The Second Girl’s Naruto Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 105: The battle of the smashing star

  Chapter 342 The Battle of Smashing Stars

  After Saitama turns on the Super Serious Burst Mode, she moves so fast, as if she surpassed space and time, moving regardless of distance!

  I couldn't see clearly with Qianxia's eyes.

  However, in the eyes of Saki Yashin, Saitama's movements are extremely clear, and she even feels that Saitama's speed is still easy to move up one gear.

  Saitama’s “Dragon Leap” can be said to be very good. This is an inch step technique used in short punches. It can be seen that Saitama’s skills are very good.

at this time.

  Saitama’s punch was close to the ten centimeters in front of Saki Yashin.

  However, Muhua Saki Yaxin still commented on this punch in his heart calmly.

  After all, although Saitama’s "Strong Fist" is very powerful and fast, it is almost meaningless in front of Saki Yashin's eyes of death.

  In her eyes, Saitama’s speed is still no different from slow motion.

  In the slow-motion vision, she can clearly feel that the combined strength of this punch can be said to combine all the advantages of the short-inch punch.

   Rigid and powerful, hit a point and burst out instantly!

  This will make the power of the fist carry out an instillation penetrating attack, and will not waste the power of the fist excessively and disperse it.

  Kihanasaki Yashin nodded, she was satisfied.

  This punch is a bit of an inch of strength.

  However, this punch is different from the ordinary Cunquan. This is the combination of the explosion of the Cunquan on the steel fist that opens and closes.

  Analyzing this, Saitama's fist is already close to five centimeters away.

   Looking at the fist about to slap her face, Muhua Saki Yaxin was a little unhappy.

   "Saitama, this guy wants to hit the master in the face!"

  Thinking about this, Sakuya Saki Kihana moved her head back slightly, pressing her waist down, and she pressed her waist back to level, and at the same time lifted her leg and kicked it into the waist of Saitama's gap.

that's all.

  Saitama's punch was directly missed, and he was directly kicked in the waist.

  Boom! ! !

  The girl's little feet looked mediocre but with terrifying force. This huge force bombarded Saitama's waist, and suddenly a shock wave caused by the back-shock air broke out!

  In an instant, the ground with a radius of several thousand meters shattered!

  Saitama breaks through the air like a cannonball, and draws a circle of white air rings flying upside down!

Although he was kicked to the waist, Saitama's complexion remained unchanged. The whole person stood upright like a piece of iron. While the huge force did not cause him the slightest change, he still kept the original standing posture and flew upside down. .

  In fact, Saitama’s big punch is actually a test, although he has confidence in his own teenage master!

  But, not completely confident!

   And this kick in him shows that the girl master of his own family can indeed let him let go of his hands and feet to fight!

  Saitama flew upside down for a certain distance, landed on the ground, and used his feet to forcibly insert the brakes on the ground, crossing a long distance, and at the same time, there was a smile of excitement on his warlike face.

   "That's it! Teacher! Teacher Yexin!"

  He felt that his long-silent fighting heart began to stir.

  He recalled that the previous battles, big and small, were basically unpredictable, fighting like dancing at the tip of a knife!

  He felt that the excitement in his heart began to embrace.

  The heart of battle began to beat, and the blood burst out all over the body!

   "Super super serious! Long jump splashes!"

  After Saitama stabilized his figure, the whole body burst out again, and the ground rock under his feet instantly collapsed and opened a big hole in the abyss!

  Saitama seemed to have crossed the space in an instant, and once again came to Muhua Saki Yashin, with a punch!

  He didn't call out moves. In fact, in martial arts, once he reached a certain level, even the simplest punches and kicks seemed to be the pinnacle of skills!

  The moves have no meaning other than being majestic!

  Kihanasaki Yashin’s right eye flashed red, and he could see Saitama’s movement clearly!

  She did not choose to explode energy, she chose to believe in her body that has been warmed by energy!

  She wants to use pure physical strength to accept the attack of Saitama, to test her physical fitness that stores almost unlimited energy, how terrible it is!

  Kihanasaki Yashin did not use extra skills, but the waist and horse were united, the lunge stepped out, the punch and parataxis!

   Combine the power of the whole body to a point, concentrate and explode, and achieve the effect of dozens of times your own strength with one punch!

  In an instant!

  The tender little fist collided with the fist wrapped in the glove with the blue veins violently!

  Boom! ! !

  In an instant!

  A wave of invisible ripples rippling away!

  The space seems to be shaking!


  The space between the two fists collided like glass shards, and an incandescent hole was even broken in the center!

next moment!

  A terrifying air current shock wave erupts!

  The full set wrapped around Saitama's fist, and the tights on his arms, instantly turned into fragments and scattered!

  The ground where the two of them stood, disappeared in the blink of an eye as if the bubble was affected by the bomb!

  Boom! ! !

  From the outside of the universe, the entire planet seems to have suddenly sunk into a small piece, and the atmosphere of the sky is also penetrated by invisible forces.

  Qianxia was also directly blown away by this shock wave like a world-destroying storm.

  Although she is okay, she still rolled her eyes depressed.

"it is as expected……"


  However, the aftermath of the battle between the two cannot affect the two themselves!

  Kihanasaki Yashin and Saitama instantly incarnate two afterimages, which appear randomly on the surface of this unmanned planet as if ignoring the space distance!

  Appears every time!

  There will be a terrifying aftermath!

  Furthermore, the frequency of the two battles is extremely high, and I don’t know how many times they fought in the blink of an eye!

  In an instant, you can see the surface of this huge planet, flashing thousands of roars!

  Every roar will leave a conspicuous mark on this planet!

  Even, during the battle between the two, the whole planet was constantly shaking!

   Qianxia has been tossed out of the universe here, but it just happens to happen!

  At this position, she can see the approximate situation of the match between Ms. Saki Yashin and Saitama.

  From the beginning of the distance match to the present, it is estimated that it hasn't even been three minutes.

  However, this planet, which looks many times larger than the blue star, has become cratered like the moon.

  Moreover, the atmosphere of the entire planet has become chaotic.

  Qianxia can see that an area has begun to set off a real world-destroying storm, which is a world-destroying storm that connects the ground and the sky with a diameter of thousands of kilometers!

  That kind of terrifying astronomical phenomenon, even if Qianxia watched it from the space of space, she felt it was extremely magnificent.

  That is a storm that almost overturns the ground of the planet!

  Of course, the more terrifying thing is actually her teacher and brother.

  Boom! ! !

  Boom boom boom! ! !

  She once again saw the dense aftermath of Lianmai's attack on the surface of the planet!

  Blink your eyes.

  She saw that the planet was broken by a third, and the debris of the planet was splashing in the universe.

  Qianxia slapped her tongue.

  Have their battle escalated again?


  In fact, there is no.

  Kihanasaki Yashin and Saitama’s battles are almost always tricks and tricks!

  The use of skills has almost reached the extreme.

   Therefore, the power of the bombing between them will only be extremely concentrated!

  There will not be too much dispersion!

  But, even so!

  Their power is too terrifying!

   Even if it reveals a trace, it is far from what this planet can bear!

  Saitama’s current physical strength, coupled with martial arts skills, one punch to destroy the stars is not easy!

  And Muhuasaki Yaxin, let alone, the body of infinite energy has been brewing, and its physical quality has already reached the extreme!

  Kihanasaki Yashin herself couldn't understand how fierce her physical fitness was.

  Two simple characters who break the star with one punch, as long as the operation makes a slight mistake, the planet will explode directly.

   Just a third randomly broken.

  It’s just Sakiki Kihana’s heart using unloading techniques to push Saitama’s power aside.

  And Saitama had an insight into the intentions of Saki Yaxin, and immediately let the concentrated power of his fists diffuse around him, shaking Saki Yaxin’s hands apart!

  As a result, this wave of diffuse power directly caused this planet to suffer!

  However, fortunately, the direction of the force dispersion is better. After crushing an area of ​​the planet, it flies directly to the universe!

  But, unfortunately!

  The battle between the two is far from stopping!

  Saitama has always been the main attacker, inch punches, short punches, and straight punches!

  Simple but with fists with the highest martial arts skills, intensively attacking Muhuasaki Yaxin!

  And Kihana Saki Yashin has always been biased towards defensive counterattacks, and his boxing skills are biased towards softness.

  One move, one move, like a fish in water, easily defended Saitama's intensive attacks.

  Saitama saw Kihana Saki Yashin's dripping defense, and the flames of war in his eyes burned like a combustion aid.

  The girl teacher of my own family is petite, but her posture is perfect. The martial arts charm revealed in her every move is extremely charming!

  If he read it correctly!

  The girl master now has more power!

  Although it is amazing, Saitama is getting more and more excited.

  Unconsciously, his strength is rapidly increasing!

  Kihanasaki Yashin can feel that Saitama is getting stronger again!

  In the next hit!

  Kihanasaki Yaxin did not calculate for the first time to let her fist break through her defense, but she was not hit either.

  When it's about to die, run sideways and avoid!

  However, this punching force directly bombarded this planet!

  Boom! ! !

  The strength of this blow, because it was received by Saki Yashin's first block, contained it, and the extremely concentrated force of terror was diffused!


  Uncontained terrifying force, directly pierce the entire planet!

  The hardest core of the planet, under this force, is no different from tofu!


   is directly crushed into air.

  From the perspective of Saki Yashin Kihana and Saitama, you can see it.

  Under the planet, a huge hole with a diameter of thousands of kilometers was blasted out!

  This is a huge hole that runs through the entire planet!


  (End of this chapter)

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