The Second Girl’s Naruto Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 95: The last big event

this age.

The gold holy grail made of pure gold is not difficult to make.

The only difficulty is the funding issue.

For Cic, this money counts as a large share, and there is no other way but to draw some from the funds of the Heroes Association.

After all, they are all contributing to human society, I believe no one will say anything.

No one will know.


That's it, a week later.

The Holy Grail is completed.

Muhua Saki Yashin immediately called the members of the meeting, and she was going to open the altar in her own castle!


Castle of the Duke of Death.


Muhua Saki Yexin and eight other friends sat together.

In the middle is a golden holy grail.

The Holy Grail is about fifteen inches high, which is quite large.

"Okay, I will now engrave the magic secret pattern for the Holy Grail!"

Muhua Saki Yaxin stood up, and at the same time the Holy Grail automatically floated in the air, and she began to build a magic circle in the air!

Muhua Saki Yaxin opened her hands and closed her eyes. Her hair was slightly fluttered by the invisible power, and she also began to chant:

"The power of the evil evil! Follow the orders of my eyes of death! Close the sins of mankind to uninterrupted hell! To the wish of infinite mankind, offer the most evil of mankind, chant the elegy of the Holy Grail!"

The holy grail floats in the air and slowly rotates in the center of the magic circle, and at the same time sparks appear on the body of the cup, the mysterious rune is carved by invisible power.

With the chanting of Saki Yashin Kihana, the rotation and carving of the Holy Grail are also completed at the same time!

For a moment!

An invisible force burst out from the Holy Grail! The air oscillated, like sound waves, spreading outwards quickly from the center of the castle.

This invisible wave crossed city a, over city b, and spread out endlessly until the end of the world!

The humans in each city seemed to feel something when they were penetrated by this invisible wave, and looked up to the sky. .

The people who were struggling with their heads in front of the screen suddenly stopped to work and raised their heads to look out of the sky.

The walking passers-by stopped suddenly and looked towards the sky with feeling.

Passers-by, code farmers, doctors, drivers, almost everyone felt that something extraordinary had happened.

But they didn't know what it was, just as they thought too much, and then laughed.


The Castle of the Duke of Death by Yashin Kihana.

Tornado, Xiqi and the others looked at the Holy Grail slowly floating in the sky with shocked faces!

After Muhua Saki Yaxin’s magic circle is carved, this cup is completely different!

If it felt like a beautiful work of art at the beginning, then it now feels like a sacred and powerful holy object. You can feel the extraordinaryness of this cup when you see it, even Xiqi can. Feel the powerful power it possesses!

"Did you make it?"

Xi Qi swallowed and said cautiously.

Who knows, he just finished talking.

There was a burst of energy in the Holy Grail, and the magical pattern engraved on the cup surface seemed to be "alive", glowing with silky patterns.

Everyone was taken aback by the sudden movement of the Holy Grail.

"what happens?"

The atomic warrior had put his hand on the hilt of the knife.

Bangu also raised his vigilance.

Both Tornado and Fubuki used super shields.

The backpack carried by Tong Di stretched out two mechanical arms.

Everyone is on guard.

Muhua Saki Yaxin clapped her hands and asked everyone to focus on her. She said with a serious face: "Don't worry, this is just a phenomenon of the normal operation of the Holy Grail."

Listening to Muhuasaki Yashin's words, everyone was relieved of their vigilance.

Then, they saw that the energy of the Holy Grail exploded fiercely again, and an empty black mouth appeared above the mouth of the Holy Grail!

With a huge suction erupting from that black hole! Everyone felt that the surrounding air sank, and the pressure brought by a burst of energy directly covered it, and the floor appeared to be cracked.

Then, Tornado, Banggu, Atomic Warrior, everyone felt that there was something to come!

From the ceiling!

Their location is the steeple on the top of the castle.

At the moment when everyone looks to the ceiling!

The ceiling exploded, and a black beam of light fell straight into the sky, crashing into the black hole above the mouth of the Holy Grail!

boom! ! !

The moment the black beam of light plunged into the black hole of the Holy Grail!

The huge air wave exploded centered on the Holy Grail!

The people present will use their own methods to stabilize the figure and block the waves of air!

However, it was obvious that the surrounding walls were not so strong, and they were directly broken through by the violent energy!


Look outside!

The top of the high castle spire suddenly exploded!

A black beam of light fell straight into the sky and sank into the castle tower!

Looking up along the beam of light, I found that the sky emitting the black beam of light has now become a vortex flashing with thunder, and the center of the vortex is the tiny black beam of light that burst out!

Xiqi was protected by a magic circle. He looked shocked at the black beam of light in front of him. He could feel the surging energy and the "uncleanness" of the energy.

What surprised him more was the Holy Grail!

Sure enough, as Muhua Saki Yexin said, it can absorb the negative energy emitted by humans in the world!

It's just that he didn't expect that the movement of absorbing negative energy would be so big!

He also underestimated the horror of these negative energies!

Think about it too! This is the negative energy of the whole world. Anything small, once the value rises to all mankind, it will become extremely scary data!

Not to mention, the negative energy born from human beings is not small!

Everyone looked at the Holy Grail in shock like a bottomless pit, absorbing negative energy frantically.

Xiqi wanted to tell Muhua Saki Ye's heart to calm down a bit. He looked at the girl who was looking up and excitedly looking at the Holy Grail and shouted!

"Your Excellency the Eye of Death!"

Muhua Saki Yexin was taken aback for a moment and looked at Xiqi.

Xi Qi pointed to the beam of light and shouted loudly.

"This thing is so dynamic that it has been seen by others, so there is no secret!"

Listening to Xiqi's words, Muhua Saki Yaxin smiled slightly: "Don't worry, I'm ready to isolate the barrier long ago."

Although Muhua Saki Yaxin's voice was very small, it was very clearly transmitted into Sich's ears.

Xiqi was not surprised by this phenomenon. He had experienced it countless times and was already familiar with it.

He also trusted Muhua Saki Yaxin, smiled and gave Muhua Saki Yaxin an "ok" look.

Muhua Saki Yaxin allowed the Holy Grail to absorb energy, and dragged everyone to the side to continue the discussion.

"The Holy Grail is of great significance. I plan to place the Holy Grail in the castle first. At the same time, I will set up a barrier to protect the Holy Grail."

With that, Muhua Saki Yashin took out several badges and handed them over.

"Only those with badges can pass through the barrier, and only those with badges can use the Holy Grail."

Tornado picked up the badge and looked carefully, and found a strange eye carved on the front of the badge, and a mysterious magic circle carved on the back.

"This badge is specially made by me and it is not easy to be destroyed.

Moreover, it can also stimulate energy to protect the enchantment and protect the person wearing the badge. However, don't expect how strong this energy protection enchantment is. "

Chuuxue took the badge and looked at her sister. She found that the pattern of the badge did not seem to be the same.

In the center of her badge magic circle is a peculiar character "Dui".

A special character in the central magic circle of the sister's badge is "Gang".

Tong Di seems to have also noticed the difference in these wonderful runes, he smiled and picked up his badge and turned to the magic circle on the back.

The central character is "Han".

Fuyuki looked at Kihana Saki Yashin, and wanted to ask what these emblem characters meant.

However, she hasn't waited for her to speak out.

Muhua Saki Yaxin directly continued.

"Be careful to keep the badge. If you lose it, the problem will be serious. I've said it before.

I can't stay in this world forever.

I will leave sooner or later, when the time comes, the Holy Grail can only be handed over to you to guard.


Listening to the words of Muhua Saki Yashin.

Everyone present felt it, Muhua Saki Yaxin seemed to be about to leave.

Time should not be far away, no wonder you set up your castle as a storage place for the Holy Grail...

Is this reminding them that she is about to leave?

Saitama and Chika were silent.

Only they really knew what Muhuasaki Yaxin said.

Because Muhua Saki Yaxin told them.

She wants to leave, maybe in a short time, she will not come to this world, maybe at some time, she will bring her relatives and friends to this world to travel.

However, she will not be back in a short time.

Muhua Saki Yashin actually invited Chika and Saitama.

However, both Chinatsu and Saitama refused.


Xiqi also obviously knew what Muhuasaki Yaxin was about to leave, so he sighed and asked again.

"Your Excellency Yexin. What is the current function of this Holy Grail that can be used to consume negative energy?"

Kihana Saki Yashin raised her finger and introduced with a smile.

"The content and the method of control have been burned in the badge.

If you have the ability to communicate badges, you can know directly.

But in order to take care of some mortals, I will explain it. "

"First of all, there are not many functions that the Holy Grail can currently achieve. There are currently four.

First, the energy core can be used as a source of energy, which can provide a large enough energy source, and the output power can be freely deployed with the badge.

Second, the light cannon weapon can be regarded as a pure destructive weapon. The main thing is to launch the energy light cannon. The power depends on the output power. You can adjust the output power by holding the badge.

Third, it can build a long-distance teleportation magic gate, which consumes a lot of energy.

Fourth, a unique domain space can be generated.

There are only so many temporary functions. If there is a chance next time, I may come back and upgrade it. "

Muhua Saki Yashin said with a grin.

This time, Muhua Saki Yaxin had already said clearly enough that she really wanted to leave.

In this regard, Banggu and the Atomic Warriors had no idea.

Only Xiqi and Qianxia felt a little sad.

Siqi felt that the world was missing a savior.

Chinatsu and Saitama feel sad.

Although Saitama's feelings are missing, for Chinatsu, for Kihana Saki Yashin.

He has no less affection for him.

Muhua Saki Yaxin's teachings are still vividly remembered by her.

He also felt very happy when he was with the junior sister Qianxia.

He has no friends, only this nondescript teenage master and this teenage sister.

The emotions he entrusted were only Muhua Saki Yexin and Qianxia...

Even Genos, who comes later, is not a true master-disciple emotion to him...

Jenos didn't walk into his heart...

Qianxia is too, she is very grateful to Muhua Saki Yexin, a dazed, somewhat natural and indifferent girl master.

I am even more grateful to Brother Saitama who has been carefully teaching her practice.

She was originally an orphan in her previous life. When she came to this world, she had a mother who cared for her.

It was also because of Saitama and her mother that she gave up the decision to leave Waki ​​Hanasaki Yashin.

Facing this dangerous world, Brother Saitama is okay, but her mother in this life is not safe, and she cannot abandon her mother.

Kihana Saki Yashin didn't say anything about Chika and Saitama's decision.

She knew that neither of them would leave with her.

There is nothing unhappy, after all, she can come back anytime.


Three days later.

The occurrence of weird disaster events in various cities in the supercontinent began to decline extremely.

Moreover, basically the weird people that appear are all weird people of some foreign races.

For example, killing mudslides and violent bears are not the products of some mad scientists, but some weird animals.

There is currently only one weird person who has been transformed from a human.

A clown weird.

It is said that it was originally an unscrupulous young man who liked to play tricks on others.

He participated in a program that set up street tricks to play tricks on various passersby.

Who knows, the show team secretly made trouble, passers-by are carefully selected Sure enough, the youth's tricky methods all failed, and he himself was tricked.

No matter how hard the youth tries to **** passers-by, passers-by will eventually be able to kill him.

In the end, when the youth was decadent, the program group came out directly.

Let all the actors who play passersby appear, smiling at the young man together, the director of the program group also came out, pointing to the camera and speaking to the young man.

"Congratulations, you have been tricked!"

Then, the youth fell apart!

Unexpectedly, if I was not being tricky, I was being tricked, and cooperating with the party consolidation program, it was all a joke made by myself!

The clown is myself!

He suddenly went crazy, turned into a weirdo, and wanted to avenge the society and kill these humans!

Therefore, the emotional intensification of the birth of mankind is too severe, and it is still beyond control.

However, all the negative energy hidden in society has been absorbed.

Many civilians who are about to step into the abyss by one step are often triggered by this dark negative energy, and now the negative energy is absorbed away.

This society full of positive energy allows people to use kindness to let those who are about to fall into the abyss out of the shadows.


The Association of Heroes has also become idle.

Today, weird incidents have been reduced by almost four-fifths of what they used to be.

Many heroes suddenly became nothing to do.

This makes them feel very strange.

"Could it be that you killed all the weirdos that day?"

For those who did not know, they only thought of the World Weird Amusement Park incident that day in the National Heroes Contest.


In this way, the more stable days lasted for a week.

Suddenly, Xiqi urgently called an s-class hero meeting!

Wait for all s-level personnel to gather.

Xi Qi looked serious, and said just one sentence.

"Humanity is going to be finished!"


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