The Second Girl’s Naruto Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 89: Weird Association Assembly

The big sirens in City A sounded, and the residents were already very proficient in daily escape skills, and one by one quickly took the shortest route to the refuge.

Citizen A hurriedly ran away: "Hey hey hey! This is the city where the headquarters of the Heroes Association is located! Why is there such an exaggerated disaster level! Heroes?"

Run away in a hurry. Citizen B: "Where did I know, stop talking nonsense, leave some strength to run away!"

boom! ! !

The earth-shaking roar sounded, and the ground vibrated violently!

"What happened!?"

Some of the running civilians couldn't help but look curiously in the direction of the vibration.

I found that a mushroom cloud slowly rose up in the city far away!

They suddenly appeared in horror!

next moment!

A violent shock wave swept across the sky, and the watchtower in front of you was shocked by sand and rocks, the glass shattered, and they were completely unable to react, so they were all set off!

In the center of the explosion, lava, magma, flames were everywhere, and the city not far from the side was completely turned into ruins. The broken buildings were all set ablaze, a scene like hell, and the whole city fell into destruction Disaster!

In the ruins of the flames, a group of weird people walked slowly in front of the stars. They stepped on the ruins and traversed the flames. Behind them was the burning city.

They are the source of disaster!

Members of the Weird Association!

[Weirdo · King Orochi! 】

[Cthulhu-Fire Moro]

【Black Sperm】

[Overgrowth Poch]

【Big piercing eyes】

【The Wandering Emperor】


and many more……

They are like destroying everything and burning a legion, destroying everything that stands in front of them, leaving behind a devastated city along the way.

No one can stop them!

The monstrous weird, Wang Dashe, looked directly at the Heroes Association in the center of City A with an indifferent look in his eyes.

The tallest building in the city!

This is their goal!

They will destroy this building that represents a human hero with the posture of king over the world!

This means that because mankind’s only heroic organization that resists weirdos has been destroyed by them!

The hero of mankind is definitely back!

At that time, you can kill them all!

Then, kill all human beings!

Create a world where only weirdos exist! !

Soon, they approached a city again. In the area a few hundred meters away, there were towering buildings all over the place with human integrity, which was very eye-catching!

Also hindered their way!

However, no weirdo stopped, they were still walking forward slowly!

Among them, the wandering emperor, who has a human appearance, a tramp posture, but domineering, has moved. His smiling hand is raised, and the power bestowed by the gods is gathered in the palm of his hand!

Gradually, a huge energy ball several meters wide was condensed and formed in the palm of his hand!

Without hesitation, directly facing the city in front of him, smashed the energy ball over!

The energy ball swayed through the air, and directly hit a building in the city!

next moment!

A little light radiates like a star, and the violent energy spreads in a spherical shape, which will touch all the destruction!

boom! ! ! !

Earth-shattering noise!

A mushroom cloud rose again, and the violent shock wave crushed everything into pieces like a sky-turning ocean wave!

However, even with such a violent air wave shock wave, it could not shake the weird people who were steadily moving forward!

When the smoke and dust dissipated, the flames covered the earth again, and the strangers stepped on the flame ruins, and continued to move forward slowly and unswervingly!

The road ahead is transparent.

The obstructive building has been reduced to rubble.

And the whole picture of the headquarters building of the Heroes Association appeared in front of you!


Heroes’ Association Headquarters.

Xiqi was in a very bad mood at the moment. Those weird people were rampant all the way, frantically bombarding City A out of a road leading to the headquarters of the Heroes Association!

He didn't know, it's just that the headquarters is very empty now, and no hero can handle it!

Moreover, looking at the formation of this group of weird people, he felt that at least he had to gather all the S-rank heroes to have a chance to win!

Do not! As long as that girl comes back!

However, even the aftermath of the battle between them will surely destroy City A!

Before that, you have to evacuate all the residents!

In front of Siqi, he called up the cameras of the various shelters and captured the densely packed crowd.

He was a little silent. He didn't know if the time to evacuate these people was enough...

But if you want to count on those refuge bunkers that can withstand the aftermath of the fighting of those weird people...

As long as he thinks of the huge pit in the abyss that goes straight to the planet D, he knows this is impossible.


At this moment, the members of the Weird Association have arrived under the headquarters of the Heroes Association.

All the strangers all raised their heads and looked at the tall building in front of them. Even if a huge weird person as big as a snake, in front of this tall building, it seemed to be insignificant.

This is a towering building that is thousands of meters high and straight into the sky!

Moreover, knowing the arrival of the weirdos, the building has already turned on the closed protection mode, which looks like a huge cuboid made of steel, reflecting the glow of metal under the shining of the sun.

The wandering emperor took the initiative to stand up again, holding an energy ball in his palm, looking at the building in front of him with a smile.

"Let me bang it down!"

"Do not worry."

Da Jiong looked at the building in front of him with shining eyes.

"If you just hit the ground, maybe those heroes will hide? They will blow up the hole first, or destroy half of them first."

Cthulhu-Huomalu looked a little impatient: "Just kill all the humans directly, why bother to play with these things!"

The wandering emperor's complexion suddenly stiffened.

The big piercing eyes also took a taboo glance at Humoruo's body entwined with scarlet clouds.

"Master Huomaru, don't worry. We are not planning to bring the human power to the end.

Otherwise They run around like loach, it is very annoying. "


Huomoluo didn't say anything, but there was still some displeasure on his face.

And the serpent, who stood aloft like a weird king, seemed to be indifferent to Huomalu's rudeness at this moment.

In fact, it can't care about...

As the monster king, the highest combat power of the monster association, it naturally wants to subdue the evil **** Humoruo by strength!

It is like subduing other weird people, and it demands the obedience of Huomaru in a high posture of a **** present in the world.

Soon, it hit the street.

Huomalu opened a wave of territory and slammed the serpent.

So far, all the weird people of the Weird People Association were very jealous of the evil god-Humoruo that suddenly appeared.

Except for the black sperm, this weird person is stranger and more casual, probably because he thinks he is not losing or strange.

Da Jiong looked at Huomoluo who had settled down, and he was relieved immediately. At the same time, he felt a little unwilling to do so. Everything in this plan was originally under her control!

I don't know, I suddenly picked up a restless guy back!

Fortunately, it is also an anti-human monster, it is estimated that it was sealed inside by the SSS-class hero's Eye of Death.

Otherwise, if it's the pet of the Eye of Death, what's the deal?

It is estimated that the Weird Association it built will be given to the nest immediately after it comes out!

Thinking of this in his head, Da Jiong shook his head and looked at the wandering emperor in a blink of an eye, with a cruel smile on his face.

"Go, just make a hole in this building first."

The wandering emperor knew it, and also revealed a slutty smile, the energy ball holding in his hand quickly expanded and became half a meter in diameter!

"At this level, I hope this building is stronger."

next moment!

The energy ball is thrown!



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