The Second Girl’s Naruto Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 98: Agreement

Meru Zagarudo was also shocked by the battle of his boss Poros at the moment. Of course, the most shocking thing was that someone was able to draw a tie with the boss!

Although the boss hasn't made a full shot now, it is enough to surprise him.

You know, even if it is it, facing Poros-sama is a round of seconds.

Meru Zagaruduo looked at a gang of people on the ground burning with fighting spirit, and his heart was a little bit hopeless.

"There should be only one guy with such a strong combat power!"

It felt a little guilty in its heart, and immediately decided not to rush, and raised a gesture to signal the younger brother behind him to strike the ground!

All the little brother raised their strange guns and opened fire at Muhua Saki Yaxin and others on the ground!

with full force!

Suddenly, the continuous glowing bullets, raindrops of light, hit Muhuasaki Yaxin's group.

Muhua Saki looked at the group of people moving the gun, and she suddenly felt a little confused.

To be honest, there does not seem to be such a legion in the original work.

But also, considering that a spaceship is so big, it is impossible to arrange a few people to take charge of the battle.

After all, as the overlord of the universe, Poros has only three combat troops. How could that be possible?

In the original work, only Meru Zagaludo ran out, and did not give too many shots to the personnel inside the spacecraft.

And the big bald devil ran directly into the spaceship to destroy it.

Maybe, the combat troops were already solved by Saitama in the spacecraft.

The first wave of bullets rained down!

All heroes are using their own means to avoid or block.

Qian Xia's Tai Chi martial arts, direct non-scientific hands to draw Tai Chi Yin and Yang fish, stop the bullets, and then reflect them!

"Give it back to you!"

The bullet reflected is faster and more deadly than when it came!

Several soldiers were hit directly and fell from the sky.

The Atomic Samurai slashed an incalculable slash in an instant!

Cut all the surrounding bullets into powder, no bullet can beat him!

He had sharp eyes and said coldly: "It's just a trick!"

Jenos was even more rude, ignoring the bullet, set up the incineration and ran directly to the bomb: "Burning!!!"

Suddenly a sturdy cluster of flame rays shot up into the sky!

Frightened a group of legions to evade again and again, but some of them were evaded and swept by the flames, and they were instantly burned to ashes.

Venerable Vest also started to play at this moment. He tensed the muscles of his whole body. From the ground that was already broken, he directly buckled a five or six-story boulder with his hands, shouting hideously: "Vest shoots! !!!"

The huge boulder directly flies towards the army above the sky like a cannonball!

The superalloy black light imitated the Venerable Vest, but he easily lifted a "hill" several times larger than the boulder lifted by Venerable Vest.

"Also watch my muscles explode!"

Heiguang's one-handed throw seemed very relaxed. The hill flew out and part of it broke apart, but the speed was obviously much faster than the boulder thrown by Venerable Vest!

The oppression brought by the two huge rocks is extremely strong.

The speed is not bad compared to the shells!

Many people in the Legion wanted to avoid, but it was too late!

Regarding that "hill", Meruzagaludo directly blocked in front, and the flesh and blood of one hand quickly swelled and deformed into a hammer, bombarding the boulder away!

boom! ! !

The boulder "mountain" was suddenly shattered.

The other smaller one was directly broken into pieces by their explosive bullets.

Obviously, the two huge rocks did not affect them.

However, Venerable Superalloy Black Light and Vest will not just throw a piece!

Then one after another boulders struck like cannonballs!

At this moment, the alien army simply couldn't cope with it. Many squads were smashed by the boulder, and they didn't know their life or death.

The black box that the rider was carrying with him began to deform, and various mechanical parts were reorganized on him, but it turned into a cool sci-fi flying boat in an instant. He was like putting a cool flying machine on his body. A head was revealed, and the appearance of the driving knight could be seen.

"Tactical transformation! Speed!"

Bang! ! !

His feet have changed into several thrusters, and the thrusters are spraying flames, instantly making him like a rocket, instantly increasing to a very fast speed, soaring into the air!

After he reached a certain height, he turned several turns flexibly, avoided the rain of bullets, and approached the legion directly. The alien legion was not fast enough to be swept by him, and was instantly cut into two sections by a light!

At this moment, the driving knight is transformed into a harvester, wherever it drives, the alien legion will have to die!

At this time, the Legion, which had a good formation, was disturbed by the driving knight alone.

The chaos of the whole army is not easy. In order to prevent the driving of the knights, many alien soldiers blasted their guns at the near point to drive the knights frantically. This caused the whole audience to fly randomly and hit their own people by accident.

Meru Zagaludo couldn't believe it when he watched this scene, their legion was suppressed into a disadvantaged side in an instant!

Although the spacecraft’s weapon arsenal was destroyed, and now the most basic goods are used, it will not be labeled as such! ?

Meruzagaludo looked at the driving knights flying around in his camp, and he flew over.

Must stop this guy from making trouble!

Otherwise, the Legion will be defeated!

The driving knight who was making trouble during the frantic harvest also noticed the attack of Meruzagaruduo!

He didn't care, the strength of this leading monster should not be simple!

I saw Meruzagaludo shook his wings and quickly approached the driving knight. When he was not far away, he waved his hand and the flesh and blood of his arm directly changed and extended, forming a whip more than ten meters long, and then on his head. Condensed directly into a hammer, he just shook the whip hammer and smashed it directly at the driving knight!

The driving knight was a little surprised at this sudden attack.

"Can you change your body at will?"

However, he is also an expert in changing forms!

"Tactical deformation! Horn!"

The mechanical parts on his body quickly deformed and reorganized again, and instantly transformed into a heavy-duty robot like a rhino. He raised his sturdy fist and directly collided with Meruzagaludo's physical hammer!

boom! ! !

The air clearly exploded into a wave of air!

The horn-shaped driving knight flew out directly, his eyes were sharp and his heart was still analyzing.

"Strong power! Speed ​​is also good! A difficult guy!"

Meru Zagalu was a little surprised to see that his attack was blocked.

These guys are all good at strength, I am afraid it is a bit difficult to deal with it alone!

Meruzagaluduo contacted the interior of the spaceship, while chasing the driving knight.


The area next to the Heroes' Association headquarters has been turned into a battlefield.

Humans and alien invaders are inextricably fought!

Among them, the most important battle zone determines the victory or defeat of this station!

It's Tornado and Poros!

The fierceness of these two battles is not comparable to other S-rank heroes.

I saw the green light beam and the blue light beam passing one after another over the city!

next moment!

A shock explosion broke out in the city along the way!

An urban area was destroyed in an instant!

At the moment of the tornado, his head was sweaty, his face was pale, and he looked very weak, and his speed was much slower than before.

She covered her head with one hand, endured the sharp pain in her brain, and muttered to herself fiercely.

"Damn! That guy! Have you been teasing me!?"

Since the battle, her speed has been reduced, and the intensity of her thoughts has also been greatly reduced. Poros must have seen it too, but he does not seem to have any plans to defeat the tornado directly, and has been following behind the tornado in a hurry!

Tornado used his thought power to once again slam Poros behind him.

However, it obviously doesn't help much.

She gritted her teeth and looked straight ahead, the thin lines were a little fuzzy again, and there was a strong sense of dizziness in her head.

"Wait a minute! Just hold on! You can kill this guy later!"

Poros was chasing after him. In fact, he did see that the tornado was weak, but for this rare opponent who could fight him, he couldn't bear to kill it so quickly.

He was considering whether to let her a yard, and then destroy most of this planet, forcing her to become stronger!

After she becomes stronger, they can engage in a fun battle again!

When Poros thought about this, he suddenly noticed that the tornado in front of him suddenly changed direction.

The corner of Poros' mouth curled up with a smile: "Huh~ Do you want to play any tricks?"

He directly followed, still not rushing or slowing down like a cat catching a mouse.

Tornado returned along the road, and saw a group of aliens on the battlefield at the Heroes Association headquarters building, and she immediately flew towards that side!

And Muhua Saki Yashin, sitting on the magic circle, did not know where he brought a bottle of coke and potato chips and other snacks, watching the game while eating and drinking, looking very leisurely.

"Well... the super-powered mind force is almost unable to hold it, and the enemy's large forces here are not able to fight.

Saitama, when the super power is defeated, you can fight the alien whose battle has exceeded 100 million. "

At this moment, Saitama was sipping the coke given by Saki Saki Yashin as leisurely as Saki Saki Yashin, and he nodded: "Okay. This guy should be quite strong."

Muhua Saki Yaxin smiled: "Do you really still yearn for the touch and passion that the previous battle has brought you?"

Saitama nodded, and then sighed: "Yes, although this guy looks good, but... it's still a long way from wanting to fight me."

Saitama turned his head and looked at Muhua Saki Yashin blankly: "Teacher, you seem to have said that you will have a fight with me then, right?"

Muhua Saki Yaxin showed a meaningful smile and glanced at Saitama slightly: "Uh-huh~"

"What do you mean?"

Saitama was suddenly excited.

Muhua Saki Yaxin nuanced her mouth, turning her head to look at the fierce battle between Meruzagaludo and the driving knight and Janos in the sky, and said lightly.

"Don't worry, what I have said will definitely not break my promise. I also want to know where my limits are."

Hearing that, Saitama's face gradually returned to the usual expressionless silly face, and he nodded.

"Oh~ that's good."

"Hey! Why don't you have any passion? You said so excitedly just now!"

"Oh~ I won't get excited if the teacher doesn't break his promise..."


Meruzagaluduo was in the air, fighting back and forth with Janos and the driving knight!

Jenos can also fly, so he came directly to support the driving knight, although their two powerful reformers worked together to fight Meruzagaruduo.

However, the battle situation is still evenly matched.

No one can do nothing.

The attacks of Jenos and the driving knight had little effect on Meruzagaruduo.

Meruzagaludo's attacks are very powerful, and the limbs of his body can change into various forms, such as swords and axes.

However, the attack speed is not superior, and the two of Jenos cooperated, and it is not too simple to dodge such an attack.

Therefore, Jenos and the two planned to grind Meruzagarudo like this, after all, they only need to contain the boss.

The other minions can be handed over to the rest of the s-level heroes on the ground to solve the problem. Now the aliens' troops are reduced by half. I believe they will be wiped out soon, and then they can work together to deal with this boss with peace of mind.

Compared with the patience of Janos and the driving knights, Meruzagaludo is anxious, knowing that if this continues, his troops will be defeated directly!

Enough losses are now!

"Damn it! Why doesn't that guy Goliuganxup come to support!"

At this moment, he suddenly saw a figure shrouded in two rays of light, one green and one blue, flying quickly!

It was just a moment, one blue and one red and two lights, and the two passed directly between the legions!

next moment!

Boom boom boom! ! !

The following explosion, violent confrontation, and the aftermath of violent shocks directly covered the entire legion. In this way, the alien troops located on the path of the battle between the two "monsters" were instantly evaporated!

It's as if two lasers passed by, and the trailing exhaust directly killed the troops?

This scene is too sudden...

Meruzagaluduo was dumbfounded, and his mind didn't react for a moment.

Then I was caught by the driving knight and Janos!

The core of Jenos's body began to be overloaded, and Sisi Lei arc jumped on his body. He put his hands together and pointed at Meruzagaludo. The palms of both hands quickly opened the muzzle of a black hole, and a little bit of scarlet fire lighted on the muzzle Up.

"Maximum power! Super burning run!!!"

Bang! ! !

A bunch of ultra-thick orange-red flame clusters sprayed towards Meruzagarudo!

The driving knight changed a laser knife, and the engine accelerated to its limit, turning into a beam of light and directly passed Meruzagarudo.

I saw a ray of light cut through the space and across the body of Meruzagaruduo.


Meruzagaluduo's whole body was cut into two sections at once, his expression was very surprised.


Burning to run close behind!

The bombardment hit the upper body of Meruzagarudo, and flames splashed on him like fireworks. Then, the body was scorched and quickly burned into a pile of coke. Then the flesh cracked with magma-like cracks and exploded in an instant. Come on!

Janos and the driving knight floated together suddenly, looking at the next book that was falling to the ground, slightly relieved.


Janos dropped his vigilance.

The next moment, he and the driving knight suddenly felt that their bodies were restrained by invisible force.


Both of them seemed very shocked. This power seemed to be similar to the power of Tornado!


Two black stones shot at extremely fast speed, and the two who could not move were directly hit!

boom! boom!

The stone was very powerful, directly penetrating the bodies of the two of them, causing their bodies to be fatally injured, and they fell directly into the sky.

The falling Jenos and the driving knight saw the faces of the enemies attacking them.

It was a blue octopus-shaped alien. It was floating in the air. The octopus's head had two hollow eyes and a hollow mouth, which looked very weird.

Geliganxup looked at the two transformed men who fell to the ground and the S-rank hero on the ground, and his anger suddenly surged.

However, it mainly looks at the tornado that is playing against Poros.

"This guy! Actually possesses such a powerful thought power! Why didn't Lord Poros kill her?"



Le Wen

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