The Second Girl’s Naruto Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 104: Final battle

  Chapter 341 Final Battle

  Above the dilapidated city A, is a heavenly road that has been split by a star.

  The S-class heroes who lay corpses looked at the majestic realm above the sky and were speechless for a long time.

  This landscape is an interpretation of the power of one person to open up the world.

  In the past, they couldn't imagine what kind of scenery is going on with that kind of power.

  Now, they see it!

  As a spectator, I am honored to watch this unprecedented battle.

   also saw the end of a cosmic master...

  Meteorite-like ruins and potholes.

  Saitama stood calmly in the middle, looking up at the sky.

  At this moment, he looked a little embarrassed on the surface, the yellow tights on his body were tattered, the cloak on his back was only a little rag stuck, and there were also some dark marks on his face.

  Behind him, there was a remnant lying down.

  A half body that burned out all the energy and only had the appearance of coke. There was only the remaining white hair in the remnant body. It could be seen that this was the original Poros.

  Poros used the last trace of his life burned out to make a hoarse and faint voice like a candle in the wind.

   "I lost..."

  Saitama's head moved slightly, his eyes moved back slightly, and then he continued to look towards the sky.

   "Are you still conscious?"

  He looked calm, and said in a calm tone: "You are really strong, you fellow."

  Poros's weak tone seemed to bring a hint of joy.

   "As shown in the prophecy, it was really a battle that was not divided between the top and bottom, and it was fun..."

  Listening to Poros’ faint voice, Saitama could hear that Poros was persistent and unrepentant about the battle.

  As for the home of a real warrior, Saitama inexplicably doesn't want to let it down.

  Saitama looked at the sky and said faintly: "Ah~Yes."

  The breeze blows by, slightly raising Saitama’s tattered cloak...

  Boroston for a second, but also felt the coolness brought by the breeze, but its weak tone brought some relief and sigh.

"you're lying……"

  Saitama did not answer, still facing her back.

  It's just that instead of looking at the sky, he lowered his head and looked ahead.

   " have more energy."

   "...This battle, for you, is not painful at all."


  You are too strong..."

  "...Much stronger than me.

   "Sure enough... I can't trust any predictions..."

  With the last sigh, Saitama could feel that Poros's breath disappeared completely.

  Saitama closed his eyes and left silently. He did not hate Poros, but he felt a trace of depression towards the end of the warrior.

  He didn't want to find an opponent who could fight him.

  He didn't want to have a fun battle.

  I...too strong...

  Looking at Saitama walking towards him, watching the war-burning ruins behind him, watching the devastated city.

All heroes of   S-level, seem to have seen the birth of an invincible God of War!

  The birth of one of the strongest heroes.

  Perhaps, after this war, they will meet Saitama again!

  Kihanasaki Yashin gestured a thumb to Saitama from a distance, and gave a big grin with tiger teeth.

   "Awesome! My big disciple—Saitama!"

  Saitama nodded to Saki Yashin Kihana.

  Qianxia also looked at Saitama excitedly: "Brother! You really are invincible!"

  Banggu’s muddy eyes revealed sharp gazes that seemed to see through Saitama.

   "Saitama? That body is incredible. It's not an exaggeration to say that it is a **** in the world, right?"

  Tong Di: "A real monster..."

  Dragon Roll: "zzz..."

  At this moment, Xiqi, who was in the headquarters of the Heroes Association, finally breathed a sigh of relief.

   "The crisis of planet destruction is finally over."


  This battle caused City A to be basically in a state of complete destruction.

  Although there were no civilian casualties under the protection of the Holy Grail and Muhuasaki Yaxin, almost all of the city’s buildings were destroyed.

  Not to mention the ground damage caused by the battle between Poros and Saitama.

  Although it is not as exaggerated as the magic attack of Saki Yaxin, it is still difficult to repair.

  The aftermath of this battle is a big problem.

  However, this battle just made room for the Heroes Association to take this opportunity to expand.

  The remaining spaceships and aliens were captured by the Heroes’ Association.

  They are going to torture them about some cosmic forces.

  Of course, the recovered spacecraft were handed over to some scientists who cooperated with the Heroes’ Association for research.

  For example, the metal knight, Dr. Kusno, the benefactor of Jenos, and Tong Di.

  Of course, Kihana Saki Yashin glanced slightly.


  The third day after the end of the Great War.

  In a peculiar underground fortress, in the center of a peculiar magic circle, a golden holy grail is suspended.

  This is the newly built underground secret storage room.

  Cic slightly used the privileges he had to build it.

  Kihanasaki Yashin stood in place and looked at the floating Holy Grail and the surrounding glowing magic circle, and nodded.

  She turned and looked at Xiqi.

   "Okay, the barrier has been rearranged."

  Xiqi nodded to Muhuasaki Yaxin with gratitude: "Thank you so much! Your Lord Eye of Death!"

  Kihanasaki Yaxin also waved her hand politely, and shook her head proudly.

   "You are welcome, this is a small gift I give to your world! Just do it at your fingertips, just a trivial matter."

  Although this polite remark is a bit strange, Siqi didn't feel surprised, and he kept smiling.

   "No, no, the death's eye has saved a lot of people, and all of us humans need to thank you."

  Kihanasaki Yaxin was praised, but she was not too addicted, so she raised her head proudly.

   "Hmm~ I am the death eye of the messenger of world peace. This is my little trick."

   "Okay, let's not say so much, I still have things to do."

  Speaking, Muhua Saki Yaxin raised his hand and snapped his fingers, and a round of magic circle rose from under his feet.

  Cickey paused, still wanting to stop Mu Huasaki Yaxin.

  However, the magic circle flashed, and the girl's figure suddenly disappeared in place.

  Cic looked at the open space in front of him, feeling lost, he actually didn't have any ideas, so he wanted to be individual.

  He sighed leisurely.

   "After today, maybe I won't see you..."


  Z City.

  In a deserted city, on a quite spacious clearing.

  Chika and Saitama are waiting leisurely for something.

next moment!

  A circle of magic circles appeared in the void.

  Chika and Saitama suddenly looked over with excitement.


  The magic circle shattered like glass in the space!

  Kihanasaki Yashin jumped out of the shattered space, and fell in front of Saitama and Chika.

  The girl smiled and showed her little tiger teeth, and gestured with scissors hands!

   "Hmm~ My appearance today surprised you again! That's right, even space can't stop the footsteps of the Eye of Death!"

  However, both Saitama and Chika had a pair of blind eyes. Obviously, they didn't catch a cold anymore when they spoke to the girl's second two.

  Saitama walked over and said sullenly.

  "Teacher, when will our match begin? Didn’t we say that we’ll take us to the battlefield when we come back?"

   "Oh~ can't wait any longer!?"

  Kihanasaki Yashin raised her head and looked at Saitama: "Saitama, my great disciple! So, let me now test how your cultivation results are!"

  Saitama immediately ignited the intent to fight, this is the first time he has seriously ignited the intent to fight since he is invincible.

   "Teacher Ye Xin! Only you! Only you and I dare to use my strength to fight seriously!"

   "It seems that you have been holding back for a long time."

  Kihanasaki Yashin showed a girlish arrogant smile.

   "Then, let me change the venue, otherwise this planet will not be able to withstand the power of my death!"

  Saitama nodded.

  Kihanasaki Yashin immediately looked towards the sky, with a small move, the red pupil of her right eye opened, and the red light flashed.

  "My eyes of death! Let's explode the power of death that transcends the boundary of time and space! Let the space of the boundary distance surrender to me! Death galaxy teleportation!"


  It seems that the anchored world time clock is ringing!

  Kihana Sakiya’s sky suddenly split, and a dark magic circle hovered in the shattered sky, the next second!

  A black beam of light lased directly from the magic circle, and immediately bombarded the three of them.

  After being enveloped by the light beam!

  Qianxia could feel that she was on an extremely fast passage, and the whole person was speeding along the beam of light to the outside of the universe!

  In addition to this, she can also feel that there is also Saitama next to Kika Saki Yashin.

  She is also wrapped in an inconspicuous white light film.

  Want to come, this should be the protection of Muhua Saki Yaxin to her.


  A beam of light runs rampant in the universe, distorting the space along the way, and its speed is many times faster than the speed of light.

  In just two or three seconds, it spans a few light years.


  The light beam hits a huge planet directly.

  Boom! ! !

  The ground is directly scorched by the impact energy, and the light beam disappears in a blink of an eye.

  Only three of them were left standing on the scorched ground.

  Qianxia was still a little confused at the moment, she looked at the desolate ground left and right.

   "This...where is this?"

"I do not know."

  Kihanasaki Yaxin looked up at the two suns in the sky, and the huge star ring that appeared slightly above the sky.

   "I guess which star field it is."

  Saitama also looked up and saw the magnificent stars in the sky, and he calmly said:

   "It's a nice place, here I can finally let go of my hands and feet."

  Qianxia looked at Kihana Saki Yashin and Saitama, her eyes were a bit complicated: "Want to come to such a place? I really can't imagine how exaggerated the battle between Saitama brother and teacher would be..."

  For Qianxia's words of envy, Muhua Saki Yaxin smiled and snapped his fingers casually.

   Suddenly, Qianxia's whole body was wrapped in an energy bubble.

  She was a little surprised.

  Kihanasaki Yaxin raised her finger and poked the energy bubble on Qianxia's body, ripples in it.

   "Well, with this, Qianxia can safely watch the battle of our death force."

  Qianxia herself poked the energy bubble in front of her curiously. Seeing the ripples on the energy bubble poked by her finger, she also felt the extraordinary energy bubble.

  However, she felt that even with this energy bubble, she probably couldn’t see clearly the battle between Mr. Saki Yashin and Senior Brother Saitama.

   "Thank you, Mr. Ye Xin, but even with this energy shield, I don’t think I can see your battle."

  Qianxia said with a wry smile: "I really am still too weak."

   "Don't be discouraged, Qianxia, ​​you can catch up sooner or later."

  Kihanasaki Yaxin raised her feet and touched Qianxia's head.

   Qianxia looked at the short girl master in front of her, feeling a little funny.

   "Teacher, I have to say, I can't be moved by your comfort..."

   "Huh? Really?"

  Kihanasaki Yaxin suddenly retracted her hand and looked at Qianxia with her cute eyes widened.

  Qianxia directly placed one hand on Muhuasaki Yaxin’s head, rubbed it, and said gently.

   "Teacher, I will work hard!"

  Kihanasaki Yaxin suddenly became stiff, how did she feel that this scene was so strange?

   rubbed the head of the girl teacher, comforted herself, Qianxia also stabilized her mind.

  She looked up, and suddenly saw Saitama, who was still looking up at the starry sky. Her eyes flashed and she faced the girl teacher who was shorter than herself.

   "Okay, no more trouble. Teacher, Brother Saitama has been waiting for you for a long time."

  Kihanasaki Yashin was taken aback for a moment, then turned to look at Saitama.

  Saitama also turned his head to look at Yashin Kihana at this moment.

  Kihanasaki Yaxin's mouth showed a slight smile, and she felt herself burning.

   "That's what I said."

   "Hmm~ that's the case! Saitama! Let's fight a battle! See if my eldest disciple can make my eyes of death pleased!"

  Saitama's face that has always been unchanging, suddenly showed a serious expression, this moment!

  Saitama is like a completely different person.

  Chika looked at Saitama’s flaming eyes and felt Saitama’s handsomeness inexplicably!

   "The old Saitama, is it finally coming back!?"

   "Yes! Saitama! That's the spirit!"

  Speaking, Muhua Saki Yaxin suddenly unfolded a circle of magic circle, but this magic circle is not like a magic circle, but like a gossip-related circle in Chinese mythology!

  At the same time, the crimson light of Saki Yaxin's right eye flickered and burned like flames.

   Seeing her teacher erupt, Qianxia hurriedly ran out.

Although    is protected by the energy shield, she is worried that she will be blown away by the aftermath of the battle between them.

  It would be embarrassing if you don’t have to fly around like a ball, and you can’t find your place.


  Facing the energy burst of Kawasaki Yashin!

  Saitama also squeezed her fist, lunged forward, and put on a posture of a steel fist attack.

  Actually, even though Saitama has learned mainly Wing Chun along the way, he also said that the essence of various fist techniques has poured into it.

  His Wing Chun is actually not Wing Chun anymore, or not just Wing Chun!

  With so many boxing methods, Saitama directly changed Wing Chun into a set of boxing methods based on fierceness according to his own interests and ideas!

  This Saki Yashin also knows something!

  Kihanasaki Yashin looked at Saitama’s posture and could see that even though Saitama had a strong body, he had not fallen behind in martial arts.

  She smiled somewhat satisfied: "Very good, Saitama!"

  Speaking, Kihana Saki Yashin raised her finger and hooked Saitama!

  "Go on with all your strength! Let the teacher test how much your Wing Chun fist has reached!"

  Saitama looked serious and serious: "As you wish! Teacher! I can't wait!

   "Definitely kill! Super serious burst mode!"

   "Super serious! Long jump!"

  Boom! ! !

  The rock on the ground under Saitama's feet suddenly shattered!

  In an instant!

  Saitama's figure appeared directly in front of Muhua Saki Yashin, her right hand burst into blue veins, her waist and horse were united, and she punched out!

   "Super serious! Steel punch!"


  (End of this chapter)

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