The Second Girl’s Naruto Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 97: Big brother works hard to fight monsters

Between the huge spaceship and the sky, the sky was obscured by the sky, but it was a pity that the spaceship was already shattered, and a huge cave was opened on the ship's body. The tattered black and unknown material was burning with red flames.

Inside the spacecraft, inside the ship cavity that had melted into a nest of magma, Poros lacked half of his body and was bathed in magma.

His complexion became extremely cold, the armor on his body was originally used to restrain the energy in his body, but by this blow, the armor had been destroyed!

He was also hurt a bit.

next moment!

He exploded the energy in his body, originally with a scorched remnant body, and quickly recovered at a speed visible to the naked eye. In only a second, the whole body recovered as before.

Poros stood in the lava, a slight smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, the fighting spirit in his heart gradually rose, and he clenched his fist.

"Sure enough, it didn't disappoint me! Such an attack made me feel the attack of a crisis of death! The opponent I longed for was indeed here!"

Spaceship control room.

"Master Geluganxup! All the weapons have been destroyed! Our spacecraft has been damaged by 40%, and now it can only barely maintain its power operation, what should we do?"

Gryuganxup gritted his teeth: "Unexpectedly, this backward planet actually has this kind of weapon! However, after they attacked this gun, the energy has been reduced to the end! The protective shield has disappeared!"

"Connect to Meruzagaruto!"


The communicator is successfully connected.

"Meruzagaludo! Go down here and kill me all the creatures you meet! Clear all obstacles!"


A huge, dark-brown, terrifying alien with five heads hung up the communicator.

There was a cruel smile on its five heads.

"Hahaha~ Is it finally my turn to take the shot? I can't wait!"

Controlling the spacecraft to open the hatch, it jumped directly down!

In mid-air, the dark-brown body suddenly deformed, quickly transformed into a pair of black wings, flying in the air!

Goryuganxup looked at Meruzagaruduo who was playing, but he still had no bottom in his heart.

The power of this planet is almost unknown.

Although it looks backward, the inexplicable energy mask and energy beam are obviously abnormal!

Therefore, we have to let Meru Zagarudo go out and explore a wave!

As for Lord Poros, it also figured it out. The power of the spacecraft has not disappeared, indicating that the balance ball that controls the spacecraft has not been damaged. With the strength of Lord Poros, it is impossible to be killed so simply.

And at this moment!

A horrible energy burst out of the spaceship, and a figure was wrapped in violent energy, and it rushed directly to the ground like a beam of light!

Goryuganxup looked at this scene, and his expression was shocked.

"Master Poros! Master Poros actually took the shot himself! Sure enough, the attack just now angered Master Poros!"

He quickly called the other combatants in the spacecraft.

"Combat troops! All members are dispatched! Support Lord Poros!"

The order is delivered!

All combat members of the spaceship put on armor and weapons, ready to attack directly on the ground!

Before Meru Zagaludo fell to the ground, he saw a light around him surpassing him.

Seeing Poros rushing straight!

All the S-rank heroes on the ground began to assume their posture.


Tornado looked disdainful, arrogantly akimbo with one hand, facing Poros who was rushing with only one hand.

"Missions, just die to me!"

The invisible mind force began to squeeze inwardly towards Poros.

And Poros also felt this thought power acting on him. The Gryuganxup on his ship was known as the number one thought power master in the universe!

How could he not know the power of mind?

He immediately exploded with more powerful energy, directly dissipating the thought force that squeezed his body, and at the same time increased the speed by one more gear.

Tornado only felt that his thought power was directly and violently broken by a huge energy, his head suddenly hurt, his body staggered, his little hand couldn't help covering his forehead, and his nosebleeds slowly flowed down.

Tong Di has put on his own combat power analysis eyes. On his combat power analyzer, the values ​​displayed against Poros are all question marks?

At the same time, he failed to stop the Tornado mind, and felt very shocked!

"Be careful! The enemy is very strong!!"

However, Poros did not intend to rush into their crowd directly, but chose to fall aside!

boom! !

Poros fell to the ground with a terrifying speed, just like an asteroid hitting the ground, and the entire empty square burst directly into the ground!

A terrifying shock wave engulfed the gravel and mud and rushed directly to the S-rank heroes like a wave!

S-class heroes use their own methods.

Bangu put his hands in the posture of flowing water rock broken fist, sliding his hands to guide the air flow, directly like rain entering the water, gently turning the impact of the storm into calm!

Tong Di quickly deformed a barrier on his backpack to block him.

Qianxia was the strongest, and with a flick of his hand knife, he used the gusty sword profundity-the barrier of wind! Raising your hand to set off a wind wall to offset the shock wave!

The three of them acted as walls, standing at the forefront to block the wind and waves.

KING with a serious face, the "Emperor Engine" in his body was still violently ringing.

He was thinking in his heart: "Almost! I thought I was going to die! Very risky! Really risky!"

At this time, the tornado recovered a little, and some angrily used his thoughts to swept away, saying that the smoke and dust around it swept away.

In the center of the crater, Poros's whole body was immediately presented in front of everyone.

She looked at Poros not far away with a cold expression on her face.

The opponent in the last few battles, her thought power has been invalidated many times!

Whether it is the eye of death!

Still the red monster!

And this alien in front of me!

Once...twice...three times!

In a short period of time, she lost three times!

She had the power of mind that she had never lost before, and in a short period of time, she actually lost three times!

To be strong, she simply can't stand her continuous failure like this!

She didn't believe it, her mind was of no use to this guy!

she wants!

Erupted! !

The ground at the foot of the tornado suddenly cracked, the whole person floated in the air, and his face was cold!

Bangu and others next to him unknowingly took a few steps away.

Muhua Saki Yaxin also slowly drifted away a little bit by magic, but she still kindly warned Tornado.

"Super Nen Lishi! This enemy is not something you can deal with. Don't be aggressive."

However, Muhua Saki Yaxin's words aroused Tornado's eagerness to win. She looked stubborn and angrily said: "This is just a chore! I just took care of it! Now I can squeeze to death. it!"

"You all get out of me! Don't get in the way of me!"

Bang! !

Tornado exploded again, and the ground within a few kilometers of her own center began to fall apart, and some dozens of high-rise buildings rose directly into the sky!

Such a horrible scene made the S-class heroes slap their tongues with the power of tornado horror!

The zombie man looked at the tornado with a grim expression: "This guy, it is estimated that he can lift an entire city directly!"

The Tong Di on the side shook his head: "This is not the limit of the tornado."

Venerable Vest's face that was already shocked, suddenly opened his mouth again: "Isn't it...Isn't it the limit?"

For him, lifting a tall building with dozens of floors is an unattainable goal!

Not to mention, this kind of "hills" flying in the sky now!

It was also the first time Qianxia saw such a terrifying tornado, and she secretly smacked her tongue.

"I thought that only Senior Brother Saitama and the teacher were monsters? I didn't expect that there are people like Miss Tornado in this world? Sure enough, the short girls are powerful monsters with inhuman appearances!

In this way, other S-rank heroes seem to have to re-evaluate. "

Poros fell on the ground and wanted to have a friendly exchange with the aboriginal people of the whole planet.

However, after seeing such a terrifying power of Tornado, he also rose to war.

"This power of thinking is stronger than Geliu Gansupu! However, the technique is far from that of Geliu Gansupu!"

"But it's okay, let me warm up!"

As soon as the voice fell, the energy of Poros' body broke out again, and the ground collapsed during the turn of the situation!

The tornado also began to attack, and the sky full of boulders and buildings were thrown directly at Poros.

At the same time, the boulder controlled by mind power rotates around the body!

She knew that such an attack would involve some Poros' actions at most!

It is simply impossible to cause much damage to Poros!

Only by using the Nian Liu Lan blast, can this guy with terrifying energy cause fatal damage!

Poros faced the sky full of rocks. I believe that these rocks can pile up a big mountain!

However, to him, such an attack is like a stone thrown by a child, but a kid's joke!

Poros lifted his foot, and the ground cracked and exploded!

The figure turned into a light again, flexibly shuttled among the rocks!

However, although the tornado controls the operation of the Nianliu Lan Bangbo, it can still take into account the operation of the boulder group!

She saw her paw facing the huge boulder group, her five fingers close together!

Suddenly, the huge stones all turned and pressed towards Poros.

Facing the huge boulders from all directions, Poros didn't have any space to dodge this time, but he didn't plan to dodge anymore. He blasted the boulder with a punch, and the boulder was suddenly shattered!

Along the way, he was like a sharp arrow, a meteor that shattered everything!

All the obstacles in front can't stop him at all!

The gables stacked on top of the boulders are like tofu to him! No, it should be said that tofu is inferior, just like air, there is no way to stop him!

But no problem!

The Nian Liu Lan booming around the body of the tornado, the speed of its rotation has reached the extreme at this moment!

After the tornado was fully prepared, directly let this gravel wave with terrifying speed, like a beam of light that pierced everything, blasted towards Poros!

At this moment, Poros just rushed out of the wall blocked by the gravel. Seeing the menacing blow, Poros's inner fighting spirit became more and more high.

"Does it have the same moves as Geliuganxupu's Niandong Liushibo? It seems to be better than Geliuganxupu!"

Although he said this, Poros, who was still flying at extreme speed, had a grin at the corner of his mouth. At the same time, he clenched his right fist and threw a punch at the flying Guang Nianbo!

"I'm so excited!"

boom! !

The vertices collided, a burst of white light exploded in the center, and the violent white energy light wave enveloped a huge white light ball!

At the same time, a violent air wave swept around!

Tornado's eyes were cold and sharp: "I actually touched my Nian Liulan with my fist! It's really a monster!"

The tornado continued to agitate the power of thought, forming a violently vibrating awl in front of it.

"Looking forward to shake the wave!"

She pushed her hands to the front!

The invisible mind force awl twisted the air and directly pierced the center of the front explosion!

In an instant, the smoke in the center of the explosion broke through a big hole!

Poros, who had broken an arm, rushed out with excitement, and directly confronted the awl of thought power.

He was not surprised and rejoiced, and raised his only left hand to stimulate his body's energy: "Meteor momentum!"

boom! !

A punch that enveloped a huge amount of energy collided with the mind-power awl!


Fist, energy, and thought force collide with each other to offset each other!

The air bursts into a ring of invisible air waves!

Poros was also repelled for the first time.

And Tornado couldn't help her head tingling, and the nosebleeds couldn't stop dripping. She quickly raised her hand to cover her nose. Although the head tingle was very stinging, her eyes were still extremely firm!

"This guy has broken a hand, as long as I put more power, I can definitely kill him!"

However, the next moment!

Poros directly converged biological energy and hit his right hand that healed himself, but in an instant, the hand appeared and grew out.

He looked at Tornado with a gratified expression: "Yes, very strong mind! But if it's just this level, it's far from enough!"

next moment!

His eyes flashed with a sharp light of warfare, and the energy burst again, rushing to the tornado at great speed!

at this time!

The distance between Tornado and Poros is not far away!

Below this distance!

Poros could be by Tornado's side almost instantly!

Tornado knew that he was invincible, so naturally he would not let Poros come close at will, his thought power wrapped his body and flew towards the distance!

While pulling away from Poros, he continued to attack Poros with his thought power!

The remaining S-rank heroes on the ground are leisurely watching the two gods fighting in the sky!

A green light, a blue light.

Green is in the front, fighting while fleeing, and blue is chasing behind.

The roar of the collision of thought power and energy erupted continuously in the sky.

Every collision is a shock wave that makes people frightening!

The super black alloy touched his bald head: "This kind of battle, even if we want to help, we have no ability..."

Tongdi trembled: "This is no longer a human battle! I was aware of this fact from the beginning."

The zombie man looked serious and was shocked in his heart: "Sure enough, they are all monsters!"

"Hey hey hey, although we can't help the girl in Tornado! But these guys should be hacked too!?"

The Atomic Samurai had already drawn out his sword, holding a small wooden stick in his mouth, and said casually.

At this time, the heroes also noticed, the army in the sky!

There is also the headed one with a huge body, five heads, and a pair of strange wings!

The energy core in Jenos's chest was already lit up, his face was cold.

"Sure enough, there can be no one person in such a big spaceship!"

Qianxia slowly wrapped the cloth tape around her palm, and the corners of her mouth tilted slightly.

"My hands have been itchy for a long time."

Bangu rubbed his arm, and Gu Jing looked at the army in the sky without wave.

"Old man, you have to move your muscles and bones too."

"That guy with five heads is their head, right? Be careful, maybe it's as strong as that guy."

Tong Di cautiously warned.

At this moment, Muhua Saki Yaxin realized a virtual throne formed by a magic circle. She sat on it, Ge You lay, and said to the crowd lazily.

"This time, I will help you check it out.

After all, if I leave, this planet needs your protection, so you can't rely on me too much. "

Qianxia's fists collided, and the legion looked at the sky vigorously.

"It's enough to have a teacher!"

"Let's go directly!"

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