On the street, the only five people waiting for the light sound department stared blankly at Muhua Saki Yaxin who was lying on the ground.

Passers-by were also surprised that the girl who fell out of the cardboard box looked at this scene with a stunned expression.

For a while, the picture quieted down.

There was a pause for a few seconds.

Mio reacted first, looking at the girl lying on the ground with a worried expression.

"Classmate Yexin, you..."

Muhua Saki was lying on the ground, her cheeks flushed, before Mio finished speaking, she jumped up, clenched his fist and raised it high, shouting loudly.

"The Eye of Death! The teleportation was successful!!!"

The girl's shy voice spread all over the street.

Mio's words were directly interrupted.

Everyone was stunned again.

At this moment, only they all know that those actions just now may be Ye Xin's Second Plan.

It's a pity that it ends with the present scene, which is a bit too embarrassing...

At this moment, Mio didn't know what she should do. She stretched out her little hand, trembling slightly, as if she had nowhere to put it.

Li twitched the corners of his mouth slightly, with a helpless expression: "This... is this too far-fetched?"

The only face is dumb, she also doesn't know what to do at the moment.

Ah Zi Miao, too, her embarrassment for others is coming again, her face is blushing and her head is lowered.

Only as the eldest lady, she felt that Muhua Saki Yexin was so interesting, all of which made her feel novel.

She walked forward slowly, her face flushed slightly, and she looked at Muhua Saki Yaxin tenderly: "It's really a successful transmission!"

The small fist raised by Muhua Saki Yaxin retracted, and his blushing face quickly returned to normal, with a look of confidence full of confidence.

"Pinch~ Yeah! They say I can come to you in the next second!"

The words came out.

Li and them were speechless for a while.

There is no doubt that this girl has a late second disease.

Looking at the audience on this street, they all felt embarrassed. They didn't expect Muhua Saki Yaxin to adapt in an instant...

Moreover, this is not the next second!

You moved the box, it was almost a few minutes, and you fell down once...

Except for Jing and Wei, everyone else thought that way.

Of course, they would not say it.

"Then, since Ye Xin is here, let's go to the store where only buys guitars."

Li regained his mood a little, and said to Muhuasaki Yaxin.

At this moment, Wei stood up with a look of excitement.

"That shop? The shop where I met the guitar!?"

Looking at the excited Wei, Li Yi directly supported her small face with both hands with a smirk, and squeezed it flat.

"So excited? Yui? To some extent, you still owe money."

Wei grasped Li's little hand that caused the trouble, his face instantly froze, and he twisted his head to look at Jing.

However, Jing just smiled gently.

"No, Yui. You just have to treat the guitar well."

Upon seeing this, Li immediately let go of his hand, looking bored.

The only face was moved to look at Zhen Zhen, she squeezed out a bit of tears from her eyes, and ran over to grab Zhen's hands.

"Great! You are so kind!"

Jing maintained a gentle smile: "Okay, let's accompany Yexin to buy a guitar."

As they said, everyone cast their eyes on Muhua Saki Yexin.

It was discovered that Muhua Saki Yaxin actually drew circles on the ground.

Li and the others approached curiously, and after seeing it clearly, they all looked dumbfounded.

On the ground, there is a small, complicated and gorgeous magic circle painted all over with blue chalk. Looking at the look of Muhua Saki Yashin, it seems that some complicated symbols can be added.

But they looked at each other, this magic array is really a blind spot of knowledge, but the patterns and lines and various runes are very complicated, and they have a sense of regularity and coordination, which is obviously not like doodles.

But if you remember such a portrait, you can still draw it completely, this is not something ordinary people can do!

And, most importantly!

How long did they turn their sights away!

Why did Ye Xin draw so fast?

So skilled?

Their hearts are full of doubts and shocks.

After Muhua Saki Yashin finished painting, she also saw the stunned girls.

She suddenly looked arrogant and her little head was quite tall.

"Hmm~ this is my magic circle! How about it, be amazed!"

The girls nodded together.

"Is this magic circle useful?"

Only asked blankly.

Muhua Saki Yaxin was stunned immediately, she scratched her head, resting her chin in one hand in thought.

Then he put a finger on his lips and nodded, continuing to meditate.

Ten seconds passed.

Muhua Saki Yaxin thought of the answer, and slowly raised her head to look at the girls, and said solemnly, "I haven't thought about it yet."

The five girls were suddenly destroyed.

Miao faintly complained.

"Is it a doodle?"

The law is a little unbelievable:

"Why can you draw this kind of magic circle easily!"

Dai Wei also expressed his opinion: "Although it seems to be useless, it feels so inexplicable."

Jing smiled gently: "Hmm, what about the magical girl."

Azimiao is a bit speechless. Senior Sister Ye Xin is really weird, and if she goes on playing treasures, she won't have time to visit the mall. Didn't she say that she will buy a guitar for Senior Sister Ye Xin?

However, she didn't dare to go beyond, and whispered: "That, senior? It's late."

Li and the others reacted: "That's right, buy a guitar!"

"Go to that store!"

"Oh yeah!"

"Hmm~ I don't know if there is a guitar that can follow me all the way to the top! If so, my eye of death must be put to the test!"

"Oh! Can you set a test for the guitar?"

"Of course!……"

The girls stepped into the bustling shopping mall amidst the laughter and joy.

Passers-by watched these six lovely girls frolicking away, and they also felt the feeling of being healed in their hearts.

"Lovely girls..."

. . . .

Come to the store.

The owner of the shop is still the owner.

After he saw Jing, he looked respectful. After all, this store is one of the family businesses of Jing.

"Miss Jing, would you like to buy something?"

Jing shook his head: "We can see for ourselves."

The store owner nodded, and immediately ignored it.

The girls went straight to the guitar area.

Looking at the dripping guitar, the eyes of Wei, Azusa, and Muhua Saki Yaxin all sparkled.

"Ye Xin Jiang, please choose carefully. Don't choose too badly."

Li said with a smile.

Muhua Saki Yaxin seriously shook his head: "No! What I need is a guitar that I recognize! Money is not the most important thing!"

Azusa looked at Muhua Saki Yexin with a look in her eyes.

Sure enough, with the strength of Senior Ye Xin, if you want to perform perfectly, you must choose the most suitable guitar.

So, let's see how Senior Yexin chose it!

Wei is also a little curious.

"Ye Xin-chan, can you really test your guitar?"

Muhua Saki Yaxin closed his eyes and nodded confidently: "That's natural! Look good!"

With that, Muhua Saki Yashin ran to the middle of the guitar stand.

She looked at all the guitars in front of her, took a deep breath, her expression became serious, her eyes became serious, then she lowered her head, closed her eyes, and pointed her fingers on her forehead.

"Guys! Do you want to be famous in the world! Do you want to be the king of guitars! Do you want to be the pinnacle of this world!"

I am the eye of death! Will surely be on the throne of music! If you want to follow me, then listen to my call!

guitar! ! ! "

The girls stared at Muhua Saki Yashin, who was speaking in the second form with their heads lowered, and stayed straight.

But I didn't expect that Ye Xin would be this kind of trial method.

Zi also didn't expect that Senior Ye Xin would actually choose the guitar like this.

Mio and Li slapped her face directly, they didn't look at it, it was too shameful.

However, this time!

Muhua Saki Yexin opened her eyes, she raised her head, her eyes fixed on the top of the shelf, the guitar sitting on the throne.

"The decision is yours! Guitar!"

Zi and the others will have a look at ~www.readwn.com~ It is a guitar with a lightening-like overall body, and the material looks very advanced to the naked eye.

Suddenly, Mio saw the label and his eyes widened.


Zi and the others also found out!

On the label, the selling price is displayed.

106860000 yuan!

DougIrwin's work!

Guitar name: [Death]


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