The Second Girl’s Naruto Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 90: Offensive and defensive warfare

The energy bomb with a diameter of half a meter is flying fast, like a light dot flashing by!

Immediately hit the center of the Heroes Association Building!

boom! !

The flames of the explosion scattered, the burning smoke clouds flying...

However, both the wandering emperor and the weirdos were a little surprised.

Because the building that was attacked is almost intact!

On the bombed wall, only a trace of burning could be seen.

"Really strong, worthy of being the headquarters of the Heroes Association."

There was no accident with the big piercing eyes.

And Cic, who was in the control room of the Heroes Association headquarters building, did not feel surprised.

This building is the sixth-ranked building built by the metal knight, and it's very strong as a whole! Nature will not be destroyed so easily.

However, this group of weird people is absolutely capable of destroying.

Sic looked at the hero displayed on the screen.

One hit man Saitama

Trembling tornado

Super Alloy Black Light

Bow Girl

Shining celeste

Also, the most important

-The Eye of Death!

He looked again, and was organizing the rescue team of the Heroes Association of civilians fleeing the city.

Siqi sighed and prayed in his heart: "Hurry up. Heroes."

The wandering emperor began to condense a super-large energy bomb with a diameter of more than ten meters, holding it on his head with one hand, laughing wildly on his face.

"I hope this time, you can be stronger!"


Energy surge!

A huge energy ball burst out!

Head straight to the top of the Heroes Association headquarters building!

Some people in the Heroes' Association were feeling uneasy, and those who saw this picture were even more screaming!

However, they also knew that it was impossible to escape.

I can only pray that this building is strong enough to hold on until the heroes come!

next moment!

When the huge energy ball is about to bombard the steel wall of the floor!

Suddenly stopped!

The wandering emperor's complexion changed again, staring at the energy ball projected by him intently.

"What is it this time?"

A green light suddenly appeared on the horizon, rushing straight out.

The pupil power of the big piercing eyes directly saw the person who came.

It looked a little ugly: "It's actually her, the second place in the S-rank hero-the trembling tornado!"

That's right, Tornado is coming in full force. The cities she is responsible for are City N, City I, and City H adjacent to City A.

There are several ghost-level and several tiger-level strangers who are making trouble there, as well as a dragon-level underworld king.

However, in the face of tornadoes, these are simply not enough to see, and they will end up in one face!

Moreover, she was flying at full speed with her mind power enveloping her whole body, and the speed was also very fast.

On the way to City A, a few weird people who didn't know their ranks were killed easily.

After all, even her ordinary mind attacks can't stop them, they are basically trash fish, so don't worry about it at all!

When she arrived not far from the Heroes Association, she saw an energy bomb bombarding the headquarters building, and she naturally grasped the power of mind with one hand!

She squeezed the energy ball from a distance, then faced the weird man on the ground and threw it back!

"Hmph! If this young lady doesn't come, will you dare to come here to let go!?"

Facing the energy ball flying backwards, the three-headed six-eyed hellhound, Boqi opened his mouth and spit out!

A terrifying energy ray spurted out!

The energy torrent collided with the energy bomb!


A white light suddenly appeared, and a torrent of violent energy broke out in an instant. The torrent of flames, and the violent white light energy, immediately filled the entire sky!

The ground was directly set off by a shock wave.

The Heroes Association headquarters building was not far away, and was affected by the power of the core explosion. The entire building was shaking and crumbling.

Soon the smoke dissipated, and all the members of the Weird Association on the ground were intact, and everyone looked at the sky with indifferent expressions!

There, a human figure appeared, with green curly hair, a petite body, and contemptuous eyes.

[The second hero of the S rank—the trembling tornado]

She put her hand on her hips, pointed her fingers at the weirdos, and said with a arrogant and invincible gesture: "Huh! You shit! I want to leave this lady here to make trouble! Do you think you can succeed? Now Ben Here comes the lady! Give me everything to die!"

Da Jiong looked at Huomaru: "Master Huomaru, this human being will be handed over to you."

Humoruo looked at the force field wrapped around the tornado, smiled, and felt interesting inside.

"Does this power dry matter with mental power? Interesting?"

Huomoluo didn't choose to open the domain, but directly waved his hand and blasted the tornado with a fiery red wave of curse force.

The curse wave shook the air and flew towards the tornado extremely fast.

Tornado was still disdainful, Nian Li wanted to control Mana Libo, but the moment Nian Li Jie touched the Mana Libo, her expression changed.

The dry mind is the spiritual body directly connected to her brain. When the mind touches the mantra wave, she feels the evil of this energy!

It seems that this is all the representatives of the negative, the energy of evil!

Give her a very disgusting feeling!

More importantly, this energy can have a certain degree of antipathy to her!

Tornado frowned, and immediately increased her mind output, the next moment!

The curse wave suddenly exploded in the air, and the flame shock wave struck again!

But everyone is not afraid at all!

Humoruo looked at the means of defeating his attack, feeling even more interesting.

The ability to accomplish everything within the reach of this idea!

Faced with the daze, Tornado didn't hesitate, and used his mind with all his strength to squeeze and ravage the Fire Moro!

If it is an ordinary weird person who is squeezed and ravaged by the tornado with all its strength, then the whole body will be squeezed into a ball by the huge thought force, and then a small ball will be compressed!

However, Humoruo has the curse power and its own magical maintenance all over the body!

The red clouds entwined around it are just decorations that are not fried.

If it wants to, the red cloud will become a kind of terrifying fog that is all-invasive and all-inclusive!

The substance infested by the blood red mist body will be corroded, and if the creature obeys, it will be degenerated into evil by the will that hit it, and if it is not obeyed, it will completely turn into blood mist from the soul to the body.

This kind of technique has peculiar characteristics of curse power, and the most extended mind force of tornado mental power can't penetrate this layer of curse power and act on Humoruo's body.

Therefore, the tornado was deflated once again, and his huge thought power seemed to be acting on a thick mass of cotton, and there was no need for power at all!

Of course, against the power of mind, Humoruo is also consuming the power of the spell, but it does not have to worry at all. The UU Reading now is more than a star and a half stronger than the previous one!

After all, the "evil" of this world has already been collected by it!

Humoruo's lion-like face looked at the tornado with a domineering look.

"It's useless! Human! Although your abilities are interesting, the gap between us is too big!"

next moment.

The violent scarlet clouds began to sweep around!

Fire Moro also began to slowly float in the air!

Tornado gritted her teeth, she knew that her thought power might be difficult to directly act on that weird person!

Then it can only drive other things to attack!

She raised her head to look at the sky, and the meteorite outside the sky began to be pulled and flew towards the blue star ground!

At the same time, she lifted a large piece of ground, and then split it into several rocks!

Projected away at the weird crowd at an extremely terrifying speed!

Of course, Humoruo is the focus of the attack.

Facing the attack of the flying stone, Huomoluo just waved it casually!

A wave of scarlet curses exploded!

All the flying stones were immediately broken down into powder and exploded!

The tornado's attack did not end, she controlled her mind to rotate around her body, forming a high-speed rotating haze wind, in which many broken stones were accelerated to an extremely terrifying speed!

"Nian Lilan flushes the fluid!"

Under the blessing of Mind Power, the speed reached the critical point of Mind Power Control, and it was directly projected out with the tornado!

The several pieces of gravel enveloping the power of mind are like a torrent of green energy, which turns into a light and shoots directly at the fire Moro!

The power is amazing!

Huomoluo was no longer careless about this attack, his mind moved, and the curse power of his whole body began to boil extremely!

"The realm unfolds! Fire evil Moro hell!"

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