-blasting!

   This hero is the first one. The dragon has always seen the beginning and the end, and his whereabouts are secret. Only he contacted the Heroes' Association, not the Heroes Association.

   For this absence.

   All S-rank heroes are used to it.

   The Sss class used to be such a guy, but he has become quite active recently.

  From the top of the table, Kawasaki Yashin, count down on both sides to know the hero ranking level.

   First and second in the S rank-the trembling tornado!

   is the green curly-haired girl who quarreled with Muhua Saki Yashin, she was still sulking.

   "It's all crap! Humph!"

  The third place in the S-class is the silver fangs

   looks like a kind old man with white hair, his real name Banggu.

   His eyes have been watching Saitama in a daze.

   "I don't know, what is the strength of this young man."

   Then, there is a man in the image of a Japanese samurai (Yasso) with a samurai sword hanging from his waist.

   S rank fourth place-Atomic Samurai!

   There is a white wooden stick in his mouth that he doesn't know where it came from, his eyes are sharp, his hands clasp his chest, and he must look at Muhua Saki Yaxin with interest.

   "Sss-level, it's a pity it's a girl, otherwise I'll find her to learn from each other."

   Further down, is the little boy, his eyes are scanning around, his brows are frowning.

   S-level fifth place-Tong Di!

   "These S-rank guys don't feel that many of them are normal people..."

   Then there is an empty position.

   S-level sixth place-metal knight.

   was absent.

   Further down, there is a man with three terrible scars on his left eye, a firm complexion, and a strong breath.

   He closed his eyes, clasping his arms around his chest as if he was closing his eyes to rest.

   S-level seventh place-KING! ! !

   Next, it was a handsome young man, his face was a little uncomfortable with a trace of disgust, and his eyes slightly cast aside.

   "When will the pig eat?"

   S-level eighth place-zombie man!

   The next one is a transformed man similar to Janos. He maintains an upright sitting posture and doesn't say a word.

   S-level ninth place-driving the knight!

  The next one is a man who is fatter than a pig. His whole body is greasy and fatty. He has been eating snacks without stopping!

   S-rank tenth place-Pig God!

  The next one is a bald muscular man whose whole body is like black iron, and his muscles are shining with black light.

   He looked forward intently, but he was thinking inside.

   "Everyone is looking at me! Look at my perfect muscle!"

   S-level 11th place-super alloy black light!

   Next, is a dog wearing a plush dog coat, sitting on all fours on a chair, just like a dog.

   He straightened his nose and sniffed, his complexion calm.

   "Someone fart."

   The twelfth place in the S class-Police Dogman!

Next, there is a handsome man with long golden hair. He wears a blue cross-shaped headdress on his head. He is wearing a black tights with metal armor and a white cloak. The cloak also has blue on the chest. Color cross-shaped ornaments.

   S-level thirteenth place-flashing Flesh ()

   Then, he was a muscular man in a vest.

   He was melancholy: "The fit of the vest is not enough..."

   S-rank fourteenth-Vest Vest!

   Then, there was a man who looked like a bad thing in he shouted with an unhappy expression.

   "Can you hurry up the meeting? The meeting is the most annoying!"

   The fifteenth place in the S grade-metal bats!

   Next, both of them are their own.

  S-level sixteenth-the devil transforms people


   S-level seventeenth-Archer Girl (to be changed)

   Tsuboi Chinatsu!

   Finally, the eighteenth in the S rank!

  Sexy prisoner!

   He is really a prisoner, he is wearing a prison uniform, his body is muscular, and a pink love is printed on his chest.

  He was thinking secretly: "Wearing boyfriend's clothes, I feel full of love~"


  Cic came to a position where everyone at the front desk could watch.

   "The reason for bringing everyone together in this meeting! It is because of the prediction of Granny Sibabava! We are about to hold the National Heroes Competition, and weird people will ambush and destroy!

   "So, the association has carried out a deployment plan according to the analysis!"




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