The Second Girl’s Naruto Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 93: The era of heroes is coming

Heroes Association headquarters building.

There were a group of weird bodies lying outside, and these weird people were eroded by Humoruo's technique and entered a state of dying.

Whether it's a big snake or black sperm...

The members of the Weird Association, both their bodies and souls, were eroded and assimilated by the red clouds.

For these weird people with mutilated souls and lack of soul, even if they have strong recovery capabilities, they cannot continue to recover.

If they are dying, if there is no one to save them, they have basically declared death.

Among the weirdos, the only big piercing eyes with the ability to act is actually just a clone puppet of someone. As a clone puppet, the body has not been actually harmed at all!

Therefore, it can see the scene of Muhua Saki Yexin's great power!

However, it would rather not find out by itself!

At this moment, she was still in deep fear!

The reason why she established the Weird Association is because her super powers predict the horror of the future!

The era in the future is an era of extreme despair!

Human beings have no chance of winning, so she fell into despair!

Now that there is no hope for mankind!

Then, she established the Weird Association to use the power of the weirdo to break through the limit and surpass the limitations of humans and even creatures!

Reach the realm of gods!

Survive the terrible disaster in the future!


But the premise is that there are no two humans in front of you!

One hit man!

The eye of death!

If the power of One Hit Man has reached the realm of God as it expected!

Then, this eye of death is a realm of nothingness that transcends everything!

In her eyes, the world can almost be created with one thought, and destroyed with one thought!

This so-called eye of death, no wonder it is an sss class with super-standard treatment!

This kind of power is simply not something that humans can possess!

Big eyes can't help but reflect.

Is her predicted future real?

If there are these two people, even if there is only this bald man, it wouldn't look so bad...

At the very least, there is hope for mankind...


Heroes’ Association Headquarters Control Center.

The fainted staff all stood up one by one, looking at their intact bodies curiously?

The same is true for Xi Qi, he can clearly feel that his dying body has recovered in an instant!

He raised his head and looked at the screen. At this moment, he could see that Saki Yashin and Saitama were standing together outside.

The weird people fell aside, they were covered in scarlet texture, and most of their bodies were even corroded.

This scene is enough to show that everything just now is not fake, nor is it a dream.

However, the accident ended too soon.

So that people feel an unreal texture.

Xiqi looked serious, staring at Muhua Saki Yaxin on the screen.

"Is it her? It's solved in an instant?"


Muhua Saki Yashin put one hand on his hips, and pointed at Saitama proudly with one hand, preaching to Saitama like a good teacher.

"Saitama, as my disciple! You must remember! In the future, you need to think more and act decisively when dealing with weirdos! Kill it simply! Fortunately, this time I appeared in time, otherwise this evil **** will cause great disasters. !"

"Enemies, like enemies like Cthulhu, have many ways to survive and survive! Therefore, next time you must confirm that the enemy is completely dead! No matter what the enemy's death is, be wary!..."

Saitama was expressionless and unmoved, looking at the sky in a daze while listening.

It's noisy... Teacher Ye Xin, don't you often get confused by yourself...

Just when Kihana Saki Yashin preached, and Saitama wandered around.

The more the tornado resting in Saitama's arms moved, her body squirmed slightly, as if she was about to wake up.

Saitama felt what was on her body, and came back to her senses, looking at the girl in her arms.

After the tornado, the scarlet lines on her body have disappeared, and she must have recovered from the wounds of Muhua Saki Yexin.

Saitama is also not surprised at her waking up.

Tornado opened her eyes in a daze. She just woke up, her head is still a bit unclear, she raised her head blankly, looked left and right, and then raised her head to meet Saitama's gaze directly.

Saitama also stared at Tornado.

Muhua Saki Yaxin stopped her chattering preaching when she watched this scene, looking at all this with excitement on her face.

The picture is still.

Time is still passing.

One second...

The tornado blushed.

Two seconds...

Tornado's face is all red and it's about to bubble!

Three seconds!

Tornado finally realized that he was relying on a man's arms.

For a moment, she was going to be shy and crazy.

"Ah ah ah ah ah!!!!!"

She screamed with her eyes closed, and slapped Saitama's face with both hands.

Saitama was unmoved. With his thick skin, Beng Xing's roar could not be shot through, not to mention Tornado's small slap.

The tornado naturally exploded with super powers!

She wanted to lift the man in front of her away.

However, her original superpower that could easily move mountains and fill the sea seemed to be completely ineffective.

The man in front of him is not moved at all!

Tornado slapped more than a dozen slaps to calm down a bit, and jumped out of Saitama's arms, looking at Saitama with a blushing face!

"You big pervert!!!"

"Asshole big pervert!!!"

The power of thought erupted again, the ground cracked, and the hill-like boulders directly floated up!

Floating towards Saitama around the corner!

However, when the gravel flew halfway, she stopped directly.

However, she still had a blushing face and an angry look at the same time.

However, she can be regarded as calm down, after all, if she really hit someone with a stone, it is estimated that it will be a casualty accident.

She would not kill an innocent person casually, and of course, she also knew that she ended up in a coma.

If there is no accident, this man should have saved him.

Saitama's rudeness to Tornado didn't mean anything to blame, and it was still that expressionless salted fish face.

"Um, are you sober? I'm not a pervert, you."

Tornado clenched her fists, her ruddy little face was full of shame, but if this man really saved her, wouldn't she be rude to make trouble?

"Ah, ignorant girl. My eldest disciple is your savior, so please thank him soon."

Muhua Saki Yaxin covered her mouth and chuckled, her eyes bent into crescents, with a teasing tone.

"How can it be repaired! Why are you guys here!"

Tornado was so embarrassed at first that he didn't even notice Muhua Saki Yashin's existence! Muhuasaki Yaxin said abruptly.

Her cheeks flushed again, and she pointed at Muhua Saki Yaxin a little angrily.

You know, she grew up so much, it was the first time she was hugged by a man, and she was seen by others!

"Kukukuku~" Muhua Saki smiled happily: "You don't want to admit that you were saved, do you? As your savior, don't you have a word of thanks?"


Tornado shyly squeezed his fists and lowered it, but he was unable to refute it at all, and seemed to be a little at a loss.

"Forget it, teacher. I just saved her casually, and honestly, teacher, you are her real savior."

Saitama spread out his hands and said casually.

Tornado glanced at Muhua Saki Yaxin in astonishment.

Muhua Saki Yaxin smiled brightly at Tornado: "Hehe~"

Tornado looked at Muhua Saki Yaxin, and after looking at Saitama, his brain suddenly became more messy, and his head that was aching from overuse of superpowers started to hurt again.

She held her head in her hands and squatted down with a headache.

"How can it be repaired..."

Muhua Sakuya was stunned, but she didn't expect such a situation to happen.

Didn't expect this girl to be so strong?

Muhua Saki Yaxin quickly flashed to Tornado's side, squatted down and touched Tornado's head, speaking softly with a gentle smile.

"Don't be grateful... Don't force yourself."

Tornado looked up at Muhua Saki Yaxin's gentle smile, and suddenly became even more embarrassed, and said loudly.

"Mo~!!! Don't touch my head!"

However, it was Muhua Saki Yaxin's chuckle to greet her.

When Saitama watched this scene, there was a wave of Furui Wubo's emotions, and the corners of his mouth opened slightly.

Then, he turned around and walked to the Heroes Association headquarters building, leaving behind a handsome back.


Tornado blushed with shame, calmed down a bit, then raised his head, stood up, hesitantly glanced at Muhuasaki Yaxin again and again.

Then he lowered his head and said something.

"Thank you……"

"Hee hee, no thanks, it's just my help."

Tornado immediately looked at Muhua Saki Yexin angrily: "Damn it! I will never need your help next time!"


Tornado shook his head again: "No, no, no next time!"

"Humph~ who knows?"

Muhua Saki Yaxin left a meaningful smile.


The control room of the Heroes' Association headquarters.

Sic is verifying the disaster situation in each city.

Although the current crisis at the Heroes' Guild headquarters has been resolved, other cities are still being attacked by strangers.

However, when Cic verified the past one by one city.

He discovered that all the disasters were lifted...

The reason lies in the support of Yashin Kihana!

It turned out that Muhua Saki Yaxin had already wandered the entire supercontinent of the city just now.

At an extremely fast speed, wandering and supporting all cities whose disasters have not yet ended!

That's what those heroes told Cic.

Said that the girl was like a light across the sky, and then a light fell, and all the weird people disappeared completely.

Of course, there are also heroes such as metal bats who are complaining, saying that he could have solved it, but Yaxin Kihana turned out to intervene.

Xiqi sighed inside and looked at the girl in the blindfold with a bright smile on the projection screen.

"This girl... is the **** of the game world..."


After this battle, major cities were invaded by strangers and suffered varying degrees of damage. However, what is surprising is that the reputation of the Heroes Association among the people has increased greatly.

Although this time the National Heroes Contest was calculated by the Weird Association, it can be said to be an extremely failure.

However, because of the National Hero Contest, the people who are personally heroes seem to feel the mission of a hero, knowing that being a hero needs to spare their lives to fight the weird people!

The ignorant people are no longer the same as in the past, even if they are saved by heroes, they have to scold them.

After all, professional heroes.

The hero is that they are all professional, do not do well, and it seems normal to be scolded.

However, the National Hero Contest allowed almost one-third of the people to experience the difficulty of being a hero, and most of them let go of their previous prejudices.

There are more folk heroes, choose to join the Hero Association.

Some folk heroes did not choose to join.

It's just a normal integration into this already endangered society, looking for work as an ordinary citizen.

If he encounters a weird person, he will take off his work clothes and become an unknown hero.

The era of heroes seems to be coming!


Muhua Saki Yashin sat in front of the TV in the living room of her castle, looking thoughtful at all kinds of positive energy.

In fact, this world has always been sick, and human beings have a lot of negative emotions.

Freaks are often directly transformed by extremely emotional humans.

But now, after Huomalu absorbed most of the "negative emotions" in the world, that is, the so-called evil, the energy body of the collection of human evil tendencies.

People in this world seem to have a sense of change.

Muhua Saki Yexin held her cheeks, tilted her head and analyzed.

"Well, there are too many negatives in society, which will directly cause human emotions to easily get out of control. This can explain why weirdos have appeared more and more frequently recently."

"Once a weirdo appears and destroys the city, it will create a certain amount of pressure on human society. Knowing that weird humans are infested will cause panic, worry, and other negative emotions."

"Emotions are intensified, weird people are more likely to appear, and the appearance of weird people will make humans more easily emotionally This is simply a vicious circle!"

Muhua Sakiya thought for a while, took out two scrolls and put them on the table, then looked at her cheeks in thought.

These are the two big evil gods scrolls. She wondered whether to call one out and serve as a "trash can" for human beings, and continue to absorb the "negative emotions" born of mankind. In this way, it might prevent the formation of weird people in this world.

Weirdos will certainly not appear so often.

If you really want to do this, then there will be a problem, and that is how to contain the evil god.

Even though, Cthulhu didn't dare to play tricks when she was there.

However, she cannot stay in this world forever.

However, what happened to Huomoluo made her a little alert.

The realm of Fire Moro is far from destroying the world, but it is indeed capable of destroying all mankind.

The other two evil gods are only stronger than Humoruo.

Moreover, Cthulhu originally formed negative human emotions.

They have no concept of good and evil, and only live according to their own intentions.

For her, although they are afraid and in awe, they are not too scared.

There is no guarantee that they will one day be so boring that they will kill all human beings crazy and then choose to fight her suicide.

"Or, I will study it, create a human evil, and use it to absorb these negative emotions as ordered."


Muhua Saki Yaxin's eyes lit up, and she felt feasible!

If there is a purpose to help with the root cause, there is no technique in the world that she can't complete!

She only needs to observe the process by which these curses absorb curse power (negative emotions), and then analyze the composition of the curse power and the essence of the curse!

Have you thoroughly studied the power of the curse, are you afraid that you won’t be able to develop a technique that absorbs the power of it?

Just do it!

Muhua Sakuya Xinshou is about to release [Random King] and [Turbidity].


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