The Second Girl’s Naruto Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 115: The girl group is cute enough.

Light tone department.

The girls are all scanning the information on their mobile phones, watching their performances rising in the rankings, watching the admiration of various passersby fans, watching the amazing amount of broadcasts and likes.

They all couldn't believe it.

Wei Dao had a small face, eyes full of confusion: "We, are we going to be idols?"

Min, Li, Jin, and Zi looked at each other, and their faces were still a little confused. They hadn't had time to accept all of this in their hearts.

However, Xiao Zuo and the teacher on the side are as excited as a piglet eating Xuanmai.

"I have known for a long time, such a great work, such a perfect performance! You will definitely be hot!

It’s just that I didn’t expect this day to come so fast! "

However, Muhua Saki Yaxin is a little strange.

"Does this kind of data count as fire?"

Xiao Zuo stayed with the teacher, staring at Muhua Saki Yaxin in a daze.


"That's the data?"

She was a little excited.

"The video I published hasn't had this kind of data for several years!"

The girls were in a daze again.

"The video posted by the teacher?"

Xiao Zuo and the teacher suddenly flushed: "No, no! It has nothing to do with my video. I just want to say that your work has such data only one day after it was published. It is definitely the rhythm of the fire!"

"The next day, the third day, these data may have to be increased several times!"

Xiao Zuo and the teacher waved their small fists excitedly, explaining how amazing these are.

However, the girls are still a bit at a loss.

Muhua Saki Yashin also looked indifferent.

Xiao Zuohe was a little discouraged in this scene.

"Well, none of my works, why should I be more anxious than you guys..."

The girls nodded in agreement with these words.

Seeing this scene, Xiao Zuo and the teacher became even more frustrated, turned around and left a sentence.

"Anyway, you are going to be on fire, I...I will leave first..."



The teacher left.

The girls are left looking at each other.

Next second!

Weihe law broke out!

They changed their previous salted fish posture and provoked high!

"Yeah!!!" x2

Li and Wei held hands and looked at each other excitedly.

"Yi! We are on fire!"

"Liu! We are going to be idols!"

Wei Helu suddenly smiled and jumped hand in hand.

"We are going to be idols together!!" x2

Looking at the two young girls who were instantly rejuvenated, Jing covered her mouth and laughed.

Mio couldn't help but complain: "You absolutely didn't react just now!"

Zi Zi nodded secretly.

In fact, she did not react.

Become an idol or something...

The news was a bit shocking and a bit sudden, and she didn't react to it for a while without preparation.

Speaking of which, if Xiao Zuo and the teacher stayed longer, they might get excited.

Muhua Saki Yexin silently looked at the happy girls, took a sip of tea, and said calmly.

"It's too early to be happy now. This data can only say that there is hope of fame, but it is still far from the fire."

When the girls heard this, they immediately resisted the wave of excitement in their hearts and settled down.

Li nodded earnestly: "That's what I said, it's still far away! Keep working hard! Our goal is the Budokan!"

The girls raised their small fists in response: "Oh! Budokan!"

Another day passed.

The girls in the light sound department began to discuss with excitement again.

"We are really hot! Mio! Yui!"

Li said with joy and excitement to Mio and Wei.

Obviously, Mio and Wei have already known the news, and they nodded in response.

Wei turned into a repeater with excitement, yelling repeatedly: "Idol~Idol~"

With flushed face, Miao began to fantasize about life after becoming famous.

Zi was also a little excited, and continued to look at the comments of netizens on major platforms.

Jing is the most stable, keeping a smile looking at everyone's excitement.

Muhua Saki Yaxin is like a arrogant little queen, standing in front of the small table with her head tall.

"Just taking the first step, have we reached the peak of the throne? It seems that I underestimated these human beings! They are indeed the most intelligent creatures, please me this thing, do a very good job Perfect too!


At this moment, the excitement of the girls disappeared, and everyone looked at the girl standing with a bewildered smile.

It's also because this somewhat morbid smile directly covered all the voices.

Let their souls emerge from the illusion of being addicted to "being idols".

Seeing Muhua Saki Yashin who had not stopped laughing wildly for more than ten seconds.

Miao secretly complained: "Ye Xin-chan is much crazy than us..."

Li Hewei nodded in agreement: "Hmm, it's Ye Xin Jiang after all."

Zi Zi couldn't help but complain: "It's really the strangest predecessor I have ever met..."

This sentence once again won the approval of the only three of them.

There was only 紬, she smiled and tilted her head.

"Is it only me that finds it interesting?"

At this moment, the only four of them suddenly turned their heads and looked at Jing, their expressions were very strange.

It was beyond the expectation of Saki Yashin.

[Senbon Sakura] The speed of fire was much faster than she thought.

Perhaps she underestimated the attractiveness of their girl group, and the high-quality songs, and the background of this global cultural integration, the power of the three factors superimposed on each other!

The next day, the song of Sakura Sakura began to explode across the Internet. Whether it was video or music, its data took off like a rocket!

Netizens are also very interested in the K-ON girl band formed by six girls.

In just one day.

The video views of [Senbon Sakura] at station B have directly risen to more than two million!

Wang Yiyun also played more than three million times.

The data of other platforms are not far from each other.

Such a terrifying growth rate made Muhua Saki Yaxin a little confused.

If it were placed in her previous life, this would be impossible.

After all, they are a group of unpopular newcomers, and even some up owners with millions of fans want to make more than one million videos, as long as the quality is good, it is not difficult, but more than one million in two days...

This is a bit dreamy...

Later, Muhua Saki Yashin learned that the B station of this world is different from the small broken station of the previous life. This B station is already a world-renowned website.

There are more than two billion users.

What a terrifying amount this is!

Muhua Saki Yaxin suddenly understood that the increase in the amount of video and music played, in this huge group of people, does not seem strange.

After class.

Muhua Saki Yashin is wearing a school-style JK school uniform, packing up his textbooks and preparing to go home.

Today, she does not plan to continue to the Qingyin Department.

At this time, Ino leaned over and leaned on the shoulders of Yashin Kihana.

"Ye Xin? Did you really write this song?"

Muhua Saki was stunned and watched a video displayed on the mobile phone that Ino was coming over.

【Senbon Sakura】

Singing: Wei Jiang

And what other composer, lyrics, arranger and write are all-the eye of death!

Muhua Saki nodded blankly: "Yes, it's me?"

Ino was a little surprised at this moment: "Yeshin, you still write songs? Are you still writing so well?"

"What do you mean! Can't I be fine!?"

Muhua Saki Yaxin suddenly became a little unhappy, and shouted a little louder.

Ino shook his head quickly, and put one hand on Muhua Saki Yaxin's head, stroking the fur like a little cat.

"Sorry, I didn't mean it, but I felt quite surprised, quite pleasantly surprised."

Muhua Saki Yaxin arched his head away from Ino's hand, and rolled her eyes at Ino with a face of anger: "Huh~ I am the eye of death, there is nothing hard to get me."

Ino suddenly spread his hands: "Well, my Yexin is really omnipotent."

"That is."

Muhua Saki Yaxin smiled proudly.

The two of them walked out of the classroom together.

Outside the corridor, when she met the only four of them, Muhua Saki Yexin beckoned.

"I won't go to the ministry today."

Only the four of them nodded and waved with a smile.

"Yeah, goodbye, Ye Xin-chan."



When they arrived outside the teaching building, the two were ready to wait for Nanako.

After a while, Nanako walked out of the school building with a short-haired girl who also wore a blindfold.

At the first glance, Nanako locked in the words of Saki Yaxin Muhana and the partner next to him, and ran over happily.

Saki Yashin smiled and opened his hands to Nanako. Nanako was also very excited and threw himself into Saki Yashin's arms.

"Ah~ Sister Sister! Are you going to be idols?"

Nanako's small head was arched against the chest of Saki Yashin Kihana, UU Reading www. said coquettishly.

Kihana Saki Yashin hugged Nanako with both hands, and looked at Nanako's excited flushing complexion with a puzzled face.

"Does Nanako know it too?"

"Nanako originally didn't know, but when a classmate was playing a song sung by her sister, I was curious to see it before I knew it.

"Is that so?"

Saki Kihana let go of Nanako, and looked at the classmates around him a little bit.

Sure enough, she found a lot of gazes.

Muhua Saki Yexin's mouth curled slightly: "It seems that I am really going to be famous. There is nothing wrong with this step."


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