The Second Girl’s Naruto Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 100: Here he comes!

Looking at Qian Xia's ingenious body skills and brilliant transportation skills, Banggu's old and muddy eyes lit up!

"What kind of boxing is this?"

Seeing the heroic Qianxia, ​​the **** prisoner was also a little stunned.

"So strong!"

Originally, he was a little puzzled and disapproved of the girl who was promoted to S rank and directly crushed him.

However, when I look at it now, it turns out that the Heroes Association has not misunderstood the wrong person!

The strength is very strong, and just like Bangu, who is the third in the S rank, he is a martial artist!

The Atomic Samurai also saw a hint of Qianxia's martial arts charm, and smiled and said to Banggu, "Haha, I am afraid she will surpass you soon!"

Bangu haha ​​laughed: "Hahaha, I'm old, I can't compare to these young people."

"The old man is not the time to chat now." The zombie man said slowly.

"Haha, yes, let's solve the immediate trouble first."

As he said, Bangu put his hands behind his back, and walked straight towards Qianxia like an old man hanging out.

The other S-class heroes followed suit.

Meruzagaluduo looked at the S-rank heroes who were slowly approaching, and then looked at Qianxia who was standing at the front, none of them put it in his eyes!

Its mouth twitched, its eyes were fierce, and its extremely angry emotions filled its five heads!

"One by one! One by one! Aboriginal!!! Who do you think I am! I am Meruzagarudo!"

Although it knows that the most laid-back Saki Yashin and Saitama over there are the strongest representatives, it also knows that it does not have much chance to escape!

It's better to give it a go and kill a few!

It's best to stick to Lord Poros's arrival!

Thinking about it, its hands directly transformed into a sword and an axe, the five split spirits converged, and the physical strength was raised to the extreme.

"Do you really think anyone can mess with me!?"

Bang! ! !

The ground burst open!

Meruzagaludo flew over like a cannonball!

Facing the rushing Meruzagarudo, all the S-rank heroes laughed.

The biggest threat, Goryuganxup, was directly "sealed".

The immortal Meruzagarudo in front of him looks like a physical shield that is resistant to management!

Those present are all S-rank heroes, and no one is a general generation!

Qianxia didn't have the slightest fear, put his hands in a posture, and stepped on his steps. The whole body remained motionless, but the whole body was directly translated!

Bangu, who is leisurely like a grandpa taking a walk, is not far behind when he sees it!

In an instant, the momentum changed!

Move like a rabbit!

With his footsteps on, his figure turned into a black shadow and flickered, and he quickly followed Qianxia!

Qianxia and Banggu go hand in hand, and the two put on their own martial arts posture!

On the opposite side is a huge five-headed monster flying over, with a knife in one hand and an axe in the other!

The two sides approached, and the ultimate move came out!

Meru Zagaluduo, pointed his blade at Qianxia, ​​and pointed his axe at Banggu, and slashed with both hands fiercely!

It wants to win with absolute power!

However, its power is not absolute for the two martial artists, and it also reveals great flaws, countless flaws!

Qianxia's eyes were sharp, and she wandered around the dragon with both hands: "Tai Chi swims the dragon! Stick to the body to swim the clouds!"

Bangu's hands flicked like a fish, as if feeling the rhythm of flowing water in the air, his eyes were sharp and sharp.

"Liu Shui Rock Broken Fist!"

Both of them completely avoided the blow just by turning sideways slightly. Then, their flexible probing hands caught the long knife (axe) they were swinging and deceived them!

Qianxia palm!

Bangu punches!

A fierce bombardment hit the chest of Meruzagaludo's body!

Bang! ! !

The two of them are full of power!

Meruzagaluduo's body was hit with an extreme reverse bow, his chest was directly sunken, his back was directly broken by the violent energy, five heads and eyes were protruding, and brown liquid was spit out at the mouth.

Banggu and Qianxia, ​​who were just about to retreat, suddenly changed their complexions after finishing a record.

Because, they discovered that the fists (palms) hit on Meruzagaludo were all entangled in a layer of biological tissue!

Sure enough, the five heads of Meruzagaludo vomiting "blood" all showed a cruel smile.

"Caught you guys!"

However, both Banggu and Qianxia were still expressionless, the two took off almost in unison, kicking it with their left foot to the chin of the head!

One person kicked one side of the head!

Puff puff!

The head was kicked directly!

However, the biological tissue that entangled them was tighter and tighter, and even extended a few tentacles to entangle their arms!

Both Banggu and Qianxia frowned.

"Hahaha! Eat it flat!"

next moment!

Several blade lights flashed on Meruzagaludo!

Puff puff!

Meruzagaluduo's body was directly turned into dozens of pieces!

Qianxia and Banggu's hands were also unblocked.

Both of them took a step back, and then looked at the Atomic Samurai in the rescue.

Bangu smiled: "Hahaha, I am really old. Thanks, samurai."

Qianxia also nodded with a grateful look at the atomic warrior.

"Thank you."

The Atomic Warrior held a wooden board in his mouth and smiled casually: "Humph~ Don't be careless."

At this moment, a piece of meat suddenly changed into a thick tentacle and pierced directly at the Atomic Samurai!

Qianxia and Banggu's complexion changed. As soon as they wanted to stop, they saw a superalloy black light with black copper muscles standing in front of their tentacles!

The speed of the tentacles did not decrease, and they pierced the super alloy black light fiercely!

Just hear!

clang! ! !

The symphony of gold and iron sounded!

The sharp tentacles hit the muscular skin with a metallic texture, and didn't make any progress!

Meru Zagarudo, who quickly recovered his form, looked at the super alloy black light in front of him with shock.

"What's the matter with your body! Steel!?"

The super alloy black light revealed a beautiful smile: "My carefully trained muscles..."

He kept smiling, squeezing his fist and hitting Meruzagaludo's head directly, shouting:...It's not comparable to steel! ! ! "

Bang! ! !

Several heads of Meruzagaluduo were beaten again, and his whole body flew upside down and fell on the ground tens of meters away!

"It's not over yet!"

Tongdi was holding a remote control, and saw a small mini tank, shooting a cannonball at Meruzagaruduo!

Bang! ! !

The mini cannonball directly hit the ground Meruzagarudo!

Bang! ! !

The shell exploded, and a piece of white powder immediately covered half of Meruzagaludo's body.

"Damn it!!!"

The furious Meru Zagarudo got up and quickly searched for the next target!

However, it faces only the shells of the mini tank!

Bang bang bang! ! !

The mini tank fired continuously, and the white powder exploded from the shells directly covered Meruzagaludo's body.

Meruzagaluduo suddenly became even more violent, and watched the child emperor who was holding the remote control flying over!

Others want to stop!

Tong Di yelled: "Everyone stay away from it!"

He directly raised the small instrument with several small cylinders in his hand and pointed it at Meruzagarudo.

"Pencil Missile!"

Bang bang bang!

Several mini missiles are launched directly from the small cylinder!

Meruzagaluduo didn't care at all, raised his hand that had turned into a hammer and smashed it at the missile!

Boom boom boom! ! !

The missile exploded directly!

The explosion flame met the white powder on its body and ignited directly!

Bang! ! !

In just an instant, Meru Zagaludo became a "fire man" directly.

Moreover, the temperature of the burning flame was extremely high, Meruzagaludo's limbs were directly burned, and his body quickly turned into a ball of coke. The original huge body was shrunk into a ball of unknown material.

Tong Di smiled and jumped: "The battle is successful!"

Looking at Tong Di's performance, Qianxia was a little surprised.

In fact, she has never had any knowledge of Tong Di, but she feels that such a small child has actually been promoted to S grade?

Now, as expected, Tong Di's strength is not to be glimpsed, and he is a strategic hero!

His backpacks are all high-tech things.

Qianxia thought.

"Solve it!?"

Bangu looked at the ball of coke, still a little suspicious.

"It's all like that, it should be dead, right?" The Vest Vest said hesitantly.

"I don't believe it can resurrect indefinitely."

The Atomic Samurai had already closed his sword, and he had obviously relaxed his vigilance.

However, the zombie man did not relax his vigilance, but warned:

"To be on the safe side, it is better to burn it completely to ashes."

Tong Di nodded: "That's right."

With that said, he wanted the mini tank to add fuel to the group of "Meruzagaludo" and burn it.

Just at this time!

There is indeed a new movement in that group of coke!

I saw that the coke group suddenly cracked!

A group of biological tissues broke out of the shell and flew out. When floating in the air, the biological tissues grew rapidly. In just an instant, Meruzagaludo's form returned to its original shape again!

this moment!

The faces of all S-rank heroes have changed.

"This guy! Doesn't it die like this!?"

Tong Di looked a little surprised and regretful.

"I knew it, I should just add more doses."

Meruzagaluduo looked at the heroes coldly: "It's useless! I am immortal!"

"I do not believe!"

The Atomic Warrior once again drew his love knife and aimed it at Meruzagarudo.

"He cannot be reborn without a price! He cannot be reborn indefinitely!"

"They killed it until it couldn't resurrect!!!"

Meruzagaluduo sneered and said: "Innocent guy! My resurrection is unlimited! Even if you are exhausted, I can't die!"

"I think I should be able to kill you before I am exhausted!"

Qianxia once again assumed a posture.

Bangu was no exception, and stepped forward slowly.

"Old man, this old bone can be moved for more than ten years at least."

Tong Di: "This time, I will definitely burn you to ashes!"

Super Alloy Black Light: "I want to use my invincible muscles to beat you countless times!"

Meru Zagaluduo looked fierce: "Then try it! I can kill you with one blow! I don't believe I can't hit you!"

With that, Meruzagaludo rushed over again!

The S-rank heroes did not choose to blindly cling to each other, but scattered around, kept their distance, and cooperated with each other!

Banggu and Qianxia are the main attackers of the two martial arts, the vest and the super alloy black light as the front row, the **** prisoners are waiting for the opportunity to attack, the Tong Emperor remotely supports, and the atomic warrior is responsible for the spike.

And Meru Zagaludo has entered the violent mode, every blow brings a great deal of force, shocks the air, and the energy alone can cut a ravine on the ground!

Moreover, its attacks are basically fatal, desperate to die and want to hit them.

However, it is impossible to hit the heroes.

A powerful terrorist attack, even if it is a life-death attack, it is difficult to hit the cooperating S-rank heroes. Even if it hits sometimes, it is also hitting the copper-colored man whose body is like the hardest steel in the universe. no effect!

On the contrary, it, under the combined attack of everyone, died three times in just one minute, almost completely without the ability to fight back!


Muhua Saki Yashin and Saitama, together with Police Dogman and King, squatted to the side eating snacks and watching the show.

Unconsciously, the leisurely theater team became four people.


No, it should be five people.

There is also a pig **** who is less gregarious. His posture is no different from that of a pig. The whole body is fat and almost non-human. However, he is still eating, his mouth is basically filled with food debris.

The reason why Pig God and Police Dogman watch the battle quietly is because they think they are no longer needed. These people are enough.

Meruzagaluduo is just a strong shield.

At this time, Muhua Saki Yexin looked towards the sky with a sense of feeling.

"Oh~ The spicy guy is back."

Saitama was stunned, he also looked towards the horizon, and saw the alien bursting with blue flame energy flying towards this side.

"Oh, it's it? That little kid lost."

Muhuasaki Yexin stretched out her hands, and shook her head helplessly: "I said it, she can't beat it."


Meruzagaluduo changed his hand to form a horned hammer head and slammed directly at the super alloy black light in front of him!

Super Alloy Black Light raises his hand to block the grid!

Bang! ! !

The heavy hammer hit the superalloy Black Light's hand, causing the ground under his feet to burst suddenly, and his body forcibly cut the ground and moved back three meters.

Venerable Vest rushed directly, roaring: "Vest grappling!!!"

However, Meruzagaludo kicked it straight over!

Qianxia, ​​who knows the power of Meru Zagaruduo, hurriedly shouted: "Be careful!!! Get away!"

However, the Vest Vest's skills are swaying forward, and it is obvious that he can't stop at this time!

"Flowing Water Broken Rock Fist!!!"

I saw a stream of ripples in the air passing by.

Banggu drew a distance in an instant, directly blocking the front of the Venerable Vest, patted the foot with both hands to the right, and immediately moved the power of the blow to the side.

Meruzagaluduo was also unable to stand firmly by this blow, causing him to step on the clearing!

boom! ! !

The ground was trampled and exploded!

Meruzagaludo was angry again: "The guy in the way!!!"

It raised its arm and just wanted to smash it down at Bangu!

Behind him came the awe-inspiring voice of the atomic warrior.

"Hey hey hey! Have you overlooked something!"

"Atomic Cut!!!"

The atomic warrior had already charged up, and in an instant, he slashed out the unmeasured knives, slashing densely, like a messy straight line covering the entire space!

For a moment!

Meruzagaludo's body was covered with dense straight slits, and all of its five heads showed a look of error.

next moment!

The whole body spreads out!

It turns into particles as small as rice or even dust.

Seeing Meruzagaruduo in such a state, everyone was on guard.

"do you died!?"

Tong Di asked to himself.

Soon, they discovered that the particles were gathering.

Seeing this scene, the Atomic Samurai couldn't help holding his sword tightly in his hand.

"This guy, chop it down a little more next time, and chop it into air!!!"

However, Bangu saw a strange place. In the body where the monsters gathered, there was a strange bead!

He suddenly thought of a lot!

Soon, Meruzagaludo's figure recovered again, and he sneered.

"Hehehe, no matter what, I can recover! It will be you who will lose!"

"Don't be ashamed!"

The atomic warrior wanted to continue to rush forward.

"Don't move! Samurai!"

Banggu directly stopped the Atomic Warrior.

The Atomic Warrior was a little stunned. He turned his head and looked at Banggu: "What's the matter?"

However, he saw Banggu's serious expression and his eyes turned to the sky.

He also looked at the sky immediately.

Where, a figure appeared.

The monster that was at war with the tornado!

Moreover, they can clearly see that the tornado's head is held in its, which makes the tornado's body unable to hang down. In this scene, it is completely impossible to judge whether the tornado is still alive or not.

Poros looked condescendingly at the S-class heroes below, and suddenly a smile appeared on his cold face.

"Hahaha, are they all strong?

Worthy of being the predicted planet! "

With that, Poros fell to the ground and threw the tornado in front of the S-rank heroes.

The tornado, who had been in a coma, rolled twice on the ground and rolled at Banggu's feet.

The originally arrogant tornado was extremely embarrassed at this moment, with a tender little face covered with blood and dust, and the painful expression still appeared on the comatose face, and the breath of life appeared very weak.

Obviously it has entered the stage of dying.

The atmosphere suddenly became a bit suffocating...


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