The Second Girl’s Naruto Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 116: Run out of ammunition and food

[Senbon Sakura] This song is rapidly fermenting on the Internet.

The number of broadcasts on station B has skyrocketed to five million.

"Uuuuu~ so nice~ I love it too much."

"Take away [Eye of Death] in the front row, and you can divide the others as you like."

"Upstairs, are you thinking of peaches?"

"Good fellow! Liu Zhangguan made a confession directly in your mouth!"

"Children have to choose! I have to take them all away!"

"Come and help the upstairs sober."

"Don't come with diabetes, don't let him taste the sweetness."

"The lyrics, and the super-burning guitar of Eye of Death! I love it so much! From then on, I am the ashes of Eye of Death!"

"You are a little love, and mine is a big love! I have been the single pusher of K-ON from now on!"

⊙o⊙) Wow, the two versions, the only sauce version and the eye of death sauce version are both good to listen to, each has its own characteristics, and the two versions are alternately listened to. I haven't stopped."

"The girl group is awesome!"

Muhua Saki Yaxin lay on the bed, brushing comments, with a smirk on her face.

"Humph~ These humans are really good at pleasing me."

Saki Yaxin Muhua suddenly felt a little thirsty while swiping the phone, and suddenly thought of Coke.

She looked outside the room, Nanako was fascinated by the game, and she would definitely not be able to tell her.

Ino, on the other hand, was reading a book, seemingly fascinated.

However, it should be fine to interrupt.

Yes, you can.

Muhua Saki Yexin nodded secretly.

The decision is yours, Ino!

"Ino, bring me that bottle of Coke."

Ino was so drunk in the book that he didn't seem to hear it at all.

Muhua Saki Yaxin suddenly shouted loudly: "Ino!?"



A few tic-tac-toe appeared gradually in Ino's forehead, and she resisted her anger, looking at Muhua Saki Yaxin with a black and ferocious face.

"what's up!"

Muhua Saki pointed to the refrigerator nonchalantly.

"Hey~ bring me that bottle of Coke."

Ino's forehead suddenly burst into blue veins, and the Chakra evolved in his body suddenly broke out under the influence of emotions!


The wind and waves triggered by the energy began to raging in the house.

The books on the desktop began to flip frantically!

Nanako, who was playing the game, suddenly felt that her hair was being blown up.

Muhuasaki Yaxin looked at the situation, her little head shrank, and she whispered weakly: "If you don't take it, you don't take don't need to make such a big fire."

Ino's eyes condensed, and the hell-like darkness and depressive aura immediately gathered on Muhua Saki Yexin.

Muhua Saki's heart shook suddenly, and her small face returned to a serious expression: "I was wrong, I will take it myself."

Ino's eyes narrowed, her expression turned, and the dark breath disappeared. She slowly sat on the chair and continued to flip through the book.

Muhuasaki Yaxin looked at the quiet Ino, and let out a sigh of relief.

"It deserves to be the Dark Emperor."

She looked at the refrigerator with a sad expression. Sure enough, suppressing the power to live, although the experience is good, it is a bit inconvenient.

Reluctantly got up, headed to the refrigerator, and when passing by Ino, his small eyes glanced slightly.

The edge of the book shows the title:

[Dragon’s recipe]

Muhua Saki Yaxin was immediately confused.

"What strange book?"

Shaking his head, without thinking about this, he opened the refrigerator in front of him.

However, looking at the situation inside the refrigerator.

Muhua Saki Yaxin was stunned.

It was empty inside.

Very clean...

Not even the ingredients!

Muhua Saki turned her head blankly to look at Ino, and then looked at the refrigerator in front of her.

what's going on?

Could it be that my opening method is wrong?

Muhua Saki Yaxin closed the refrigerator and opened it again.

Sure enough, no miracle happened.

There is still nothing inside...

Muhuasaki stayed in a daze and closed the refrigerator.


What shall we eat tomorrow?

Did Ino forget to buy vegetables?

Muhuasaki Yashin looked at Ino again, and seemed to have to disturb her this time...

Kihana Saki Yashin stepped up, poked a small head from behind Ino, and looked at the contents of the book on the table.

"Dragons have a strange hobby. They all like to lick each other. I don't know whether licking each other is a courtship behavior or a racial habit."

Saki Kihana felt even more strange when she looked at it. Where did Ino find this book?

Ino was also watching this section, looking a little blushing, she automatically made up for the Dragon who was licking each other's body, and then inexplicably thought of the cute Lori Dragon-Connor that she had encountered before.

Thinking about it this way, an indescribable picture suddenly appeared in my mind!

This is too harsh!

"Ino? Where did you get the book?"

A sudden word.

Ino was so scared that she closed the book fiercely, her cheeks flushed, and she seemed to be looking at something that shouldn't be seen and was discovered.

Ino turned his head to look at Muhuasaki Yaxin, his face blushed, and said in a panic: "Ya...Yashin, when were you here?"

"Oh, when you see the weird hobby of the dragon...oooo"

Ino quickly covered Muhua Saki Yashin, with a face of shame, "Stop talking!"

Muhuasaki Yaxin blinked her eyes, indicating that she would not speak anymore.

Ino just let go.

However, Muhua Saki Yashin was a little curious: "Is there anything weird about this? Dragon's interest?"

"do not talk!"

Ino yelled in shame, she thought of something that shouldn't be, otherwise she wouldn't be so excited.

Muhua Saki Yaxin stood in front of her with her hands, a pitiful look that I was wrong: "I won't say anything."

Ino took a deep breath, dispelling the chaotic thoughts in his mind.

"Ye Xin, what's the matter with you?"

When Ino asked this, Saki Kihana Yashin suddenly became energetic: "Ino, why is there nothing in that refrigerator!?"

Ino's face suddenly became stiff, and she scratched her cheek a little embarrassedly.

"That's because there is no money."

"No money!!!"

Muhua Saki Yaxin's voice raised a little, her eyes a little blank on her dazed little face.

"How come there is no money?"

After all, they don't spend much, just some ingredients, the remaining money should be enough for them to spend a while.

Ino suddenly became a little bit kappa. She picked up the book in her hand and was a little embarrassed: "Um, Ye Xin, didn't you post a song? That must be money, so we just... just bought some with money. thing……"

Looking at the book in Ino's hand, Muhua Saki Yashin still wondered: "A book?"

Ino shook his head: "More than one, and there are..."

She looked at Nanako, who was addicted to games.

Kuka Saki Yashin looked at the game console in Nanako's hand, and suddenly understood.

Good guy, buying a game console, that little money is really impossible to spend, and she feels very good to be able to buy it.

Muhua Saki Yaxin sat down on the ground with a sigh, life is not easy, the baby sighed.

"Then we are completely out of money?"

Ino was a little puzzled: "Well, Ye Xin's songs, you should make a lot of money, right?"

Muhua Sakiya replied feebly: "However, we have not signed a contract yet, and it is impossible to get the money now... Even if we sign the contract, it will take at least a month..."

Ino was stunned, and the book he was holding suddenly fell to the ground weakly.

"Then... Then aren't we..."

"There is no ammunition and food..."

Muhua Saki Yaxin looked at Nanako, who was addicted to the game, with some cries.

"It doesn't matter to me, but what about Nanako? She is still so young and growing. If she can't eat enough, she will not grow taller."

Nanako, who played the game, seemed to have heard her own name, and looked up at her sister and sister with a puzzled look.


What happened?

Probably not, this is just the daily struggle between the Dark Emperor and his sister.

After figuring it out, Nanako looked at the character she controlled in the game, her eyes firming up.

Devil! You wait, I will come to destroy you soon!

She was addicted to the world of games again.


Looking at the exaggerated Kawasaki Yashin, Ino's face suddenly became black.

"It's too exaggerated, let's go home if it's a big deal!"

"I can't go back, my eye of death, when I am hungry, I can't use energy to travel through time and space at all."

Looking at Muhana Saki Yakina who was crying, Ino's complexion turned black, and suddenly one hand reached out to the soft fleshy part of Muhana Yakina's waist and touched it slightly.

Muhuasaki Yaxin suddenly shook his head.

Ino hands gently placed the soft flesh, and the probe whispered like **** demons in Muhua Saki Yaxin's ears.

"Ye Xin? Do you still want to lie to me?"

Muhua Saki Yaxin suddenly couldn't help but shivered, and she quickly straightened her face.

"No, no, I suddenly thought of another way! Then use my omnipotent eye of death!"

With that, Muhua Saki Yaxin stood up and quickly moved away from Ino.

"I want to use the eye of death to make money! I will be back soon!"

With that, Muhua Sakiya ran out without knowing it.

Looking at the leaving Yasaki Kihana, Ino yelled with some worry.

"Ye Xin! Don't be too messy!"

However, without hearing Muhua Saki Yaxin's response, she closed the door and left.

Looking at this scene, Ino hesitated whether to keep up.

"Forget it, keep up. Otherwise, the fellow Ye Xin doesn't know what trouble it will cause."



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