The Second Girl’s Naruto Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 94: Human Evil-The Black Holy Grail

The two evil gods were not actually sealed in the scroll.

In other words, it was sealed, but it was not completely sealed.

They can still only have activities.

Otherwise, Huomalu may also run out by himself.

Muhua Saki Yaxin didn't want to make the relationship so rigid, after all, these two can be said to be her own summoned beasts.

Huomoluo was an accident. It is not surprising that a child who was born less than a few months ago was fooled.

The king of runners who has no emptiness and no aspect, looks very weird.

After all, his appearance, not to mention the four different things, is simply a decent human figure, and everything else is strange and weird.

The turbidity is also, wrapped in the mist of chaos, the main body Muhua Saki Yaxin also knows that it is actually a tuft of invisible body like a ghost.

Muhua Saki Yashin directly ordered them to transform into a human form!

Runner King and Turbidity immediately obeyed the command and used the curse power to change the display form of their bodies.

The king of runners turned directly into a black-haired imperial sister, with long hair, falling like a waterfall of three thousand green silks, until her waist, her skin was sickly white, her face was expressionless, her eyes were cold.

The pupils are black, but they look like a galaxy universe, with little starlight flickering back and forth, dark and deep, and it looks very mysterious.

The turbidity changed into a little girl with long black hair and amber pupils, still expressionless.

Muhua Saki Yexin curled his lips: "You evil gods are really cold by nature."

With that, Muhua Saki Yaxin found a few casual clothes from her pockets and put them on the two "girls".

Yes, they are now naked.

Runner King and Turbidity put on their clothes expressionlessly, Muhua Saki Yaxin looked around the two "people".

Sure enough, for the figure of Zhuan Wang Yujie, her clothes are small, although she can barely wear them, but it is very crowded.

The turbidity is just fine.

However, these two "people" should not care.

Muhua Saki Yaxin then began to play with the "two sisters" as if they were dolls.

Of course, no matter what Muhuasaki Yaxin does, the runner and the turbidity are still expressionless like facial paralysis.

Three minutes later.

The runner king stood on the ground, his legs raised against his cheeks, his hands spread out like a bird flying high, his face expressionless.

The turbidity is a one-handed handstand with one hand on the top of the raised leg of the wheel king, she is still expressionless.

Muhua Saki Yashin took out the camera and shot this perfect and harmonious scene with a smile on her face.

"They" have been fiddled with many such strange and difficult poses.

Although, for "them", these actions are quite boring, and there is no difficulty...

Runner King and Turbidity also obey Muhua Saki Yaxin absolutely.

However, the king of runners finally asked curiously.

"Great existence? Is there any point in doing this? Or, what are you researching?"

Muhua Saki Yaxin looked at the face of the paralyzed Yu Jie, and said this, she was suddenly excited!

"Finally do you care? I finally speak! I said, you definitely can't hold on for that long!

Hee hee, of course it doesn't make sense, I just want to see when you can bear it. "

Runner Wang's face was paralyzed with a rare twitch.

In other words, it's just a pointless and simple trick?

Sure enough, whether it is a mother or these great beings, there are some incomprehensible evil tastes.

Muhua Saki Yaxin is just playing around, in fact, she still has a good study of the body structure of "their".

Runner King and Turbidity still maintained the same actions, and Runner King also felt that this kind of action was a bit bad, and said to Muhua Saki Yaxin cautiously: "That, great existence? Since it doesn't make sense, then we can... …"

open eyes! ! !

Muhua Saki Yaxin suddenly opened the eye of the root cause, the red pupils and the golden twinkling Kong Xing looked very dazzling!

At the same time, both the wheel king and the turbidity felt that they were locked in by a glance, it seemed that a supreme being was looking at themselves, the soul was trembling unconsciously, "they" did not dare to make any other actions.

Can only be settled in place.

Muhua Saki Yexin opened the Eye of Root, walked back and forth around the two of them, carefully analyzing the power of the spell.

At this time, the gate of the inner courtyard of the castle suddenly opened wide!

Qianxia walked in with a bag of fruits with a happy expression on her face.



Qianxia looked at the two girls in the castle with popular art and disheveled clothes. Muhua Saki Yexin stood in front of her, her eyes shining with red light, watching the two "body art" girls earnestly!

Qianxia's face suddenly froze.

"Am I here at the wrong time?"

"Not really."

Muhua Sakiya replied without looking back.

next moment!

Muhua Saki Yexin was in the air a little bit.

In an instant, a huge magic circle unfolded, and the mysterious lines began to take shape.

From Muhua Saki Yaxin's source of vision, you can see that a trace of black mist of dissatisfaction is being absorbed by the magic circle.

Muhua Saki Yaxin readily gathered the black energy she had absorbed into a black ball, pinched it between her fingers, and then withdrew the magic circle, looking at the black aura sphere between her thumb and index finger with joy.


Qianxia walked over with a look of confusion, and looked at the evil black ball between Muhua Saki Yaxin's fingers.

"what is this?"

Muhuasaki Yaxin didn't answer Qianxia, ​​but handed the black ball between her fingers to the mouth of the king of runners.

"Open your mouth~ah~"

Runner Wang's face was blank, and his mouth opened blankly.


Muhua Saki Yaxin directly stuffed it in.

The runner king swallowed it expressionlessly.

Qianxia stretched out her hand with a stunned expression, the next moment she yelled.

"This...what is this? What is it? Is it edible?"

Qianxia stared at Muhua Saki Yaxin with wide eyes.

"We can't eat, she can eat."

Muhua Saki said casually.

"What does it mean that she can eat?"

Qianxia feels that her master is a little crazy, has she started to abuse girls now?

She hurriedly pulled Muhua Saki Yaxin to the side, stood in front of the King of the Wheel and Turbidity, and watched Muhua Saki Yaxin alertly.

"Teacher! Listen to me, you can't do this! You... let them go!"

Muhua Saki tilted her head in doubt: "You seem to have misunderstood something?"

"What misunderstood something? These two ignorant girls, teacher where did you catch them? I will send them back now!"

Qianxia's attitude was firm, as if I wouldn't let go if you didn't let go.

This made Muhua Saki Yaxin suddenly understand something and laughed directly.

"Hahahaha, Qianxia, ​​you misunderstood, they are not ordinary people, they are my followers and my summoned beasts."


summon monster?

Qianxia was a little confused.

Muhua Saki Yashin looked at Qianxia's dazed look, and ordered the runner and Turbidity a bit funny.

"Return to the original state. My experiment is over."

"Yes." x2

The king of runners immediately gathered the raised leg.

The turbidity also fell to the ground steadily from the inverted state.

The two resumed normal human standing movements, and still remained expressionless.

"Great existence. Is there anything else to order?"

Qianxia looked at this elder sister and a young girl, and felt a strong sense of disharmony. These two "people" didn't seem to be like people?

Muhua Saki Yexin waved his hand: "I don't need you anymore. Do you want to stay here for a while, or just go back to the scroll?"

"Excuse me for the humble and inferior spirit to say frankly, we still want to stay outside for a while, the scroll space is very boring."

Muhua Saki Yaxin's little finger nodded her lips:

"That way, even if you stay in the dark and empty space of the scroll, you can't stand it."

"Then I allow you to play in this world, but you should all understand the rules."

Runner and Turbidity immediately bowed, bowed, and then left the castle without expression.

Qianxia still looked a little confused.

"What are these two?"

"It's my summoned beast, it's not a big deal."

While talking, Muhua Saki Yaxin seemed to have thought of something again, and took out another scroll from her pocket and spread it out smoothly.

Bang! ! !

A cloud of white smoke rose up.

Wait for the white smoke to dissipate.

I saw a teddy bear on the ground, lying on the ground, the bear's face was full of grievances, and the eyes were crystal clear with tears.

"Finally... finally came out..."

"My old bear is very afraid of the dark, don't you know? Why do you want to close my little black house? Uuuuu~"

Qianxia felt even more weird, a talking teddy bear?

This is also the teacher's summoned beast?

I feel that the teacher is more and more like a magical girl.

"Okay, okay~ Don't cry. If you cry, I will shut you in!"

The teddy bear stopped crying immediately, but his face was still full of grievances, looking at Muhuasaki Yaxin with a pitiful bear-like look.

However, Muhua Saki Yashin didn't want to pay attention to it, and turned to look at Qianxia.

"Qianxia! I have a plan. If this plan is successfully implemented, it can reduce the probability of weird people appearing!"

"Cut the weirdo?"


"That's natural!"

Muhua Saki Yexin raised her head confidently.

"I am the eye of death!"


the next day.

Muhuasaki Yaxin pulled Xiqi up, called a wave of trustworthy people, and held a secret meeting.

This is a secret meeting of a small group!

There are nine people in total.

They are Tornado and Fuyuki Sisters, Saitama, Chinatsu, Jenos, Siki, Banggu, Atomic Warrior, and Tong Di.

And the host of the meeting-Yashin Muhuasaki!

Tornado looked impatiently at Muhua Saki Yashin in the main position at the moment: "It's mysterious, please hurry up if you want to say anything!"

Others are not as impatient as Tornado, but rather curious.

Xiqi knew the purpose of Muhua Saki Yashin's meeting, and he was most excited.


Muhua Saki Yaxin patted the table with a gesture of a small leader, and everyone looked at her quietly.

"This meeting is very important, it is related to the future of mankind! You must listen to me carefully!"

Tornado frowned for her brows, and didn't say anything, her attention focused on looking at Muhua Saki Yaxin.

Muhuasaki Yaxin looked at everyone's serious attitude, and nodded suddenly.


"The purpose of this meeting is to be responsible for the safekeeping of [human evil]."

"Don't ask, what is the evil of mankind!"

"Because next, I will explain it clearly."

"First of all, I want to name the cause of the birth of a weirdo, and that is the negative emotions of human beings!"

With that, Muhua Saki Yashin surveyed everyone's expressions with a serious expression.

I found that almost everyone had a thoughtful expression.

Obviously, they agree more or less.

After all, there are many classics, such as overwork and overwork and emotional irritability becomes a weird person who doesn't work overtime.

For example, the vagrant emperor, as a dragon-level weird, was because he was late for work, was fired from his job, couldn't pay the rent, and lived on the street as a vagrant.

Being homeless, he developed a hatred of humans from the bottom of his heart, giving him the idea of ​​destroying all mankind and exterminating mankind.

At this point, he was endowed with supernatural powers and became a dragon-level monster!

After thinking for a while, Tong Di seemed to understand the purpose of this meeting, and asked Muhua Saki Yashin: "Negative human emotions are indeed one of the factors in the birth of weirdos, and they account for a large proportion. So, the purpose of this meeting is. Is it to solve the many negative emotions in human society?"

Muhuasaki Yexin nodded with Tongdi's teachable expression.

"Yeah~ that's right."

"The birth of weirdos is largely due to the emotional intensification of human beings. Therefore, I want to use a method to absorb and control all the negative emotions of human beings!"

"Human evil?"

Bangu suddenly said solemnly.

"Is human evil the way to control human negative emotions?"

"Well...a bit off, but it's almost the same."

Muhua Saki Yexin raised his hand and suddenly a brilliant magic unfolded.

"This is my special magic technique! It is the key to this mission!"

Everyone present focused their attention on the magic circle.

The magic circle was floating quietly, and gradually, a trace of black mist gathered in the center of the magic circle, forming a black sphere.

This sphere gives people an unusually evil feeling.

"this is?"

Sic looked at this scene in surprise.

"This is [Human Evil], the aggregation of all human negative emotions!"

Muhua Saki Yaxin proudly raised his head and introduced.

"My plan is to use the magic circle to continuously and automatically absorb the various negative emotions that humans are born with. Don't underestimate these negative emotions.

In fact, the energy contained in these negative human emotions is huge.

With the energy generated by these negative emotions, my magic circle can continue to operate continuously. This kind of energy, I will call it negative energy. "

"So, can this magic circle completely absorb the negative energy of human birth?"

Tong Di continued to ask with a curious look.

Muhua Saki Yaxin shook his head.

"Although it is impossible to absorb all the negative energy left by all human negative emotions at once. However, the negative energy of humans can be greatly reduced, until a certain degree, a delicate balance can be achieved. At that time, human society will basically be able to To maintain a peaceful society, there will be no more hostility.

However, human negative energy still exists, it is impossible to eradicate this thing, and it can only be maintained in a state of absorption. "

"Is that so?"

Tongdi expressed his understanding.

At this time, Xi Qi asked with a serious expression.

"How powerful is the negative energy absorbed by this magic array?"

Muhua Saki looked at Xiqi and said with a slight smile: "You really asked me. The energy of negative emotions can be said to be huge. After all, the emotional energy of human beings can also give birth to weirdos and even curses. spirit.

Such energy can be described as terrifying. "

"So, after the negative energy is absorbed, it needs to be dealt with. If it is not handled properly, it will cause big problems."

With that, Muhua Saki Yaxin revoked the magic circle and controlled the group of gathered black **** on his fingertips, playing with it.

"So, the purpose of this meeting is to allow you to act as supervisors of [Human Evil]."

"At the same time, we must also discuss the container of human evil."


Siqi frowned.

"Do you need a container?"

"Of course it is necessary. The container is necessary to store [human evil]."

Muhua Saki Yaxin stretched out the black ball on her fingertips, facing everyone.

"Do you have the ability to control this thing?"

Everyone shook their heads.

"Does the container need any special material?"

Siqi continued to ask.

"Need, but not completely needed."

Muhua Saki squinted her eyes and kept smiling, "Hehe~ Actually, I already had an idea.

I plan to use a Holy Grail as a container. "

"Holy Grail?"

Xiqi was puzzled.

Muhua Saki Yaxin snapped his fingers immediately.


Suddenly a magic circle appeared, and the king of runners who had been shopping appeared in front of Muhuasaki Yaxin.

She still had a look of confusion, she didn't know what was going on.

Muhua Saki Yaxin directly passed the black ball in his hand.

Watching this familiar scene, the King of Wheels suddenly opened his mouth subconsciously, letting Muhua Saki Yaxin put the black ball into his mouth, and then swallowed it.

Muhua Saki Yaxin looked casual and snapped his fingers again.


The runner king disappeared instantly.

This scene happened a bit suddenly.

So that everyone in the house can't turn their heads?

Did something happen just now?

Muhua Saki Yaxin didn't decide what she did, snapped her fingers again.

A three-dimensional picture of the holy grail was projected inside the house.

She looked at is the holy grail in my ideals, he is made of pure gold!

After I burned the magic pattern, it would automatically absorb the negative energy of all humans on the super continent. The capacity can be said to be unlimited. However, I suggest that when the energy reaches a certain level, it will be dealt with in one wave.

How to deal with it?

My suggestion is to use it as pure energy.

Or as a powerful energy weapon.

Originally, I also wanted the magic circle to implement a certain wishing ability, but it felt too troublesome to set it up.

However, it is almost the same.

The huge amount of energy collected can be used to achieve a lot. "

Siqi looked at the projected three-dimensional picture and was silent for a long time.

Pure gold is really a big deal...

He has no money...

The rich are the Heroes' Association...

"Well... the content of this meeting is almost the same, as the first-generation guardian of the Holy Grail.

What do you think of this plan, do you agree with it? "

Tong Di nodded: "I think it is feasible, but the premise is that the Holy Grail is really useful."

"The old man agrees."

Banggu would naturally not reject this plan to benefit human society.

The others also had no opinion, and they all agreed.

Tornadoes rarely lose their temper.

"Then congratulations, you are about to become the first generation of guardians of the Holy Grail."

Muhua Saki happily finalized the implementation of this plan.

Only Siqi was roaring inside.

The holy grail of pure gold! ! ! If it weren't for this condition, I would definitely support it!

Why should it be pure gold!

Of course, he actually just complained, and he still agreed to the plan.

In this way, the plan was implemented.

The Holy Grail is handed over to Xiqi to contact the manufacturer to manufacture...


Le Wen

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