The Second Girl’s Naruto Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 112: starting today! Follow me to the highest throne! Haha...

See the price of this guitar!

The girls were stunned.

Mio slightly covered her mouth, her eyes widened, in disbelief.

The guitar named [Death]!

Actually sold for more than 100 million yen!

In other words, it is worth more than six million yuan!

Li and the others looked at Muhua Saki Yaxin who was akimbo, looking at the guitar with pride.

"Ye Ye... Ye Xin Jiang! Are you sure you want to buy this guitar?"

Muhua Saki looked at the guitar and nodded in satisfaction: "That's natural."

After receiving confirmation, Li and the others were shocked again.

Wei drooped his head, staring at the guitar at the price of the day and muttered: "It's so cool, so awesome, so expensive..."

There is only the eldest lady's 紬, as usual, without any surprise.

However, she was also a little surprised when Muhua Saki Yashin chose this guitar.

Li swallowed, and put one hand on Muhuasaki Yaxin's shoulder.

"Ye Xin Jiang, are you sure you have enough money?"

Muhua Saki looked at her suspiciously, hearing Li's suspicion, she immediately raised her head proudly.

"Hmm~ My money law is EX level!"

Lu immediately breathed a sigh of relief. She didn't want to be embarrassed, and she didn't understand what Muhua Saki Yaxin said about the law of money, but she thought it should be money...

However, Muhua Saki Yashin continued: "According to my money law, earning this amount of money in the future is just a trivial matter."

Li Ji's faces were dumbfounded, and they stared at Muhua Saki Yexin in unison and exclaimed:


"That means you have no money now!"

Muhua Sakiya smiled proudly, closed her eyes and nodded slightly.

"Hmm~ That's right."

"That's a ghost!"

Li collapsed a bit, she grabbed her hair and stared at Muhua Saki Yaxin.

"Why can you say so confidently that you have no money!"

Muhua Sakuya was stunned: "Huh? Can't it?"

"Of course not!!!"

Li, Min, and Azuma yelled to Muhua Saki Yaxin together.

Muhua Saki Yaxin was a little frightened by the roar, she shrank her head slightly, and muttered weakly:

"But, my money law is really EX's existence..."

"Only you can believe this..."

Miao held his forehead helplessly.

Li nodded in agreement.

Muhua Saki looked at [Death] with love in her jewel-like eyes.

"But, it's a guitar that can listen to the call of my death eye.

It also wants to follow me and say..."

Azusa looked at Muhua Saki Yaxin's eyes, hesitated, and then looked at the guitar on the top of the shelf.

From the naked eye, you know that this kind of guitar is not simple. Putting it on the top of the shelf can be said to reveal a bit of the king of guitars.

Such a high-end guitar is indeed the dream of all guitar lovers.

If it were her, she would really want it too.

She can also understand the feelings of Senior Ye Xin.

But a guitar worth more than 100 million yen... is really too expensive.

Zi Miao secretly stuck out his tongue, shocked.

And Jin, who was born as a young lady, was actually watching. She looked at the guitar and looked at Muhua Saki Yaxin's eager eyes.


She looked at Muhua Saki Yaxin and asked gently, "Yazin, do you really want this guitar?"

Muhua Saki Yexin's big, crystal-clear eyes, with a little bit of moisture, met Shang Jing's eyes.

With a look of eagerness, she nodded continuously like a chicken pecking at rice.


Jing looked at Muhua Saki Yexin's cute little face and looked at the little eyes, she suddenly felt a little funny.

"Student Ye Xin is really cute."

Wei stood aside and nodded in agreement: "Furthermore, Ye Xin's second appearance is more interesting. I suddenly wanted to squeeze Ye Xin's face."

Muhua Saki Yaxin glanced at Wei slightly, revealing a mysterious smile: "Pinch my face, yes!"


Dawei suddenly stretched out his hands excitedly and wanted to reach it.

"Just give me 100 million yuan!"

Muhua Saki Yaxin finished the next sentence, her little head quite tall.

Wei suddenly froze...


"One... one hundred million!?"

Li Tucao: "I don't know what to say, the price of squeezing my face..."

"too exaggerated……"

Zi Miao complained silently in her heart.

Jin covered her mouth and chuckled: "Well, if Ye Xin likes it, you can actually use it first."


Muhua Saki Yaxin's eyes widened, her jewel-like eyes filled with shining stars.

Jing smiled and nodded.

For her, although the amount of money is not small, it is not too much.

Just use your pocket money to advance it.

Muhua Saki Yaxin immediately laughed happily, her smiling eyes turned into crescents, and at the same time she promised to Jing.

"Don't worry! I will be able to return the money to you soon."


Jing smiled and replied, and didn't care much. Even if Muhuasaki Yexin didn't pay the money, she probably wouldn't care much.

What she values ​​is still making friends, especially when she has such interesting friends as Saki Yaxin Muhua, she is the happiest.

Relatively speaking, a little pocket money is nothing.

However, Mio and the others were a little panicked.

Miao stared at her beautiful eyes with excitement.

"Jing! This is... this is more than 100 million! Is it so decided?"

As she said, she looked at Muhua Sakiya, and her excitement was unabated.

"Student Ye Xin! This is more than 100 million yuan! 100 million yuan! Even if you agree, you should think about it!"

Lil nodded quickly in response: "Yes! Yeah!"

Zi is also a little nervous: "Yes, Senior Ye Xin, don't you think about it?"

However, Muhua Saki Yaxin is still so confident: "This guitar, when I saw it, it was destined to be mine! Moreover, with my money law! One hundred million yuan is nothing but simple!"

Only dazedly started to count.

"One hundred million yuan? I have worked for ten years and I don't know if I can pay it back?"

Li touched Wei's little head, and cried out: "Don't think about it, it's impossible to pay it back in ten years. As ordinary people, even if we don't eat or drink, we may not pay it back in twenty years."

The only time I heard it, I was stunned, and felt a bit wronged with some crying, and immediately hugged Li.

Li also hugged Wei tightly, and the two girls cried to each other and hugged each other tightly.

"We are all ordinary people, **** money!"

Seeing the two people who were crying suddenly, Mio and Zi suddenly looked black.

You are not the one who owes money.

However, when they think about it, they do agree with them, and they feel a bit bitter in their hearts.

On Muhuasaki Yaxin's side, Jing had already asked the store to take down the guitar from the town store.

After all, Muhua Saki Yexin decided to take it.

Jing did not hesitate much.


Outside the store.

Muhua Saki Yaxin happily carried a guitar bag that was almost bigger than her whole body.

"My [Death] will be famous in the world!"

Mio and the others next to him, looking at the guitar behind Muhua Saki Yaxin, were a little frightened and far away.

Such an expensive thing is a big loss if it knocks on it.

And Muhua Sakiya didn't panic at all, her footsteps fluttered, and she bounced around, and the cheerful girl was fearless.

Looking at Muhua Saki Yexin's appearance, Jing felt very happy, and kept smiling all the time.

"Classmate Ye Xin is really cute."

"Since Ye Xin-chan has a guitar, let's go to school and practice together."

Zi suddenly ran forward and said to everyone.

"Huh~ this proposal is good."

Law agrees.

Mio also nodded: "We haven't practiced together yet, it just so happens that there is still time."

Dawei also nodded, looking at Muhuasaki Yaxin with some interest: "I suddenly looked forward to practicing with Yaxinchan."

Jing also responded with a smile: "Uh-huh~"

Muhuasaki Yaxin naturally did not refuse, and said with confidence.

"Hmph! Just so I can show you my strength! The sacred voice of my death eye! That's the way of music that touches the world!"

Soon, they came to the light music department of the school together.

This time, Wei and they did not, as usual, fished for tea and snacks before practicing.

This time it is straight to the subject, otherwise once you enter the tea drinking mode, I am afraid that this day will pass.

The six girls quickly adjusted their equipment and positions.

Among them, Mio and the others paid particular attention to the lightning-like guitar in Muhana Yaxin's hand.

The first exercise is to choose a hand piece of music and run in their respective intonation and coordination.

To their surprise, Muhua Saki Yaxin was able to keep up with their rhythm perfectly.

Or, the guitar sound of Saki Yaxin Muhua has always been very penetrating.

Moreover, the timbre, Azusa and Mio are a little envious.

Professionals will know that this nuance of this tone, this perfect, substantive tone, has always been what they pursued.

I have to say that it is worthy of a guitar worth 100 million yen.

Moreover, Muhua Saki Yaxin's technique was indeed professional enough, and he did not live up to this guitar.

"It's great! Yexin sauce!"

Wei looked at Muhua Saki Yaxin with blushing cheeks and exclaimed.

The others too, with a smile on their faces, expressed their recognition of Muhua Saki Yashin's strength.

"As expected, Yexin Sauce is really super strong."

"That's natural!"

Muhua Saki had a tall head, with a tsundere girl's appearance.

"The Eye of Death is originally the strongest, and the existence is also equipped with [Death], it is definitely an invincible existence!"

Having said this, Muhua Saki Yaxin suddenly thought of something, and turned around to smile at the girls: "Hmph~Are you ready? Are you ready to follow me to the top of the world?"

Looking at the blindfold girl who suddenly committed "secondary".

The girls were silent for a moment.

They suddenly realized that Ye Xin-chan can't boast casually, just go to heaven...

In this way, the day passed in practice.

The more they practiced in pairs, the more they could feel that Ye Xin-chan's guitar level was very high.

Moreover, for some music scores, you don't even need to memorize them, just like their [Light and Floating Time], Muhua Saki Yashin can directly pop it up after listening to it.

This makes them all know Ye Xin is a super genius!


That's it, three days later.

Muhua Saki Yashin came to the light sound department, took a piece of paper casually, and looked at the girls proudly.

"Climbing the throne to the top of music, from now on!"

Seeing such arrogant Ye Xin, they suddenly rushed up and looked curiously at what was written in the manuscript paper.

I saw that there were music scores written on the paper, and a string of gorgeous lyrics.

And the name of the sheet music is:

【Senbon Sakura】



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