The Second Girl’s Naruto Journey

: Talk about the follow-up plot

I have opened a single chapter before and talked about it.

From here on, basically enter the daily plot.

Among them, there should be many hybrids.

For example, the more magical super entertainment stream.

Then there will always be interactions between Muhua Saki Yaxin and some anime characters.

For example, the plot of the current light tone girl is extended, followed by a series of extended plots such as Dragon Maid and Gabriel.

Of course, I will not always be in the daily world in the future, but even if I go to other worlds, I will mainly travel.

For example, watch the sea with the Pirate World, see Bikachu in the God's Accompanying Baby World, and see spiders in the magical world.

Among them, of course, it will also develop some different plots centering on Muhua Saki Yaxin.

In the latter case, the style is basically everyday.

So, if you are not interested, you can run away now (laughs).

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