The Second Girl’s Naruto Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 110: The future is my time!

In Hokage World, Muhua Saki Yaxin and the three stayed in peace for three months.

Today's Hokage World is incredibly stable. The whole world is undergoing reforms in an orderly manner. I believe that it will not take long for the world to achieve true unity.

Moreover, with Muhua Saki's heart-warming forerunner, Chakra Technology is steadily advancing.

Ninja Gundam, spaceships, interstellar travel, this is not a dream.

I believe that one day, they can directly hit the face of Datongmu's base camp.

From now on, their journey is the sea of ​​stars.

They are also relieved of the steady development of their hometown.

Moreover, after staying steadily for March, Muhua Saki Yaxin and the three of them could no longer bear the risk of taking risks.

After seeing the excitement of another world, no one can refuse.

In one morning, the three girls once again started the legend and came to the first base camp they chose.

The everyday world.

According to Muhua Saki Yashin, the base camp of the Pan-Dimensional Deed of Death Organization must be placed in this universe.

The three of them are pioneers!


In a small rented house in an apartment area, there was a flash of light, and the three of Muhua Saki Yashin returned here again.

"came back!"

Looking at the familiar house, Ino felt like going home again.

"If I remember correctly, we still have one day off. There is no need to go to school."

Muhuasaki Yaxin nodded: "Then I have to think about the plan that needs to be carried out next!"

However, Nanako seemed to have planned a long time ago. When she heard that she didn't need to go to school, she hurried to her room and took out a mobile phone-like machine.

With a flush of excitement on her face, she lifted the machine high and shouted loudly.

"Finally back! I can continue to fight against the dragon again!"

Muhua Saki could see clearly that it was a game console.

She curled her lips.

No wonder Nanako came back in such a hurry.

Ino seemed to have thought of something, and he took out a manga from his room with a look of excitement, then lay on the mat and read it with relish.

At this moment, Muhuasaki Yaxin was left alone in a daze.

Muhua Saki Yexin was a little stunned.

Good guy, it turns out Ino and Nanako have found their "home" in this world a long time ago, no wonder they all shouted to come back.

Feelings are only oneself, don't know what to do?

Muhua Saki Yexin suddenly felt a little depressed.

Seeing Ino who was addicted to comics, she suddenly became a little curious about what comics Ino was so obsessed with.

Thinking about it, she leaned her head and took a glance.

However, at the first glance, I can feel that the style of this comic is old and rough.

The plot of the story that Ino is watching now is very bloody, and with this simple story, Saki Kihana Yashin can guess the general plot.

In general, the general plot is that the poor civilian woman as the protagonist and an aristocratic woman fall in love with a knight at the same time.

The knight and the commoner woman are true love.

Then, in order to get the love of knights, noble women designed various traps to frame civilian women.

This is simply a cliché.

Muhua Saki Yaxin silently looked at Ino, who was really absorbed, a little speechless.

"Sure enough, Naruto World Entertainment lacks. This kind of comics is quite a novel thing for Ino."

Then, she leaned in curiously towards Nanako who was playing with the handheld.

She looked at the game Nanako was playing. It was a pixelated game, and fighting was a kind of turn-based operation.

Nanako also noticed her sister's curiosity, so she also wanted to share.

She picked up the handheld with a look of excitement: "Sister! I want to join the world of the brave adventure! This world is very interesting! I am about to slay the dragon!"

When Muhuasaki heard it heartily, she suddenly became interested.

"Okay! My eyes of death will take a look at how strong this world-destroying dragon is!"

When Nanako heard it, he archived it without hesitation and opened a new file for Saki Yashin.

Muhua Saki Yaxin didn't hesitate, and she took over and opened.

After a few minutes of playing, she discovered that this is a very traditional linear story game.

Moreover, the plot is very straightforward.

You are the brave at the beginning, and the village chief gives tasks to slash monsters and fight bosses. Meet the king, give missions, slash monsters, and fight bosses.

There is no interaction with the NPC, only a linear plot.

After playing for more than ten minutes, Muhuasaki Yaxin became tired.

Handing the handheld back to Nanako, she said solemnly.

"This brave can't carry my will at all! So, in order not to let him die, I decided to withdraw from my will!"

Nanako held the handheld and scratched her head ignorantly.

"Is that so?"

Muhuasaki Yaxin nodded, then got up and walked to the window.

She took out her cell phone and wanted to verify something.

The network environment in this world is similar to, or better than, the 3G era of the previous Bluestar.

She easily found the news she wanted.

For example, the manga that Ino saw just now is called Xia Ke Tenderness.

The evaluation on the Internet is very good. Although the work is not top-notch, it can be regarded as the upper-middle level.

It can be said that comics in this world have just started and it is not an exaggeration.

In terms of the game, Nanako's Adventure of the Brave just played has a very poor rating.

There is still a gap between the game in this world and the Blue Star in her previous life, but it is not as bad as imagined.

Muhua Saki put down the phone and fell into thought looking at the beautiful scenery outside the window.

"Sure enough, I always feel a little short of coming into this world."

"Now, I seem to have found it."

"I want to develop my death agreement! I want my organization to flourish!"

"Then something must be developed!"

"Some things that lead the times!"

She thought that in the future, she would pave this backward world with various epoch-making classic games, classic comics, and classics!

At that time, the name of her death agreement will be world-famous!

Muhua Saki Yaxin showed a mysterious smile, her right eye flashing red.

"The era in the future will definitely belong to me!"

Jingle bell~

The simplest bell rang, immediately interrupting her fantasy.

Picking up the phone and looking at the call, there is a 澪 on it.

Muhua Saki stayed in a daze at night.

"Mio? Is there anything she wants me to do?"

The phone is connected.

"Moximosi~ Is it Yexin sauce?"

Can hear the voice of Mio.

Muhua Saki Yaxin immediately adjusted her tone, and the performance changed to a tsundere normal.

"Yes! It's me!"

Mio on the phone suddenly became quiet.

About three seconds later, she said weakly.

"Ye Xin Jiang? Did you forget that? Today we made an appointment to buy a guitar together."

Muhua Saki Yexin's expression was dazed, she vaguely remembered, it seemed that there was something like that.

She immediately adjusted her emotions quickly, and said confidently:

"Ahem, how could I forget this, where are you now."

In front of the entrance of a big shopping mall.

Dawei, Min, Jing, Li and the newly added Azimiao are already in place.

They had planned to gather here.

Listening to Muhua Saki Yexin's words, Mio can directly imagine that she must have not come yet.

The little friends are crying, if you wait for Saki Kihana, you will probably have to wait at least half an hour according to the distance.

Mio sighed, "We are in front of the gate of Matsuya Ginza."

"Oh? Really? When you said the location! I have already come by your side! Because! I am the eye of death! The eye of death will threaten the space, and the space will teleport me to the destination with interest, and Teleport! It's just a momentary thing!"

Dai Wei and Lu leaned on Mio's cell phone and heard Muhua Saki Yexin's absurd Zhong Er's speech.

Dawei's eyes lit up, and his little head began to look around for Muhua Saki Yaxin's figure.

Mio was a little helpless.

"Let's wait."

At this time, Daiwei noticed a strange doll bear, which seemed to be sneaking.

Avoiding her and Miao's sight.

Wei turned his head to look at the eyes of his little friend, and didn't seem to notice the doll bear.

Then turned to look at the position of the doll bear.

Suddenly, the toy bear is gone!

Wei's eyes widened.

Where to go?

Where did you hide?


Looking around, she finally found a clue.

She found the bear skin that had been taken off.

Also, a weird big cardboard box.

Dai Wei scratched her head, she was hesitant to tell them about it.

Dawei couldn't make up his mind, and looked at the location of the big carton again. At this moment, she suddenly discovered that the big carton had moved a certain distance forward.

She seemed to have discovered something.

Dai Wei thought of a good way. She deliberately deviated from her sight, and then suddenly looked at the carton.

This time, she directly saw the little feet under the cardboard box, wearing a pair of kawaii shoes.

Knowing that he was exposed, the box stopped abruptly, and the lid fell on the ground.

Now, Yui felt funny.

She turned her head, counted three seconds, and suddenly turned her head back.

This time, the box moved a lot forward again, and there was no trace of movement at all.

Yui nodded.


She turned her head again, and then turned her head back instantly!

However, the box remained motionless.

Dawei reapplied the old trick, turned his head back and stared at the box closely!

Still did not move.

This time, Dawei was serious, and she turned her head slowly.

One second~

One and a half seconds!

Turn around!


The box actually continued to move a lot forward.

Dai Wei was a little shocked.


However, Muhana Saki Yashin in the box knew it was dangerous.

Then, start playing!

Just like one, two, three, wooden people.

Whenever Dawei turned his eyes around, the box must not move.

Dawei turned around!


The box stood still.

Dawei turned around immediately.

Muhua Saki Yashin controlled the box to move quickly.

The angle of view that Muhua Saki Yaxin uses now is the two small holes punched in the box, and the range of sight is limited.

And she was too focused on Dawei.

Didn't even notice...

Miao, Li, Jing, and Azimiao are all staring at her and controlling the movement of the After all, it is impossible for them to fail to notice such big movements as Dawei.

Putting on a serious and vigorous daze Wei.

The four of Mio looked at each other.

"The inside... is Ye Xin Jiang?"

Although not very sure, they can all see the little feet exposed when the box moves. It should be that only girls have such shoes and feet.

At this moment, when Kihana Saki Yashin was moving the box at high speed, he didn't notice a small stone, and stepped on it and slipped directly.

Uncontrollably, he threw forward.

In this way, the box was knocked over directly, and Saki Yashin slammed directly on the ground in a street style.

Only five people stayed, watching this scene, just stayed.


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