The Second Girl’s Naruto Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 91: Save the field!

Humoruo raised a triangle with his hands, his expression serious!

A scarlet halo unfolded instantly.

Tornado and a crowd of weird people were shrouded in no time even to react!

For a time, the **** Buddha, the world collapsed!

New spaces are being built, and the scarlet **** is gradually taking shape!

A sea of ​​blood, a volcano, a black sky, a rotting scarlet earth!

This is a world that is extremely dark, extremely evil, and extremely suppressed!

Exclusive to the world of Huomolu!

Fire evil Moro Prison!

At this moment, the tornado has come to the ground, and his small face is full of shock, looking at the super-fantasy world around it!

This, it's like a mysterious space like scarlet hell!

The weird people are also very scared, they don't understand why they came back to this place!

What is this ability! ?

Only the weird king Da She and Da Jiongyan knew this?

Only they have experienced... the realm of Fire Moro!

"Sure enough, it's still so incomprehensible."

Big piercing eyes flickered at the distant volcano.

The volcano is erupting black and red clouds, which only pass through the sky.

And above the crater, sat a red figure.

That figure stood on top of the volcano, between the sky and the earth, whirlpool-like black clouds and lava-hot volcanoes formed its throne.

It is the evil god-Huomaru!

It had an indifferent look in everything, just looking at the tornado, with the tone of a high god, without a trace of emotion.

"Humanity, my world, do you think it is beautiful?"

Tornado can be said to have seen the figure between Duanzuo and Tiandi Volcano for the first time, but she still spoke with a disdainful expression, and said proudly.

"Huh! The guy who pretends to be a ghost! Do you think you can scare me by playing with these illusions?"

"Even if this space is real! I can destroy it for you!"


Tornado's thoughts exploded, and the ground all over her body began to crack and collapse. She floated in the air again, and there were countless rubbles, large or small, along with her floating!

Bigger than a building, smaller than a ball.

The ground within a radius of tens of miles began to crack and shatter, and rubble floated into the air, slowly rotating around the tornado.

The tornado at this moment is also like a posture of a **** descending into the world!

The crowds of weird people who were not far away, as well as the weird people who shunned it, were brought to the sky by the broken boulder!

However, with their abilities, they can return to the ground by smashing the boulders under their feet a little bit.

It should be so!


The tornado is now attacking!

With her petty temper, how can these weirdos be so leisurely and leisurely!

The numerous boulders floating in the air began to fly towards the weird crowd!

She intended to attack Humoruo, but it's okay to attack other weird people by the way!

Seeing the huge boulder like a hill smashed towards him, the weird people began to brew their own attacks!

But the next moment!

The boulder stopped suddenly!

All the floating gravel stopped moving, suspended in the air quietly, unable to move!

Naturally, it wasn't that Tornado stopped by herself, and she couldn't move anymore. It seemed that there was something suppressing her!

Tornado's face was blushing, and his thought power was still running wildly!

But it's useless at all!

"What's going on? Damn it!"

Tornado yelled, she didn't believe in evil at all, even if the power of the whole body was overdrawn, she would break this invisible bondage!

"Ah ah ah ah ah!!"

Tornado has strong mobility, nosebleeds start to flow, and severe pain in the brain!

Tornado still didn't give up, she felt that she had used two hundred percent of her power, but it was still of little use!

She still couldn't move, and the stones couldn't shake a single cent!

But, it's just Tornado's own feeling.

In the unique eyes of Dajiongyan, you can see that the rocks are shaking with a very small amplitude and very fast!

It seems that there are two forces fighting against each other!

Humoruo also looked at the tornado unexpectedly, but he didn't expect it to use the power of the domain, and the tornado could actually be pitted to such an extent!

If this human being is stronger, maybe it can really compete against my domain!

However, it's a pity.

Huomalu, with an indifferent expression, opened his mouth as majestic as a **** proclaiming the world.

"Human! Your power is really good, I agree.

However, there is only this degree of power, for me, it is far from enough! "

"In this world, any piece of rock, air, dust, sky, fire, all objects are under my control! I am the master of this world, the master of everything!"

However, even if Tornado had a severe headache like a brain explosion, he did not give up in the slightest! His face with nosebleeds still showed a mocking expression even though embarrassed.

"Huh...huh...pretending to be a god...a ghost!"

Humoruo saw this scene, somewhat silently.

"Really tenacious, this human.

It is a pity that I am invincible in my fire evil Mora prison!

You are a human being worthy of my admiration, so I decided to give you a happy way to die! "

The idea comes out!

The world resonates!

The sky covered by black clouds began to turn red, red silk threads, like tentacles, wandering through the clouds, looming!

Right above the location of the tornado!

A fire-colored light spot appeared, and the clouds began to rotate around the light spot into a whirlpool!

The weirdos felt that terrifying energy was brewing above the cloud vortex!

This blow, I am afraid that there will be no scum left to kill the tornado!

Da Jiong looked at the struggling tornado with a pitiful expression.


Heroes Association headquarters building.

Xiqi looked at the strange people and tornadoes who suddenly disappeared outside, a little confused.

However, he also saw the outside, and suddenly an extra ball came out at the position where those weird people were!

A black ball that doesn't know what it is!

The disappearance of weirdos and tornadoes should have a lot to do with that black ball.

And, most likely!

Tornado may have to face all the weirdos of the Weird Association alone!

At this time, a figure fell from the air and landed directly beside the black ball.

On the monitor screen, Xiqi clearly saw the comer!

Bald, yellow beaten!

One hit man-Saitama!

Nickey hurriedly controlled the contact device that called Saitama.


Saitama just came here straight after a road blasted by the Weird Association.

He thought he was late, and the strangers had raised the headquarters of the Heroes Association.

Unexpectedly, the building was intact, but there was an extra black ball about ten meters in diameter, floating in the air weirdly!

to be frank.

He was very curious about this black ball.

Saitama touched his chin with only one hand, watching carefully curiously.

Suddenly, beeping...

The contact device on his waist rang, and he took it out to see that it was indeed the Association of Heroes.

Saitama clicked directly, "Moximosi?"


Sic is very excited!

The voice was very loud, and Saitama's head shrank slightly by the roar, and the communication device in his hand seemed to be shaken off.

"Saitama! Hurry up! Smash that black ball! The tornado is dangerous!!!"

Smash the black ball?

Saitama looked at the weird black ball next to her, and suddenly a sinister smile appeared on her dumb face.

"If you don't say that I want to do that, since you said, then I will just smash it."

"Just smash it! Hurry up!"

Xiqi said anxiously, after all, she doesn't know what the tornado is, but she is facing all the dragon-level weirdos. Every second of delay, the situation of the tornado will become more dangerous!

Saitama also knew that Xiqi was in a hurry, so he tucked the communicator into his crotch, and then squeezed his fist against the black ball and banged it directly!


Fire evil Moro prison!

The clouds above the head of the tornado formed the eye of the storm, with a red spot of light in the center, and the accumulated energy made the strangers secretly startled!

The weirdos are also a little far away.

Tornado was already in a coma at this moment, and the only remaining consciousness was still clenching his teeth!

Huo Moruo also felt that it was almost there, and his mind moved!

The energy of the eye of the storm began to agitate, and the central light spot burst out with **** thunder!

"Human! I bestow you the highest admiration!"

Huomalu raised his head to the sky, his hands open to lift the sky and the earth.

"The evil spirits crashed into the world!!!"



With the storm eye on the tornado head as the center, a blood-red halo unfolded instantly, so fast that it swept across the world, and a blood-red energy torrent burst out from the center of the storm eye and went straight to the tornado on the ground!


boom! ! !

Suddenly, right above the tornado, the space broke open like glass!

A bald head emerged from it, and all the weird faces were suddenly shocked!

Saitama also felt cold on the top of his head, and when he looked up, a powerful torrent of energy came straight!


He immediately threw a punch.

"Ordinary but not completely ordinary ordinary boxing!"

boom! ! !

The power of fist touches the torrent of energy!

The whole space was shocked!

next moment!

The space of the confrontation point is broken and opened!

The torrent of energy was directly blasted away by the unpretentious fist, and the vortex cloud above the sky was also instantly dissipated.

The floating gravel suddenly lost control of the domain and fell down!

Saitama also slowly rushed into the air and fell to the side of the tornado. He looked at the tornado that seemed to be a little unstable, his eyes half closed, and the tornado that seemed to fall at any time, and asked blankly.

"Hello? How are you? Are you okay?"

The sight in front of Tornado was blurred, looking at Saitama's chubby head, only three words were spit out.

"No...Five-way race...I... won't be here..."

After speaking, a sharp pain came from the brain that had reached its limit, her eyes whitened, she immediately closed her eyes and fell into a coma.

The body fell outward.

Saitama hesitated looking at the tornado that had fallen, but still stepped forward and hugged her, letting the comatose tornado lean in his arms.

"Hello? Wake up? How are you? Not dead, right?"

Saitama shook gently. Tornado has fallen into an extreme coma, it is impossible to wake up.

With big eyes, they and a group of weird people looked at this weird scene, looking at each other.

Huomoluo's face was full of shock. It couldn't believe that this human being actually blasted its demons and demons into the world with a single blow!

Of course, this is not its most shocking, it feels incredible the most!

This humanity actually broke its domain space barrier!

Huomara looked at Saitama with scorching eyes, and spoke with a sound that shook the entire space!

"Human! How did you get in! How did you do it! What method did you use to break this space!"

It cares very much, it doesn't believe that this human being can break through the space with power alone!

If you simply break through the space, what a terrifying force it is!

It is more willing to believe that this human being, like the tornado, has a peculiar ability, the ability to restrain the domain, and the ability to break through the space!

Saitama was stunned, looked at the strange weird person in the distance, and said casually.

"Ah? I just cracked it open? But your outer shell is quite hard, and it took me a little bit more to get in."

Huo Moruo's face suddenly stiffened.

" took a bit more effort!?"

It uses its curse power and realm to look closely at how sacred this human is!

After all, this is its world!

As long as the world is in control, its confidence will be there!

Under the penetration of the world, it wants to see Saitama's body and soul thoroughly!

But soon he discovered something strange!

The curse cannot penetrate Saitama's body and soul!

This human being is like a stone with nothing!

Regardless of whether the magic power is resonance or guidance or whatever, it is impossible to survey everything about this human being!

"How come? How is this possible!?"

Huomaluo looked shocked.

"No one does not have curse power!?"

After all, the essence of mantra power is the power of emotions, a collection of negative emotions!

Everyone will carry more or less negative emotions!

And the human being in front of him couldn't feel the existence of a trace of curse power at all, and what made it feel even more terrifying!

This human being does not seem to have a soul!

In other words, the soul and the body seem to be completely integrated!

It is an extremely perfect creature!

This is like existence that violates the rules, existence itself is an unreasonable! It's a bug in the universe!

It was a little desperate, and looked at Saitama with blank eyes: "Impossible!? Impossible!? How could there be a human like you in the world!?"

If Muhua Saki Yaxin is to it, it is like surpassing the world and detaching all the mighty powers!

Then this human being is a totally unreasonable bug!

This is totally unreasonable!

Saitama was holding the tornado with a bored look, and looked at Huomaru with a blind eye.

"By the way, you should be the owner of this place, right?"

"In other words, if you beat you to death, you can get out, right?"

Huo Moruo's face changed, and he couldn't sit still and stood up immediately.


boom! ! !

A bit unusual regular boxing in a row!

Saitama held the tornado in one hand and fisted with the other, throwing countless afterimages in front of him!

next moment!

Suddenly a series of ravines appeared on the ground!

Some weird people on the path.

Meow like a dragon, ugly president, gums!

It turned into a cloud of blood and disappeared in an instant!

Huomoluo and the huge volcano underneath him instantly penetrated countless huge holes, and the remaining rocks of the volcano collapsed and fell directly!

Humoruo's huge body was only a half.

The body below the waist disappeared completely, and only half of the body and the head were left.

The remaining half of Humoruo's face still saw the look of horror in it!

The weirdos are almost stunned.

They couldn't believe the scene before them. If they were on the path just now, they might just disappear like an ugly president!

Da Jiong's eyes showed fear: "What is this?"

"what is this!?"

"What kind of power is this!?"

A foolish black sperm is also full of fear at the moment.

As a splintered child with eleven trillions, it actually does not fear anyone at all!

No one can kill eleven trillion of it! ?

But it is scared at the moment!

This human can be killed!

Moreover, it is very sure that this man can kill 11 trillion of it with one punch!

Soon, Huomoluo began to condense the curse power, turning the reversal technique to completely recover the body!

It was panicked at the moment, its body belongs to a collection of negative emotions, and possessing a reversal technique can basically consume mantra power to restore its body!

However, certain fundamental damages cannot be recovered. For human beings without curse power, their fists have special effects that attack the soul!

It would be uncomfortable to recover at all, if this kind of injury is repeated several times!

Then it will die completely!

It's crazy if you don't want to die!

"Damn human beings!!!"

"All riots! Evil stains! Invading demons! Fallen to heaven! I want to bring all the humans to burial!!!"

Bang! ! !

In the Huoxie Moro Prison, scarlet lines began to appear on the sky and the earth!

The scarlet cloud and mist began to erupt, and when strangers came into contact with the red mist, they immediately felt a sharp pain in their bodies and souls!

at the same time!

The field begins to expand without limits!

From the outside, Xiqi in the Heroes Association headquarters building looked at it!

The black ball suddenly burst into a circle of red light, and the sky and the earth that were swept by the red light began to become terrifying!

Everything is stained scarlet, revealing weirdness...

Xiqi felt the throbbing of the soul, and looked at the control room in a blink of an eye. He found that the control room had also begun to change. The white-textured steel walls began to emit scarlet mucus tentacles, and the instrument became old and would appear. The scarlet liquid, even the original virtual projection screen has become a weird scarlet interface...

Xiqi looked at all this with a face, with a little trembling in his eyes calm.

"It's going to change."


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