The Second Girl’s Naruto Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 101: The big brother who drives the spaceship is finally going to face the big bald d

Among the dilapidated ruins, only the towering Heroes Association building remained intact.

Beneath this glamorous building is a devastated and rocky battlefield.

The S-class heroes headed by Banggu, Chinatsu, and Atomic Samurai are facing the alien with cyclops—Poros!

Poros exudes the majestic aura of a strong man, the white hair of an exploding hedgehog, a confident smile, and an infinite amount of terrifying energy like the sea in his body.

May 1 is not spreading his invincible aura!

The S-rank heroes have a heavy heart, and feel an indescribable depression in their hearts.

In particular, seeing the tornado on the ground that has fallen into a coma, and then think of Poros, who has no scars or even a slight loss of breath!

They can know how powerful the enemy in front of them is!

Meruzagaludo looked at the stalwart figure standing in front of him, his five faces suddenly wanted to cry, and he shouted excitedly.

"Master Poros!!"

Poros turned slightly, looked at Meruzagarudo, and smiled: "Meruzagaludo, and..."

He looked at the sealed Goryuganxup, frowning: "Goryuganxup?"

Meru Zagaruduo quickly said: "Master Poros! Two people over there! Two people over there did it. I don't know how they did it. Even I didn't react, so I left Gore. Shupu is sealed in this thing!"

Poros followed Meruzagarud's direction and looked over.

Suddenly, he saw, the most conspicuous, Muhua Saki Yashin sitting on the magic circle.

Muhua Saki Yaxin also looked over at this moment. She was still sucking the straw of the bottled Coke, but it did not prevent her from saying hello to Poros. While sucking the straw, she showed a sweet smile, her eyes narrowed slightly, and she raised her hand to beckon. trick.

It's as if the girl next door greeted her neighbor so naturally.

Meru Zagaludo felt a strange feeling of fragmentation in the atmosphere when he looked at it.

Hey hey hey, isn't this a daily playhouse?

However, Poros smiled: "Interesting, according to the prophecy, it is not the Nianlishi who can be evenly matched with me! Is there someone else?"

Muhua Saki Yexin’s mentality is clear, but he didn’t put it in his eyes.

And there are only two kinds of people who have seen him fighting tornadoes and still have this mentality.

One is a fool.

One is someone who has great confidence in their own strength!

Poros didn't think the girl was a fool.

On the contrary, it was the bald head next to him, with a blank expression, a blank face, a heartless look.

It's like a fool.

Poros smiled and turned to look at the S-class heroes in front of him: "It looks like you can warm up first."

Qianxia, ​​Banggu, and Atomic Warrior suddenly became cold.

"warm up?"

"Really arrogant guy!"

The atomic warrior dangled a wooden stick and stared sharply at Poros.

"This guy, there should be no immortality!"

"Facing this guy, be careful! Don't be careless!"

The killing intent in Banggu's eyes was highlighted, and the whole body began to emit white hot steam, he had already started breathing.

Qianxia did the same, raising 100% of her spirit, and staring at Poros only.

The zombie man who had been standing still wanted to take action. He stepped forward and said to Tong Di:

"Tongdi, the tornado is handed over to you! Others, come with us!"

Tong Di was supporting the seriously injured tornado and doing some first aid measures to her. He nodded at the moment when he heard the zombie man's words.

"It seems that the injury tornado is not superficial, it should be overuse of superpowers and brain damage. I can only keep her alive. If I want to be treated, it is best to send her to a professional medical room as soon as possible."

The meaning of this sentence is to let them end the battle as soon as possible.

However, their current situation does not even have a high chance of winning!

The Super Alloy Black Light was also a little afraid of Poros at this moment, and seemed a little afraid to go.

Although the metal bats and vests who have not been able to play a role are not afraid, they also know that the strength of themselves and others are obviously lower. In this battle, I am afraid that they will not have much effect!

Poros looked at the fearless S-class heroes, and he also admired: "Yes, you are real fighters! Let me test your strength!"

"Be careful! This time, I'm not going to lose hands!"

Qianxia Yima took the lead and stood at the forefront, shouting: "There is a master who is around! Don't worry, everyone!"

With that said, Qianxia rushed directly to the forefront!

She wants to test her own strength, and the weird people she has faced recently have no effect on her training.

The alien in front of her can give her enough pressure!

Banggu and the Atomic Warrior didn't expect Qianxia to charge so fast, and they didn't think much about it, and immediately followed the old man!

Qianxia's walking dragon step is obviously more subtle than the two simple displacement steps!

With Poros' eyesight, he could tell a little bit, he hasn't fought against such skilled opponents!

However, he has always used force to overwhelm others!

As long as the strength is strong enough, the skills are all clouds!

next moment!

He moved, the energy in his body exploded, and the ground burst open!

His whole figure turned into a light, and instantly broke through to Qianxia's eyes, with unparalleled momentum, blasted out with a punch!

Qianxia naturally expected that Poros' speed was quick, but not to the point where she couldn't react!

She held Poros's arm softly with both hands like flowing water, while leaning her body to the right, leaning back slightly.

In this way, the force of this punch is completely out of the air.

She could still use her inertia to turn around and hit Poros in the face with an elbow!

However, this is just an ideal situation. In fact, things have changed beyond her expectations!

Poros burst out of energy directly in his body, and the hot energy was erupted from his body, and the air was shocked and instantly repelled into a vacuum!

It's like a violent explosion!

Qianxia didn't have time to react at all, she was bounced off directly, and the integration flew out like rags.

As she galloped through the air, she felt a fierce pain in the internal organs in her stomach, and her throat became hot, and a **** smell filled her.

The burst of energy and the force of the impact were terrifying, she was very uncomfortable, and her internal organs were probably damaged.

Qianxia flew upside down for several tens of meters in the air, her body suddenly turned over, stabilized her figure in the air, and fell to the ground lightly.

Poros did not take advantage of the victory, but looked at Qianxia with a confident look: "The skills are good, but strength is the most fundamental. The difference between you and me is too big."

Qianxia stared at Poros, took a deep breath, and then exhaled heavily. Her luck made the uncomfortable feeling in her body disappear.

"The body is still too weak. If you have the physique of Senior Brother Saitama, you can probably resist such an attack completely without any harm."

"Let's go together! Bangu! I'll take the lead!"

The zombie man walked in front, his expressionless face.

Bangu looked at the zombie man with some doubts: "You?"

"Don't care about my life or death, I am also immortal."

With that said, the zombie man rushed towards Poros without turning his head, his physical strength was stronger than that of ordinary people, and his only ability was to be immortal!

He is ready to become a meat shield!

Bangu and the atomic warrior exchanged glances and rushed over!

Venerable metal bats and vests are also close behind!

At this time, the police dogman seemed to be overwhelmed, so he rushed over and he wanted to join the battle.

Poros looked at the weak creature running at the front, and his running speed was no different from that of a snail.

"Is it here to die? Yeah, I plan to solve you all at once."

He looked at Saki Yashin and Saitama who were watching the battle in the distance: "After all, I can't wait for the real battle!"

As the zombie man ran, he took out a pistol from his arms. This is a special pistol with great power!

However, he had just aimed at Poros and suddenly realized that he had lost the target!

The ground where Poros had just stood cracked, but the person disappeared!

next moment!

His pupils tightened, his head was thinking about the right side, and his eyes started to move to the right, but he could only see a little corner of Poros, and a fist in front of him had been rapidly enlarged in front of his eyes!

puff! !

The whole head of the zombie man was directly exploded by a punch!

Poros continued to rush towards Bangu without reducing his speed.

Just in a blink of an eye, he leaped to Banggu's body and blasted out another punch!

The Banggu breathing method is activated, and the profound meaning of the water breaking rock fist is also brought to the extreme!

However, Poros is too fast, and the strength of his fist is too terrifying, this time he has brought energy!

Only heard a click!

Bangu's bones in both hands were directly broken, several ribs in his chest were also broken, and the whole person flew out!

Poros did not change his face, his eyes continued to lock on to the next target-the Atomic Warrior!

The figure turned into a black shadow again, flickering and disappearing!

When he appeared again, he had already come to the side of the Atomic Samurai!

The Atomic Samurai was also prepared long ago, drew the sword and cut!

For an instant, the white knife light flickered!

Boom! !


The Atomic Samurai's sword was directly broken, vomiting blood, and flying out.

But Poros finally stopped, he stared at his body in a daze.

There were dozens of knife marks on it, and even his left hand was cut off directly.

He was actually injured again.

"Superalloy rocket launcher!!"

A black light fist big as a sandbag blasted directly on Poros' forehead!


With great strength, Poros was also hit by a cerebral hemorrhage, and his body flew out at the same time!

The huge body of superalloy black light stood in place, it was the atomic warrior who slashed Poros, and he had the courage to blast this punch!

He felt that they could win!

After Poros flew more than ten meters, the metal bat was already standing in this path.

He is holding his metal club, his whole person is like a furious Shura, his eyes are fierce.

"Momentum. Anura makes a severe crit!"

boom! !

With a fierce blow, Poros's body turned back and flew out again!

This time!

The Vest Vest opened his hands and rushed towards the flying Poros with an angry roar.

"Vest grappling!!"

next moment!

Poros smashed into the arms of the Venerable Vest, his figure was certain, and the ground under his feet suddenly cracked, his hands tightly locked Poros' waist, and his body slammed backwards!

boom! !

Poros' head hit the ground directly!

At the same time, the ground began to burst!

The cobweb-like cracks continue to extend!

One hundred meters!

Three hundred meters!

Five hundred meters!


The ground directly cracked and collapsed!

Venerable Vest put down Poros, who was only half of his body on the ground, and turned around to continue to guard.



at this time.

Meru Zagarudo, who was playing soy sauce on the side, burst into laughter, and the five heads laughed together.

"Do you really think that Lord Poros, how easy it is to die!?"

"That's Master Poros!!"

Meru Zagaludo's words came out!

With super alloy black light, the three of Venerable Vest and the metal bat suddenly looked at Poros, who was on the ground with only half of his body in the pit, and was vigilant!

However, at this moment!

Poros' body energy exploded! !

boom! !

The violent energy lifted the ground directly, forming a hemispherical shock wave!

The nearest Vest Vest was swept by the shock wave and flew tens of meters with the curl. The whole person was directly buried in the rock and soil raised by the shock wave, and there was no movement.

This sudden scene caused a trace of fear in the eyes of Super Alloy Black Light.

Soon, he saw an afterimage directly flying out of the smoke and dust that had just been lifted, and appeared beside the metal bat in an instant. The metal bat of the strong metal bat interrupted it, and the whole person also vomited blood and flew out. !

Then, the figure disappeared again!

Super Alloy Black Glossy looked around in horror, trying to find the trajectory of Poros!

However, Poros is actually just a straight line movement!

It's just that the speed is a little faster, his eyes can't keep up for a while, there is no accident.

Poros appeared in front of the superalloy black light instantly, punched him with a fright, vomiting blood and flew away!


Police Dogman!

Police Dogman was extremely fast, and after several rounds of fighting with Poros, he was hit and flew directly, vomiting blood and fell into a coma.

In this way, most of the S-class heroes have been killed and injured.

On the field, the only people who can stand are the newly resurrected zombie male and the Tong Emperor who has always wanted to assist in the battle, but can't keep up with the target's speed.

Tong Di looked at the S-rank hero who fell to the ground, and his heart was a little hairy at this moment.

He turned to look at King who was watching the battle: "King! Now you should take action!"

King has been watching the battle, but the "Emperor Engine" has been ringing non-stop.

Tongdi believes that King, like the leisurely Eye of Death over there, wants to help them.

Finally, if they really can't beat them, then step forward to solve the enemy.

No, he said.

King’s "Emperor Engine" sounds faster!

However, what he didn't know was.

At this moment, King's heart was flustered like a cat who was choked after eating dried fish but was being neutered by his owner.

Where does he have any strength?

He originally thought that with so many S-rank heroes this time, he could completely make soy sauce.

Knowing that you will encounter such a terrifying enemy!

This time it's really dying to death! !

At this moment, Poros also stopped and looked at King, who was in a strong posture, and his face was calm, showing a trace of interest.

"Oh, it seems that you are also quite strong? Compared with that Nian Lishi, you may be a little stronger."

King did not speak, his face remained expressionless, the sound of the "Emperor Engine" (heartbeat) in his body directly doubled!

Tong Di was indeed delighted: "King! The strongest man in man! Are you finally going to make a move!"

Poros didn't seem to be in a rush to do it. Instead, with a confident smile, he looked at King: "I allow you to do it first."

The atmosphere suddenly became solemn.

King felt more stress and fear, and his heart rate increased again!

At this moment, Qianxia, ​​UU reading also knew that his strength gap was too great, and instead of rushing to do it, he came to Muhua Saki Yexin's side.

She also drank Coke.

"Teacher, is King's strength very strong? I remember that when I had a system, I judged that his physical fitness was not very good."

Muhuasaki Yashin looked at King who was looking at Poros, but felt a funny smile.

"In a way, his strength is very strong.

But against that alien, there is no chance of winning.

and so…


Muhua Saki Yashin looked at Saitama who was eating potato chips.

"Saitama, it's time for you to take action."

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