The Second Girl’s Naruto Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 92: The girl shot, no weird.

The world-destroying red light came to the horizon, enveloped the earth, the world changed, and **** came!

The dark red inner world is trying to swallow the entire Blue Star and pull all the humans to bury it!

This is the madness of Huomaru, who knows that he cannot survive against Saitama!

It has already opened its own art, even if Saitama kills it, it can also erode most of the humans in its domain!

After it dies, the spell will still operate according to its remaining mantra!

Not only humans, weirdos, and all life forms of animals, as long as they are pulled into the realm, they will be eroded by the technique!

The powerful body and soul can last longer!

However, ordinary humans will basically die if they touch it!

"Damn it! Stop it!!!"

The vagrant emperor was struggling frantically with his hands in his hands, his whole body turned blood red, as if he was bleeding, in fact, his body was eroded by the technique, and it was gradually turning into blood mist.

Not only that, but his soul is being eroded and gradually disintegrated into a curse!

Porch, Orochi, and Big Eyes are all struggling in pain!

The black sperm feels that their progeny is dying fast!

"Quick! Kill that monster!!!"

Da Jiong's eyes are cracked and he is pointing at Huomaru, who is venting his energy crazily!

However, no weird person still has the ability to move, the pain above the soul is not a joke, and the damage to the soul makes them unable to move.

Within the domain, the only one who is not harmed is Saitama!

He was staring blankly at Humoruo who was already screaming and struggling crazy strange people.

He looked down at the tornado, and sure enough the tornado seemed to have been eroded, blood-red lines exploded all over his body, and his white skin began to become blood-red.

at the same time!

Fire evil Moro Prison is expanding!

The strange hero association headquarters building with blood red texture all over appeared in this world!

Most of the buildings in the city are formed in this world, but the style is all weird and red!

Saitama's expression gradually became serious as he watched all this!

He also guessed what was happening, the world was being swallowed by this weird world!

What the weirdo said about pulling up all human burials is true!


Saitama stared at the frantic Humora with sharp eyes, and raised his fist!

He is serious!

Saitama stepped forward, the ground cracked suddenly, and a punch was thrown out, his fist seemed to be shaking!

Must kill! Little earnestly break the fist!


The air suddenly exploded, forming a vacuum all the way!

All the weird people along the way disappeared instantly!

Humoruo, standing on the ruins of the volcano, faced this punch, but his eyes showed a crazy smile!

next moment!

boom! ! !

Huo Moro and the ruins of the volcano disappeared instantly!

The space shattered like glass at this moment!

In the black hole of the black space, the **** cloud of space is absorbed like a whale!

After a while, the black hole in space will be filled!

Fire Moro disappeared, but the expansion of Scarlet Hell continues!

Saitama frowned, he shook his fist again, and quickly shook his fist at the blood cloud sky, turning his fist into countless afterimages, and in an instant, Saitama slammed hundreds of punches!

"Continuous small punches!"

Bang bang bang ——

The sky was almost completely shattered, and there were only a few fragments of links, like a mirror shattered, leaving little fragments of the frame.

This time, the space seems to be unable to recover!

However, this field is not broken yet!

Saitama looked at the tornado in her arms again, the blood-colored unknown lines had spread all over her body, and her unconscious little face showed an expression of pain.

Go on like this!

She won't be able to support it!

There are others!

Saitama found out, and the Heroes Association headquarters building was pulled in!

Even the wandering emperor, one of the weirdos, has become a pile of things, and other weirdos with weak strength have fallen to the ground and are on the verge of death.

Not to mention ordinary humans!

at this time!

Humoruo gathered the body again, it looked very weak at the moment, but the crazy strength on his face was not reduced.

"Hahaha! Human! Desperate!

Even if you kill me! Other humans must die too! No one can save them! "

The staff of the Heroes Association headquarters building all fell to the ground, blood-colored lines all over their bodies, dying.

Xiqi relied on his amazing will to barely have a trace of saneness, but at this moment, there is nothing he can do!

Saitama was also a little angry, he became so serious for the first time, he even wanted to smash this space together with Huomaru with a full blow!

However, he has a feeling!

With this punch, the space will be broken, and Huomolu will die!

However, others will die too!

He was hesitating!

But Humoruo is still in the field of crazy expansion, and at the same time mocking.

"Desperate! Be angry! Human! Hahahaha!"

at this time!

The space is suddenly shattered!

An incandescent light broke into this **** **** instantly, like the first light opened up in the world, holy and pure to dispel all evil!

The light shines on the earth, and the blood mist is dissipated...

Then, a lovely but proud girl voice spread throughout the space.

"The eye of death is coming!"

The girl was like an angel, with her hands spread out, shrouded in this white light, slowly descending to Saitama's side.

Saitama looked at the girl, and suddenly hesitated.

Muhua Saki Yashin blinked at Saitama and smiled: "Don't worry! Leave it to me!"

Huomarua saw Muhua Saki Yaxin coming, and his face suddenly became scared, but his original crazy expression was stiff at this moment.

"Why! You guy is still here!?"

But in the next second, it was relieved, lifted the sky with both hands, and closed his eyes and smiled.

"Even if you are still here! So what! I will bring enough humans to bury me! You can't save them!"

Muhua Saki Yexin tilted her head, she said that this evil **** seemed to be floating?

What makes it think that it can kill people in front of her?

The girl pointed out at will!

"Clumsy Cthulhu, ignorant and stupid, such a filthy world, let my sacred light! Purify it!"

Levy! ! !

A little white light suddenly appeared, and in an instant, the light swept across the entire space!

The blood mist disappeared, the darkness The evil disappeared!

The space has become a piece of pure white!

Huo Moruo's brain has also become a pure white piece, its eyes are dull looking at this changing world in a blink of an eye!

"what is this?"

next moment!

The space was shattered, and the broken pieces turned into luminous colorful butterflies flying in the air.

Fire evil Moro Prison disappeared directly!

Everyone, every stranger has returned to the plane of Blue Star!

Everything is fine in the outside world.

The sky and the earth, the sun is shining brightly.

In front of the Heroes Association headquarters building.

Huo Moruo was still looking at Muhua Saki Yaxin sluggishly.

"This is...this is what the eldest brother said, is there a super dimension?"

"This power...I can't even understand..."

"You don't need to understand."

Muhua Saki Yashin had already arrived in front of Huomara at this moment.

Humoruo looked at the existence of the small human form in front of him, but he showed a smile that was as relieved of everything on the eve of death.

"Sure enough, I'm still too naive..."

Kihana Saki Yashin gestured with one hand and pointed a small pistol to aim at Huomaru.

"I secretly ran out to do something, but I am very unhappy. As punishment, I will give you a better way to die."

Hearing the familiar words, Huomalu showed a bitter smile and looked up at the sky.



The girl held a "pistol" and shot a shot at the burning Moro.

next moment!

Humoruo's whole body began to turn into light spots and gradually disappeared...

He is still thinking...

Sure enough, I'm still a child...

The human society is too sinister and monsters emerge in endlessly. I am still too naive...

At this moment, the only big piercing eyes with the ability to move, looked at Muhua Saki Yaxin with fear on his face.



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