The Second Girl’s Naruto Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 114: Fire, but not completely fire.

today is weekend.

It has been more than a week for the six of them to practice Senbonzakura.

Today, they will prepare for the final recording!

First, the first step!

It's the MV version recorded in the light tone part!

The recording candidates are Xiao Zuohe and the president of the department's student union—and.

The recording equipment is a borrowed high-end equipment.

Xiao Zuo and teacher He He can only complete simple recording operations.

Fortunately, they just need to maintain a good lens.

After setting up the equipment, Xiao Zuo and the teacher looked at the six girls in front of them, their eyes motioned.

The girls, except Yui and Muhua Saki Yashin, the others seemed a little nervous.

Mio continued to breathe deeply, seemingly unable to adjust, when suddenly a small hand grabbed her arm.

Miao turned his head in doubt, but saw Muhua Saki Yashin's confident smile.

"Don't worry, the girl of happiness~ Mio! My eyes of death will shelter you!"

Wei also showed a cute smile at Mio.

"Stay tape! Mio, we have always been together."

Li held two drumsticks in both hands, and smiled brightly: "Mio, we're just as usual, just play happily."

Jing smiled sweetly: "Well, it's just the same as usual."

Zi also comforted: "Senior, don't be nervous, we will record it several times."

At this moment, Mio's eyes were wet (subconsciously filtering out Azusa's comfort), and the tension in her heart was completely dispelled.

She nodded seriously to her friends.

At this moment, the six girls strengthened their will, each with an extremely serious expression on their faces.

No one wants to live up to this performance!

No one wants to put this song to shame!

They still vaguely remember the joke they once said, the goal of a dream they once created!

That is, holding their light music club concert at the Budokan!

Now, they have officially embarked on the journey!

In the name of [K-ON]!

In the name of [Senbon Sakura]!

take the first step!

They all want to take their first step and walk beautifully! At the very least, don't be flawed!

The girls strengthened their confidence and nodded to Xiao Zuo and the teacher.

Xiao Zuo and his teacher and Wei's friends also nodded in response.

They officially turned on the machine.

Xiao Zuo and the teacher are in charge of directing. She pushed her glasses and shouted earnestly:

"Now is the preparation session! Start with the lead singer!"

Xiao Zuo and the teacher raised three fingers.





First of all, Wei, she shouted: "Hello everyone, I am the lead singer and guitarist of the light tone department."

Mio raised his hand: "I am a bass player."

Muhua Saki Yaxin and Azusa raised their hands to signal.

"We are guitarists!"

Jing raised his hand and said with a gentle smile:

"My piano player."

Li actively raised a pair of drumsticks and tapped in the air: "Hehe, I am a drummer!"


"We are! K-ON band!"

Then, the law began to command.

The drumsticks she raised beat rhythmically in the air.

"One! two! there!"



The whole mobilization began to play!

The prelude to the song is perfectly presented.

Then Yui started to play and sing.


There are two singing versions of the MV.

A lead singer is Yui, and a lead singer is Muhua Saki Yaxin.

However, no matter which version of the song, there is an independent guitar show by Saki Yashin!

Very cool!

What's more, what Yui and the others don't quite understand is why every time when the center of the performance is Muhua Saki Yaxin, a lot of special effects are suddenly added.

Such as the magic circle.

Such as magic flame light effect.

Another example is the magic circle.


However, they did not delve into it. When the video came out, they found that the whole team was inexplicably because of the addition of some special effects.

These special effects are very realistic and do not affect the entire performance picture.

After recording the play video in the light music department, they collectively went to the recording studio to record the band audio to be uploaded.

It is worth mentioning that Senbon Sakura has already applied for the copyright.

The recording lasted two days.

There are three versions of qualified video and two versions of qualified audio.

After the recording is complete.

The girls immediately recovered their salted fish posture.

The small long table in the light tone department.

Wei Helu lay on the table, a salted fish posture to be tanned when he went ashore.

Wei: "So tired, so tired..."

Li: "So tired... so tired..."

Mio was also tired, and slumped on the chair slightly.

Zi still wants to keep a little reserved, sitting still upright, but at this moment, he just wants to relax.

There is only the eldest lady, who is still gently delivering cakes and tea.

Muhua Saki Yashin sat at the front and slapped the table excitedly: "We made it! We recorded it perfectly! We are not far from reaching the top of the world!"

"Ye Xin Jiang is so energetic..."

Only speaking weakly.

"It's pinching..."

Li also looked like a salted fish, lying on the table, weakly.

Muhua Saki looked at the two limp young girls, curled his lips and said: "You are too weak, you have to improve your strength. Otherwise, you will not be able to hold on to the top stage in the future."

As soon as Ye Xin said this, Zi and Min were stunned, and then they fell into deep thought.

They found that Ye Xin was right. If they go to the Budokan for a concert in the future, their current level is still much worse!

Azusa and Mio secretly made up their minds to practice hard.

Of course, Wei Helu and the others didn't care much at all. They were like a tired and weak squid, their bodies limp.

Jing was on the side, holding the tea cup in both hands, put it down with a sip, watching everyone smile gently and said.

"Although we are very weak, but... I think everyone can just let the flow go. After all, we have just started, aren't we."

"It's a pinch... It's a pinch..."

Li seemed to answer unconsciously.


"Do whatever you want."

Muhua Saki Yaxin said casually, picking up a small snack and stuffing it into his mouth.

I took out my mobile phone and prepared to see how the [Senbon Sakura] scores were sent out by me.

She posted a bit casually, but chose three large platforms both internationally and domestically to establish an account for the entire Qingyin Department and sent it directly.

Now that one day has passed, we should be able to see some achievements.

However, she didn't expect much, after all, they were almost unpopular.

Let’s take a look at the results of the video sent to station B.

Station B is a barrage video website of Longguo that has been developed to date mainly based on the two-dimensional element.

Today's B station, in the context of the World Dragon Federation, can be regarded as the world's top three websites.

Muhua Saki Yaxin opened the account at will, and for an instant, the phone jingled non-stop, 99+ unread messages were displayed in the background, and various newly added messages quickly popped out.

Muhua Saki's eyebrows jumped and she was a little happy at once. This situation means that she has done well.

Click on background data.

Total playback: 27364

Total reviews: 437

Total collection: 9841

Total number of likes: 10564

Total coin input: 1008

Total share: 2180


Looking at the data, Muhuasaki Yaxin nodded, almost as she expected.

After all, a video of this quality is not publicized, and it is impossible to get worse.

Muhuasaki Yaxin nodded, ready to flip through the comments.

At this time, a head poked out from behind her.

"What is Ye Xin-chan looking at?"

Muhua Saki Yaxin just turned to the comment area.

Suddenly saw the hot comments at the top of the list.

Enthusiastic citizen Mr. Wang: "Ten years old fan, come uninvited!"

The next side is a lot of ridicule.

Brothers don't have chests: "Brother, I will fill in [dog head·JPG] for you"

Girl A: "It's too much. Up's band has only been established for five years! I'm a five-year old fan! Brothers, give me all the praises!"

The avatar is the main body: "Don't believe the above two, everyone, I am a ten-year old fan! I know the up masters from the womb!"

嘤嘤嘤: "I am a fifty-year-old fan! I have known the Lord Up in my previous life!"

The following are some meaningless dolls.

However, at the end of the day, Muhua Saki Yaxin looked and smiled.

The **** the probe also chuckled.

"They are so funny."

Muhua Saki Yaxin glanced slightly, the girl who probed——Jie.

She held a plate of snacks in her hand and was distributing it. Seeing Muhua Saki Yaxin indulging in her mobile phone, she curiously moved over to see this interesting scene.

Muhua Saki Yaxin continued to look at the comments on the phone, smiling proudly and showing her little tiger teeth:

"Hmm~ They are just stupid humans, stupid humans! Continue to please me as much as you can!"

Then continue to watch.

The subsequent comments are very interesting, and they are full of praise for their work.

"Look what I found!!!"

"Congratulations! Found the treasure!"

"Treasure! Real treasure! Great love!!!"

"This song is not good at all, I have listened to it hundreds of times."

"In the loop, I also found this song in Wang Yiyun."



Looking at these comments suddenly felt a sense of accomplishment in my heart.

"Oh~ our work, they all like it."

Muhuasaki Yaxin smiled: "That's natural, you can log in to your account to read the comments."

Jing suddenly understood that, holding back his excitement, put the dessert plate on the table, and immediately ran back to look through the phone.

This scene made Wei and them a little strange.

At this time, there was a sudden "bang"!

The door of the light sound department is opened!

Xiao Zuo and the teacher ran in with excitement, looking at the girls excitedly.

"It's on fire! We are on fire!"


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